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Some Periodic Tables






Within TWO, find some examples of matrices for the periodic table. The same logic maybe applied for all the elements of the periodic table and the logic will provide the atomic structure and even radio for any element.  Understand that some elements like Hydrogen, Helium, Gold and  Oxygen are exceptional tables because they are at the edge. The understanding of edges becomes relevant.


Normally, with up to 8 levels, the basic atomic weight structure of elements may be explained roughly, as tuning is required, you can add decimals to the last level or extend up to 12 levels with the same criteria. From there you can add 4 extra levels if it is necessary or add 4 extra decimals to the last level. Level 12 is a crossing road so, beyond it, the extra decimals are re-entering as cause of the first level.


For you to understand the logic of the algorithm:


Within TWO always the following logic needs to prevail. The 2 to 1 relation. Like the following.


A- 8 levels + 4 levels of coding structure for some elements. Like 2 and 1 relation / for basic understanding

B- 8 levels + 4 levels + 4 levels of re-entering codes.

C- At level 12 you can add some decimals in order to avoid adding some extra levels. If you do so, the important thing is to understand the logic of the process. The decimas are just like adding extra levels.

D- Re-entering codes is like the insertion within a coding structure of quantum options taken.

E- An element is always the consequence of taken decisions. A living element, on the contrary, has not yet concluded the process of decisions, then It cannot be coded without leaving opened variables.


Elements coding structure are the counterpart of taken decisions and that is the reason why the matching value process may be structured as a logical process. The precise reason of the taken decision cannot be known but the values itself leads directly to quantum TWO where the relation among elements tells a lot about the processes behind.  Thus, when arriving to levels 8 and 12 the coding structure provides a lot of information contained within a designed frame consistent through the whole TWO logical structure. When arriving to level 16, by tuning numbers, you are up to 4 levels deep into the core of reality. That is equivalent to arriving to exponent -40 to provide you an idea. Yet by overcoming level 12, more strictly level 11.44.. like ULP Constant, you are so deeply involved with TWO bases that numbers along with concepts got a lot of sense. If elements are made out of particles, the counterpart are waves. The re-entering value process becomes possible because when considering other dimensions, the understanding lies upon that the consideration that they are plenty of certain degrees of information that makes possible the bouncing back of re-entering information as counterpart.


Thus, to fill up the tables it is much more than matching numbers out of known values with others numbers. It is providing to a random atomic structure of elements a logical frame. Then, by doing so, random numbers cease to be random and become a consequence of another base of understanding: Quantum TWO. And Quantum TWO is about Quantum processes but based upon the level of considerations towards others. Then, as the last is considered as part of a big interconnected framework, then it is possible to get some ideas of the mental processes behind some elements.


Naturally you can think this is just matching numbers with other nonsense numbers with a so volatile logic that after all, tells nothing. That is your prerogative. Matching all atomic weights of element is possible without any logic but it lack sense. To do it with logical structure it is another story, completely unlikely. A different story is that you cannot understand the logic. If you accept there is logic behind the matching process, you are accepting there is a Sense. If you accept there is a sense, you are removing randomness out of the elements. Then, the Big Issue it is not checking if all the atomic weight of elements can be matched, that is an easy task. The Big issue is to understand the Logic itself that works as frame. And  that becomes extremely complex. It is so complex that if you do not consider or trust what TWO is telling you as possible then it will become extremely hard to understand the logic Itself. This is not just about looking the simplicity of the algorithm. This is about what numbers are telling in relation to other numbers out of a logical process that challenge you to an always mental collapsing moment. Quite interesting.


The value "0" as Amount filled in the tables,always contains in deeper levels numbers that are different to "0".

Now, sometimes, like element Gold for instance, the matching value need to reach 16 levels. But you can stay at 12 levels and add decimals, what becomes the same as long as you understand the meaning of the decimals you are adding.


What you should understand is that when more levels are required , like beyond 11.44 level , time rules are broken. That happen after you understand the concept of "II", like 11. As all elements demands more than 11.44 levels, then, time rules you are familiar with are broken.

Just for a while thing that level 12 is like hour 12. From hour 12 you can go on to hour 13 or to skip to 1 O Clock. So let us say that science sees as like always keep adding with the same criteria, like going from 12  to 13. For TWO instead to move from 12 to 1 becomes possible within a closed circle. The thing is that to close circles becomes a need of our mind to match elements and structure sense. Thus the matching process is restricted to the circle, or better said, to the radio that restrict the scope of understanding. The fundamental is that if you close a circle you restrict your thinking. Thus if closing circles is performed with elements, you always need to keep in your mind that strictly speaking, you cannot do that without broken the most fundamental rule, that is, you always need to leave space for adding more, but not to what you can see, but to what you cannot see. Never, ever forger that rule.

The adding rule works upside down to the common sense. The adding concept is always about adding to planes not at sight. In order to do such a task, you need to take from what you can see at sight. In a way, this matter takes always to decreasing numbers sequence if you prevail the ground bases. But as ground bases are in a dynamic status, when you zoom in, larger numbers merge and anyone get lost unless you turn your thinking structure in a dynamic thinking.


The atomic weight value itself works as a number to be matched. It is, in practical terms like a puzzle to be completed. The frame is known and the numbers filled are like the pieces. If the pieces are not right, the puzzle cannot be completed. It is not enough with knowing the frame, the pieces need to match and that, to be possible out of a same repeating logic becomes extremely, extremely hard  or unlikely to get for many different elements.


The coding structure shows usually the superposition phenomenon. In other words, By cross crossing the amount filled in the tables, as adding different crossing planes, you got the same code structure than science observational capacities. The difference is that the matching is taken from deepest levels.


As TWO bases contains a reducing probabilities ROUTE, then it becomes more or less simple to understand the following tips:

A- Consider that elements are explained by 16 levels that TWICE, as 32 as 2 and 3 or 3 and 2 , are wave and particles as 2 planes folding into 1 plane

As the elements are known, then you known the route the element took to be conformed if you have a frame. Thus, you can figure the wave. In other words, there are no more "2" options, it is 1 and 3 or 3 and 1 quantum options as part and counterpart. Yet this set limits to quantum to Exp - 34 and or  Exp -43 when moving from level 12 to level 16.


B- Let us take "2" option from  quantum Base perspective as spectrum: from 1 up to almost 200 like atomic weight. This is considering 1 and 1 as considerations within 3 options. As there are 2 under consideration it is 10x10 twice. Base 10, then 200.


Then, at the borders, Hydrogen on one side with atomic weight "1" and Gold to the other side with atomic Weight 196.9, the nearest element to 200 atomic weight  without overcoming the borders. Thus, the lighter the atomic weight on One side, the heavier the coding structure on the other side,  the side of light Coding structure.  A side that runs from level 9 to upward. On the contrary, like Gold. Its very light coding structure on the "right" side, the invisible side, has the counterpart of the most heavy atomic structure on the "left side". This logic is possible out of freezing " 2" option. By doing so, then  the 3 option need to be opened to instead of 3 to number 3.14159. Are you following?




The Whole in One Theoretical bases

Now, as you already understood Gold atomic weight logic, let us take a Leap. Let us reduce "2" towards "1". The only way to do that is by stretching the spectrum if you remain the "3+" value as a needed value for option in the right side of the equations. Then The scope or spectrum needs to expand from 200 to 300. Now, there are 3 planes considerations within 3 options. This is playing at the edges for the measuring world.

With the above mentioned stretching and considerations, the limits for spectrum have been recalibrated. Thus 300 becomes the limit that cannot be reached for atomic weight values for any element. This is exactly from a conscious level to be standing at the edge of seen the relation among consciousness as 1:1:1 like 1:2. To understand this idea read some other articles.

Now it is possible to understand that element Uuo with atomic weight of 294 is at the very edge. As 3+ dimensions are considered and the less value each one may have is "2", then 300-6 ~ 294.  The value itself considered the space of 2 of what is explained.

As the very borders have been stretched to limits, then any extra reduction, now, from "1" to "0" would stretch limits for spectrum to "400". Then you need to understand the following. There are no elements reaching 300 atomic weight value. The counterpart from "0", like as "when you are not" is the border of the universe itself, restricted by the observational capacities of 3.14159 from one perspective, and from the other perspective is understanding the base 4 + 1 where the plus One are our own consciousness insertions.

To Us be possible there is an alternation between 0 and 1. When "0" the universal spectrum because behind "0" there is an alternation of 2 and 2 that defines borders, like base 4, like the 4th quantum scenario, like the 4 levels beyond 12 that are re-entering. At this point the relevant aspect is for you to understand that the spectrum of elements are contained within a logic.


C- As for the atomic number consider the following. The border of the frame for elements, not consciousness were restricted to 3 options and base 40 like frame 3 and 4 and 4 and 4, then you may understand that the amount of elements cannot reach 120. Then the atomic value of any element cannot reach 120. Thus, Uuo is again setting the limits. If the fundamental relation among elements  that always need to prevail es 1:2, then if the border itself is 120, then no single element can overcome the 118 value. Thus, again, reality helps to structure frame and frame itself is interacting with reality to provide consistency.


D- As 3x40 like 12 comes from abstraction of reality, as frame, if you are inserted within out of a context that do not allow you to see the bigger picture, then the amount of elements within the periodic table are restricted to 120 - 2, like 118. As simple as that. Now, on the other side, if you see the larger picture, as at the cosmos. Then you will see that the outside border of 12 is 14 as 14 billions. But, as when watching the whole picture you cannot see small picture, then with the same logic, you are forced to see below 14 billions years as spectrum, in this case, time. Are you following?


E- Hydrogen contain the relation of "1" to element at atomic number  to "1" to weight. That is a perspective where any "1" can match another "1". It is a symmetrical perspective as 1:1 . Thus any understanding of reality ground on that base will be symmetrical. It would be possible to build sequence like 1,2,3...  It is fina but a too restrictive and limited ground base.

If we skip to Oxygen, then the relation inside is 8 to 16, like 1:2 if reduced to ground level. As far as I have realized, the only instance where that happens is within Oxygen. Now, if you check TWO bases, the most fundamental; of all relations is 1:2 or 2:1. The concept is that "2" as other things or elements or persons, or considerartions is always larger than 1. It is about telling that what overcomes you as One is always larger. There are may ways to read 1 and 2. The relevant is to consider what have been mentioned.

So you cannot understand reality in a more complete way in you do not understand the importance of Oxygen and Hydrogen, as source of life itself from the centre. As you can note, this is a whole twist for classical perspective. This is a completely different ground base logical structure. This a logical structure that takes Love to the edge and also reasoning to the edge.

By understanding this words it should make sense to you H2O at the core of life for universe.

As you cannot start out of nothing, then you start out of 1. If 1 is capable to provide 2 as A and B, then within 1, at the beginning there is at least 2.  See? as simple as that. You cannot initiate from Oxygen as 1:1. There is a ground base problem that is so simple that becomes easier to skip the issue. If you want to understand the beginning the least you can do is to provide a space for what cannot be seen.


The limits of 120, 200 or 300 are coming from abstractions of reality. Possible values for elements are restricted as inside the abstractions itself. The amount of considerations taken defines values itself. For instance, value 120 cannot be reach because it is a crossing point. Thereafter, if another 2 considerations are into the frame, then the higher possible value es 118 on one hand and on the other hand 294. This is coming from the border 2 and 3. Thus, the higher values are restricted to 118 and 294, as Uuo value. Uuo is an artificial element which makes the issue even more interesting because it reflects exactly what's been explained. The border itself is capable to contain even our own capacity as human to become part of the elements of reality. This is a philosophical issue. The last element is leaving space outside for the maximum possible reduction of reality, the one that left 2 options within 3 possible status, and yet the value reflect the chosen route. This is more than incredible, this is awesome. From 1 to 1 as Hydrogen, From 1 to 3, as 1 to 300 - 6. And within the edges, the processes inside.