4K System
From The Purpose
Mayor Principles behind TWO
TWO Bases
1-The universe is a creation
2-What we cannot see is always superior to what we can see
3-When you are, you are a consequence
4- You need to consider others different than you
5-You can always choose
Mayor Beginning and Ending Choice behind TWO
Is it a loving Creation or Not?
My own answer
Yes, the most wonderful you can imagine.
TWO Rules are a based upon TWO principles
Two Principles are an attempt to put in 5 Lines the mayor teaching lessons from Jesus Christ.
Upon that ground base merge a lot of rules that becomes necessary conditions to keep high levels of consistency among all the elements considered as essential.
The regular thinking structure we all share have been broken because that becomes a must. The math operation within TWO are restricted and the rules among the elements have a relevant contextual application. Any number may be treated as a singularity and yet as a group of elements. Most groups are constrained within loops that may be broken, and that changes the rules.
The mayor difficulty is that TWO is about essential abstraction that are like the patterns that repeats in many fields. What changes is the wrapping.
The result of a multiplication on one plane may have results in other plane. At TWO there are many simultaneous planes at Once, so it its necessary to know the context and the purpose to reckon what math rules to apply. In other words, TWO is extremely demanding and a pain to any reasonable logic person. TWO structuring design overcomes myself many times because I am never capable to view beyond certain level. In fact, TWO principles apply very well in this case. What I can see is always much less than what I can Imagine.
The rules out of the TWO principles are extremely relevant because chaos cease to be chaos when there are ordering forces that lead to balance or equilibrium. As within TWO there is no empty space left and TWO it is a relative construction of reality capable to provide absolute values, then TWO bases are intended to explain how a balance point may become possible. A 00:00 moment where all different sources convey.
Thus, just a first step for the future to come. Just a first step to be improved without ever abandoning the principles upon which the rules needs to rest.
You need to remember that part of TWO bases is that while there is a line of time that moves from West To Est, there is another One, that is a different one that Moves From Est To West. And Yet There is a Line From North to center and another from the south to the center. And what have been explained it is not correct at all. See, the problem. I cannot just make a list of rules because just the moment I do that will generate more problems. But rules are, in a way, simple to figure out of the principles.
Within TWO are interacting at the same time, math, geometry, groups theory, closed circuits, open circuits, consciousness, quantum, philosophy, history,etc, etc.. TWO is all about ground base relations among elements with us as linking elements out of a Raw model that set all the scope.
TWO it is not about teaching you how to behave or to act,, for that there are others very good, and Jesus above all, but you are always free to believe what you like. TWO is about providing frame, conceptual foundations. It is about attempting to read some bases of reality and take them to a virtual scenario. TWO it is not about hardware, it is about software, the software foundations that might connect us as consequence of Jesus at its finest moment. TWO is about the understanding of the space he left to us and how that space multiply to the infinite because of his love. He is the one that sets all the rules. TWO simply try to take those rules in a dynamic expression to a computer because they are too complicated to for just one paper. The paper is good for the purpose and the computer is good for the process. Then, the Processor Scale.
All the reading within TWO is about the process from 1 to 2 and then how 3,4,5 up to "n" end up in part of our logical thinking structure where we usually skip the process. Thus, The purpose and the process and US In between.
To be very clear, any element, abstraction, thinking, program, living creature, etc is always a consequence. Even the Creator itself and the universe are a consequence. That is the mayor rule that becomes ground base. The cause itself it is LOVE out of the consequence that turn dynamically into Cause regardless of time. The maximum scope of love is given by the Chosen One and yet by the rules of reality itself. The Chosen One it is also a consequence. No one escapes that rule. TWO rules never attempt against reality rules, they are set to explain them at its core. All numbers and abstraction within TWO always respect that. Thus, TWO does not attempt against math, physicist, etc, etc, etc.
Second Rule, besides looking upside, you need to look aside, to the left and to the right. An then, yet at the same time, In front and behind you. And that alone, you cannot do it , barely reach the forth part. And, with another one, you can do it better, but never ever reach the half. And with all others by your side, yo can neither ever reach the half, at least while you are here.