

















4K System



Light Speed Table








At level 8, to fill up the amount added with 16 instead of 15 + it is a good mirror of a symmetrical ground base instead of a non/symmetrical structure. It is more or less the same than Hydrogen, While science see similar Hydrogen elements, TWO does see 4 different Hydrogen elements. Thereafter, while science sees symmetries, by going one step deeper, you can see that the symmetry of TWO worlds is broken. This is the same than seen 2 dices as similar, For TWO, and very strictly speaking, they cannot be the same. If the matter is taken even deeper, by linking this to biology, it is like saying there are Conscious people and saying, yes there are Conscious people and one of them is male and another is female. As you can notice, what TWO does is to open deeper.


The association with Conscious been was deliberated in order to always remind you that the understanding of any element is directly linked to Consciousness and mind decisions and Quantum elements. And as there are 4 quantum ground bases, the linking of 90 out of 360 was necessary to support the concept.


Yet, at the value 90 there's only 1/4 folding's of space, to pout it in simple worlds, it is not enough, it need to extend, but not for Light Speed to  1/8 or Twice what had been expressed here and YET, + . And the extension needs to come from the counterpart of Constant TWO. And Constant TWO has TWO other counterparts. One is 14 or 140 within the same bases as an insertion, and out of that, our own insertion as within.

At level 7, the amount value of 24 is like completing a 24 hours cycle, and you can understand the time reference because you can easyly related the value to a cycle, in this case, a cycle that do not come from 3x8 but a value coming from the world of 7 as 3 and 4 and 4 and 3, but yet, 7 itself out of que equation. This kind of reasoning should not make sense to you because it is not based on the typical logical sequence reasoning. The reasoning it is like the DNA structure reasoning. It follows a stumbling  logic because there are crossing roads that do not allow to follow a chronological sequence. It is about a logic plenty of jumps. that BREAKS the sequences but yet, as a whole, merges as a new element witch contains logic structure as we know it.

At level 7 the amount filled  cannot reach 25. If so, the time related value would not match Light Speed. It would be like saying that days last 25 hours. It would be like repeating the same coding structure for an element. witch it is something cannot be performed without taking out the singularity of each element.


At level 6, just in the absolute middle of the 12 levels scale, the scale level base is "1" and the amount filled 10, as leaving space between both for 9 or 90, as the total amount of added content within the matrix. As light itself is capable to contain a balance within. If 3 variables at considered at Once, like Level "6" and "1" and 10" - as 61 or 16 folded many time, The light speed limits shows or reflects the limits itself of any abstraction of reality that can fold itself many times. like 4 times 4 within the 4 out of 12 segments. In other words, the Light Speed limits reflects exactly the limits, like the 9 O Clock TWO Clock where 2 world meets in order to merge within one or another reality. It is just required a tiny simple element to unbalance the structure.

The 1/4 insertion ~ 14  within 16 or 60 + 1  turns the 6 into 9 as a process, and that occurs when we are not .


Note that the Scale level it is not the same than ULP Scale level. It is many times smaller than the Pi scale because Light Speed it is more restricted than ULP Level. However, it matches the scale for a restricted  acceleration Scale.Then the balance level of "1"  it is at level 6 and not 4 because the very heavy element are not present. The scale value also matches Helium scale at level 11, wich allows to understand that Light Itself Coding structure comes from a One Side perspective base. Comparing the scales leves for different element tell you a lot about why Light Speed it is within the limits of TWO universes.


To reach 90 * amount filled * from 10, out of level 6 means a whole process comes to an end. A process from 10 to a transitional stage, as the process of life Itself arriving from 6 O Clock from TWO Clock from different paths. A- From 6 to 8 + 1 or from 6 to 4 + 5. In both cases, the different routes are the different choices in Life, to make a direct link with the Conscious Ones. This is standing in the doorway  of 2 realities. If the path comes from moving from 6 to 4, then arrives to 9 and then to the invisible stage. A strong cohesion stage that becomes a steady reality. If the path comes from 6 to 8 , then it will remain within the previous circle to merge as a new element within our reality.

The cross crossing from Level 6 to 90 amount value, it is a conceptual crossing possible because at level 9 the units of measures become all the same, like the Dices sides that explain them, they are similar but never the same. then, the crossing elements becomes possible at the edge.

This looks like a 50% chance to one or the other side but strictly speaking it is not. The route to take depends on the standing position accumulated when arriving at the edge. It is an extremely sutil moment. A closing ir required an many more elements are necessary to be considered. Just one incoming element and the balance of the transitional process breaks. If the process turn back, any incoming element will turn into light because the balance is broken.

The turning from 6 to 90 it is a process that demands motion, consciousness, quantum and a field, it is a process itself that relates light itself standing in the middle of it.

If numbers within the matrix looks like random, they will remain random to you while you do not consider that an abstraction of reality may become possible and yet a consequence.


From another perspective.

You have already leant that most element within the periodic table may be explained by 8 levels and that TWO goes for that purpose up to 12 levels. Then, if you think, it is quite reasonable that if light speed stands in the middle it should be explained at level 10, just like 1 in base 10 merging element in the middle that turns to the known side. The difference between 8 and 12 levels of 4, that can be turnes into elements of a group of 4 from the invisible side, when it is expanded * the right expression should be reduced * to 4x4 or 4+4, then the abstraction reach the limits of 1 and 6 and yet become, as usual a part in a looping structure that becomes logical but never ceasing of been amazing.


As the relation within TWO starts from when 1 does not equals 1, when they do, when 1 equals One, which becomes the exception, What is left is the relation among elements within time. In this case, the wrapping becomes meters & second like 1 out of 60 x 6, in the middle of constant TWO but, with the turning of 6 to 90 # the process~  and yet, as 54 ~ 6x9, like 5 and 4, coming from the right path, from the article motion, the  transit stage and YET 5x4 as 2 or 20 , the spectrum within that can only be explained by taking the right route and not the other way without loosing theoretical consistency.


Expanding and reducing base 10 becomes always part of TWO as getting close and getting far from the standing perspective. It is about always changing the relative importance of elements in a dynamic expression. It is the same for us Conscious ONE. It is about understanding that our relevance changes from more to less, however, never denied and never oversize. The average right size, the same size the planet within the solar system. And the mentioned metaphorically and also literally.



Light Speed Difference


300 000 000 - 299 792 458





207 Related directly to Constant 140, as 20 x 7 with a leaping insertion

 54  Related to the whole Spectrum as 20. Also, alternating 27 from A to Z and from Z to A

  2   and 1

Then, 140+54+2+1~197


40  Likely coming from 29 + 11, as from 2 transit stages then + 1 + 1  . Like not reaching 1:3 relation each part.

 2   As 2 as One and then 3 option + left

Then 197 +

Then whole spectrum of 200 for ONE, now 197 Split within 2, yet 3 options + left.

Take this perspective and take a close look to the light speed number as explain below.

You will realize this is a 2/3 perspective from quantum perspective. It is looking the other side.



Light Speed from Quantum TWO Bases


Any Field can contain up to 9 elements as number, then within only One Field:

From a balance of 4 and 4 there is 1 In coming that unbalance like 4&5 or 5&4

The middle is 45 as 20 / spectrum and 9

If is folded on the same plane 29

As it is considered 5&4 and 4&5, it is TWICE, Then



Inside 5 & 4 there is 4 & 3 and 3 & 4, Then, at a second level

7 and  the counterpart of 2&9 as 9 &2

To understand the concept of 29, think the following: 29 as 18 as half 36 that is a 360 degree closed circle.

As you are in second level, you are considering TWO perspectives sides at the same time, It is like the 65 67 crossing.

Then , you need the alternation of the second plane. By the moment "7" was considered, a second level was introduced

This is coming from 3/3 quantum option that is reduced to 2/2 in order to consider a cross crossing planes point.

299 792


To further go on, a third level out of 4 is required. Now, as 2/2 was considered, there is a leap in the counting to 4 elements

Now, Inside 3 & 4 or 4 & 3 there is 2 & 3 and 3 & 2, like Twice. Then 23 x 2 is 46 at third level. Yet there is a problem

 Let us Zoom in into 46 to 460, As we are in 2 and 3, there's is a need to take out 2 as option of decision opened. Then 458 at third level, related to quantum option 1/3 but 3 levels deeper, thus:


299 792 458 Light Speed


Now, If the option of choices are removed, then 46 at a 3th level, would be

4,603.000.000 / The age of the Sun and the earth


Within a Quantum spectrum of 2000000...and 7 , like 14 billion less what is overruled, then 13.798 billions. The difference 12 and 36 and 1

The seven is required to climb back to a dual Science understanding.

To rest 12 becomes necessary to removed the 3er level overruling.

You already know the story from 360 to 365.2


Now, Let us  get back to the One field, with 5 & 4 out of a balance equation.

The "1" that is unbalancing, comes from even deepest levels.

It comes from 0 and 4, that is defining TWO borders, as exp -40

When exp -40 is removed from options, what should not be performed, then exp -43 for the frame.

When "0", as invisible que quantum option are :  3 fields with 2 motion option. This is basically the frequency of Love within a flat signal of 2/2. Within TWO always 1 and 2 need to prevail. what is above you is always bigger than you.


10 digits for the Earth, 10 for you. Both like 9+1, then TWO fields+.

Got it ?

Never close. Always leave space for a "+"


The provided cosmological values are not accurate at all. They do not contain inside the 1 / 5x"n" as 0......2, like the 2 within 365.2 And it is fine that way. That value should be considered as our singular insertion within the provided frame. Just like the Pi ever adjusting value.

TWO will not provide an absolute value because that is like closing both parenthesis. While there is life, one parenthesis should remain oponed. TWO is about a count UP, not a Count Down. Do you realize the difference?


Why 2 & 3 and 3 & 2 is 46 in this case instead of another value like 55.

55 is a transitional value while 46 in this case is following TWO Pole bases.

Let me explain : when TWO see 2 & 3 and 3 & 2 is like looking a clock from both sides. It you take the other side perspective the side that is on the other side of the planet, you will see also 2 & 3 and not 3 & 2.

If you consider TWO under TWO perspective into One frame , you will see 460. As you extend on one side, you reduce in the other side. Very simple principles. The less we see, more 0000000 are needed. Thus, from TWO perspective, the lower the number, more space you provide to the other side. Then, just 46.003, like 12 that is invisible + 12 + 12 : 36 and 10 : 46 and 3. Then 46 as 23 and 23, High frequence signal.

23x4 : 92, Just half 36 when you read from the center


If you concentrate you will realize that instead of restricting the logical sequence to 3 elements, it was considered 3 & 4 & 5 & 9 and

2 like TWO consciousness then the 65 and 67 crossing as 65, then 35 as 3 option taken as 3 levels out of 5 and 5 in order to do not overrule.  Again, PI defining the borders that restrict the analysis.


If the 67 perspective is considered, like the 207 54 2, you will realize it is the counterpart

67 like 20 & 7 and 20 & 7 and 20 & 7 

007 and 20, the spectrum and 14 as base 14

0003 and 0004

000 000 12

Number have been moved 8 levels to the right.

8 levels as alternating with 12 levels, then 1 and 4 becomes possible.

the 4^2 like 16, base 16

Base 16 from science perspective would be like seen 4 and 4 overlap in order to arrive to level 8 within elements. Yet plus 2 as quantum decision. All introduced as 1 element, 1 elements within a particle.



Light Speed from 65 67 crossing Perspective

From Centre perspective


As you are familiar with the crossing concepts of 65 and 67. then:

Before 65 there is 64.

If you read from the center 46

When  there are 3D left opened, as a 3D plane where everything needs to run. Then from 10x10x10: 1000 overruled by 3, then 997.

Thus 4603, overruled by 3. thus 4,603.000.000 light years , 10 digits - doble cycle of 12 and a bit additional from 3D 


Also 12997 , and again the above logic. In this case, the starting base was different. But the doble cycle cannot be seen, then the 1 vanish. And if vanishes it is because a 9 need to be in another side, then 9.....

Thus, we are at 11 on one side and 13 from the other side. It is not possible going deeper like 11.44 - from ULP without leaping from 3 and 4 as frame to the 2 & 3 concept. It means, understanding becomes possible by going deeper within TWO bases.

From 11 towards 10 and from 13 towards 14, then 4 gap, overcoming measuring borders.

1 enter as 9 into the 5th position, 4 gap, just as in light speed sequence.

The 65 67 crossing point comes from TWO sequence from other articles. It relates Time and Content at level 12 from a route

The routes start from standing at "6" in a clock and then to move to the right by choosing a path based on a Pole with flag. When arriving to 5, there is a Leap towards 65 as II, eleven. It is a standing where there's a consideration of TWO worlds or TWO minds.

From the moment at One side there is Eleven, on the other side there is "13", like 12 and "1". There is also a leap.

From the moment There is a motion from "II" towards 10, like 10 O Clock, 10 Like " One Consciousness One" base 10m, representes by 64 like 6+4~10, on the other side we are moving from "13" to 14 hours. It is like 6+8 like 14. Just the same 8 + 6 adding from levels 9 and 10  from the Light speed table.  


Now, if you analyse, what have been performed is that from 10 o Clock Standing to 12 and to 14 hours, like 4 elements within a time Clock, have been removed in order to be taken to deeper levels on one side perspective. Now, If from 14 O Clock we take 10 and eleven O Clock to the other side of the Clock as 1 and 1, we will add to 14 hrs 1 + 1  like 16 hours into a day. Are you following ?

As a Mid/Day cycle does not extend  beyond 12 hours, like a 360 degrees circle, then you have 2 options:


a- You stay on the 360 degree perspective knowing that you can go 4 levels deeper. Then the total content added needs to match 90 in the table in order to be able to arrive to 360 circle. And that is exactly what occurs in the Light speed table, as you can see.

b- You stretch the 360 to 364 where 360 is related to 12 hours cycle or better said 120 hours cicle if base 10 is removed.

c- As there is quantum alternation requirement for "a" and "b" to be possible, the a fifth level is required, Thus The extension goes to 365, like 365 days a year.


360 + 4 + 1

The "4" is providing the 4 quantum Options as space  for 12,0 and 12,0 and 12,0  alternating within the 4th plane. Yet, values like "10, 11, 1  from 13 and 2 from 14 " can alternate as values that keep their singularity or can be replaced for the combination of the other 8 values of the clock alternating at 3 and 9 O Clock., as folding planes.

If you keep within the route from "Us", at eleven there were " 2 conscious one" The first One to define Base 14 and the second One that need to enter later On as the one coming from the 1/5 left option. This is the quantum space that allows our insertion as 1 out of 5, then,


Within the 4 levels ( 90 total amount added x 4 : 360), 3 base alternations:  Base 14, Base 15 and Base 16.

Now, base 16 as like hours 16 in the clock. Then, from 6 as standing in the middle of the clock, motion is only possible from 6 to 5 on one side, and from 6 to 7 from the other side perspective at the same time.

The 4 out of 12 hours, may be turned into 8 levels from material elements from side A plus 4 levels from side B. Yet, side be may be extended to base 16 when the 4th levels and the mentioned possibilities are taken into account. 


Even further, the step from 360 to 365,2+ as taking One side perspective has another counterpart. If the 365,2+ is seen as a 360 degree perspective upon an axis at 12 of clock, like  Element perspective instead of Time perspective, you are force to TILT the angle of the Earth in relation to other elements. Then as that occurs, you also realize that the Tilt is a necessary alternation. For any merging element there is a consequence that after a cycle will end upo any time bouncing back in a different expression. Then , as there is a singularity for each element, without entering into this section  in the Tilt of the earth, you simple should know, because of the logic within TWO base,  that the  data that value should not be too much distant from 12 to 13 hours but expressed in degrees, Then you will realize about how triangulation works within TWO Bases.



Light Table - Part II


From the periodic tables you have learnt that TWO set limits of observational capacity to measure for science at level 8. Then in the light speed table if the 15 value were replaced by value 16, then the ending result value for light speed would be the same as known. Then it would not be required to extend the analysis to level 9. Then, your understanding of reality up to that level will deliver the Light speed value. However, you will not be able to go deeper into the understanding of reality. As a consequence, every time you watch an element you will be seen a superposition without been able to realize. Then you would not be able to relate elements. Quantum will run like an outsider and the same for gravitational forces.

But as TWO goes deeper, extend to level 12 and then to level 16 as base 16. Base 16 as from 1 to "n" where when n~6 defines outside borders like from 1 to 6 from A to Z and Z to A, like 1 to 6 from a 67 perspective, from the other side. This is coming from the abstractions of reality, like the program of reality. As at this level we are looking like standing from the center, in order to realize that, any pattern, like constant need to complete a double cycle to set a pattern. In order to be completely efficient, any constant or patter need to repeat like Twice like from A to Z and From Z to A. Then, from a Base 7 now, any logic schemen need to run Twice and an extra bit, like a touching third time. Thus, as were at at base level 16, then 1 & 6, life from 1 to 6 going through a whole spectrum need to repeat strongly Twice and very delicately a third time into a very deep level. Thus, reading from the center to the edges, 16 repeats inside the coding structure  3 times: At level 2, at level 3 and at level 10.


Level 10 is coming from inside, then it is not respecting the Speed limits set at level 8 from the periodic table bases and also in this light speed table. Then, like from within a fission process of light itself, as looking at neutrinos, science could very delicately note there's something wrong about light speed, at least for neutrinos.

















The precision of Light Speed within TWO is restricted to the scientific information available.

As science limits are limited up to 8 levels * 9 levels is neutrinos are considered *, then, then TWO table can match light speed at 8 levels in order to match science. However, that would be a restricted understanding of Light Speed.


A proper understanding should include 12 levels but as information of the value is restricted, then the matching within TWO occur at level 10, which makes perfect sense in order to provide space for ULP constant to be part of the equation in the future, with more precise measurement value.


As light speed measurement is restricted only to only One side perspective, it does not incorporate the ULP constant value. The as consequence, to keep consistency within TWO, the algorithm that explain it can only contain Constant TWO and the proper scaling level ordering structure. Thus the formulation becomes simple.


It is Constant TWO x Amount Filled x Scale level adjusting.


While science arrives to the Light Speed value at level 8, with an amount filled of 16 elements, like when 1 equal 6 ~ 16 article, TWO may expand up to 10 Levels for the same value, which complete changes explanations. It opens the 16 value into more levels.  Yet, as explained in Constant TWO, Constant TWO it is also just a part of explanation and thereafter the value itself is restricted to 10 instead of 12 levels.

However, it is vert interesting to remark that the total elements added for a matching structure is equivalent to 90 elements, what are exactly 1 out of 4 or 90 out of 360, which take the whole issue of light speed to a transitional stage as you have learnt from other TWO articles. There is a Big consistency among the amount filled values and other linking elements and yet, the logical bases also remains consistent.

The Whole in One Theoretical bases