

















4K System




Relation among Elements


All elements are related to quantum processes and more.

If a division is created, it could be possible to separate elements in two groups: Elements that may become part of the biological world and elements that are too far related with biology. The line may become blurry at any particular time within the evolution of the universe or other levels of understanding. Once you step out of that border line, it is expected You to be clear that conceptually, the amount of complexity behind the elements that contains the seeds of life or life are larger and more complex than the elements that cannot contain or form life. Thus, life should be upon other elements. The idea is quite simple in fact. Then, conscious life should be considerer a higher level degree.


What makes conscious life above others elements, as in a hierarchy status?


TWO answers is very simple and becomes ground base for understanding many other concepts. Conscious life is capable to consider others. The more far it can arrives on hat, more evolved its status.

Yet, as conscious life is capable to take decisions, when that decisions instead of expanding the borders, reduced the borders, the conscious levels are reduced.

Tu reduce the borders, like resting, is like to be trapped in a much smaller circle. Basically the circle of the Ego like, what I want, what I think, what I wish, etc. The larger the circle, as integrating more and more people up to integrating what cannot be see, them , the larger the consciousness.


Then, where is the balance


Let us say, at a planetary level, as an analogy, that the consciousness degree  is like Ego.  Too much gravitational forces or Ego would be like Being Planet Jupiter, very big. Too little care about your relevance would be like Mercury. Very small. Life demands certain degrees of balance. Then at the right balance to allow life, Earth.

Whitin Earth, again, recalibrating bases according to Consciousness level, From Non Live Elements to Life Elements to Conscious Life elements. Like 3 very big groups. Yet at the very edge a 4th group as the groups that it is not present  but contains a Space within TWO bases.

The structure of life, and particularly, the structures capable of holding more complex networks it is consider upon or over simplest structures. This is to reinforce the idea of the importance of ordering things according to it's relative Importance. These means that within the chain of life, the  higher the complexity, the higher its significance. An in the top of the scale, conscious life.


A scale may be use to link the relation among the elements.


Let us define  a scale from 5 to 96 steps. One more or One less, like from 4 to 95 or 5 to 97 or 5 to 95. Let us provide some space within the base for quantum alternation and for options, or 3 Dimensions, or 3 levels.


However, just to make things simple, let us think as from 4 up to 100. And from the moment I say up to 100, I am overruling the matter. In fact, any time a base 10 number is matched as 10, 100, 1000 etc, a mental  issue is raised. It  take space to others consideration. However, without overruling, logical sense becomes extremely hard. The important is to take conscious of what has been mentioned.

As Science goes from 1 to 100, it leaves no space within that sequence. This is like going to 8 levels into the matrices that are explaining the elements, as in the periodic table. What TWO does, It expands the elements base to 12 levels. There are 4 extra levels that becomes 100% consistent to explain the same than science but a step deeper.


Then , when this scale goes from 4 to 96, what is doing is considering is that at least 4 elements, like 4 levels space are needed to establish links. If the scale start from 4, before number 4, there are 3 spaces, like 1 and 2 and 3. If the scale starts from 5, it can stretch to 97, leaving 3 spaces at the end. If the scale starts from 4 or 5 depends on the quantum initial bases. If start from 5, it is because have already taken the quantum option. If start from 4, the quantum outcome is yet to come. There is a quantum space between 3 or 4 at the beginning or 3 or 4 at the end.  Then 12 as 3 x 4 and 7 as 3+4. Seven that may be understood as 5 and 2 where 2 comes from 2 different sources. In this case, as we are linking concepts, at least 2 sources are required.

As 3 x 4 is the most common ground base used, like the 12 levels scales in the elements, then you may understand part of the in progress linking. 3 and 4 in this case are providing a frame within a frame that extends more than the mentioned.


If just one variable is at stage, like a Scale itself, the it base need to go as 10 multiples. But from the moment 2 dimensiones, planes or elements are at stage, the it is required to Zoon In and move something from one part to another part. If the elements at stage are 3, then at least 5 elements need to be reordered. As in this TWO is connecting Quantum as from 5 to 15 and up to 20,  then 7 spaces are required. This may go up to 1 to 9 or 10+2.

Then, if our typical  ground base is 10 for any singularity, the limit for any singularity would  90 because at 100 your are considering 2 singularities as 2 layers. If 3 singularities are considered, as 3 levels, then from 970 to 990 are limits  out of 1000.

As you can notice, the bases are changing according to what your are considering. A common ground its to say that at 9 or 90 or any 10 base multiple is an encounter of 2 as different elements. And if you Zoon In, then another 9 and so on up to a point where all leves and all options are taken.



The Linking


Then, if all material elements are related lets us considered the following ordering Bases


         Base                   Type of Element


 L1    30/10        From 3 or 4, depending on the initial base - Non Live elements

 L2      5/10        Life as from 4 or 5 to 9. Tt cannot reach 10    

 L3      1/10        Conscious One - 1 level as 1:1 relation of one vs another Base 10. Like 1 as with 10 levels inside.

 L4      1/100      Two Conscious Ones or 2 levels deep

 L5      1/1000    Three Conscious Ones or 3 levels deep as 2:3 or 3:2 relation. Like 2considering 3 others- as higher Consciousness


* Up to more levels as explain in other articles. The smaller the number on One plane, the larger the number in another plane.

* The levels have been restricted to 5 out of 12

* The "4" level base used in this case is coming from the following abstraction.

   Within 16, there's 14. Within 14 there is 1 and 4 as 1/4 of 16.

   Within 1 & 4 : 1 as Fs, Full space or 1, as a quantum Out come. Then 4 or 14

   If from another source, like another one, there is "1" in coming, Then 5 or others options. Let us stay on 5


When there's 5 , at the base, at least 2 planes were together. As the value did not reach 10 at the base.

Then from a previous stage, as within cycles, when the considerations toward others did not reach to at least the relation of 1:1, between parts, then as mirror images, it likely bounce back, in a different time period, as from 5 to 9 base, as life that need to evolve. Below 10 value, the gravitational force overcome the ULP forces. The bounce back becomes a theoretic approach that only makes sense but it is just that, theoretic. However, it its very consistent with many Indian perspectives like the ones coming from India / Hinduism and related visions.


Within non conscious life, the spectrum is very wide, then it is possible to Zoom In, and Zoom In and Zoon in into each level in order to enter into each particular kind of life. I think the point have already been made. Likely, at the edge, at 4, as between 30 and 5 base, as 12 and 5 as 12 and half a part. it is the edge. In fact TWO bases, at this point arrives up to 12 and 1/4, then to consider adding 1/2 contains degrees of speculation that makes sense at this stage but in a way, are also overruled. Then, the mentioned contains higher degrees of speculation than other theoretic bases because in this case, the linking is mainly upon logic, without taking measures from science that allow me to establish a more powerful link.

Clearly a powerful link would be to consider the testimony of thousends of people remembering somehow past life's but is linked to 1 base 10 - L3  and not L2. Animals do not talk. However, to remember past life's it is one issue and to link those memories to necessary the same life you remember it is another completely issue, In fact, from TWO perspective it is more likely that you do remember others life than your own for reason that do not belong to this section.


The base 5 reference is linked to Quantum as In between 16 and 14 abstraction of reality, at the core.  5 itself contains the possibility of options as A or B. It cannot extend to A and B and C because of its restricted nature. Then, options are like in Lucy movie. To preserve the specie, like reproduce or to preserve the existence. If you climb from 5 to 8 or 9, then, likely you approach to animals like Dogs, Cats, dolphins, etc. Somo are very capable to concern about others but hardly can go much deeper.


By combining 5 from Quantum with the 4 from this article , not 14 in this case,  what it is got is a different perspective for a wide spectrum, as you can read in the quantum evolution Leap. the spectrum from Non Life to Life to Conscious life  to Life to Non Life.

If the mentioned is performed the 4 bases are extended to the borders as 4 + 4 and/or 4 x 4.

The base 4 + 4  are the bases for science for elements, in spite that science measures can stretch at its more extreme limits up to 9 as arriving to the Higgin's bosom. as the God Particle some like to name it.

What science is doing by stretch up to that limit is making a whole 360` turn, like constant TWO. It is seen itself. It is just like the Pink Floyd album image, The Wall. A face coming out of a wall, stretching the wall like stretching space it self. Then It bounce back.

It is like starting a trip from the left side of eleven within a clock all the way up to eleven from the other side. Like touching the other border. It is impressive, indeed. However between 1 from the left to 1 from the right there's a whole universe than can only be comprehended better by looking to others. The, science is great. is capable to arrive to 1:1 relation, as mentioned above,  but that is very, very far from to be the god particle. That is like understanding there is a field, as this field but it does not work out to stay at looking just yourself. The only way to break that circle is by consider at least one extra adding, as in adding article. The hard thing is that in order to do so, science itself need to expand its restrictive bases at least one extra bit, one extra pace. This is not coitizing science, quite the contrary, it is really great. Without it, this would not be possible. TWO rest on but also in other elements because it is not restricted to do that. TWO does not restrict its bases, because that restrict the thinking.


Below 5 base for life  it is 4, that with combined with 9 as the 9 from the scale leves it is defining a boundary. A constants TWO border. The border between life and non life. The outcoming from 4 may be towards 3 or toward 5. as 32.5, quite an edge.

Then let's go towards 3. At 3 at L1. At this  base, there are non decision to take because there's no life to take decisions. This is a consequence level. However, and this is the interesting aspect to remark, the elements, as in the periodic table , as explained with 12 levels instead of 8. Why?


From the 9 transition zone to 12 there are 4 elements. From out of the transitional zone, there are 3 elements. The edge for material reality is 8 levels but as stretch to the edge, 9. Then 2 worlds meeting at 9 level: The tangible and the intangible.

Out of any decision, if your option is to consider another one, then you are affecting other. If your option was to consider another, for another one the option was not to consider another. That is a balance of elements. Yet as there's no symmetry, another one decision, as third level unbalance the situation. And if there's 3 then is a 4th elements. Now , as you may understand, there are different kind of 4 out of different ordering sources. So, this can go on as a never ending sequence or, to allow structure sense, may be stopped assuming that the 4 elements at stage is the final balance of 2 and 2 as the exception that contains 4 times  1 and 2 and yet an unbalance elementes.



The Limits within 1 field


If a field can contain up to 9 elements that can be seen as in an "X" axis, then the most that could be written in numbers is




The same could be written but from an Y axis, like




If X and Y convey together into Z, alternating each other, then




If X and Y convey together into Z from above and below, then the same like 2 x 4 x 9 ~ 36 x 2

If 9s are replaced by Ones, then 4x1~ 4

If 9s are replaced by Fives, then 5x9 ~ 45


If dualities are required, then, in  X and Y and Z,  6 Nines need to be taken to a 4th plane, like a 4th cardinal point.

Then 30 and 6

If Trinities are required to allow alternations on each line, then 9 elements needs to be taken to a 4th plane, then 21 and 15

If option needs to be considered like 1 out of 4 out of 3 lines, then  9 and 27


As a field cannot hold more than 9 values, then X and Y and Z may extend ^3 in order to provide space to 27 turn into 3.

Then 9 turns into 1, thus the relation 1:3 prevails.

If the 4 planes need to be expressed in the same line, then an alternation between 3 and 4 is demanded, like 12


If 9 fields are divided in the most symmetrical possible balance, then the relation among elements within a line are 4 and 5 or 5 and 4. That defines the spectrum borders.

When there are 3 lines are conveying to the most balance possible relation then with 3 levels deeper

4 and 5 and viceversa where 5 can repeat up to 45 times to provide linking relations. Yet if above and below is considered, up to 90. Then, 90 are the elements required to match light speed. And if you check the table you will see that 90 is exactly the amount of filled elements to match the cosmological value. Then you can understand that the matching process of the value was not random.


Once you understand the above logic you can understand the concept of the spectrum within X that is restricted to 4x5. 4x5 that becomes  20 when Above and below is considered as alternating dimensions. This means the same logic as before but folded within One plane , then is taking things towards ^4 and cosmologically , to ^43 out of ^45 as coming from 5x9 from above.


As relations goes from 4 and 5,  towards 3 and 4, towards 2 and 3 and from ONE towards TWO, things get more and more complicated. The tables are required to help the process. The thing is the deeper you get involved, more and more, at the same time, crossing dynamic connections, as triangulations, need to be hold in the mind to a point of collapsing.


The logical process allow to repeat in a more clear way up to 2 logical sequences, the third one will always merge from a very deep level. When 4 and even 5 levels are alternating like at the same time, clearly you will collapse.

How can you relate them? step by step, but, as a rule encrypted at the heart of TWO and reality itself, you will always be forced to trust Someone. That is the mayor issue you are demanded. Without trusting other as a leap of faith, you can forget about understanding deeply reality. And to trust it is not enough, you are also, as part of the process, need to known whom to trust. And that is even harder than the first step.


In TWO specific case, to trust there is a logic behind TWO that goes quite more deep than number itself, that are just an abstract expression of much more than ideas. And the logic just rest in understanding that in spite  that the universe may be a virtual reality, everything is about understanding that upon You there's is someone or ones as ONE  that in spite all your beliefs, loves you and that loves becomes the universal constant that can even be partially measured as a never ending resulting process. If you never quit that believe, there is a logical route that makes many options to vanish, then, you will start to comprehend how it is possible to structure some sense and things will become relate each other.


Within reality, everything has a connection. Not a single leave fall out of a tree as a random event. Naturally, TWO connections or linking processes are limited and maybe more than many may contain mistakes, but let us allowed to prevail the rights upon the wrongs.










The Whole in One Theoretical bases