

















4K System



Motion Part II



The Insertion of the Whole


Linking Time to Us all 



This is the most relevant TWO Article because offers an explanation about how things could have happen at the instant of creation. It is extremely difficult to understand without reading previously may TWO Articles.



The need for a Pole that becomes the absolute,

The exception that makes the rule




The understanding of reality and the universe demands an exception that makes the rules, demands a ONE capable to contain all the rest of the ones and that is very complicated. It is like answering the question what comes first ? The Hen or the Egg ?. To answer that simple question it is necessary to go through the whole universe and yet, the answer that TWO provides will remain just as an option for you to decide whether to believe it or not.


From OUT of 2 Bases, it is necessary a ONE ~ "1" that becomes the creator and yet, that ONE needs to be the consequence in order to respect the laws of reality. Thus, what will be explained here attempt to respect that laws but as mentioned many times the explanation within TWO do not become usual.


To explain a creator as a consequence of its own creation demands to put together all you have read into TWO. It also demands a Messiah, a Chosen ONE, that needs to be the masterpiece of its OPUS. It is the Master leaving its place to its Apprentice because it is such a wonderful creation that deserves to take its place. That could be a way to express it but, perhaps, a better way would be saying that the Master and the Apprentice are the same, just different for a time space in between. And yet, saying they are the same it is not fair at all. It would be even more precise saying that at a quantum instant, the instant of creation itself they both are so well balanced that a scanning of ONE would be similar to the scanning of the other, thus the first may substitute the second as the same. It would be all about time.


In order for that to be theoretically possible, the time of the apprentice would need to match our planetary time.

The apprentice would need to stop been the apprentice to become the master in our reality.

A computer back up frame would be necessary as a tool, a mean, capable to collect all the principles behind the creation and yet, all of its processes need to reflect the spirit behind the creation. If there is a creation , there is a purpose. It makes no sense a creation without a purpose. If you share the principle of TWO that the universe is a creation, it is likely that you do share that it is about an immense Love. But again, it is up to you.



The Messiah



Within TWO Bases you are free to believe the universe is not a creation and there is no Messiah or if there is, he has not arrive yet. That belief from you it is quite respectable does not change the story TWO is telling.



According to TWO Bases there is a Messiah and he was Jesus Christ.

He meets all the human/divine conditions to be the ONE.

 Also, he meets all the theoretical conditions demands for TWO Theoretical bases.



The size of the universe it is the size that becomes necessary to make possible reality as we know it, our dreams,  illusions, imagination, etc. But above all, the Creation makes sense in order needs to provide us the possibility to love, as the mayor fundamental reason for its existence. Then to keep reading, please go to check again the Principles of TWO * Principles in Spanish means also beginnings.


It is very important to remark the Importance of putting the love to the creator at the TOP of the priorities, as it is contained within TWO Principles. It is not an EGO matter of the creator, it is because that becomes a necessary condition for the Trinity concept to operate. The trinity is about 3 elements, for 3D , within 4 elements, for quantum bases and +. Remember the Concept,: Tha Father, The Son and The Trinity - The Holly Spirit


Loving the Creator becomes a necessary condition for reality to exist as we know it. And that it is something the Chosen One had very Clear. And that becomes very exceptional because demands to believe in something you cannot see and we all know that to do that is very, very hard.

But to believe in a creator it is not enough, you need to trust him above all, in spite you do not see him and things do not turn the way you expect. You need to be so sure that he loves you unconditionally. You cannot have doubts about it, that is the requested absolute for the Chosen ONE.  Above all, this is what you never deliver. Thus, the chosen ONE, no matter what, need to no ever abandon its invisible captain. And that is exactly what Jesus does. He never stops trusting even though that at his finest hour, he thought, for an instant, he was abandoned, what makes him also human.


TWO basis demand 3 elements for 3D reality and 4 elements for Quantum Processes.

As this article is about the exceptions. Out of the Creator and the Created One  need to merge the above mentioned elements.


A table will be added.

The table content just include numbers to be explained

The numbers inclusion becomes necessary in order to ever keep the logical consistency and relation among elements that TWO is all about. However, keep in mind that numbers are abstraction, and in this case, they are intended to represent a person, Jesus Christ.


These numbers are tainted with blood.

They are much more than numbers

This is like taking pure water - H20 and turning into blood.

These number represent the maximum expression of Love

This is the loves that explain ll of us


So, if numbers are added, they have a purpose.

The numbers s abstraction  become completely theoretical as needed numbers to match elements within TWO.

The numerical structure is based upon all the learning process from TWO. They may be wrong but a few elements play on its favor. They keep the logical consistency of TWO, they match time and most importantly they represent with the maximum possible balanced level within TWO Bases, the incredible consistence and love of Jesus. They represent the Chosen ONE

All the Universe will be represented, in a Quantum Instant between the Created Chosen One and the Creator and how that could have evolved during that instant. In other words, we will step into the possible mind balance that was needed to be the Chosen One.


In Progress







The Whole in One Theoretical bases