4K System
Purpose and Principles
Standing in front of the option whether to believe or not in God or superior loving constructing forces within the universe you can never be conclusive about the answer. However, you can freely take a side. If you become conclusive about the answer, your thinking become absolute, with no space for others considerations or beliefs.
TWO conceptual frame is intended to tell you, from a non-conventional perspective, that it is quite likely that the whole universe as well as You are an incredible masterpiece loving creation. You may share or not this base. The bases of TWO will take you to a virtual reality inside an incredible program. TWO provides some hints about this possible bases. However, and this is very important, TWO will also lead you to understand that even if the mentioned were right, that would be a consequence, and within TWO bases, that would be a consequence of Love, and that is a taken choice within TWO.
As love sounds like a volatile concept, out of scientific bases, what TWO does is to introduce dimensions to the concept of Love Itself. It provides measurable values to what cannot be seen. And by expanding the conceptual bases the matching results with reality becomes surprising. As consequence, TWO becomes a very powerful support to mainly, Christianism.
As nowadays to believe in superior forces like God seems to be overruled by reason as if were opposed or against intelligence, one purpose of TWO is trying to tell you that reason may be used to support or reinforced your spiritual beliefs. To do that, it will expand some logical reasoning up to a mental collapsing level. At that level, your reasoning capacity becomes overruled and forces you to take a side, to take a leap. The mentioned as part of the rules at the core.
People with strong spiritual connection with superior loving forces may understand more easily TWO. People who believe in God and have faith may understand even more easily TWO. For the ones that do not believe that there are superior forces ruling the universe and US, then it should become, at least, very strange that matching constant becomes possible out providing space to what cannot be seen. Then TWO becomes an invitation to provide in the mind some mental space to its possibility up to taking reason to the edge.
TWO is intended to provided a fresh perspective about the possible nature of things. Just a little adding to the mayor concept that support the belief in God of millions in the planet. A fresh perspective means to take a fast look to some perspectives of the nature of things and to provide them some conceptual "adding" or simple, to add new perspectives. In a way, TWO provides some initial hints or bases for a virtual reality based on more or less the same principles or rules that seems to govern the universe. By providing some conceptual space to a part virtual reality world, TWO is reinforcing the belief on superior loving construction forces within the universe. It is converting a tool, like a program itself in a mean.
The purpose of the divulgation of TWO is to sum and multiply. "+ and X" to anyone that wants to pay attention. The conceptual meaning of "+ and x" is quite broad. As everything within TWO is about to sum and to multiple, all the principles that support TWO are based on that.
TWO is attempting to decode some rules from reality in order to use then as some programming bases for virtual simulation. This is an underline task that demands others people to conform a working team as well as financial support.
Mayor Principles behind TWO
TWO Bases
1-The universe is a creation
2-What we cannot see is always superior to what we can see
3-When you are, you are a consequence
4- You need to consider others different than you
5-You can always choose
Mayor taken choice behind TWO
Everything is a loving creation.
TWO supports a loving creation of the Universe and explicitly take a side by providing bases upon reasons to explain how the process of reality may have merged or por up as the universe we know, it does that because the explanations it provides help anyone willing to pay attention that anybody life have a purpose and a meaning that is unique. It is also about telling that at the center of every thing there is and there was a ONE within our dimensional plane that is and was the One that broke all the rules. The One that is and was the only exception. The Consequence and yet the Cause for reality and us to exist. And with that, a trinity of elements that are necessary to allow the mentioned to happen. And in between that process that break the rules of time, it is Us, a part of the process. By understanding partially how this may have been possible, you have no option left but to be amazed about the nature of things. And if you got amazed, then, part of the the task is accomplished.
TWO it is not about telling what you should believe or not. For that, there are plenty of very capable people. TWO is about telling that reasoning, to its limits it is overcome, and that is part of the rules. TWO is about telling that understanding the universe as virtual reality it is perfectly possible and likely but, at the same time, extremely poor conceptually. TWO is about the possible rules of Love to the limits. TWO is about telling you that ONE cannot ever become TWO without considering you as the singular element left behind. TWO is about upgrading your relevance as a singularity and yet putting it in a perspective where it is required from you not to be physically in the world.
The concepts at stage within TWO likely had non sense before our time, but, they do have sense in our time. It is our actual knowing of the universe, the planet, science, Us, etc., in its evolving status, what provides the context for TWO bases to become possible now and not before.
The mayor Leap
No matter where from you attempt to understand the universe or reality, there will be always something out of your league. In its core, the design is so incredible that will always collapse your standing position. It has been design, among many purposes, perhaps and very likely, to make you overcome that difficulty. In a way, the bases take you, one way or the other to trust beyond yourself. However, the design is so amazing that if you do not have a base Pole, you will not land at port. The mayor leap is the faith leap. That is a Quantum Leap from a process.
If you start your understanding from physics, you will not ever be able to land to a port. If you start from a loop, you will not ever step out of it. If you stop from God, it will always leave the door open to where does it comes from. Thus so, what it is the only constant through time and space?. The answer is very simple. It is love itself. Love, that is, literally, an invisible at sight physical force. It is the only constant or element capable to prevail and overcomes anything. Love itself contains in its core the driving force to overcome anything you can imagine. In abstract, that invisible driving force is usually named GOD.
To understand how the power of love is the driving force of the universe it is extremely complex from the abstraction perspective and, in a way, it is what TWO does intend to do. However, it is very simple to notice its power by just looking at anyone that does anything for others and yet himself. That comes from a pushing driving force from inside and outside. It comes from everywhere. It end up always prevailing upon any other force, It overcome the time itself, even though you may see sometimes just the opposite. To understand that force the first leap is to believe it is possible. It is like when TWO says 1~6 or "n". The only way to understand that the mentioned is possible is when there is a "1" that you see and "5" other ones you do not see but you realize are possible. But to go from 1 to 5 it is too much. Then, the least required is providing space for at least, to another one different than you. It may be another ones ideas that are different than yours, another one interests that are different than you, another one as a group, etc. You got the idea ! If you are capable to do so, then you are switching towards 2. And so on, as a process.
Thus If you see "1" + another one + another one, anyone, not at your sight that it is not you and, just + another tiny little bit additional as "1" + You ,then, that is a beginning, it is 51 upon 49% out of 100 .It is + 2 upon Constant TWO. It is a Start and yet a BIG mayor Leap. It is the leap of Trust. To Trust it is the First mayor Leap and a whole process. Paradoxically, instead of moving from 49 to 51%, you reduce the % you see because the ground base becomes expanded.
What makes very singular UCT-TWO is that works with the invisible providing it space and dimensions and, as consequence, arrives very far, at the beginning itself.. Yet, it takes the mind beginning to the center and not to the edges as cosmological edges.
Axioms and Conclusion overlapping
Besides the mayor principles that are at the core of TWO as like the center of a spinning top, it becomes useful to consider some additional Axioms that are also Conclusions. They overlap like in a broken loop.
1- The universe, reality, Us, become part of a mastermind loving creation that contains levels of efficiency that becomes overwhelming.
2- Even within a written story, there is always space for free will. And if there is a "written" story, you can never known for sure what is your paper without breaking the fundamental rules. Then, to anyone, in practical terms, it makes no difference at all if the story is written or not.
3- Behind energy there is information that obey to coding structure rules. Energy is at the core of everything and it is always in a dynamic stage.
4- Any element has its own singularity that cannot be understood without the consideration of other elements. Thus, to understand the nature or core of elements others are demanded. Yet, to fraction elements it is not allowed in order to never sacrifice the singularity of the elements.
5- Any element is formed by group of elements. Any element is part of a group. Groups are organized in levels. Groups and levels formation are always in a dynamic status from changing bases. Any group or level may be also explained by other groups or levels as looping structures. Substitution of groups and levels become posible under logical rules and contextual circumstances. Besides, any element is always a consequence of at least 2 other elements. If an element becomes always at first stage need to be understood as Consequence, then in a ulterior instance, becomes a part of a cause. There is one exception where the cause and the consequence may alternate as the same.
6- The logical structure of the creation does not obey the typical thinking structure because at its core it is considering elements we are not considering. Then, the logical structure of this UCT provides dimensional space to the consideration of what we cannot see as if it exist. Thereafter, TWO logical structure obeys rules that becomes very complex. It does not follow mental sequences that are typical. Then tracking the logic becomes complex. Thus, besides the mentioned, TWO logic structure it is about relating different elements within a common logic structure that need to be consistent with the reality that is observed. The measures of the observed reality should not attempt against the theoretical bases.
7- As mentioned in number 6, even time itself, as an element need to be considered a consequence first and a cause later. Yet, the same concept, A provided field for universe that do not exist yet need to be first a consequence and later, a part cause. Thus, there is, at the core, always an asymmetric relation among elements of at least 2 elements as cause and 1 element as consequence. The encrypted establish relation between elements always prevails. Thus, this principle always prevails as the most fundamental RULE. As what is mentioned becomes extremely mentally demanding. then the initial base for TWO is 2 elements we cannot see for 1 element we can see. That becomes the most dense abstraction that breaks symmetry and set TWO bases.
8- Reality is in progress just like PI is in progress and just like you are inserted, in progress, in a reality in progress. Everything is in a dynamic status. Within TWO bases, conscious beings become a relevant part within the Universe. The insertion of Conscious beings into reality is used to explain reality. The insertion itself of conscious beings is linked to taken and about to take decisions within life. Thus, TWO UCT raises a theoretical frame upon this idea connecting many different elements , at core or elemental level in order to be consistent with universal constants, elements, quantum, etc. Then, a quite consistent matching fundamental structure merges as a possibility. However, the links becomes so abstract that look like random structure and yet never conclusive, just as reality seems to be. Thereafter, arriving to that point becomes also very consistent with reality, at least, from the mind perspective. Thus,. TWO bases is always leaving space to others perspective, an that is at its core.