

















4K System



Gravitational Constant








Besides the meaning that Science provide to the Gravitational Constant it is good for you first to look at the Earth acceleration value of 9.80665. Within the logical sequence of that value it was remarked that the value Seven was missing in the sequence. The Seven was a rough conceptual approach. The precise linked value near 7 is 6.67.. The value obtained, by fine tuning  from the next matrix uses the same basis or logic used to get the earth acceleration value. The value itself represent the crossing point within planes where to substitute one value for another becomes possible, precisely, because it is a crossing you can note that at level 6, where a crossing is possible, the total amount value is 12. And at 12, as in a clock is where the streaming are possible, It is an invisible place where folding's occur. The total content of information added to match the constant also matches the value 45 as 3/4 of 60.

Gravitational Constant reflect a possible infection point. As like moving within TWO Clock from 6 to 4 or 6 to 8. Then, when the path from 6 to 8 is choose, then a turning point becomes up to 67 and then it is possible to scape. It is like> option a to 6 and 5 and less or option b, from 6 to 7.408 then, still becomes possible to change a decision. The value 6.67408 reflects exactly that, the limit. A possible breaking point at the edge.


The code is formed by Constant TWO x The added content of information and the scale level.

As includes 3 out of 4 parts, the value is related to time  as s2 because there is a 2 elements crossing, content of information expresses as Kg and 3 planes at once, then m3.

The scape point becomes possible because other leaves space in their mind that allow this process to occur. To comprehend this reason you need to go to when One Equal 6 that explaining the linking process.


The Seven gross number linking is the same kind of link between 36 and 14. where 14 into 4 sections is 3.5 each. Then Twive to consider 2 planes aside, it is near 7 and yet at 12 Instant. Without the matrix to move from 7 to 6.67 becomes extremely difficult conceptually. In this case, It was necessary to go 6 level deep. Mentally, we try not to go deeper than 4 because other wise, gets too much complex.


Gravitational Constant becomes very relevant to show how gravitational force may be overcome by the consideration of others towards oneself. Without others concern, the crossing would no be possible and there would be no scape from gravitational forces. Thus, anyone come overcame this kind of force as long as the own gravitational forces do not overcome the value. The crossing occur when ULP forces step into decreasing gravitational forces.


However, the right valur of gravitational Constant should no be explained by a matrix of 6 levels if it can be explained with more levels. The a second Matrix Merges as within TWO bases. The 12 value is explained by the value 11 + a 9 value, as a transit value. Without the expanding Matrix this matter does not become very clear and it is relevant to back upo the concept of 12 as a point that is always explained by other elements. And in tis particular case, becomes relevant to note that the closer aprox to 12 comes from 11, which inside contains 2 elements plus a transit stage. The 63 value as total amount added again leads to a transit instance as 6+3 and yet 18, as 2 within one. This may look senseless but as always, the number and relation among the number speak by themselves.


The understanding of the Gravitational forces without this complementary understanding becomes too much incomplete.

45 Value content as 63 value content lead to folding planes but with different bases. It is always better, as TWO bases, to choose the bigger concept. the one capable to hold within the smaller one, the stay with the 8 levels chain.

Fortunately, Gravitational Constant may be explained by a 12 level scale element. And when that is considered, the value may be reopened again and the content of information that can be got become very expanded.

From level 7 to level 11, there are five "9" nine elements added. As level "9" it is a transit level between planes, it is remarkable the amount of transit elements that are contained within this constants. From a cosmological perspective from level 7 to level 9 itself and yet from level 10 to 11 everything is in transit. It is like a cosmological alignment stage. In other words, alignments of so many elements becomes rather exceptional that regular, the same way that becomes exceptional when a person changes its perspective or position. From an individual perspective this is like many coincidences within a period. It is like typically the " connected people" says things like " The universe is telling you something" The more and more transit stages rep[resented by 9 is because a los of things from many others, and others sides, and other contexts, etc are getting synchronized up to end up in a merging element. This is linking gravitational forces with ULP forces but under special circumstances.  Then at level 12, the value 10 as 1 merging element into a new level. This only because a swtich from 67 to 65 was possible thank you to others. Then it becomes a moment from some and a whole life for others.

Gravitational Constant becomes very relevant because encrypted inside is a change possibility from gravitational forces to ULP forces.

If some elements become hidden, like taking the periodic value of 3 out of the constant and crossing them with the many 9s as amount of information. The resulting 12 becomes always invisible but affecting. Yet The Nines from level 7 to 8 becomes visible consequences of the proceses in reality, like the alignment itself or behaviour changes in progress that are more than a simple change.


At the end of this process, like the 10 at level 12, the total added amount reach 99 as One yet missing to merge as One and yet, another one still missing to keep the relation 2 to 1, where 99 is stepping out of the time increasing clock to become a One, as any other one, a Pop Up element. The more 9s, that cam merge as the levels are expanded and expanded, like 9.9999 etc, the more relevant the process, like a general alignment in the cosmos. In the individual plane, more delcate, but anyway, some people realized of the process.


The 99 value may be converted to 9.9999999 to be compared with the 9.8060 value of gravity itself. As simple look to both tells you that if it is about a positive change 9.99 overcome 9.80. Thus a beginning. An inflection point. Then from 9.99 to 11.4 as ULP Value border. ULP and Gravitational forces linked in simple terms.Yet, our mental process.

Please remember that 4 times 9 is 13 or 36, like Constant TWO. $ times as quantum encrypted inside, as for levels 9 to 11. And from 35 to 36 or 1. A transitional instance is just like that, the next value will be 36, 37, 38 or 1,2,3. If the Nine leves prevails up to overcomes 9.8, then the result is 1,2,3. If not, 36,37,38...


To further reinforced the concept let go to the movie Mission Mars or something like that, with Matt Damon abondoned at Mars. To be rescue, planetary alignment was needed between Earth and Mars, , a whole team at Nasa, a team from Japan, a Spaceship orbiting,  the abandoned astronaut, etc. An incredible synchrony of events and elements that need to convey at a precise instant. Well, that is exactly what ocurr on a dayle bases without most time taking conscience of the process. Only when there's a Big Event we realize how out of the sudden, things change, because everything changes and then you as part- consequence  and cause of the processes. This is Gravitational Constant all about. Everybody chance to become a part of a Change that is always possible, otherwise, you would not be here. However, to start, you need to arrive to 11, which means, to consider other besides yourself. That is the rule to initiate an overcoming process of gravitational forces. And that start from & or near seven 67 towards the right and not left. From the 6 center, One option to the left, another option to the right and a third option, standing in between as neutral for an instance or standing in between for a reason, then 4 again as 3 is expanded to 4. And, this last 4 is not symmetrical, is One standing in front of 3 and opening even another option, then 5, Then from 6 to 5, then II, as 2 within One. Thus another ONe. Thus, what comes first or last is overcome by 2 to 1,

The neutral stage it is just a quantum instant, because of the dynamics status of everything. The neutral stage turnos into 12, a quantum instant where nothing depend on you anymore. Your thinking become a consequence of all the balances that surround you. It is the only instance were you are not allowed to take any new chance, you already played your cards. The 12 from 6 is your defining moment. All planes and possibilities meets. The 12 from 5 to 4 is different than the twelve from 6.


Please note that Gravitational Constant was explained from 3 different standings and yet the door for a 4th chance remained opened. That is the door from 12 to 16 as taken the 4 levels from 9 to 12 x 4 times in order to chance the relativa importance of the physical vs mental planes. Not a matter fot this section. But a matter to consider is that as we expand Gravitational Constant to more content of levels, the understanding got richer.


If you think for a while, Gravitational Constant related to ULP Constant and Earth acceleration would no be possible in other planet of our solar system if we are linked to the constants as is intended. The values of the constant makes sense to support US within the solar system. Both explain each other. The balance of elements is so incredible that no life could be hold for a long period out of our balance of elements.

The missing Part


Within TWO Clock, at 10 O Clock there is One Base 10

At    II * eleven*  O Clock, there are 2, then the base is 100, like 10x10

At 12 O Clock, there are many, 1 and 2 and 1+2, 2 +1  and 12 and 1x2 and 2x1, then 7, then 7 as One and 2 options, like 9

There after, the base grows to 9 elements at transitional stage.

Then from the content, as amount filled , 99 to 100,  12 missing as 1 and yet + always plus 1.

But Gravitational constant arrives up to 99 to provide space to become 1 and yet 2 elements beyond its domain. The 1 adding is to break the constant. That is all about.

The Whole in One Theoretical bases