4K System
Radio and TV Signals
Nowadays It is very easy for anyone to understand that when you move the dial of a radio, the device will pick up a signal and then you can listen the radio. The same with the TV. You select any channel and then you can enjoy the program you like.
Naturally you cannot see the signals but you have learn they exist. You known there is a broadcaster and your device is capable to pick the signal you choose. Somehow we all understand this process.
So let us get deeper. Consider your brain and your whole physical structure as a TV or Radio receiver and broadcaster but instead of artificial, let us consider it as biological. A sort of biological receiver and broadcaster.
Consider another difference. Instead of picking up the frequencies of radio or TV, you body is capable to detect mucho more higher or deeper frequencies that you cannot see. The same logical than a radio. The frequencies are beyond your capacity to see them, as TV signals but also beyond the capacity to measure them with instrumentation. Not too much complicated to imagine or figure out the concept as a deeper extension of a concept you are familiar, the Radio or TV signals.
To be more clear and specific. Let us say that any frequency bigger than number 4 as frequency, like 5, can be detected by instrumentation. As an analogy, any value like 5 can be affected by gravity. Let us also say that any element that pop up into reality contains a value of 10 that is perceived as 1 into reality.
We are crossing 3 different concepts like frequencies, atomic weight and quantum. In order to keep a common crossing point language the numbers do not include extensions like Herts, Grams, or Options. The language is universal as abstractions to only land to scales according to the context. This way, we are talking about different things at the same time. Not too much to understand. This becomes possible only in cross crossing points like integral numbers. The crossing points allows conceptual triangulations. Thus, the crossing points are like empty spaces for that to happen. However, the empty spaces are full in deeper levels. Thus the triangulation processes are restricted to conditions. In the bottom, the only empty space left is when your are not and you become a consequence.
Let us say that your mind it is not capable to tune up any frequency of the above mentioned frequencies. It is restricted. The tuning of the signals you want to listen depend upon the spectrum of your dial. The larger the radio of the tuning device, more frequencies or stations you can pick up. Then , there are different kind of receivers and broadcasters.
If the "5" route is taken as within just One field, then you need to consider at least a 1+1+1+1 as different receivers, like 4 different receivers out of 9 fields. Thus, you can partially understand the sequence 3.14159.
Then, the radio spectrum is like 5. You can read "5" like 0.5, or 5 or 50. How do you read it is related to the zoom level.
The point is that you cannot ever pick up the whole 5 spectrum. The most you can pick up by your own is 1. However, you can expand the capacity to receive more signals up to near 2 out of 5 radio if you try to put yourself in other shoes. If you try to consider a perspective and a standing that goes beyond you. So the point is that the band can expand only when you really perform the mentioned task. If you do not do as explained, then no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to pick a larger radio band than "1".
If you take the "4" route, as radio 4, then, out of 9 fields within 1 line, there will be space left for 5 elements.
This is a quantum alternations between 4 and 5 out of 9 as 1 field.
When both routes are considered as 2 out of 5, as a decision took, then you can change the perspective to 4&5 and 5&4. Then a both perspectives are into the frame, you will understand that you can expand from 14159 to 3.14159265. The 2 coming from the perspective expansion and the 65 because that is the decisional route taken as learnt from other articles. The triangulation PROCESS BECOMES POSSIBLE so you understand that the 65 value is linked to gravity or earth acceleration, It is linked to skipping from 1 perspective towards TWO perspective. You need to read those articles to comprehend.
4&5 and 5&4 will also be linked to Time. In order to do so, let us get one level deeper. Lets us understand the "5" value as necessary coming from 2&3 and 3&2 possibilities. Thus 3 as common ground for 2&3 and 3&2 and 9, by taking both edges. Thus , within a clock, this is like saying the whole spectrum of time may be represented from a line from 9 O clock to 3 O Clock. Like a Tempo line that takes a physical dimension. However, the line, when quantum is considered, goes deeper, to each one timelineas physical. As mental process, one field it is not enough.
4&5 and 5&4 as 45 as 3/4 of a circle of 360 degrees. As seeing 3/4 out of 4/4. Yet 1/4 is the most as the singular capacity to see.
Almost 2/4 as the extended capacity. 2/4 as half as the exception that sets borders.
4&5 and 5&4 as 20 it is another way to see the spectrum. As like moving from One been to another been. As like male and female together as Two, complementing each other as One. Thus, you do understand the concept of 2 becoming one and then another one becoming possible. However, 20 , as like 10+10 does not reach to 20. These are only 2 elements or 2 parts. Yet more elements need to be considered, like 3 to reach 5.
If 4&5 as 45 are like 45 out of 60 out of time, like seconds, then 5 needs to be understood as 2&3 and 3&2. Like 2^3 as 8 levels within the elements of the periodic table and 3^2 as 9, as level 9, as a cross crossing level beaten planes. Yet 8 and 9 as 17, like reading earth acceleration from the center, thus instead of reading 9.8, it is reading 8 and 9. And when reading 8 and 9, you automatically know that 9 is coming from 3^2 from the right side of dual equation. In other words, you known that 3/4 of a whole circle can be understood from 1/4 because within the right side 3 fields, there are at least another 3 levels behind.
54 as Constant 108, in order to reinforced the constants linking with the spectrum idea. 54 and 54 as overruling and understanding why the symmetrical perspective are possible if to see beyond it is not possible.
Constant 140 is coming from 3 and 9 that is a deeper sightseen of Constant 360 as coming from 4 and 9.
Yet Constant 140 is also coming from 54 as 2 and 7. If 2 and 7 goes very, very deep, then 20 and 07. Thus, 20 and 07 goes to the edge because introduce from the center 2 extra levels of deep. By doing so is taking the connections up to 1:4 . In other words, to the very edge for us. The cosmological edge goes to 0:4
What does it means? It means been able to extend up to 4 levels deep which overrules our own limits. Such an extension, if our limit is restricted to extend to almost 2, at least 2 others different than anyone. Such an extension, at the edge of reaching 2, as a singular exception, demands yielding for others is such a a level that even the existence itself need to be sacrificed because no more stretching becomes possible. If 1 is the less value to an element. taken to a consciousness level, the most powerful relation among elements would be 2 for others that are not present and define borders, 1 for others in a relation 1 to 1 with each one and a Plus. Thus, the most stretched relation among elements for anyone would be 1 to 3 and a plus. Then, whatever the scenario border for us are defined as reaching 49% out of 100 + or 97 out of 100+. If the plus contains at least a duality, then border are restricted to 95% and yet a plus.
To enlarge our radio scope to a larger band the path it is not just say I will tune a larger band. Too easy. The path has a route that goes step by step overcoming difficulties. It is the step by step stairway that overcomes the gravitational forces within anyone.
Fine tuning start by always considering in absolute terms an extra additional unit yielding in favor to others without denying your own essence. In a balanced structure of elements that would be only possible by stretch your ground base as long a you perform such a task. Otherwise an unbalance may pop up.
There are no extra magical recipes because what has been mentioned it is the magic itself. The magic it is about understanding that the most you deliver to others, more rich you become. The difficulty is to trace the borders because you become as relevant as the others. Then the most difficult task within life is to remain in balance within in an always evolving status. Thus, the perfect balance itself becomes an illusion. It can only be crossed but to remain is dynamic. It demands permanent adjustments to context. The near to the balance point you are standing, the wider the spectrum you can reach.
Then, the radio you may reach within a 2 or 20+ ground base spectrum cannot ever overcome between 4 or 5 , as like from 3.14159, where 1 is the cosmological inserted balance at an instant, a picture moment.
Crossing concepts TWO may go to Constant ULP from relation 3 to 1.
The route is the following: From 65 67 crossing, from 65 perspective a jump to II is performed, as 11. Two as consciousness from the same plane are under consideration. Then, this is like level 11 in the elements scale. Then, at the edge of the spectrum, between 4 and 5 you do understand that the inserted 1 in between as in Pi number is coming from the consideration of at least 4 elements, thus 11.4 that cannot reach 11.45, then 11.44... and so, Constant ULP have become directed linked to the process. 11.45 would be like reaching 1/4 out of 360 degrees recalibrating ground bases. Very complicated, I known. Changing ground bases systematically is like order within chaos.
What is the most difficult part of expanding radio capacity to detect constructive signals
To put yourself in other shoes in such a way to get confused about understanding if you are doing something for the good of others or for yourself could be a good point. It places you near borders. As you see other or others, the concept becomes tangible. Where things get complicated is when besides the other or other and yourself, as tangible elements you are requested to consider what you cannot see as unbalancing. If not, the relation 1:3 + becomes not possible. This step necessary demands you to trust what you cannot see. Even if that would be possible that becomes not enough. Whom to trust becomes part of the equation. This is also a deeper level, like between a 3 and 4 deeper level. Like the 3 & 4 from 3.14. And there you are, as 1 deciding your path, your route.
Why Pi is envolved in this issue?
Because PI is related to the radio. The radio of PI defines the size of the circle, the size of the universe you can see. Then you can understand that the size of the material universe is related to a quantum option taken. And the taken decision demanded the defined relation of 1:3. In other words, demanded to believe the reality your are involved is a loving creation in progress and you are part of it. It demands you to trust there is a purpose that overcomes you and consider you. While you do not trust what's has been mentioned for real , there is no way you can expand the understanding of the universe, the understanding of reality. But to trust what you cannot see becomes extremely demanding. It is about overcoming your reason and, if you think you are too smart, that is even harder. Then, it is just left one simple question. Do you think you can see more than the half ? Do you think science can see more than the half? It is as simple as answering this question. Then, if the answer is that what exceeds you is upon you, then you are force to trust others and from there the route is whom to choose to trust. Very easy to follow this logic.