

















4K System





There's almost none possibility you can understand TWO without trusting there is a logic behind the numerical operations and the linking concepts. It is a logic you are very likely, not familiar with. If you do not trust what I am explaining, you get trapped within the process. It imprisons you. Once you trust, you can move on and get back upon what you once read. Thereafter, the logic of TWO will start, gradually, to make sense to you. It is a process you cannot skip.

If I try to explain the logic, you get trapped within the process and miss the purpose and then, again, you cannot structure sense.


Then, the most challenging thing about TWO is that it forces you to Trust what you cannot see and, in a much more restricted dimension, to trust what I am trying to explain through TWO. At the beginning, there's no logic, you will think TWO lacks sense. As you evolve within TWO, you move from Chaos, from non sense, towards order, towards sense.

Does this words remind you of something ?


Yet, the same to me.




1- Introduction

General Relativity Theory (GRT) is based upon a deterministic understanding of reality. From a start up perspective turns the rest relative. The whole universe, or at least its borders are considered a closed circuit where PI become part of the equations, as to closed circles. Then, if you fill up the universe with content, energy and information, at any given time, you will reach its limits and, thereafter, this theoretical understanding will lead you to conclude the universe is Finite.
If from general relativity merge the famous Einstein equation E = MC2, within TWO the concept would be:
E = MC2 + 1, where 1 is symbolically intended to broke the balance of the previous equation. The one (1) that changes understanding. The MC2 may be understood as a relative consequence grounded on a different perspective. It is raising MC2 to an absolute perspective what restrict it and prevent to formulate an UCT from it. TWO is a whole relative constructions that start up of more than One base at once. Out of it, absolute values may be extracted by alternating between relative and absolute concepts. Then, Quantum Itself gets integrated. If TWO Closes circles, it does that just for an instant. TWO is about not closing circles.
On the other hand, Quantum Mechanics deals with probabilities and uncertainty. Theoretically, you can never be conclusive about the location and opportunity of any given particle under observation. Based upon this, if you cover up all related possibilities by creating many scenarios or dimensions, capable of filling up all the possibilities, you will end up with a finite universe plenty of multiverses to cover up those options. Thus, with String Theory the door to multiverses is opened. It is an effort to close circuits towards a finite universe. No connection to G.R.T. becomes consistent. Within TWO, Quantum Mechanics is taken to a deeper level, then it merges Quantum TWO, as a ground base that provides sense to the merging probabilities and yet provides the never closing options.


TWO does not denied the possibility of merging multiverses but focused those option upon the understanding that We, leaving creatures, are  the merging multiverses. It is doing so by recognizing a whole universe into each person. This way relates Us as part of a network. Each element is considered as a group of elements within levels, all in dynamic stages. That changes the logical thinking structure.
Quantum Mechanics also tells us that the observer of any experiment becomes an interacting part of the result. In other words, it is telling Us that biology *trough our mind*  needs to become part of any equation that is intended to explain reality and the universe itself. Quantum TWO fully integrates this concept but takes it much more deeper.
Virtual Reality theories reduced the universe and us within it to merely bits and Bytes. Within TWO, if we are or not a virtual outcome does not become the relevant matter. Besides, TWO do support a Virtual world concept. In absence of a purpose, a virtual reality  would lack sense to create such program. A virtual world or universe demands a creator.  Within TWO, virtual or not, the reality is introduced to Us as tangible and Intangible.  What TWO does is to alternate within tangible and intangible realities. This process allows you to choose to provide meaning to life and your existence. In other words, elevates your existence as consequence of love. TWO Even sees the program of reality itself as consequence. Without this remark, the idea of a virtual world weakness.
Encrypted Within TWO are contained some fundamentals of a virtual reality world. To establish a difference between what is real and what is virtual is at the edge of a very thin line. Regardless of the question of what is tangible  or Intangible ?, let us stay, regularly, with the idea that everything you can measure, weight, etc.  is part of a tangible and not virtual reality. In other words, let us provide space to both options. Again, it is not the main issue. V.R. should be considered as a mean.
Inside a virtual universe it is required to consider Us as part of the program of reality. Your mind and body are likely part of an extremely sophisticated program of reality.

What has been said is quite simple and yet powerful. Its consequences are very relevant.

1st. To look for an U.C.T. that do not consider biology, ourselves,  is a waste of time. Unless, of course, you refuse to accept that the observer affects the observed. There is no way to introduce an UCT that exclude Us as a part that affects the whole.
2- Life may be considered the unbalance element of the universe at any certain point. It is because of life and its dynamic status that equations cannot be closed within physicians. If there´s no observer, it does no matter whether the universe is Finite or Infinite. In fact, it does not matter to answer any of the big questions. In Dual or polar perspectives of things:  on one hand life becomes the unbalance consequence and, on the other side, the cause. Thus, Quantum TWO  provides the bases to move from one side to the other side.  Your standing position becomes your standing location.
To include Life itself into UCT equations is more than complex but may be conceptually simplified. in a theoretical way, life or any other element may be conceptually restricted. For practical and theoretical purposes, into 3 or 4 groups or divisions; 2 Poles or extremes and 1 Centre. (3 Groups). Between the 2 poles, a spectrum that may be seen or understood as an analogy to electromagnetic spectrum in a different scale level. Any life could be located at any specific point within the spectrum of life. Then, any given point may be explained in:

  • Absolute terms within the spectrum.
  • Relative terms within the spectrum.
  • A combination between absolute and relative terms within one base
  • A combination between absolute and relative terms within another base
  • A combination between different combinations of grouping and scaling into levels. Groups and Levels. With this, many more probabilities. How many? Let us say that with 36 or 360 + ”1” a big picture may be got. “1” in this event, represents the open door left.


As TWO end up matching up to 365.2+, as "1" year, as Time, what is doing arriving at that point coming from relating, at the same time: Quantum, driving forces, Our standings to Quantum, Biology, Chemistry, Cosmos, processes,  other planes, etc. Thus, it is very difficult to comprehend but quite consistently integrated, at least in numbers.

The Whole in One Theoretical bases