

















4K System



Chemistry of Elements


A Linking Element - Chemistry

If the linking element between The Big Cosmos and Quantum Mechanics is life itself and specifically, through the decision of conscious mind, then, quantum TWO is also directly linked to the chemistry of all the elements of the periodic table by adding to the elements the same 4 elements or levels to the atomic structure of any element in order to explain it.
The linking process goes beyond physics itself; it overcomes it because can explain the same than physics but from a largest and more complete perspective. And this matter becomes very relevant within TWO.
Thus, it is required to further expand the variables at stage and introduce Chemistry into the elements as part of the linking process. A conceptual triangulation it is possible to unite the Big Cosmos, Life, Quantum Mechanic, and Chemistry.
To introduce Chemistry, it is necessary to go to the periodic table of the elements and structure a theoretical frame capable to explain each element of the table under a common pattern or group of rules. By doing so, all the necessary elements become connected.
To introduce Chemistry requires certain rules. A photograph at the precise moment of the merging or creation (as you please) of the universe is required. The conceptual difficulty, again is Time. Let´s clear up this matter. According to Big Bang or other theories about the beginning of universe, there´s a chronological sequence of events within the universe that starts with Hydrogen followed by Helium. This becomes a problem within this theoretical frame because for TWO these events are simultaneous from one side perspective and yet, sequential from another side perspective. Thus, both occur without opposing to the chronological evolving sequence of the universe,
TWO UCT starts from another perspective. The Big Bang Theory does not start from the beginning because it cannot do it. The Big Bang is a Consequence that merges out of a streaming process. The Bog Bang alone conceptual scope is not enough to explain the universe. Within TWO, It starts all an instant before. The missing part of the Big Bang theory is the transitions itself between the beginning and the end. And the missing part is so relevant that changes everything. Again, is Time. a little detail that helps to confuse you.  Do not worry. Later, that issue will be clear up.
Unlike Big Bang Theory, within T.W.O, at the exact beginning of the universe, all the elements of the universe are present in a transitional phase, even the bases of life itself. There is no spontaneous merging of the elements out of nowhere. Processes itself are taken into consideration. Processes that do not take place from our chronological perspective in that moment, but in the future. Thereafter, the future itself folded into the same plane provides the field for the events to come.
Yet, the field itself from the future to the beginning need to be understood as a consequence from the centre and the beginning.  It is about an extremely complex process where any element becomes a quantum instant a consequence and in another quantum instant, a cause. No singularity alone can explain the other, it is always 2 elements, explaining 1 and using time itself as the linking element by understanding that at a quantum instant time becomes visible on one side, and invisible to the other side.  Then 4 elements as quantum base to provide field and a 3D reality that plays a role from the centre. As a 3D that Pop Up and Vanishes. And Yet from the centre of the Centre, Consciousness Itself when it is not present. Hard to understand? Yes, but once you clean and clean it will, maybe make some sense to you.
To understand this is required to understand the following concept: At a balance stage, everything becomes invisible. The essential becomes invisible to instrumental detection. What is saw at the beginning buy instrumentation is the merging of the unbalance elements. It is the merging of asymmetry that makes not possible the understanding of reality. Within the visible initial chaos, driving forces evolves to end up, in a chronological sequence, to structure the universe as you can see it today.
Thus, all the elements of the periodic table need to be explained at the same time, because they all are present at once, despite the capacity to detect them at the beginning. At Once means that some elements become visible at the beginning and others trough an evolving process. Everything occur at the same time but what becomes visible does not, then reality is divided into visible and invisible planes. Again, times help to confuse the process.  It is at the same time when the variable itself is removed and sequentially when the variable is metaphorically at sight. Time itself does not become visible to us, we only understand its existence because of the changes in what we can see.
The common link of the different elements of the periodic table is the atomic weight of each element. An algorithm is performed within T.W.O that considers gravitational acceleration, other variables, and a very special new universal constant within T.W.O: A speed faster than light that becomes a consequence and, for other conceptual instances, a cause. The speed that exceeds the limits of the physics restriction. Is the invisible speed that goes one step deeper into quantum mechanics (Sub quantum). Is the speed that links Consciousness, The Big Cosmos, Quantum Mechanics, Chemistry and Energy Itself understood as Information in a dynamic stage. And by doing the last mentioned, allowing the possible understanding of a virtual reality alternating with reality in such a mix that recognizing one or another becomes very blurry.  
The hidden super high speed within reality embraces the recognition of a superior reality that becomes invisible to us. The high speed is linked to computers processing capacities and from there to the possible alternation of planes or dimensions that only makes senses according to your singular reality within the universe. Within this frame, always what is beyond your sightseeing becomes bigger than yourself. It is a sort of rule that makes sense only when you born or die, when the matter becomes irrelevant. And of course, there is the exception that makes the rules, as your own singularity that becomes an exception.
Once the scope is expanded to a relation of at least 1:2, where 1 is what you can outmost can see and 2 or more is what is above your capacity to see or comprehend, then this understanding only makes sense to make you take consciousness about the importance of taking into consideration at least 2 things.

  • To consider the possibility of a reality that exceeds yourself and your limits as very likely. So likely that, in spite that what has been explained and backed up with some matrix within TWO cannot neither confirmed nor denied by science, you become to believe it is possible.


  • That the theoretical matching values that are structured within TWO to explain the universal constants are worth to be considered as consistent.  The same for the fundamentals of the periodic table.  That, in spite of that the matching process may look random to you initially.


  • Now, the same way that reality that not allows you to be conclusive about its bases, because that is in its structural nature, within TWO happens the same. Then, it is all about telling you or perhaps reminding you that to consider a superior reality makes a lot of logical sense, and not only spiritual sense.


  • Even more interesting than the mentioned above is the following: There is no need to understand science to believe that there´s a superior reality upon you. However, if you are a person that demands understanding the logic behind the universe to believe in a superior force or forces, then it will be more likely that you will not succeed understanding TWO Bases. TWO will only contribute with data that is not against the measurement of reality. TWO does not ever oppose what can be measured. Reality seems to be orchestrated in such an incredible way that demands from your mind to leave more space to the invisible than to the visible.


  • If you have decided to believe that there are superior forces ruling you, the world, and the universe, then, the second step is to choose in your mind the kind of ruling forces. There are constructive or positive forces that leads you to give away and forces in the other direction. They are not symmetrical forces; The first One is bigger than the second One. What seems to be clear within TWO logical structure is that the broadcast and reception of information between a live consciousness and the universe is a both direction process that is permanently alternating.  Yet, at the same time, a network.


  • A positive or constructive force is the one capable to overcome a negative force. In a Group or a network of forces interacting, the unbalance or asymmetry becomes possible with only 1 element breaking he balance. 1 out of 2 or 1 out of n, where n > 2. A neutral force becomes invisible, like 0, although 0 is not the same than empty. In fact, within TWO math, the “0” is an illusion. It is just a number required for math purpose out of reality itself. Within TWO Bases, the empty space is the balance space full of information, not visible. Then TWO Bases works on a different math basis. Works upon a different logical structure in the thinking and yet, it is consistent with the way we structure thinking.


  • The same mentioned for forces applies on Ideas, Energy (information), etc. The whole TWO structure is based upon a networking of numbers, symbols, letters, forms, forces, energy, etc. that becomes abstractions that represents different things based on the singularity of the receiver and broadcaster of information. The brain is the place where the trade-off of this elements systematically occurs. To better understand this concept, think of a person as a radio receiver and broadcaster at a singular and unique frequency that is permanently adjusting. Thus, any change in one person on one pole has counterparts in another pole and yet within the invisible and so on. That makes impossible for any singular person to structure a whole picture of something. Thus, one logical way to expand understanding is by structuring a bridge between what you cannot see at such a level that is required to overcome you.


  • To make possible a permanent and continuous process of information exchange and global networking at least, among 3 and 4 groups becomes necessary to alternate. And the structure of those groups needs to be permanently changing and jumping like leaps because the logic of continuity is systematically broken.. And also, within groups, levels are required that also behave as groups. Different combinations are possible and then relations among elements goes from 1:2 to 1:36 to 360 and so on, changing permanently. The relations can only be visualized as a photograph of the relationship of elements at the beginning. The abstractions represented by number are so deep (the smaller the number the deeper the content on the other side) that becomes very hard to withdraw meaning. On the contrary, the largest the symbolic representation of anything, like a large number such an ID number, the more specific the concept or scope.


  • One relevant aspect is the never-ending process structure of the universe that can be reply by a cross docking abstraction of groups and levels for any given universal constant. By systematically breaking balance among elements at any stage it is possible to alternate from “1” as a whole and/or “1” as the most tiny and indivisible unit within the universe. Yet, the same time, 1, as any individual one or, an extremely large number for a specific individual.

The whole spectrum of elements could be understood as the whole but again, closing chapters is like choosing, as personal option, that you have completed something or, deliberately restricting something. To illustrate this idea. Let us say that there is a scientist that decide that any knowledge that do not match all the criteria of the scientific methodology is not acceptable as a method to understand the universe and ourselves. Quite respectable. Ans let´s say that you are also a scientist and you decide that you will use the scientific methodology but also, will embrace the possible explanations that are beyond the demonstrable measurable evidence. Then, According to TWO fundamentals the good would be the larger concept. The one capable to embrace the smaller or more restricted. Naturally if the conceptual expansion is against the accepted bases, then the inconsistences make not possible the conceptual expansion. If it is not, the predefined restriction would be the “bad” thing.
As TWO becomes quite disturbing and disruptive upon the generally accepted explanations of the universe and reality, then, when evaluating some aspects of TWO, it is very relevant for you to consider that TWO is not about convincing you this is a right UCT, it is about telling you to consider that what we can see is always smaller than what we can see.
So, when looking at the tables that explains the atomic weight of all the elements of the periodic table or some other constants instead of thinking that it is just Random Information that matches, make an effort to move just one step ahead. Try to consider that maybe, there is something you are not seeing.
The additional levels added in the tables are the levels that are not visible and contained encrypted the relation among elements, quantum, you, us, 3D reality, gravitational forces, etc. There is no way you can structure sense out of them out of a first approach.



The Whole in One Theoretical bases