

















4K System



Light Speed Table

Part II: Linking Earth acceleration, ULP, Quantum, Space and Time








Now, you need to add the following understanding to the cross crossing point of 67 with 65

From the moment you realize that looking from 67 perspective becomes near the same than looking from 65 perspective, then you change the bases. You are looking deeper for real, then you do understand that the "7"  itself is coming from a deeper level. The most balanced deeper level structure comes from 3 & 4 and 4 & 3. There is a leap in the understanding. Thus you can understand than within 65, it is 67, because you are representing 3 & 4 and 4 & 3 chances as 7. It may be 3 in front and 4 behind and upside down.

Now, as we are in the borders of measuring, by measuring light speed, you understand TWO and reality itself is at a crossing point.

From one perspective, in the middle of 65 & 67 there is 66. This 66 is the same 66 from 9.80665. It is the same 66 in the article when 1 equals 6. This is directly linked to a decision moment where you decide to move to the left of to the right.

When deciding to move to the Left, to 67 after had moved first to 65, you step out of the balance of elements on the left side and on the right side of an equation. It is like 6 elementes to the left and 6+ elements to the right at sight or measuruble. The elements on the right side are always smaller than the elements on the left side.  The smaller elements on one side, are larger space on the other side, as like going deeper within yourself. Then the route is 65, to the right, as in 9.80665, as in PI 3.14159265, with 2 before 65, like 11 and 11 Twice, from 65 and 67. 

From Quantum perspective, if the element size or content is larger than 4, like 5, then it is subject to be affected by gravity. Thus you can see on the right side of 9.80665 the five number as part of a decreasing sequence that started at 9. Now, you cannot see the "7" in the sequence, you just can see a "0", like 9.80665. The "7" have been replaced from 3 & 4 and 4 & 3 that are coming from a deeper level, below 5. Thus you do understand that the route only becomes possible by understanding than from Standing at 6 O Clock as standing in a crossing point of your life you decided to take the option to consider the other, then the balance switched to 6 to 5. And when 5 was arrived, a leap take you to 11 and from 11, like 65, you were capable to consider inside 67 because you increased the base. Pretty complicated but amazingly consistent within TWO bases.

You also understand that this is a direct linking to Quantum decisions. but like from 3/3 in the center of +- 1/3 or +- 2/3. This is the center route, the route not related to experiments you can measure, it is the most possible balance route that is stepping into the kind of decisions you are taking.  Then, deeper than 65, you can understand 2 & 3 and 3 & 2 that preserves the same logic and tales the matter to border frequencies.  This is to tell you that the 6 to 5 decision was coming from deeper level frequencies you tune. However, do not forget that the main cosmological decisions have already been taken.


Now, another cross crossing element will be added as possible  inside 65, like 88, in a smaller base, then, it could be represented like

 6 8 8 5.  Now, let us replace 65 by 11 in a bigger base, like 110, This you understand more easily how 110 can contain inside 88, or better express, how 11 can contain inside 88. Please note that there are 12 missing from 88 become 100. The 12 missing is the space provided for the frame of reality, as the funnel of the centre, coming from 3 & 4 and 4 & 3 where 12 and 7 become relevant crossing points.

Then 1 8 8 1 that is relevante to tell you why most elements of the periodic table may be explained with 8 levels + 1 + 3

As 8 is a value detected by measuring, then the 1 and 1 are introduced into reality, in a restricted form as waves and particle options that look like unlinked to the elements. Yet, the 3  as 2 and 1, like 1/3 or 2/3 as positive or negative according to the side of the left 1. Yet the other left One, as an observer affecting quantum. All matter unlinked from this perspective because this is a restricted perspective. The larger perspective consider left and right and above and below +

Yet the 4600 + 3 billions makes sense from this perspective as the 3 that need to enter or stretch the measuring.


88 value  it is the most possible balance number inside 11,  excluded the 77 that it is already been considered  like 3 & 4 and 4 & 3 as frame. Yet much more to come up to 007.


88 ned to be divided like in 2 options, like 43 and 45, because 44 it is already taken by 3 & 4 and 4 & 3. where the "4" from 4 & 3 is coming from the quantum option 1:3. That way, each value preserves its singularity and takes the matter very deep.

Lets get back to 88. like 64 and you already that the value is read from the center like 46 and ends up in the age of the Sun, and the earth. From first part of this article.  To understand the twist you need to consider motion. The left side of this section, the heavy elements is restricted by borders while the right side will always leave one parenthesis opened as the "+" symbol.


Yo do understand the adding rules within quantum TWO are different than math adding rules without a context.

18 and 18 is 36 like constant TWO but from the left side perspective, is the edge, it can be sum as 2 and 8, like looking from both sides a symmetrical  perspective. If 3 sides are considered, it would be like 3 x 8, like 24, like 24 hours in a day. Yet you known that if a larger period than a day is considered, the 24 value needs to be adjusted.

The 3 sides perspective, within the left side, like 3 x 6 is 6, like the 6 microseconds missing in the Hawking's equations to match the beginning.

Yet, if you think, 88 inside 11 is also 8x8, like 64, like 64 bits but also, like 6+4, like "1" like 5 x 12~ 64, like have taken the 5 quantum options 2 & 3 to the edge. Thus 3 & 2, the left side perspective from a deeper level, like TWICE, also leading to 32+32 like 64, againg., It is a loop from this side perspective.

Now, you do understand that the "3" is like the near 300,000 m/s that has not been polish as in the light speed table.

Yet at the same time there is an important relation that becomes very consistent and that need to be seen from a solar system perspective.

The quantum relation that is behind this is 3 and 1, then the size of the Sun and the earth itself needs to have a similar relation out of between 8 and 9 elements, like the planets of the solar system. It depends on if you count or not Pluto. It is 8 + 1, like 9, where 9 comes from 3 exp 2. Arriving to the borders. At the same time, but deeper and at the very edge, like 9 month pregnancy for a woman + 1, and then the outcome as "1", like US base 10.  As you can notice, everything almost at the same time. And so on.






From the periodic tables you have learnt that TWO set limits of observational capacity to measure for science at level 8. Then in the light speed table if the 15 value were replaced by value 16, then the ending result value for light speed would be the same as known. Then it would not be required to extend the analysis to level 9. Then, your understanding of reality up to that level will deliver the Light speed value. However, you will not be able to go deeper into the understanding of reality. As a consequence, every time you watch an element you will be seen a superposition without been able to realize. Then you would not be able to relate elements. Quantum will run like an outsider and the same for gravitational forces.

But as TWO goes deeper, extend to level 12 and then to level 16 as base 16. Base 16 as from 1 to "n" where when n~6 defines outside borders like from 1 to 6 from A to Z and Z to A, like 1 to 6 from a 67 perspective, from the other side. This is coming from the abstractions of reality, like the program of reality. As at this level we are looking like standing from the center, in order to realize that, any pattern, like constant need to complete a double cycle to set a pattern. In order to be completely efficient, any constant or patter need to repeat like Twice like from A to Z and From Z to A. Then, from a Base 7 now, any logic scheme need to run Twice and an extra bit, like a touching third time. Thus, as were at at base level 16, then 1 & 6, life from 1 to 6 going through a whole spectrum need to repeat strongly Twice and very delicately a third time into a very deep level. Thus, reading from the center to the edges, 16 repeats inside the coding structure  3 times: At level 2, at level 3 and at level 10.


Level 10 is coming from inside, then it is not respecting the Speed limits set at level 8 from the periodic table bases and also in this light speed table. Then, like from within a fission process of light itself, as looking at neutrinos, science could very delicately note there's something wrong about light speed, at least for neutrinos.



















The Whole in One Theoretical bases

From Crossing Perspective 65 67


Within a Clock, consider from 11:00 to 10:00 to 13:00 to 14:00 like a curved X Axis.

At the same time, consider 65, like standing at 11:00 O Clock and 67 as standing at 13:00 O Clock but in an Y axis, like crossing road that alternates like 3 & 4. From one to another plane. From inside to outside. Yet, from 65 to 64 and 67 to 68.

Yet, the center at base 68, like 6+8, like 14 and 48. This is at the edge from observational capacities.


4 Points crossing where Time and Content, like Space and Time  are crossing. This is a base 16 perspective at this point.


From 3/4 perspective towards 1/4 perspective. Like saying that with near 1/4, the others 3/4 may be explained. And the "near" is important because always there are alternations,

From base 8 from periodic table to base 12 where TWO will focus on 4 elements and take them to base 16 as 4^2

This will get very complicated.


This is Frame, like within Pi:  3.14159265...

Base 16 is spitted into "2", then it does not reach exactly 16 , but 15,9265. This is constant adjusting

When you see 2,65 as polar coordenates within earth, the related  degrees are 155. You should understand 155 as half 310. Then 310 as a relation among elements at a quantum level of 3 and 1, the same relation used for this side of the equation. Why that need to be splitted. Because, you are considering 2 parts within the same left side.

Then 155 out of a Base 16, like 160 what is doing is removing the quantum options as taken decisions at the edge.

In order to understand this, you need to jump from 2,65 towards 3.65. What does it means? It menans that the levels of consideration is not restricted up to 2 but 3. Then this becomes a 3er level deep outcome that is introduced as an element without any relation. However, It is.

If constant from Constant TWO like 360 we remove its quantum base of 5 introduced like 50, then 310.

You may notice that the "P" value in the chart is near 10 O Clock. Why, because by extending this level up to the level we are, we are taken out of 65, 4 levels, like from 12 O Clock to 10 O Clock. " levels removed from the Left side.

Now, within hour 15, this is like standing in the middle from a decimal perspective, then 1 5 5 as degrees from ione perspective but as standing more or less in the middle of the consideratrin of the relatin 1 and 3 and 3 and 1. The middle of that relation is express as seen in the chart. However, when arriving to 155 degrees, wue are arriving to Base 14, that is at the very very core. Base 14 is like 40, the limit without taking option. Then. the limits are exp -40, or -34 for Quantum Mechanics, or -43 for Quantum TWO including the frame, or exp -45 is options are removed, what is not allowed within TWO Bases within the right light side, then 4x5, like 20, as total spectrum, then +- 0.2 as our reinsertion.

When you see 2,65 as polar coordenates within earth, the related  degrees are 155. You should understand 155 as half 310. Then 310 as a relation among elements at a quantum level of 3 and 1, the same relation used for this side of the equation. Why that need to be splitted. Because, you are considering 2 parts within the same left side.

Then 155 out of a Base 16, like 160 what is doing is removing the quantum options as taken decisions at the edge.

In order to understand this, you need to jump from 2,65 towards 3.65. What does it means? It menans that the levels of consideration is not restricted up to 2 but 3. Then this becomes a 3er level deep outcome that is introduced as an element without any relation. However, It is.

The relation Between ULP Constant and Mass of Earth.


This is not to set Earth or US at the center of the universe. Quite the contrary, this is to reinforce the TWO Concept that what we can see it is always a small part of the picture.


You are standing at TWO limits at this point. Each time understanding becomes harder.

Based upon 1 8 8 1 concept, you may understand that if you keep one more time the logic, you can go to half 88 as 44. If you preserve the logic, you are not alternating. You should skip to 4^2 base. However 18+3  44  81+3, will take you near 11 44 33 . The issue is that you are taking 8 & 1 as symmetrical opposing values. Thus, any time you perform such a task, you know you are overruling. Thus within 4 levels deep, there are 3 overruling values, unless you consider the decreasing sequences. The overruling sequences becomes 3 x 4 like 12, then 11 44 33 from a different perspective to arrive to ULP Constant.  As you can notice, unless you know 11 and 44 and 33 are coming from differentes sources, like 11, that you already know is coming from 65 and 67, ans so on.



Faster Than Light Speed


You need to understand that Light Speed it is just a restriction from the left side of the division in 2 worlds.


When arriving to 11.44 time, but now as aceleration, like ULP Constant  , like moving beyond 11 or beyond 65, what ULP is doing is Leaping to 16 hour, like 4 x 4. It switch to the other side of the plane, in this case, the clock.


Motion in decision route was from 6 to 5, then a jump to 11

From eleven a jump to 16 hours, like hour 4^2 in a deeper base. Base 4 is the deepest Base Within TWO.

Base 4 is the center, the Pole with Flag within TWO, the reference from everything within TWO. It is the absolute exchanging. Do you understand? It is the 1 & 3 and 3 & 1 base turning into 2 and 2 as border limits and the highest of all frequencies and force, etc.


The near 56 missing from 11.44 to 12 will turn into 2 and 3 and the limit of TWO. 2 and 3 Twice , 4603 billions

The 2 AND 3 DRIVING FORCES ARE UPON LIGHT SPEED. It is what makes all possible. It is about saying that loves overcome even time. That is the most incredible conclusion you should take out of all of this.


3 is the option left open to us and 2 for the left or right side for you to decide your path.

At this point, the amount of massive matching values within TWO should tell you something. If not,at least the effort was done.


Inside the Code


Let us start from 4 as base , then ^2 as Base 16.

Base 16 as 3 x 4 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1. Each adding from deepest levels and then impacting less the total value but becomening the Key stone.


Base 16 is coming from 1 to "n" where n~6.

Then at 65 67 and 11 and 12 there is at least 3 values that need to repeat in the code itself as 3 outvcomes from 4 scenarios.

Theroretically we move from 66 to 65 from gravitational perspective. As the number is reduced it is because ULP base start to get more relevant.

As we are covering the whole spectrum, the landing perspective would be reaching 4 and 5 as 20 but from the abstraction perspective, the covering should run from 6 to 1 to 65 and 1 to 6 for 67/ As we follow the 65 route, then the whole picture, capable to hold within 67 should be from the abstraction go 3 times from 6 to 1.

Then if you look at the coding structure, within the number, al level 2 and 3 there and level 10 is 6 1 7 2.  The pattern becomes clear. The 17 inside, like the other side from a 3 D perspective is capable to hold within 6 to 1 and or 1 to 6 if the 67 perspective is taken. As the process is Twice, then 72, that read from the center is 2 & 7. But let us focus on the 3 repetions oin different scales. At level 2 and 3 as the frequencies that are folded to forces. Yet the level 10 becomes very relevant. It is taking the matter derectly to a very deep quantum level for consciousness, overcoming time restrictions. On each level the value 8 as amount filled is 8, like the 88 exercise. Yet, by going 3 times like 24, as the contrary of 46 is providing repeating patterns like 24 hours day and a total value of 46 as 4.6 billions. This analysis is just rough. 

Consider the starting value at level 1 of 231,481 as  3.14 from Pi, like a frame we use. 2 and 3 and 1 as 1, 2, 3 alternating within a close loop. Consider 481 as 4x8 like 32, like 3 and 2  repeating frequency . The 1 as the alternation with residual quantum like the "1" at the hydrogen at level 12.

At level 9, the amount filled value of 6 is like 9x6, like 54, like 5 and 4 as 20 for spectrum. 9 from 3 and 3. Thus at level 1 and 5 231 value is repeating. This means that the spectrum from the right is larger than the spectrum from the left. Yet is providing the symmetrical perspective from the left side.

Yet at level 9 with very accurate observational levels from scince, some problems could be seen with like speed. Some neutrinos could look like overcoming light speed border. This is because within the alternation, i should prevail ULP forces upOn gravitational FORCES,





If you consider the overruling mentioned effect, you can understand that the 2 value gap strictly speaking it is 4 but 2 remain invisible. When 4 x 3 is considered, you understand that the are like 2 parenthesis, like x and Y parenthesis. Yet, one parenthesis should always be removed. If for instance light speed were 3, than it would be necessary that the 4 value extend or stretch near 1/4 out of a sexagesimal base. And so on. This effect in 5 levels is like 12 x 5, like 60, as in the middle of Constant TWO. Yet, the right balance of depth to match universal constants. Each level deep demands 1 skip, like 1 gear less.

But as TWO does not rest, it is like  adding deeper levels. If that is accomplish, it goes to others Considerations up to the relation 1 and 2. From 1, 2.