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Placing you in the middle
Let´s imagine a perfectly symmetrical world. You are standing, metaphorically, in the middle of your life and you look backwards to your parents, to your grandparents and even to your great-grandparents. The last, if you are lucky to perhaps remember them. The extension is up to the limits you could have ever seen. And now, imagine and project, with a “crystal ball”, that you have kids, and your kids have also kids and, if you are lucky Imagine you will even have time to meet your great-grandchildren. Naturally such a time extension of life is not possible to you. It is crossing too many generations. You never live that much. You are just in the NOW, knowing your past from your memory and imagining the future based on your own references from the past and the present. Your imagination has been restricted to just could be reasonable possibly.  It has been restricted to what is familiar to you as ground bases. Perhaps, a more precise term is to project instead of to imagine.
You would know for sure that your great-grandchildren will not exist if you have had not existed. There’s a biological linking that relates you with your family backwards and forwards.
This understanding become a fact in your thinking you do not dare to challenge.
You know your past and your present but no your future. Now, fancy a time line that works upside-down. It runs backwards from the future to your present. If you were your great grandchildren, it would be easy to look backwards an understanding that without you, he would have never existed.
Within the maximum biological scope restricted to what you may have seen or knew for ”sure”, besides you, you were able to see up to 3 generations backwards plus You, *3+1*. Again, only if you were lucky.  
If you place yourself in the shoes of your great grandchildren, you would know for sure that he would not exist without you have ever existed. From his standing, and with the same logic applied to you, again, its maximum biological scope restricted to what could he would know for sure would be 3+1 chronological life that for certain periods overlap. 
The for “sure” concept is blurry. More precise would be Almost for sure, leaving space to the doubt. If you think, the concept for sure demanded and normally does to trust. And encrypted in trusting another or another’s different than you are required. Your understanding of things demands at least of another One * just One would be quite poor * In the reflection case, the main another One was your Imagination. It allowed you to perform a Role playing.  It allows you to alternate. Do not bother to think that your imagination should not be considered as another one different than you. It is not the point. The point is to make you think about the importance of to alternate.
As many crossing were required to extend the ”mental for sure ” exercise from the middle to backwards and to the future, many multiplying operations are possible from the moment TWO relates crossings with multiplying. An abstraction may be performed:
3 + 1 + 3     / 3 generation backwards + One standing observation point + 3 generations to the future is the maximum observational capacity of reality restricted to our biological capacity and to what can watch or observe “for sure”.
As encrypted in for sure indirectly other or others were a part that was needed to enlighten what you cannot watch, then 3+1+3 needs, at least to be doubled. Thus, the scope under the current frame expands from 7 to double seven or 14.
If we expand the singular biological restricted concept to a universal cosmological scale, by adding many “0”, we will arrive to 14 billion as a rough number. More or less the same number related to the size of the universe. However, some adjustments to the rough number are needed.
You were required to put yourself in your grandchildren shoes for a restricted idea or scenario. If you performed very well that task you almost utterly put yourself in others shoes. And I say almost because, no matter what, you had to leave some space for yourself. At least your biological status remains as part of the You that makes you unique. The mentioned assuming that mentally you were capable to completely forget about yourself, what is naturally, an extreme.
Thus, 14 needs to be adjusted. Slightly reduced. And by doing so, the size of the universe is restricted to the size of the scope of your standing position or to the generally accepted standing position. If your standing position is restricted to the scientific measuring capacities, then the size of the universe will match that value, as today value.
The scope of your maximum biological capacity to see or watch has been linked or related to a cosmological observational capacity. The observational capacity of the universe has changed through time as science evolves. The attempt to match or relate the singular biological capacity of anyone’s with the understanding of the measure of universe is underline linked with time and our evolving capacities to measure with instrumentation.
A shortcut to understand the numerical abstraction would be to rest from 14 billion a few millions. Reducing that number big number to the base example would be equivalent to close circuits to match universal values. It would be like to calculate the capacity in your mind to place in other shoes and by extension, matching universal values. It is a necessary and nice approach but only temporary to structure ground bases. Resting is against TWO fundamental bases. It is acceptable and desirable as part of a circumstantial process.
Now, to go on further ahead or deeper, let´s take a Leap, let´s jump from one perspective to another’s perspective. Let´s us keep in the mind the previous idea to put it together later with a new idea or concept. TWO will always demands to do so, to be capable of structuring logical sense and build up relations than otherwise will be complicated. It demands you to concentrate and to use at once many different capacities. The deeper you go into TWO, the more simultaneous jumping are required. Understanding becomes a process that takes time and needs to be compatible with your capacity to alternate permanently in different scenarios like reality and imagination or like a purpose and the process that is part of it. And each time you hold on to one scenario or ground base, you will have to leave it or abandon it, understanding that the base scenario that once was a cause, in another quantum instant becomes a consequence. And, at any certain point, a combination between scenarios merge as a combination of the two poles. The third option in between, in the middle. It may become a continuous as long as it alternates permanently. Thus, it become blurry the starting point. The largest possible spectrum considering your existence and your need for certainty, according to the base example is not starting from your great grandparent or your great grandchildren, but from you. And once again, the maximum or higher expression of You is when you are Not.
Let’s jump to another issue: Mid-day
The linking concept to the previous idea > The mid, just the middle.
A different subject is about to merge that share with the previous idea just a cross road upon the “middle concepts”.
As likely you are very smart, you are expecting a beginning, a middle and an ending within a thinking. A chronological sequence, not a cutting of it out of nowhere. Otherwise, the thinking will look like unfocused. You know about this because you do normally focus and perhaps consider the people that do not uses the same logic you use as a person with disperse thinking.
What TWO or I’m doing here is telling you that these processes are a must within TWO theoretical frames. This is about and insertion into a continuous. This is a conscious and deliberate insertion. Many times, these processes become unconscious within our mind.
When many insertions occur in our mind, suddenly we make a Click. A click is when a few unstructured ideas got together and make sense in your mind. Within TWO, many sources of ideas coming from different bases are required to trigger a Click.
Now. Look at the sun in the sky. You have learnt that what moves is the earth and not the sun. However, what you are watching is the sun moving through the day because your standing position is moving with earth motion but slower.  You may visit your memory and fulfil the whole situation. You are sure the sun rose in the Est and will Sunset in the west. Assume It is midday and you are just standing in the middle. If you remain just a second watching sun in the sky, you will assume, without questioning, that the sun will sunset later. You are used to project that situation. The only thing you are doing is taking your experience and previous knowledge of the nature of things to mentally project a scenario you are sure will happen:  the sun will sunset later.  
After the twilight zone you will not be able to see any longer the sun again until a new day. In fact, you have not ever seen the sun while you remain into the night. It is impossible. However, you trust others from the other side * the sun side*. You trust pictures of the other side showing the sun shining while you remain in darkness. You imagined that the sun rose the day you watched it at midday.  As you were standing only one second under the sun, you assumed the motion was from Est to West. In just a few seconds you hardly recognize the sun motion through the space. Along with the motion from Est to the West you associate the event with time. It evolved chronologically in one sense, sequentially, adding hours to the day. You are plenty of suppositions and projections.
You assume many things for sure resting on your memory. Your thinking is conditioned by your relationship whit the surrounding and the people in it.
You are just trusting others thinking - the sun is shining on the other side of the earth. You have never been on the other side where the sun is shining there. You are thinking, learning from your experiences, learning from others, making mental projections, imagining, etc. You are building up in your mind a whole world that makes sense to you about the sun. On the other side of the earth, if you think, from your standing physical perspective, the sun should be moving from West towards Est. Although, for the one on the other side, the sun is moving from Est to West. If you stay in your standing position without incorporating the learning from others, the considerations of others, you will only see or understand a motion from Est to West and will project a motion from West to Est. for the other side. Only when you remain in one side the positives and negatives merges. If you could perfectly alternate mentally between each side, the grey will merge as in the middle of black and white or night and day. The grey may be considered as like the biblical Darkness. Physically, the Twilight zone or the neutral zone. Mentally, the standing between two points. Cosmologically, standing in the nebula.
Expanding the physical example to a fundamental conceptual idea: Forces from One Side to one direction or sense, and forces in the other side to the contrary direction or sense. Also, from an emotional perspective, a subjective standing, good things and bad things within your life. Just standing in the tangible middle of the twilight zone.
Just standing and also crossing the twilight zone where others consideration become possible. From a standing alone perspective to the point where others become possible. And just in between that delicate instant where the night turns into the day it is you. Exactly at that turning point between day and night and additionally, many others crossing roads intercept.
You are standing in the middle of others consideration into your mind, in the middle where you can look both sides is when you realized that the negatives are just the perspective that prevent you to look into the other size. Whitin a planetary scale, the day and night teach you that within a tangible reality, both sides of the planet exist and they conform a unity, an ecosystem. Both sides exist even though you never can see them at the same time. From an individual perspective, just watching from the bright side is like thinking that you are the only star that shines in the universe and all that matters is about you or yours’s thinking. Thus, anything that is not good for you becomes the bad. But when you consider other’s or other elements, then you enlarge your understanding of reality. You become capable to understand that the night may become as relevant as the day. That allow you to structure sense. It allows you to understand that there are no such thing as negative forces. They are merely forces in one or another direction, also allow you to understand and that there is more than one force at that instant.
To make a little bit more complicated the issue, let us insert time considerations but from a different perspective than before. Let us roughly match physical time with your own timing. To do that, it is required to add your understanding of the dynamic status of the elements. It is necessary to remind you that everything is at motion. Thus, as you are standing in a twilight light zone that also match other’s cross roads, it is required to incorporate the Big Ben clock. The idea is to provide a time concept that becomes familiar to you with a planetary time relation.
As you are standing at the Twight light zone, let us say, roughly, that it occurs near 21 hours or 9 O clock. Now, let us take your imagination capacity and moves mentally from that standing point to the other side of the Clock. From 9 to 3 O’clock. By leaving the 9 O clock, you are not there any longer. So, in spite that physically you are at 9 O’clock, mentally, you cross, in less than a second to place you at 3 O Clock.  Your physical reality has been separated from your mental status.
Let us now insert another cross road at the same time. Let us match your 3 O Clock mental reality with your observation that took place at 9 O Clock. You were standing in a point about to consider other’s consideration. You were about to change the perspective where the negatives start to cease been negatives. Then the Journey from 9:01 to 3 become a process. A process in time and a process in your mind. A process in the evolution and many others processes. And, in the middle of that process, 12.00.
This writing is so full of analogies, parallels, metaphoric meanings and needs to be constrained. It cannot further expand to introduce more and more relations because it is in the border line to do not allow you to structure sense. Thereafter, to step deeper in many ideas, others articles are required. A pause is needed.
But the physical reality of day and night and the precision of its processes imposes restrictions to you. You understand that you cannot physically be in both sides of the planet at the same time. Just to round things up, you can alternate near half a time just mentally between 3 and 9. Two will demand you later to alternate, almost at the same time, between North and South, between 12 and 6. Then 4 simultaneous alternations processes in your mind that start at 3 + 1. Then, at least 36 elements at once, that become impossible to hold in your mind if you do not fraction them as parts. Then, it would be possible to expand to 120 up to 360 +. That will be a closing status that will became, in a dynamic foundation, just the beginning or merging of 3, but now, as an abstraction plenty of as many possibilities as you like to consider.
Day and night do not last most of the time the same. Thus, near halt a time you live physically on one side and on the other side of the day, the other part. That is the balance of earth. But in your mind, you can choose where to live, that is your free will merging. This is the place where your mind and your body do not necessary travel together at the same time. This is the place where your thinking becomes part of reality, in spite that you cannot measure them.
From a conscious life perspective, you relate and interact with others. You are not the one and only in the planet. You alternate within you, with your thinking and with others by relating to them. The day and night, as a context provided field that supports your life is a much slower process compared with the speed of the interaction between you with another person. *Restricted Dual analogy*. And yet, the speed of your thinking while interacting with others is quite faster in order to structure meaning in a conversation with another one or merely thinking alone.
More complex. The spinning speed of earth, that is linked to other motion speeds within the universe, is faster than your body motion speed. This is necessary to occur to allow you to experience the day and night cycles your biology requests. From a counterpart perspective, an immense number of random events occur out of nothing to make your life possible at this very moment.
To make the planet possible, many events had to occur at light speed. Thus, light speed becomes a limit, a border line between the physical restricted reality with the energy that makes this process possible.
Energy has inside encrypted information in its core and it is not affected by gravity. It has, within TWO bases, the likely potential capacity to move quite faster than the speed of light.
The structure of the information code that explains information might be divided into 2 groups: A light weight structure that cannot be measured by any instrumentation and a heavier structure that explains the elements like the ones in the periodic table
Our brain processes, likely within TWO, many light weights information structure, the kind of information than cannot be weighted or measured. These kind of information moves very, very fast. Quite faster than light. It interacts with our brain, that is restricted to a physical reality. Then the mental processes slow down to the limits of the physics. The light speed.
The light weight coding structure, present within the DNA code of all the elements of the periodic table is expressed within TWO, separately from the heavy coding structure. Thus, the atomic weight of any element might be understood up to the scientific limits of observation or in within a more complex structure. Both ways are possible and compatible with the understanding of the elements. One way is conceptually larger and capable of holding the smaller concept.
The light way coding structure becomes conceptually consistent with Quantum Mechanics. The outcoming or merging possibilities associated to this field makes senses. In other words, Quantum Mechanics is taken one level deeper, not to restrict its possibilities but to make some sense to the way or form they takes when merging. The polarity and some other properties of this elements seem to make sense once you understand TWO conceptual bases.
Forces like gravity in a cosmological scale becomes consistent within TWO dynamic bases. The same way Pi is encrypted in the universe abstract formulations like General Relativity and related to your DNA, Gravity is also linked to the universe the same way is linked to the forces that drags toward ourselves. Thus, Pi becomes connected also with PI as the other side of the planet or as day and night.
The Whole in One Theoretical bases