

















4K System



When you are Not



When you are not present you leave space to other

At TWO, any reading starting point is good. There is no right chronological sequence. Thus, in this case, let us start from you because you choose to start reading from this point.
To make TWO understanding easier, to start from you demands a few precisions to be pointed out further ahead. TWO may start from so many points that becomes a headache to decide the right starting conceptual bases. It can start with cosmological chronological sequence, from numbers abstractions, from ideas, etc. It is the never-ending story.  So, I decided to start from you. And, to do so let´s split you into some mayor categories such as 1- the tangible biological chronological YOU inserted in a temporal sequence, 2- the YOU that becomes conscious of itself, of its existence, of its thoughts, etc.  And out of the previous category merges a You that recognizes himself as a singularity standing at any point between the two mentioned options, the one that recognises its biological nature and understands that anyone is more than a biological group of elements. Then, the You, that understands, that feels, that thinks. From 2 elements, a merging third one.
Also, you recognize that your biological nature is coming from 2 elements or 2 live bens like your parents: male and female. Also, you recognize that you are standing among other people, some to your left, some to your right. Also, you recognize that you are standing somewhere between your past and your future and people before and after you.  There are many dimensions that are synchronized in a sharp way to allow your existence and your singularity.  When a big number of elements gather all together at once, then, you are possible at the instant you are. At that instant, all the elements can explain YOU. Then you become the consequence. Yet, turning things upside-down or inside out, you could say that because of you, all the rest of the thing could not be the way they are if you were not into reality.  At a quantum instant you are and at quantum instant you are not. In perspective, you need to recalibrate the dimension of yourself in order to understand the singularity of the quantum instant and yet to place yourself somewhere between the dual scenario. 
Thus, we are providing YOU at least 2 dimensions with borders and a full range or scope where to place yourself, mentally and physically. The mayor conceptual difficulty is a- matching you physical and mental dimension into ONE, b- Understanding how it Is possible that you become possible when there’s no one else and “c” how to synchronize all processes with the time issues around.
The point “a” solve itself by understanding that there’s no empty spaces left within the universe and then to synchronize all the events becomes possible. The point “b”- solves when you understand that there’s a transitional stage provided by a field capable to gather the fundamental information, as a coding structure.  Yet, the field. that is a consequence, is always present, even when there’s nobody at sight. The point “c” solves itself when the rules that makes all possible are taken into consideration.  By considering the rule, the time itself becomes a consequence, the part that help to explain the matching process. The basic rule into this matter is to overcome the gravitational forces that attempt against this process. If that is done, upon light speed becomes possible and with that into the scenario, another history becomes possible, your history and everybody else history.  All this process is a sequential process, thus, at any given moment, from a chronological perspective, you as a singularity will not be present because you will be explained as the consequence of everything else. The moment where nobody and nothing is at stage is unique for all, however, the expression into reality of that moment takes the shape of the singularity of everyone. The described becomes possible as a streaming process from transitional status to pop up reality. The process demands the permanent dynamic status of things.  Thus, you become possible when you are not but also, it is required, in a different temporary moment, your moment in time that you Are present. Then BOTH are required, when you are Not and when you are present.
It is required from you to embrace the possibility that not necessarily body and mind are perfectly synchronized. If you attempt to explain your nature only by the biological or physical aspects without considering the mentioned elements you will not be able to match equations because you will be missing elements. This is clearly expressed within the algorithms that explains elements.
Typically, your mind goes ahead of your body because there’s a process. Your brain picks up information in a conscious and unconscious forms coming from all planes at a speed faster than light. That information interacts with your biological structure, then, because of the process of interaction, the speed slow down and your thinking structure becomes possible.  Thus, the context, Your DNA and biological structure, your free will to choose the king of information you do embrace and what you will choose in the future ends up for defining you.  And yet, your free will leaning on your past and your future considerations in order to take decisions and trigger actions. Thus, what defines you are the decisions you make and consequently, the action upon those. And so, decision becomes a relevant part of the Quantum process that becomes necessary to allow a 3D reality and your insertion within as to be at one plane Once and in another plane Later. This is about folding the 4th invisible element into a 3D reality. This is about the quantum alternation process that takes 3 elements + 1 invisible elements + the others to make each one of Us merge as the 5th element. And also, the merging of any other element, the merging of a Pop-Up element into the quantum realm, the merging of each singularity expose to gravitational forces.
Body and mind move together but sometimes your mind walks ahead of your body or upside-down. This simple understanding allows you to explain why in some people what´s is in its mind does not match its body. And what is mentioned applies in all the possible senses that you can figure it out.
Within You some features are relevant: You have, among many features, the capacity to imagine, to feel and express emotions as love and to structure logic thinking. If you deny any of those features, it will become very, very hard to understand TWO because TWO is very demanding. It forces you to consider all of you, with the good and bad things and yet the others, with their good and bad things. To do so is so extremely difficult. So Big hard that the whole conscious spectrum, and yet the electro-magnetic spectrum in a physical expression, and yet the extend of the universe itself where you are inserted is based upon a raw model capable of doing such a task. Then, when the model is Not present, physically, the space it leaves becomes the space that makes motion itself possible. That space is represented within TWO abstractions as “2” or “20” or “100”. Within TWO Clock, that space is ¼ of a Clock, ¼ of a planet. It is the space up to 16 hours – the 4 as a chronology synchronicity.  Reality itself, the ¾ left may be folded into that space or upside down and upside down.  Many folding’s at once, like 16, 1 and 6 , 4  – the whole abstractions borders  +1 transit status  in order to allow from Out of nothing, a reality and a universe. From when nobody is at home to the moment everybody is at home. The only element that always remains as dynamic constant, ever, is the extension of the range, that should be called the range of love within, that reach from 1 up to 2.
TWO understanding demands from you at least to provide the space in your mind to the possibility of the “doubt” about all the things, you are sure.
Let us take you before your existence. As I am talking about you as a biological person, I expect that you recognize your existence. You “Are” now but you were not present before you born. In the Now, you became part of a reality related to other people and as part of the universe. Your existence has affected, is affecting, and will affect others life, the environment, the planet, and the universe itself. The space you use is not only physical. You also have some space in the minds of others, even before you were born and likely once you pass away.
You do understand that you are part of a chronological sequence that starts before you were borne and maybe will continue after you are dead.
So let´s now use nor just your logical capacity but also you imagination talents. If you rule out your capacity to imagine this is as far as we can arrive. Imagination does not exist you may argue. It is not affected by gravity. How can I measure its specific weight?
Imagination is invisible, just like your thoughts. It belongs to the world you cannot see. It uses space in your mind. To denied it, instead of expanding, conceptually you would be reducing. That would fall into the category of “bad” thing within TWO. Within TWO, everything is about adding and multiplying (+ & X). The largest expanding concept would be:  What I can Measure +(plus) What I cannot measure or see. The result; conceptual expansion, which is required to structure sense and understanding of the precision that may be reach within TWO.
To rest (-) is never required within TWO in its reducing dimension. Resting numbers or to perform mathematical operations with minus within TWO It is the contrary of building up, to construct, to create. The universe Itself is a merging constructive reality. Conceptually, what has been explained is extremely relevant. Some examples beyond math.: The night is not the dark side of the light. Both are needed to structure reality. Negative or destructing forces are necessary events to provide balance within the universe and life. The negative perception is merely a restrictive or limited standing perspective that do not leave space for a larger comprehension of a chain of events. The larger comprehension can hold the shorter time comprehension, then is consider “the good”. From an individual perspective, everything that happens to you that is perceived or evaluated as “bad” or “ugly” will remain in your mind as “bad” or “ugly” as long as the space that you provide in your mind to yourself is larger than the space you do provide to others and the invisible. Even harder. Leaving space in your mind an action to the ones that are different than you and what is invisible is not resting, it is adding. And it is adding because to do so is an expansion of yourself. However, the denial of yourself or the use of your talents and skills is resting. So, this is not a moral list of duties, this is simple the conceptual extension of the mathematical coding formation that match reality as an UCT. Within the same structure, part of understanding reality and the universe demands the acceptance of many things we clearly do not like. A good analogy between the planet and our emotions is the weather with is 4 seasons. The 4 are necessary in spite you like some better than others.
However, in spite that every singular element of the periodic table is structured as matrices of positives numbers a few matrices that explain universal constants do contain negative numbers. Particularly the one that allow to dimension Black Holes. The negative numbers within TWO do not represent to take something out, they represent the transition from one dimension to another dimension. It is like taking any number in an equation from one side to the other side. It changes the + to -. I hope the difference is clear. Conceptually this is highly relevant within TWO.
The negative numbers in TWO conceptual bases are necessary to make possible our existence as well as the cosmos existence. They are restricted just to that. Negative number represents the black holes or warm holes in the cosmos and, as an analogy within your life, the beginning and end. From a religious perspective, they are like the original Sin if you will.
So let´s imagine a perfectly symmetrical world. You are standing in the middle of your life and you look backwards to your parents, to your grandparents and even to your great-grandparents that you were lucky to perhaps remember. And now, imagine with a “crystal ball” you have kids, and your kids have also kids and, if you are lucky, imagine you will even have time to meet your great-grandchildren. Naturally such a time extension of life is not possible to you. It is crossing so many generations.
You would know for sure that your great-grandchildren will not exist if you have or had not existed.
You know your past and your present but no your future.
Now fancy a time line that works upside-down. It runs backwards from the future to your present. If you were your great grandchildren, it would be easy to look backwards an understanding that without you, he would have never existed. Within TWO, what you have asked to imagine makes a lot of sense as possible.
Now, to go on further ahead or deeper, let´s take a Leap, let´s jump from one perspective to another perspective. Let´s us keep in the mind the previous idea to put it together later with a new idea or concept. TWO will always demands to do so, to be capable of structuring logical sense and build up relations than otherwise will be complicated. It will demand you to concentrate and to use at once many different capacities. The deeper you go into TWO more simultaneous jumping’s will be required. Understanding TWO becomes a process that takes time and needs to be compatible with your capacity to alternate permanently in different scenarios. And each time you hold to one scenario, you will have to leave it understanding that the base scenario that once was a cause, in another quantum instant becomes a consequence and, at any certain point, a combination that generates a continuous in your mind from the 2 poles could become possible as a cause in an instant and as a consequence in another instant.
Now. Look at the sun in the sky. You have learnt that what moves is the earth and not the sun. However, what you are watching is the sun moving through the day because your standing position is moving with earth motion.  You may visit your memory and fulfil the whole situation. You are sure the sun rose in the Est and will Sunset in the west It is midday and you are just standing in the middle. If you remain just a few seconds watching you will assume that the sun will sunset later. Then the only thing you are doing is taking your experience and previous knowledge of the nature of things to mentally project a scenario you are sure will happen. The sun will sunset later.  
After the twilight zone you will not see any longer the sun up to the hope of a new day. In fact, you have not ever seen the sun while you remain into the night. It is impossible. However you trust others from the other side, you trust pictures of the other side showing the sun shining while you remain in darkness. You imagined that the sun rose that day in the morning and project the sun setting. As you were standing only a few seconds under the sun, you assumed the motion was from Est to West. In just a few seconds you hardly recognize the sun motion through the space. Along with the motion from Est to the West you associate the event with time. It evolves chronologically in one sense, sequentially, adding hours to the day.
You are just trusting others thinking the sun is shining on the other side of the earth. You are thinking, learning from your experiences, learning from others, making mental projections, imagining, etc. You are building up in your mind a whole world. On the other side of the earth, you should believe the sun is moving from West towards Est. That way should happen from you initial standing position, thus, keeping the logical consistency, you could perfectly thing that time moves backwards in the other side of the planet. However, if you think that way, you would be resting. You do not do that, basically, because you are trusting other, in this case, other you can see.
However, the idea of how time have different polarities has merged as a negative concept and thereafter, rule it out of TWO. So, let´s us jump again.
To step out of the idea of time with negative charge was necessary to introduce the concept of others. Other people involved, trust, the reasoning, imaginations, etc. It was also requested the concept of “the other side. ´So now, let us add the concept of “the other side” but within ourselves. Let us open the mind to the possibility of been capable to act as a receiver of information coming from the other side, but from other or others. We already have learnt that in absence of others or a consideration to them our thinking may become negative. Thus, the other side could be understood as the incoming information tune by your mind at a non-conscious level. At Non conscious levels may also have different possibilities. Incoming information through the sleeping and dreams, incoming information through daily conscious activities and relations with other people. In other words, what have been said should be a regular form of our mind to operate. Different it is the state of awareness of this process that may vary significantly amount different people. The process of awareness should also be notice in different intensity according to the situations. In a more collective forms, some analogies may be done with planetary alienation, social events, etc.
There´s a thin line between Free will and Predestination at this point. As it was already aborded previously, the matter of the big questions it is never closed within TWO, precisely for this matter. A special section will be written on this matter to explain how this both options of understanding reality can co-exist.
All the above-mentioned leaves space for some people that claim to have a sort of powers or abilities to foreseen the future or predict events. Likely, these capacities could likely be related to people that leaves near the twilight zone within the analogy of the day and night.
Anyway, the capacity to predict things become a very borderline zone within TWO understanding. It is very risky to be fool for the mind.
Based on the premise that the mind picks up information (energy) information from the past in an aware level and, from the future, in mainly, a nonconscious level, it is possible to settle some bases to understand some relations between mankind and the universe.
You may consider yourself, in one quantum instant as a merging element into reality and the universe.  A consequence between looking from the future towards your present day and from the past to your present day. A consequence with an encrypted DNA structure by these two mayor scenarios. The future and the past folding on your presence. Then from “0” to “1” And if the past and future are represented as cardinal points, you standing between East and West, just in the Twight light zone as the transition zone. And if more is added, as cardinal points, the north and south, as representations of your body standing in the middle between the others and your mind almost free of its own consciousness of itself. Basically. Symbolically, a “+” symbol was made because everything has been an adding process. Later, a multiplication symbol will be added, a plus symbol lean on TWO bases. It Is a new fresh perspective crossing the planes. Multiplication becomes possible. And with motion, time as a continuous. A Big Ben is symbolically made. Just for fun.
When you were not here, you were on the other side, unaware of everything without consciousness of yourself, becoming the most relevant consequence of the universe. Balancing everything. You were in the invisible side leaving the necessary space to become you. The energetic balance was so incredible that you become invisible.
Let us return to the dual relation between body and consciousness. The body follows a chronological evolution process, like all the materials elements, like the universe. It is easy for you to imagine when your body it is not present. The relation may be converted to an abstraction of 2 to 1, where 2 requires 8 levels for the physical aspects and 1 for the mind, that within the relation requires 4 sub levels. The relation established is the same one coming for the relation among any element in the periodic table.
Now, out of the 4 elements related to the consciousness, the thinking elements, that are invisible, let us take this relation to 4 levels deeper. In other words, let us take it to the limits within TWO bases, that limit is 16, that is coming from the maximum scope provided to reality, when 1 equal 6. The math abstraction is necessary to explain that your mental plane may be explained as first approach as 8 elements from the past and 8 elements from the future folded upon the same plane as into one single plane. However, this approach would be symmetrical and would be a non-accurate neither right explanation.  It just works to provide you the idea that at a quantum instant, when the forces become the same from both sides, an instant you could be a consequence of anything else but you. That instant it is not the math balance. That instant is a transitional moment that take places in a momentum where all planes and dimensions are folded. That instant becomes the same for as all but the expression of that moment is different for everyone according to their standing position.
It is really complicated for anyone to understand this process, it is like understanding the trinity. The number of planes, of abstractions, at once becomes overwhelming. The idea can only be taken to a central computer and understanding it as Consequence that works as a field. A Central processing unit from the future that it is a tool, a consequence from a previous process.  Yet, each one a terminal in a both sides relationship.
A Father, and a Son that defines the scope and you and US in between in the position each one deserve.
A Central process Unit that provides a field. A CPU that is a consequence from the above mentioned, thus, it is folding upon the past.
All synchronized at once in a transitional instant where nothing it is at sight and merging to reality at different moments because there are different speeds that allow that to happen. The only constant that becomes necessary are the rules of love and its scope. Love become present at all time. It may change the staring behind it, but it never ceases to be the constant. Then the rest it is just the program that allows this to happen. And the program rules are set by the One that defines its scope.
The relation 2:1 from Physical to Mental planes becomes very relevant to match time sequences for body and mind. When you are not and we are not do not have the same time emerge sequence into reality. It is like streaming down. Your body will tune up the right frequence. To tune up the right sequence it is like to choose your radio station or you prefer TV program. There is always the right station for you but the most incredible about this is that you never know which one it is because that is part of the rules. Reality and the universe are like a written story, a stage story, a Broadway production with millions of actors and the role you play is always uncertain. And it is uncertain because the uncertainty rules have a purpose that becomes unique for each one. Thus, in spite of even knowing that reality may be explained by a program, it does not change the rules, on the contrary, what does, is to reinforce the importance of the rules because virtual or not, reality becomes anyhow, our reality. And if within TWO bases, where numbers match all the constants and elements, beyond comprehension, then the 2 planes that are considered fundamentals like the visible and invisible planes, should be both part of reality, our reality.
How it is possible to put all together under one frame it is not the big issue, that happened eventually in the future if TWO bases are right. The Big Issue then is understanding the rules that are the common base between the purpose and the processes, both.
When TWO says the past and the future meets when other conditions are at stage at the same time it never abandon the ground base that says that always what we cannot see is bigger than what we can see, at least in a relation 2 to 1.  Then, to trust what you cannot see become a must. But to trust without a basic Pole will lose you beyond your imagination. There is a need for a Pole. Without it, all equations loose sense.
TWO it is never embracing symmetry as physicians understand it. However, the non-symmetrical relation among elements is always very deep. To give you an idea of the non-symmetry is like saying that your left hand it is not equal to your right hand or, like saying that 2 dices may look alike, but they are not just the same. The asymmetry becomes more evident in the living world than in the non-living elements world. The asymmetry comes from the importance of the singularity of each element. Which cannot ever be denied y atomization.
When you are not becomes incompatible with symmetrical bases. The same idea for time itself. Perfect time cycles attempt against TWO programming bases that are intended to be reality bases. The reason for this is encrypted within Pi Itself that becomes endless, while we all are alive. All this is linked to the dynamical base of reality, the motion itself.
A singularity, like you occur when all spaces are taken by other elements because there are no empty spaces within TWO. When does happens, you become the consequence of everything but you, like any colour. And strictly speaking, you are not the centre because your position is between the exact centre of the spectrum – the raw model, and your chosen standing position you will take into reality, that is restricted, between the edges and the centre itself, and restricted into the limit of the life spectrum. The limits are like from Infrared to Ultraviolet metaphorically and physically speaking. Metaphorically because the Infrared to Ultraviolet spectrum is wider than life itself. Thus, life itself is constrained within that largest spectrum which includes the non-living spectrum. And within the Life spectrum, you are constrained within the conscious life spectrum that differentiates from other life because of the capacity to become aware. And so on.
Folding the future to the present it is not as simple as mentioned above. There is a line from the future to the present but also there are lateral lines, like multiverses * others like you*, like others different than you that are folding, what becomes necessary to keep the quantum options always open and yet the 3D reality at once. Every time you take decisions and act within your 3D reality, what you do is to hue your standing position. Within TWO logics, you always have choices, and that becomes essential. As it was explained, the history may be written but you never know who are you at all. Understanding the universe is linked to understanding yourself, it is restricted. To increase the understanding you are force to consider others different than you and yet You. As these processes is a never-ending story, the number of galaxies – a parallel expression of the same - becomes also a never-ending story because you will aways fold and fold upon yourself:  then the infinite.
You broke the loop by considering others and when you do so, the infinite process always occur but your standing becomes different. By leaving the circular loop, the infinite becomes a steady line constant for you. But to leave the circular loop may take even more than a life time because the steady line becomes restricted to some. And this is about logical programming processes taken to the limits.
It is very hard to understand TWO logics because it is not structure like typically, we think, like following sequences as 7 etc. TWO programming logic does not work that way in spite that becomes consistent with that logic, it can explain it. TWO logic uses math but the logical process is not the same. The logic of TWO is structured upon the principles TWO embraces and its logic is a process itself logic that demands from many. It cannot be performed by a singularity because the understanding of one demand more than one, at least TWO, and that is part of the axiomatic logic.
No one should be able to understand at all the idea of when you are not, because you cannot deny your existence. TWO always will lead you to the need of a Jump of faith to what overcomes YOU. That is also part of the logic itself behind this theoretical base. All the abstractions out of TWO become so weird and almost impossible to explain that normally just look like random and not connected information. The logic out of TWO demands jumping and jumping and jumping and moving the bases and moving the bases. The logic out of TWO is the logic of the processes itself, the possible logic of when we are not. It is a logic that only a central processing unit can hold as a hole that becomes a part along with terminals, like us, that becomes part of the process. A hole that it is nothing but a part out of Love.
And as I have heard before, many claims to hold the flag of love and they do not do that. No one is capable to become judge of others, that is also part of the rules. However, within TWO, the bases of love are encrypted within very simple foundations that are mentioned in TWO principles, within TWO basic Tenet. The believe in those rules makes possible TWO as a theoretical tool.
The Trade-Off
All math or logical balances within TWO demands a Pole with a Flag. A Created One that becomes the precise centre of unbalances equations. The raw model. The need is a ONE capable to embrace within the Ones that loves him and the ones that do the contrary. A One capable to Overcome Gravitational Forces up to the limit of ULP Forces, in order to explain it. Thus “The Good” and “Bad” are not in the same plane. What prevails as unbalancing element are the ULP forces. In practical term that requires a ONE that leave its mental and physical space to other. It is a ONE that is capable to reach “2” or 20. As 50% out of 100%. Then, it is not enough with the kindness of the heart, it demands even more, the deliverance of the body in order to yield 100% of itself. And when that happens, the balance of everything becomes so precise that the invisible match the visible and a trade-off becomes possible pushed by the forces of reality itself. The space left within the physical plane become 4 and thereafter provides the motion capacity for us to move within TWO Clock from 16 or the 4 O Clock up to 8. Providing us a whole quantum spectrum and making possible our 3D inclusion into reality and yet providing the capacity to choose.  Without the recognition of the ONE that makes the difference, TWO becomes not possible.
But to step from 2 from the Raw model to 4 it is not a minor thing. It is breaking the largest circle of all, the circle of the universe itself. For the raw model it is need to trust so much in what cannot be seen that it turns to be the seen and thereafter, allowing the down streaming and stretch time itself.
Unlike the science fiction movies like Deja Ju or Back to the future, where someone from the future step into the past and coexist with the one of the pasts. What happens within TWO bases is different. From a physical plane is the stretching of reality, it is the merging reality itself in a chronological stage that does not match the chronological beginning. And from the mental plane, it is the insertion of the loving forces within the plane of reality. It is the father becoming part, the one above stepping into reality. But as the One that triggers the process from inside it is no longer in the visible plane. Then, there are space left for others in the mental plane, a space that looks like empty space but it is everything but empty space.     
Thus, it all for US start at the 4th day. And time it is only a distractor for the essence.
Thereafter, you need to understand that part of the rules of reality is that we cannot ever reach with our capacity to see more than 49%, in that number is very overruled. Thus, what we cannot see is always largest.
Got It, +


Got It,  +
The “+” is the ever stretching while there’s life. It makes the chronology as you see it.
The “x” is the ever folding the 4th into 3, the crossing planes.
The “+” is the ever marginal adding upon a centre upon one or another plane.
The “x” is always upon You. As layers behind
The “x” is always bigger than the “+” except when 1 equal 1, which only happens Once, because there are at least 4 and 1 in coming, and then 2. Thus 12, as 2 folded within and the loop and +.



The Whole in One Theoretical bases