

















4K System



Upon Light Process

Upon Light Speed




Upon Light Process or Acceleration Constant - ULP : Beyond what we can see or measure.


Matching Constant


1.1443384722222 Base 10, abstract


You can add "0"s in front or to the end to change its relative importance


The upon Light Speed  is a constant within TWO required not just to provide  a whole different base to understand reality and the universe but also, works as a matching constant that becomes necessary to land theoretical possibilities with observed reality.


It overcame earth acceleration forces.


This constant overrules limits and merges as a consequence. It links elements. Its power is very elevated because allow to provide some sense to many phenomenon's that  are part of the mental and physical reality of many people that remain without any explanation.


ULP is part of  TWO algorithms that explain the elements of the periodic table. It acquires special relevance when Hydrogen, as first element in a chronological universe is under observation.


11.443 384 722 222 m/s vs 9.806 650 000 000 m/s



This constant  provide dimensional value to forces that are invisibles.

Likely, the most relevant constant within TWO

ULP considers within the following elements: Part of PI, Part of our planet acceleration value, Constant TWO, Us directly and some others concepts. Any element or constituency within the table works, a quantum  instant as cause but, in another quantum moment, becomes a consequence. Thus, at this moment everything has been restricted to 4 elements, groups, concepts, etc.





Among the many conceptual meanings provided to Pi , let us remark the followings -

Pi is used within the formulations of the cosmos as tool to close circles. That is the reason why it is present in most formulation of the universe. It defines limits into groups, it allow to draw a circle. Then it works to demark the limits of a period, a cycle. It works as tool at any size level. At a cosmological level you simple add more ceros to the radio to get a bigger circle or do the inverse operation to close an atom within a structure. Imagine reality like an onion. It is plenty of layers, As you peel it off, the onion get smaller. Got the concept? The Pi Scale is related to changes in the Circles diameters. Changes in the relative size perspectives.


Pi also is a never ending number that has encrypted inside its coding a continuos process that are happening. Please get familiar with the idea in others TWO articles. PI is happening the same way your life is happening, thus it is demanded for you to consider the possibility that you are part of that happening. In other words, The continuos evolving value of PI is directly related with the continuos process of life, By explaining this, TWO is saying that you are required to embrace the mental possibility that you are becoming  part of the process of reality within Pi dynamic structure. It is about inserting you into a bigger context. It is you becoming a part of something bigger than you that is also a part of something, that a quantum instant ago was different than now.




But the ULP Constant does not take the PI coding structure, it just take a part, the scale levels structure. It is necessary in order to consider the largest possible scale levels within the universe and to go one further step, the step when the largest becomes the smaller. The step that works to put the outside in the inside. Thus the scale goes from "1" as base reference to an scale that contains 12 ceros+2 digits. Within a Clock analogy. at 1_:000 000 000 000  hours   ,  4 times "000" matched at balance . Then, if It was 12 O'clock, then, the next "time" is 1 and not 13 hours. The "2" have moved, have escaped, then the "1" from the left, move One step to the right.


000 hours, representing at the same time 3 dimensions, so balanced that they become invisible, like field left, yet synchronized with time. The 4 times, to allow the quantum alternation of 3 elements to explain the forth one. And the 10 plus to allow your insertion as 1 in the third level within the scale. Then just one left.


Time is involved as part of a synchronicity process. The process is how to allow to scape more heavy elements out of a trapping circle represented by layers that spin as a Dunking Donut in an ever evolving process. How to turn a bigger number into a smaller number. How to turn a number that turn naturally to increase to a number that decrease. The answer, by simply increasing the bases in order to turn a bigger number into a smaller one. Thus, ULP Constant Push gravitational forces in order to reduce its significance. Then the decreasing logical sequence of  9  8  _  6  6 5 becomes a cosmological balance between ULP Forces and gravitational forces. In order to a number to be reduced, needs space to move. The empty space is the information taken to another counterpart plane, then is full of information but in a more deeper plane, up to 3 other planes or bouncing back. Or up to "n", depends on how do you count. Then, where there is a space left as in the first layer, just a little push from above, as ULP force becomes enough to reduce a bit the gravitational forces. If you think, the idea is simple. It is a process. As each field is capable to hold up to 9 elements, then to induce the motion, you need to overcame 9. Then the value become 11.43... as 11.43 upon 9.80. Yet, not reaching 12.

Yet, 9 and 8 from 9.80665 are too heavy elements, then they are at the left side of "0", The ULP Scale works from "0" pushing to the right. At "0" there is 7 behind coming from 3+4. Then you understand that it is bigger than 6, then can introduce motion to the right. As there are 3 values to the right of "0", then up to 17 fields are required, as in Quantum bases in order to leave just 9 and 8. Now, if you take the "8" as to the levels of the elements, as for understanding, then it is just "9" left, as the transitional  status where, at the center more elements meets.


Each motion is like an step, A 1 meter step each second. Naturally you can go slower or faster. This is like putting together under the same tape meters in decimals bases and time in sexagesimal base, alternating. As both perspectives can contain both bases, as if they go like TWICE, but no a symmetrical twice, then, what unbalance is a third base out of 4 bases. The motion in levels it is just a part for the bases. Bases also have quantum options. But because of the explained, the bases now changed as like from 3 and 4 towards 2 and 3.


The insertion of seven as coming from the consideration of two Ones, "1" and "1" like 3 as 1 and 4 as 1 , as merging like  coming from another plane was possible because of the considerations balance, then, bases expanded to allow motion to the right. Then, the  total (6+6+5) 17 values moved. but they move only 3 positions. The seven was reduced to 4 and 4 need a lighter structure to keep pushing towards the right. Thus 1144 out of the constant value.

At value "14" as an abstraction there is a Pole. To keep making the mind structure lighter more space is required. Then, this is again a cross road point.....



Also, the PI cosmological value Scale is in as alternation between consequence and cause. The alternation becomes necessary to triangulate the concept to the mind of any one. And within the mind, the same forces interacting. From heavy thinking structure to light thinking structure. What prevails in your mind becomes extremely relevant. The criteria to adequate bases are directly linked to your decisions and the accumulated balance of it. And within your decisions, as explained in Quantum Two bases, the degree of considerations towards others within defined quantum scales. The measure of the decisions effects.


But the mentioned it is not enough. If on one hand you were explained partially by the largest extension of the possible value within TWO, PI, on the other hand, in other quantum instant, you need to be explained by the number 100 as the elements before you, as your Father and mother. Each one represented by 10. So, as you are not your fathers and you are a merging reality out of Two ancestors, then you become One and thus, your structure is reordered as 1 as singularity capable of hording 10 levels within and leaving space to reorder groups and levels again. But still there is a problem, From level 2 in the Pi scale to level 1 there is a double reduction jump, from 100 to 1.

If you carefully look at the ULP value from the table and from the title of this section you will also notice that one value start with number 11,44 and the other start with 1.14. It is the same value but there is also a 10 scale difference. The scale are recalibrating perspectives. The ceros are like fields holding always information from deeper levels and never at sight, up to you decide to zoon In the level. An by doing so, changing any previos structure that works as your base.


Why the difference between 11.44 and 1.144?


Because, when we pay attention to the ULP value to explain it, what we do is to expand the concept. In order to do it, the scale level is opened in order to allow to convey the element that can explain it but once that had occur, the concept itself vanish, becomes invisible to the sight, then, adjusted  to reality. It needs to turn its wrapping invisible. Becomes part of the other side. So, this is the only moment when the invisible takes a visible role. The rest of the time, always remains invisible. The coding structure behind this is so light that cannot be measured in any form.


The Pi scale allows to put together the bigger One with the smaller one

The Pi scale it is not only within the vertical levels scale in dynamic forms, it is also part of the dynamic group formation as an horizontal line. Thus the Pi scale allows to form structures vertically and horizontally as long as it have space for quantum motion and empty space to do it. Pi is our largest vision perspective, but still a part. Any perspective is always a part.


From an atom, to a planet to a whole universe structure. You can create part of a whole universe. But, again only a part, always, only a part.



Acceleration Scale



To take into account the scale that explain the earth acceleration of 9.865 m/s could be considered nothing more than an egocentric perspective of the universe to explain ULP. After all, ULP is intended as a universal cosmological perspective. Even worse, to consider us as staring part of a whole could be considered even more egocentric.

Then, Yes, if you like to stay on that perspective. However, it would be interesting to consider the following as a counter perspective:


TWO does consider that to attempt to expand the understanding of  us and the universe it is necessary to look from upon to downward as from below to upward. Within TWO most fundamental bases, always what is upon or over you is largest than you. By saying that TWO it is do considering the importance of  your singularity and at the same time it is templating it into a quite smaller context that always overcome you. Then, to expand our comprehension both elements need to be considered. Thus it is necessary to structure from below and from above. Also, from the sides.


A mental sequence from below that can be structured at this time is US, Quantum TWO Mechanics, The planet, the universe.

Upside Down, The creator, the universe, the planet and US. And with US, the merging quantum possibilities.

Once the picture is performed, then it its possible to replace the our planet for any other planet. That would become to consider others perspective and exactly what do does is suggesting to never close the circles. And as does that, it always suggest how to break the ring, how to break the circle that traps you, And the circle is broken by your insertion within reality, witch demands ULP as part of the processes when comprehension becomes relevant, If not, It does not matter.


From Hydrogen Table and Constant TWO explanation you should get in your mind the idea that one beginning interpretation could be trace back to the moment you or anybody born. For that to be possible the rules of time need to be broken.  For that to happen H2O becomes ground base. Oxygen becomes a must in order to provide the most fundamental bases for life, H2O. Then reordering  elements becomes possible, H O H. To exist O it is necessary a planet capable to provide it. Then becomes critical at this stage to provide some linking elements with certain order degree.


The acceleration value of 9.865 m/s represent the gravity of earth. Its mass is the right one to allow life as we know it. It is not possible neither in Mercury nor Pluto. Our galaxy it is the maximum extend. Others galaxies would become the place for others and the whole universe the place for all us. As you can see, there is always place to reorder groups and levels. That is all about.


If from a cosmological perspective  gravity is present in the whole universe, that force in our planet is just the right one to allow us to perform life. To leave our planet demand  lot of energy and effort. As far as we move away from earth, the forces that drag us to earth becomes less intense. When you move inside, considering others, it is the same idea.


As we are linking elements at this stage, the driving forces that drags you  towards yourself have the same core bases than the  planetary forces. What changes is the wrapping, the expression of the same, the scale. From an individual perspective, they are just the right forces that allow you to move and alternate with others. The difference is the scale level and the form they take. The basis rules are the same. For the same size element, if the weight increases, more energy is demanded to lift it. Well , the same for us. If our attachments increases, becomes harder and harder to release them in order to have less weight. Yet the same, if we only think we are the only ones that knows everything or focus only in our interest, what is prevailing are the forces that pull towards you. Now if you considers the others and balance your life in order to balance those elements, then the weight becomes lighter. This is very simple to understand. Thus, the driving  forces have TWO dimensions, the dimension that you can see and measured, like the acceleration value, that moves in one sense, and the forces that you cannot see and moves into the other direction. And you cannot measured because its structural weight is lighter and then overcomes your own gravitational forces. Thus, in the universe, scientist can theorize about dark energy and dark matter because up to level 8, that becomes a logical consequence. It is between level 9 to level 12, within elements table, when light matter and light energy becomes possible. And that changes the story.


The coding structure of elements up to level 8 are heavy elements, they are subject to be drag for gravitational forces. The coding structure of 4 levels upon 8 are light weight. The higher the level, the lighter the weight. This can be seen in most TWO matrices. The resulting coding of any elements is barely affected, in the numerical outcome, by the light weight section. But in the end. it is the unbalancing element,


And as we are focused on the light weight coding structure, you may notice that the ULP coding structure that explains ULP cannot move upward level 8. I cannot be sure if the meaning I can provide to this situation is the proper one but it seems to me that the 0 from level 9 to 12, in the amount to be filled column, in this situation, stands for delivering to the other side the order of the elements. Thus, the only left are the quantum options.


There is no need to include other driving forces at this point. Only the mentioned it is good enough to illustrate the point. Any other forces becomes just a resulting combination of elements.


Let's move to Houston, Texas. And from there,   12, 11             10, 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 , Ignition.

As TWO is an abstraction of reality, let us make the count down with earth acceleration.


You have learnt from TWO that 36, can be turned into "1" into a new scale, the new scale can be opened to base 10. Now as ULP is added, let's jump to 100. And as another one, the one from aside is added to put together 2 elements, another one is required, The base 10 is not out of nothing in each case. Thus, from a chronological base we jump from hours, to minutes to seconds. The decimal and sexagesimal numerical base have been respected. Then the count down becomes...


3600 or 10 , 9 , 8 ,    , 6, 5, - - - -



This is a countdown sequence for gravity. While decreases in one sise, increases in the other side from 1 to 4 and skips 7.

It has been possible to add 10 with ground bases and the level decimal scale have been respected.

The value of the acceleration of the planed have been inserted nor just as a force value. Also a second perspective is provided, is added, the perspective lthat allow to link gravity with time, or better said, partially with time, The linking process need to be reinforced, or, in other words, needs to be more complete in order to provide at least another perspective, a third one. then,



What is missing?  what cannot be seen?



Seven - 7-  that can be explained as 3+4 or 4+3 for this contextual situation because its counterpart is 3x4 or 4x3, that is 12 and, as 12, it is contained with constant TWO bases. As you know, constant TWO it is just a one side looking.


Thus, the missing 7, the element that  cannot be seen in the acceleration value  is perhaps a possible chronological sequence that makes sense but from the aside perspective. It is a crossing point between adding and multiplying of two elements that together, in a new level can reach near the half.

When seven is not on one side, there's 3 on the other side / aside for this particular context. Thus, if you look again at level 3 in the table, you will note that 1 become posible, at Pi scale. Further more, as 3+4 and 4+3 are options open that can be sum, then the amount to be filled in the ULP chart matches the added value that also match  the Required field in the table. In other more simple words, the ULP Constant is the required element to make possible the counterpart besides. Now, if you turn around the perspective, ULP it is necessary to explain you, as an abstraction where always what's is above you overcomes you.

Further more, 3+4, 4+3, 3x4 and 4x3 as 4 elements left alone, when are divided in 2 worlds, only 7 x 7  / 49% is possible or 24% as counter part. In simple, no matter how we can try to stretch us or a group, it is never possible to overcome 49% as Two into One or 24%, near 1/4 out of 4.


Then , the  missing 4, 3, 2, 1 are the second part that cannot be seen in the abstraction of the dragging forces. Considering some posible counterpart that make some sense we could have  the different combinations of 3 and 4 as  explained mayorly in Constant TWO article, and you facing  an spectrum of choices that defines you. Also, at another quantum instant, as the forces that pulls you up, as the already mentioned. Then as anyone life evolves, part of the life process could be  to attempt to recalibrate the inicital balance of forces within you in order to increase the value of one and reduce the relative importance of Two. This is related to the Processes Scale in other article.


In spite of the complexity of the above words about what can not be seen, now there are 4 mayor elements on the set. Gravitational forces, time, another one or ones different than you aside and the invisible elements upon you . From the moment is added another one that is not you aside, the relation between both elements and what is larger than them need to be reordered. The elements aside can never overcome the relation 1 to 2.


This is the moment where is possible to link the 2 pairs of chains of DNA  that are encrypted within you with the abstraction of TWO frame or bases. As was mentioned in other articles




Now, allow me, I hope to surprised you, saying the following


The only difference between the table that explain the acceleration value on earth , the gravitational forces of our planet with the Upon Light Speed or processing table is the amount of content it is added to structure the matrices. They are just the same but moving in different directions and one is bigger than the other. Both have positive signs because both are need. It just happen that one prevails upon the other.


If the cosmological aspects are elevated, the creation of the universe occurs when the ULP prevails over gravitational forces. If the cosmological or collective aspects are removed to focus on you, what is left is you struggling during your life between both forces, the ones that elevates you and the ones that pools towards you.


As you are NOW, you have the chance to break the circles and forces that traps you. If not, it would have no sense your existence and everybody existence. Now the issue is that the ULP driving forces only merges with bigger intensity to overcome the gravitational forces when you basically leave space for 2 considerations-  The others and a space for what cannot be seen. If leaving space to others is difficult, ir is even more difficult to leave space for what you cannot see. An if you leave space for what you cannot see the basic rule is that the provided space need to be capable to hold within the smaller one. If you can do as mentioned becomes relevant to choose weather to believe the universe and you are a loving creation or just a creation.


About the timing of your existence, just consider it as the right timing for you. Within the processes of things, within the masterpiece of the creation, you need to trust it is so. The scope of life in the planet, as the electromagnetic scope within the physics and as others similar  analogies are necessary to always provide you the possibility to choose.


DNA Linking


DNA is a structure with 2 pairs filled with chains information. Its structure needs to contain sequences that are interrupted, just the way the abstraction number for gravity. Two different worlds needs to be united, like male and female, like big and small, like one galaxy and another, like numerical decimal base and numerical sexagesimal base, like left and right, like up and down, like  plus and multiply, like 0 and 1, like you and the other that is not you. Do you get the idea reduced to a dual polarity? IA dual polarity is an abstraction performed in our mind. Is part of the way we structure thinking , from one side to the other side, It is partially a quantum process from one side to the other side, in a simplified expression, moves like a pendulum but never returns exactly to where once stood. An from a duality you always need to step put. The way to escape the invisible Pi circle that wraps you it is to move within the ULP Constant and to do that you need to leave space in your mind for that to happen. Thus you DNA has many dimensions, that are the dynamic overlapping of elements.

Your DNA has encrypted your own time sequence. It was possible because 2 worlds united to make you possible. And the combination of the 2 worlds becomes a sequence that needs 2 chains that complement each other. The chains need to have an spiral shape in order to be consistent with the rest of reality, the same consistency that allow the planet formation and by extension , the rest, or, upside down if you prefer.  Anyway, it is always above you, me or anyone.


Your DNA defines part of you but not all. You may be here for many reasons but there's one that matters at this instant, and that is that if you do not leave space for the light weight energy that comes from level 8 to 12 within TWO abstractions, to enter you, you will  remain trapped in a circle ever and ever. The good new is that if you are here it is because you have the chance to do it.


The same way that gravity can be detected and measured in a planetary level, in a more sutil expression, part of your DNA code may be read, And what may be read ? Naturally the part related to the heavy elements that becomes part of the elements. The numerical structure part related to the tables up to level 8 and if the limits are very extended, partly of level 9. From a cosmological scale, level 9 would be like detecting neutrinos within light.

The section of the DNA part that cannot be read by instrumentation is the related to the ULP Constant and all the encrypted within.

Thus, the only thing left at this  time, as ,variable is to make choices through your life. Those choices + you DNA structure end up to define who are you.


The absolute Value


11 443 384 ? m/s

not possible to known





TWO abstractions are quite complicated. They are designed upon different bases united or linked as many Ones - "1"  where no One is similar to another. However as numbers need to provide sense, TWO systematically jump, as a pendulum from absolute "1" to relatives "1".

Thus, to step out of the relative construction to provide absolute values, needs  also, systematically, to look into absolute values of reality.

Thus TWO merges as a theoretical construction that becomes possible linked to the times we are leaving, because the information available is related to an evolutionary processes.


The ULP constant, at core base, is structured at the same level than the Acceleration constant in order to be able to set the comparison bases upon the same ground. The acceleration constant structure level was adjusted as numbers without extensions to that level - planetary level -  in order that the 9.865 outcome matches 9.865 m/s with an extension. In other words, relative numbers from TWO abstraction  and absolute numbers from reality were matched at that level.

Gravity on earth becomes the linking element between relative and absolute values


As consequence, becomes very clear that the gross value of ULP Constant in relative terms of 11.443 compared with the relative value of 9.865 is larger, and so , very clear about the prevailing forces within the universe and so on.


To turn the relative value of constant ULP to an absolute value have additional complexities. One of them is related to choosing the right scale. In order to do so,, again transitivity elements need to be added to be able to perform links with more than one base. The theoretical speed of Light  value needs to be incorporated. However, it is relevant to remind you that within TWO Bases there is no a thing such a perfect number. The theoretical speed of light of 300.000 m/s from the physicians common ground is, likely, a very good value but at any point needs minor adjustments but it is good to provide a rough base for basic comparison.


Just in very abstract and simple terms, If 300.000 m/s is a ground base data, then , the near minor value that ULP constant could be, would be like 12.000.000 m/s - 300.000 x 4 x 10 - The space required for 4/2 quantum linear alternations + base 10. I could be wrong, so this is just a possible gross conceptual value that once polished and adjusted would finish  in


11.443.384. m/s


This value is about 40 times the speed of light. It is a very impressive value that can be linked to constant TWO elevation value that support further extensions when quantum is removed. The extensions posibilites goes from 0 to 8, likely 2 or perhaps 4 but at this pointy becomes hard to tell. Thus, the value could extend from 40 times to 42 or 44 or somewhere in between near 43, if not 43 times.

However, at this moment I cannot be very sure about whether to multiply by 40, or 400 or even 4.000 or many more it is the right number. And I cannot be sure because I have not figure it out, and I do not know if I ever will. Likely not. I cannot find any value coming from an alternation from reality value that allows me to jump to set the precise scale for the value with more confident. It becomes not possible, at this time stage, at least for me, to distinguish the limits or borders of what becomes real and what is  an illusion, even with a spin top a base pole. Very likely because it is not the right time and it is not for me to perform that. Anyhow, it does not becomes necessary and it does not affect to theoretical outcomes, again, at least for a BIG NOW.


From the moment that Cleaning Processes becomes part of TWO bases, the multiplying scale does not need to be very large. It could be even reduced to the smaller value introduced. The smaller value then incorporates the cleaning process, as a transit process, as a process that from one perspective, could be considered as our process. From a virtual world perspective, this is related to processing speed and also storage capacity. Yet, that perspective becomes part of a restrictive perspective that alternates with a never ending design. And, the never ending design comes from a Love design that becomes the larger perspective that at the edge turn into a frequency that becomes plane and feed while there's life. Then, providing an absolute  value for and Upon Light Speed exceeds TWO Borders. Then, you just stay with the possible relation but not the absolute value. Thus, the absolute value provided becomes nothing but a reference to structure thinking. Just a possibility, just a guess.

It works fine as a relative value to be compared with earth acceleration, as 11.44 upon 9.80.  The relation seems to be quite fine and very consistent will all TWO Bases. 11.44 is very near to 12 but not reaching it. As 13.798 +- 37 billions years is not reaching 14 billions. Same idea but instead of defining limits in the Light Speed, TWO is defining limits in the Upon Light Speed. Do you see the analogy?


From another perspective, the one related to the size of the universe, the above number would be very far from its real dimension.

There are articles within TWO that step into the issue of what is an illusion and what is real. The borders become very blurry, Like the borders in the Inception move between a share dream and reality - see the movie -. It becomes very hard to know. So, what do we know for "sure"


Let us say that for "sure", to keep the idea of a collective common ground base in a cosmological scale could be "as far as the man have stepped outside the planet" The man have leave the planet but as far as Known, have not yet leave the solar system in spite that I understand it is more or less near. Thus what do we known beyond our solar system may be perfectly well a never ending illusion or may be not. To create a collective illusion it is just needed a near 4 times the speed of light, quantum bases and Us.


If the size of the universe is not an illusion, then the ULP constant should reach a value near 11.4 millions meters/s. That is an overwhelming astronomical value. Such a value would be necessary to move within instants though time within our actual bases.

That value becomes as large as necessary to contain all the reality that becomes common to us, the universe and illusions within.

It is hard to believe that any processor could reach that speed. The extend of the number is clearly linked and restricted  to the size of the universe the scientist community claim as possible. Thus, with this considerations as possible but less likely within TWO bases, in order to allow quantum leaps between conscious life and chronological material begining and ending, that should more or less the required speed. Overwhelming to say the least but possible.


TWO perspective does not go as far. Within TWO bases it would be more likely to recognize 3 levels and 4 quantum elements., again 12. A planetary level, A solar system level and a Galaxy level. That would restrict a lot the size of the universe. Beyond our galaxy, other galaxies that are merely illusions, a reflection of our own or others. Like a Dunking Donut that rotates upon himself, always projecting mirror images that are not perfectly aligned. Just as ourselves, any one a whole galaxy that differs from the other because each one have its own space. Thus, when you look at the space, the millions of galaxies, you are just looking from outside what is inside, you are looking at the structure of everybody, except you, because no one can himself. It is  just a different perspective of things. And by supporting this perspective as perhaps more likely TWO is not reducing, because that would attempt against rule bases, on the contrary, it is telling you how incredible things may be. It is reinforcing the idea of creation.

Under this frame, TWO is just reinforcing all the concepts that are part of this theoretic effort. And mainly it is connecting you and the universe likely from a perspective you did not see coming. Your encrypted DNA code would be the same encrypted in each galaxy you may see, it is just looking from outside, our planet  what is inside, millions of galaxies, the never ending story. and + 1. Always Plus One, the unbalancing element.


Now, the prior paragraph restricted levels up to the milky way as our own reference taking up to 3 levels. If One level is added taken by que 4 quantum elements, then we take the matter to the limits of milky way. Thus, there is a transit zone between the milky way and other galaxies. Crossing that zone would be just like the traveling time zone at the most extended level. Each crossing planes is a transitional zone. It just happens that this last one would be the more extended one. As 1 element was taken out the elements of the quantum zone, then we have linked all the galaxies with an instant where the quantum alternations are no any longer quantum alternations. By reducing the quantum elements to 3, now it is just left 1 and 2 and, you and us and them in a transitional status, a travel in time status from the beginning to the end. Thus, you, us and them, for the others possibility that are not us or us in another time, are the ones that are not. It is the X Zone, the crossing planes zone.  An you can see, even with us in the transition zone, always the relation 2 to 1 in its wider conceptual spectrum prevails, thus become the most fundamental relation and there after, become the most fundamental relation among elements within TWO bases. Thus, in this relations, a 1 may represent at the same time YOU, US and THEM and still become 1 in relation with 2 and yet the whole Universe in process.


With the above mentioned in mind then you may understand that the transitions process is that, a transition process that may take many routes. The routes are linked to the processes scale so different path become possible. What should be common is that anyway it should became a sequential process capable to cover the whole spectrum of any planetary or galactic or universal level. Thus it is possible the understanding of this process as a permanent insertion throughout time. An by saying the last, becomes logic to visualize an evolutionary process. How this process could possible be explained it is a matter of another article. What is expected to have more or less clear as an idea is that when passing from 3x4, 4x3, 3+4 or 4+3 option all together to 1 and 2, without quantum options, then Time is out of the equation and that changes. An time out of the equation means almost all at one, then the ULP Constant.


In fact, it is not relevant weather the real Constant value is bigger or smaller, even if it is precise or not.  Likely I would say that it is more probable to be wrong than right but, that does not change the history may be more or less true. The only thing that in the end matters in my opinion  is weather you believe or not that the forces that overcome you are larger than you and if you provide them a positive charge. And this last is extremely simple to understand. It defines you.


Within 1 and 2


By taking you, us and them to the transition zone as ONE in a transitional zone and at the same time, we are collapsing time, then only remains One, that cannot be seen, another ONE that also cannot also not be seen and you

As you known you are here and not the abstraction exercise, then what is left is YOU and 2 elements that you cannot see.

Thus, another TWO Fundamental base expressed in the principles of TWO

Always what you cannot see is bigger than you.

And when you leap from 1 to 10, it is because you leave space for other. Ans when you leap from 10 to 100, then ULP can go in its extension from +- 4 up to 12 + 1 up to 3 + It all depends on the standing position.


In the preface the name of this Unify Campus partial Theory was TWO with the extensions + and x

As the extension "x" has ben reduced at the level that cannot be seen - the ULP Constant, then it only remain at sight the symbol "+"

The "+" to always remember you the dynamic status of things, to do not close, to remain open minded and

the "+" that always unbalance everything.


Then One, the empty space, the 0 invisible balance and "+"




Constant TWO



Constant TWO is also incorporated within ULP Constant in order to connect TWO bases with  reality and also with its looping and capacity to generate bases for illusions.


Removing 3D


When 2 and 3 are reduced or collapsed to 2 and 1 a new story begin. The story where all the encrypted within 2 and 3 is contained within 1 and 2. Too much information is in the other side of 1 and 2 , specially if a 3D plane is removed because there are no elements enough in our plane to structure it. At least 3 elements in our side are required and in spite that 1 and 2 can make 3,  that would collapse TWO bases. With 1 and 2 in the side we see, there is no information to structure a 3D plane, then, the restriction of speed set by the physical reality vanish. They cannot exist for a quantum instant. And we can know what is mentioned because at  the chronological beginning from physics, there was only, at sight,a 3D plane on one sede and there after a quantum alternation on the other side with 4 elements. Thus, by turning upside down the elements or abstraction, 4 and 3 with , 3 and 4, in a quantum process, then, when there is a quantum alternation in our side, there is no physical reality in the other side. So, 3 elements in a relation 2 to 1.


Most information is either in a transitional plane or in the other side but it is not visible to us symbolically, within the reasoning scope, unless, the scope is enlarged to a larger reasoning structure, as the one explained in this article.

As a consequence, when 1 and 2 becomes possible in our plane, there is a large ordered process that do not follow the rules of time as we know them.


Now with the open possibility for ULP Constant, some further elements need to be considered in order to provides some possible understanding of how thing may work. Some other articles need to be read.




The most relevant aspect to consider within ULP is that it considers 3 ONES within the scale levels to be possible. IT demands more than a singularity. It demands at least the consideration of another different that the one itself. One within the same scale an another ONE from the largest Scale. The 3 ONES and with that the possibility to keep the relation 2 to 1, as ground base.






The Whole in One Theoretical bases

ULP Table