4K System
Constant 140
If Constant TWO with its 360 base is one part of the story that always become incomplete, Constant 140 is the other aside part of the story. Another universe but aside in the wide sense. Like left and right, bid and small, male and female, reality and illusion, etc, etc. It is a conceptual understanding. Thus, if everything is look from the 360 perspective the understanding will be always restricted as a loop. If everything is look as the 140 perspective, the understanding will always be also restricted.
If everything is looked from 360 + 140 perspective, the understanding will also be restricted but the ground bases different. However, to say that you can look from 360 + 140 at the same time becomes not possible. Just like becomes not possible to you to look at exactly the same instante in 180 degrees. If you cannot do physically, also you cannot do that placing yourself in 360 or 140 perspective. The best you can do is understanding that when the games considers TWO, the bases changes.
The most possible extension without breaking limits is not 50% out of 100 , like 10x10 base. it is 43 as 43%, as 120 degrees out of 360 or as 1 for the two perspectives together in a relation of 1 out of 2, like 1 into 2 - 12
36 or 360 comes from the abstraction base 1 to 6 - Largest abstraction
14 or 140 comes from the abstraction base 1 to 4 - Scope abstraction
12 - Center abstractions
10 - Base 10 abstraction as 1
II Counterpart abstractions
III Counterpart abstraction
Empty spaces full of content and yet a Field
14 may be part of 36. 36 may be part of 140. They both can be part of each other as long as each part re size its dimension permanently. This is when the "0" enters as an illusion into reality but not within TWO. The resizing means the alternation between delivering and takin, get close and getting far, like a pendulum motion, like a quantum motion. You never denied the singularity of each element, Thus like East and West 360 and 140 may from the center goes to Est or To West, each one on its own path. Just the path may go together when the alternating between both becomes possible. Then if that chance happens, a new line merges, a new dimension becomes possible. It is like the X and Y and the Z plane merges. The 3D plane within 4 bases and + . Please take a look to Gravitational Constant - last part.
This is like the moon and the earth around, and the earth and the moon around. The same force that can keep them together is the force that keep 360 and 140 together. It is the same for the DNA of a person. X and Y forming Z.
If you enlarge the DNA a lot, then you will see that the process is the same one described.
As you can notice, at the same instant that 36+14 ground base abstraction got together as One abstraction that recognizes the singularity of each part, then the field changes the conceptual bases in order that never allow all the concepts or abstraction that you can put together over the 43% that for an instant mat look near a little less than 49 as 4x9 or 4+9 as 13 + 1 coming from 36 not becoming 36 but 35.
Symbolically, when Z becomes N by turning and as "And" numerically your are putting together 36+14
Where 14 are Twice 7 overlapping from both sides then becoming "N"
And "N" as I and I within an streaming among the elements.
The last lines are deliberate to tell you that numbers, and letters and symbols become united or linked as part of the same story when you yield space for that to happen. And when that happens, your perspective changes, as long as the bases you see things. And the more you see, more relevant becomes what you cannot see, otherwise, less you see. Now, the more you see, the more space to the invisible and within the invisible 2 forces, forces toward you and forces toward the others. The the matter it is not how much you see but what do you choose to see, and that makes the whole difference. Then more you consider others, the more yu expand by seen through others, what is naturally restricted, then 140, the counterpart becomes the restriction itself because that space is already busy.
If 36 and 14 are a ground base, any couple of numbers are useful as ground base from the moment any number or anyone may be explained from others. Thus the numbers itself becomes a tool that mat be changed. What remains as constant is the driving forces that allow to form the Z plane. Taking 36 and 14 it is just the recognition of one standing start, but anyone is good.
The Constant value
From the moment that 14 is added to 36, the ground base relation changes. 2 elements out of at least 5, leaving space for 3. Then the relation among elements is 2 and 3. As 2 and 3 are below 3 and 4, then the relation does not pop up at sight as a tangible element but remains as intangible. In spite that there is a circunstancial timing, as does not reach directly 3 and 4 becomes a constant through time. Why this becomes relevant?, because this is about the hidden driving forces that takes two to come together or apart. This is about the dominos pieces, like the one coming from Gravitational Forces that have 2 ways, To be apart or to be together. The amount of energy conveying to come together need to overcome the splitting forces. This is only possible by 3 overcoming 2, like ULP forces overcoming gravity. And this is what makes the universe a magic place because what has been explained it is the ART of the universe that overcomes everything. And 36 + 14 coming together is always, Becomes TWO ground Bases.
Just to close this chapter:
If the abstraction of reality start from 1 to "N" and "N" is restricted to 6 in order to what is inside is capable to hold infinite abstraction, then , inside the borders there are 4 elements and outside the borders there are 7 elements as 1+6. Then 3 and 4 as 3+4 and 3x4 and some other combinations, becomes very powerful where the most fundamental relation that cannot ever be broken the 1 toward 2 and the 2 towards one. To broke it is to denied the singularity of each one. If that occurs, reality itself would be explained by you as Cause, Consequence and yet Now. Thus TWO is always about saying that at first you are a Consequence and as a Consequence, then you become a part. The order matters.
Just one step deeper.
If 36 were just numbers, then twice 7 * 14 * are like the letters of some alphabets: 27, lyrics that provides sense to numbers.
TWO it is not about numbers. numbers are the abstraction consequence out of the sense of reality. Again, it is like putting together 2 worlds, the math and words talking each other. They both need each other. Do you see the analogy.
6 and 7 coming together as 42 as 2x4, then as 8. Eight as the perspective of the pair things that see each other.
And YET, a big One left above, a one that overcomes the mentioned.