

















4K System



Number 108 - The Tale



Before reading about 108 it is good have read before the math restrictions within TWO bases.

This article becomes specially relevant  for ULP Constant



You walk into the party as if you were walking into a yacht ….You're so vain.. you probable think this song is about you..

The Carly Simmonds song is quite good to illustrate this tale.


You step into a party plenty of people. Someone invited you. You see people all around but you do not know many of them. You are alone looking for someone to talk and suddenly you pay your attention in somebody that randomly caught yours's eyes. It is not looking at you, you can only see its back, just one side. Likely, It looks like anybody else but for some reason you do not know, you get closer.  Suddenly, the person turns towards you and now you can see its face.  It becomes interesting to you and you handle somehow to talk with that person. The chat goes well and you ask for its name. The answer is I am 108. It was a She, looks very nice.  By the way, you are a He.


You simple were lucky to get invited and just, by out of nowhere circumstances, you end up talking with 108. Now, as you get interested in 108 it ceases to be a random number in a random party. It turns into a She you like. The moment you focus your attention in 108 you make her special, at least for the moment you are sharing with her. That day, you got lucky. It is not a number any longer. The number turns into a person. When you saw just her back at the beginning, you thought that the name could be 54~ 6x9~27x2~5+4~5x4 .If she were been a 49 * 49% or 36 or 13 *, it is likely that you would have not stopped to see her. A 50? well, may be or may be not but, a 54 that was enough to drag you attention. But a 108, uauu., she was more than everything.


Any number is good, there are millions of numbers but there you are, just paying your attention to the singularity of one.

As you chat with her , she 108 tells you that 54 comes from her mother side and 54 from his father side, thus putting both together, she became 108. You got confused and wanted to go deeper. As she keeps talking, you are starting to like her more and more. After less than 2 hours you are very please talking and having fun. For a brief moment you remember 75, she was incredible, so charming and beautiful. Perhaps the father's of 108 were a little exaggerated calling her 108. Perhaps a little too much.

When you saw her face you knew she could not be a 54. You thought the name could be like 23 or perhaps 67 in a bigger league. Clearly more than 54, It is the Big League.


- I am not sure if I understand you well, How can your mother's side 54 be the same than the 54 of your father's side?

- Of course they cannot be the same, don't be silly. That is imposible. In what kind of world do you live?

- Yeah, you are right. I'm sorry, Please forgive. It is not my fault.  My teachers told me that all 54 are the same.

- Don't worry, It happens a lot. Did you studied math?

- No really, just up to 4th grade. I learnt just to add and multiply, I had some difficulties with the others operations. Anyway.. you were telling me about your fathers.


- Yes, on my mother's side 54, my grandmother was a 45 and my grandfather was a 54. Naturally, it prevails the 54 tradition. On my father's side, on the other side, he was a 54. My grandmother was a 54 and my grandfather was a 45. As you can see, the tradition did not prevails. If it would have had prevailed, I would be a 54 on my father's side, but of the others 54. As you can see, it is all a problem upon the side you want to look at the issue.


- Certainly, you are right.

Perhaps you would like to drink something but I am afraid to ask you, You look so young that may be you are not yet allowed to    drink.


- Jajaja, Thank you. I am just 99. So In spite that I may look young, I can take that drink. After all , I had to wait up to 81 to drink something. You know, the non beverage rules sometimes are exhausting. I have hear than in other countries the girls can drink since 18 . Can you imagine how crazy the world is becoming.


- Tell me about it. As if 18 were a proper time to split you in a half mature stage, half a juvenile age. Half mature to drink and half mature to do not drink.


- You did not tell me your name. You look to me like a 20.

- I wish to be a 20 but I am an 86. I work at Control organization and most people tell me Max. However, that is no my real name.


- Why don't you change your name to 20 If you wish so? Is there any reason to do not do it.

- Well, yes, there is. There are already another 36 twenties names and 4 further application in progress to take that name. There's no space left to do that. You know 40 is the limit, Unless of course, if I got married, that changes things.


- It is now me who does not understand. I known that each day our society is getting more and more complicated but tell me, What does marriage have to do this this subject.

- Ok, as you ask so, I tell you. But before telling you, let me ask you if you read the book The Importance of have the name Ernest. I know it is stupid to provide vowels to names but as we have commented, what a crazy world. In that book, there are some girls that can only get married with somebody called Ernest. So the character pretend his name is Ernest.


- Yes funny theatrical story. A lot of random events that turns out in an incredible amount of coincidences that, at last, were not coincidences. A story plenty of lies that , in the end, were not lies at all. Two couples that end up together  in an incredible twist of events.


- Indeed. It would be like if we were destine to be together removing from us our free will. I do not like the stories were you have no options to choose. But don't worry, we could not be together, because you are a 108 and I am an 86.


- Why not ?, ask 108 a little surprised by the twist in the conversation.


- With you included, you will become the third generation of 54 and if you married me, our son would become the 4th generation. Besides, you need to consider I am an 86 with some traditions too.


- Sorry, you are making a mistake, I am a 108, not a 54,

- That is why I mentioned I am an 86. You know the rules. You can repeat the same name 3 generations backward. If you stretch it to 4, your free will could be taken out from you. Would you willing to do so ?  We are not allowed to provide our son's a name upon 36x3 ~ 108. Your fathers, instead of splitting 54 to 27 each part, and name you 54, they choose to doble sum and name you 54x2 ~ 108.. And your grand fathers instead of giving to your fathers the name of 27, splitting 54, also, choose to take the matters to the limit naming them 54. And as you know, that is the maximum allowed limit.

I understand that your grandparents could not name your parents 13.5 . The decimal rules is pretty upsetting, is like the alcohol rules that do not allow you to drink, according to the country up to 81 or 18. Yes, it is like the same rule but from the city on the other side. As if looking your back were the same than looking at your face. It may look like the same but it is not. Quite silly, also as if you look at 18 to your right and 18 to your left and think they are the same but in different order.


So, the whole problem it is me. If I were not a 86, things could be easy for us as a couple. We could be predestined to love each for ever but sadly, it cannot be.


- I'm not saying I like you and I want to marry you but what if I will ?. Why your name becomes important ? You are not Ernest, right?


- My parents did the same than your fathers, they stretch to much the names possibilities. My father was a 43 and my mother was a 34. Unlike you, you came from the family of the 9 and the 45 and, very  far from the family of 20 ~ 5x4 ~ 4x5. When your grand father on your father side quit naming you 54 on his side and gave you the 54 name from your grand mother's side, he lost the tradition and become a part of the 20 family - 5x4 ~ 4x5.


On the contrary, I came from the family of the 12. I am a third generation of 12 from both sides. On my father side 43, before him a 34 and a 43, and before him a 43, 34, a 43 and a 34. On my mother side 34 and before her a 43 and 34 and before them a 43, 34,43 and 34. And so, my parents were allowed to call me  86. And, as your father, they stretched the names thing to the limits. Thus, I come mainly from the 12 but also from the 7~ 3+4 ~ 4+3 family. Both families, 2 Lines. But you, just One straight line. What a noble young lady. I 'm honoured to be talking to you. It was not easy at the beginning to reckon your lineage, that is why I got confused with you last names.


If we had a kid, his name should be 1 94 ~ 1 and 9x4 ~ 1 and 9x4 ~ 1 and 1, if we want to double our names. But it is not allowed names over 108, thus, from the half size rule, the name could be 97 ~ 9x7 ~ 7+9 ~ 7x9 ~ 9+7. But as you re a 108 the least name we could give our sun son should be 54+43 ~ 97. But as I come from a third generation of 43, I cannot use 43 any longer without breaking the rules. As I am 86, half within me contains 43, so I am a half 43. Thus, At least another generation of 86 needs to come to name a kid 97. Otherwise it would exceed the rules by  0.5 on each side. A next generation only by 0.25


- Don't worry Max, I pay no attention to my lineage, to me, the relevant is the merit of the person beyond its backgrounds.You do not mind if I call you Max, isn't it? It is funny the name you like, it is not a number. It reminds me the new TV program,. The name  is Get  or Get's Smart or something like that. I know it from its English name El Super Agente 86.

Sorry, I interrupted you, you were talking about the problems of been a couple.


-Yes. I was.

Our son could not be another  86 because that would be like not including you in his name. The least could be 96 because, if I considers you, the lowest name we could provide to our son would be 96, because If I consider you, you know that names below 10 are not possible, All of them are taken, The amount of people that want to be in the top ten list is so big that it seems to be almost impossible to be there, unless. of course there were no more than 10 people. Ridiculous.

Yet, I cannot split to 43  because that would exceed the number of times we could use 43 within 3 generations. The same problem with 34 but even worst, It only can only be reduced to 17. With another reduction It would become 8.5 and that break the rules.


- I do not understand well the rules of the name.

- Everybody get's confused. do not worry.


-You cannot exceed 108, your name is in the limit because you are a 108. Basically because you are not allowed to denied your past. Even though  you want to do it, The past that explains you does exist. You can try to erase it but anyway, is part of your story.

Any child from you could be named  98 or less if you wish your son or daughter to get married someday and include at least the 10 basic number that the rules demand.

As your parents instead of reducing just were worried about increasing the importance of your name, rapidly reach the limit of 108, creating you a problem for your daughter or son name. They got so concentrated on themselves and also providing you the maximum they could, that they always use the doubling rule, the same with your gran-parents. You know, the adding rule, the more and more rule that sometimes betrays you because we usually forget that when you split, you add more, and not only to one, but for two. Yes the rule of always adding demands to carefully look the meaning of adding. Don't blame your parents, they just wanted the best for you and got enthusiastic about this adding rule.


You are not allow to provide a name  that is below the half of your name. In your case, 54. Yes I know, it is not your fault. Its the rules fault.  I understand that somehow the rules merged during the great depression period. in the 29, remember ? Many executives jumping from building because they lost everything. Thus, they come out with this rule that says no one should be reduced to less than a half. And as they are intense on that,  they say, no kid is allowed to use a name that is less the half their parents. Or, maybe, because the law to be approved  had to be checked by the oldies of the city and they wanted not to be ignored by their grandchildren. Maybe they were just trying to secure  that at least 25% of you were related to your past and 25% of you leave space to the future, or maybe to secure that within your 50% free, you could leave space for another 50%. Let us say that the rules were meant to establish a perfect balance, the one that does not exist in real life, specially if all it is a mess.


- What about 98. Would that be all right?

- Very near. It would be at the edge. It would be breaking rules by 0.25 on your side, 0.25 on my side and our son would be also at the edge with the name 98, if could be force to marry a 10, a Bo Derek girl. Not bad at all. jajaja


- Sorry, maybe I have talked too much.

And 86 smile to 108.

She was a little stressed with the conversation but did not want to take the inspiration  out of 86. After all, she realized he had imagination and know about rules. She decided that could resist a few more minutes. The alternative for her was to go to bed. Who knows, maybe 86 could finish soon the subject.


- Please 86, go on. I am so fascinated with your knowledge of the names.


Thus, 86 went on, ignoring that 108 was near its limit, as her own name was in the limits.


- I know you have clear the rule about the limit of doubling the name.

- Of course I know the rule. Because of mi name I had to learn it about when I was 54, in the middle of my life.

- But the middle of your life is 49.5,  I thought you say you were 99. That is a forbidden age. You can't say you are 49,5. If someone hear you here, you may have problems.  It exceeds 36  > 4x9 < and that is a serious violation  of the rules of age.


108 realized that maybe  was a mistake saying to 86 that she learn about the double rule when she was half 99. She have just met 86 and do not have to trust him so much. Besides, he was elusive about his work. Very strange he is working for Control Organization. Maybe he is an agent of Chaos in disguise. Perhaps an spy.


- You are right 86. Maybe I got confused and  I am not 99 any longer. Perhaps It is 98., Sorry

- That makes perfect sense now 108, Half your age would be 49, you do not exceed the big rule.


- I see the problem

If I am age 99 ~ 9+9 ~ 9x9, the half would be 49.5 ~ 4x9+05, I would be violating the laws of time

if I want to call my son 54, my husband needs to be a 00, And that would violate the laws of integrity,because he can break the rule of at least 10

Also I cant change my name unless I got marry.

Thus, unless I change the rules, or my age or my number I would have problems to marry. Is that what you are suggesting ?


Well, yes, unless of course you can get an authorization to break the rules, what is very hard these days. In fact ever, I have never heard of someone breaking the rules, just one time but so long ago that almost nobody remember. There's nothing you can do, excepts, perhaps, to talk with Time. Who knows, maybe he listen. After all, nobody talks with time. It has an office just 1 block away from here.


-Thank you Mr. smart, It is a good idea to drop by its office. Likely I will go.

You look very handsome in that formal dress but I do not understand why you did come to a kids birthday in such a suit. You're so funny in spite that you do not  look smart to me. I  mean like a Max Smart. I did not wanted to offend you.

- Jajaja. Keen observation. It is because I came undercover. I am a doble agent, a doble 00. That is why I am drinking a Martini on the rocks.

- So you are not Max Smart that works at Control, You are a Bonding agent, like doble OO 7. Are you a married man talking to me? Is Rachel your wife?. I Knew it !, you are married to Rachel the Wise ! I feel so silly now.


- Well, I told you that from my mother side she was a 34 ~ 3+4 ~ 4.3  first generation of seven, Very pure, 7 lineage on her side. 2 invisibles ceros and 7 later. She is from the beginners, under 10 . Perhaps that confuses and makes you think I am an spy. No, I'm not. I could not be an spy because I am a little lame, but just 1. It comes from my mother side, We all limp a little. My right leg is shorter than my left leg by 1. I am just returning from a 140 years trip around half the world. I walk straight 70 years and, because of my leg, it end up in a loop to the right,

- And you returned to the same point from the place you started ?

- Don be silly miss Wise~ Weis, sorry, miss Fine ~ Well, 99~1, no 108~2.

Nobody returns to the same departure zone. If you return, you are expect to do it to a higher place. Other wise, you would just wasted your time.

I started from ground level 0 and I arrived to ground level 1. That is different

- 1 meter

- It makes the difference.


- 140 years? Long trip !

-  May be 7 seven twice, remember the 10 rules and the doubling rules. To one side of the half 7 years and to the other side of the half 7 years, then 49 years ~ 7x7, I mean 36 years ~ 4x9 ~ 9X4 , within 9,  7+2 x 4, etc.

- And all of this because of your limp ?

Yes, because my right leg is 1 shorter than the left. If not, I would still walking forever. Fortunately, just 49 years, just half the age of our kid possible name. Well, you know I cannot say 4.9 years, thus 49. Although perhaps I could say 40 on one trip and 90 in the other trip or a shorter  expression could 36, to not violate the rules. like 4 and 9.

- But you said 7 or 70 years, you said both in fact. You know it is almost the same like 1 or 10 like level 1 or level 10.

- Yes, but you said that you started from ground level 0 and arrived to ground level 1 in one trip.

- Of course, because of the rules of the process that starts from the 0 hours, like ground level 0 to 11 hours, unless you waste your time, in that case, you arrive to 12 hours time, and then, a non ending loop. The never ending travel.


But, if you travel from o to 11, that is almost the same than traveling from 1 to 12, but just a ground step different, then, the arriving port is different.


The 1 traveling. time it is measured  according to the length size of your legs. If your limp is 1, I mean if you see you are not perfect, then the traveling time may  take you  7 ~ 3+4 on one side, and 4+3 on the other side. Yet 4x3 on one hand and 3 x 4 on the other hand. And as 3 x4 or 4 x 3 are 12, with two sides, two worlds are required, also as 2 persons or as any dualities you can think of/. The one leg limp is the step from 3 to 4. Only the conscious ones can have consciousness over themselves.


From 0 hrs to 13 hrs or to 1  there is a whole decimal world entering one by one into a sexagesimal world on one side and  a sexagesimal world entering a decimal world from 12 to 12 , as 2 different worlds, 2 different clock's but only one at sight as a clock. Two different timings that want to get together. The common ground base is 3 levels deeper is you leave free will open. For that you need 4 elements.


Thus, half 108 is 54 and 54 and half of them is  twice 27 and 27 and 27 and 27. It is a time loop journey unless you broke time rules. Unless you broke symmetry. Need to be reduced to 27 and 27 x 27 were the three of them are different among restricted posibilites.


Thus, half 86 is 43 and 43 and now instead of going to the half of 43 we switch to the operation between them, we step out of the vertical to the horizontal axis or viceversa, then twice 12 and 12 and 12 and 12. Then 48 becomes a time loop we want to break.

1 out of 8 elements is 12.5% in this 86 exercise and also in the 108 exercise. The exercise is restricted to 8 elements as 8 elements or levels in the fundamental bases of the physical elements

If the exercise is reduced to the 4th level, taken 3 options by level, then 1 out of 12 ~ 6.25%

and  6.25 4 times becomes 25% in another scale.


27 is 3 x 9 and  9 x 3  and 2 + 7 and  7 + 2 , all different sources or base components.

7 is just seven, unless it is opened to 3+4 and 4x3 and 2+5 and 5+2

Other options are possible but these are the one selected in order to do not complicate too much the matter


12 is 3x4 and 4x3 and 3+4 and 4x3

Other options are possible but these are the one selected in order to do not complicate too much the matter


Within 27 there is in a deeper level a 3+4 and/or a 4x3 - At quantum level

Within 12 there is in a deeper level a 3+4 and/or a 4x3  that is exceeding the 3 generations rule


Within 27 there are two 3s and within 12 there are also two 3s, thus 4 x 9  and/or 4+9  as common ground base. A 36 moving to 13 hrs or to 1.

Or a 36 merging from a whole cicle that landed in ground level 1 instead of 12. Thus 1 to 13 or 1 in one level and another one in another level., so, 2 or 21 or 20, but just an instant. it is 5x4 as 2 and yet 5+4 as a process, as 9


The tale is about always changing the context. It is about role playing, It is about always taking someone else place.

It is about the relation among elements, so please read 108 the abstract


The story may go on and on because at 108 to turn into a loop. The question is if you will be able to step out of it.

It is a tale for coupling concepts like 3 and 4 with you in the middle reading, then 3 1 4 from PI

3 as 99 and 4 as 108

3 as 43 and 4 as 86.

It is our vanity story overcoming our limits, or the limits of another one.

The story of Us, conscious people, have different beginnings and one of them could be  3 1 4 out of PI. But the story contains 2 numbers 4, not only one as in Pi. It is overruled by 4. Pi is not 3 1 8, it is 3 1 4.

It was about providing names to numbers to make you see that behind numbers as abstractions there are each one story. The story of the beginning is the story that fold at least 2 planes into our plane and start with the proper measure of our own. 108 and 86 need to check its names. That means, to check who are you within your story. Is your number overruled or under ruled ? Very hard to know.

Number 108 is our overruling story inserted within Pi as the frontier along with we move struggling with the forces towards ourselves and towards the others. It is a story of couple concepts by our side.

When you get confused about what side you are looking at, it is good, because you are force to place yourself in both sides.

When you get confused about the timing, as in the age, like 99, it is good, because you stop for a while tracking a continuos evolving process. You are force to alternate an allow yourself to have some time dissociations.

When you see that something may be good on one side, like drinking age at 18, on the other side may be other way, like 81 age. What is good on one side, may turn to be bad in the other side. If you do not have bases to order you, you will always get confused. That is the importance of the ordering bases. They allow to structure your bases.

When you closed all variables, you just left space to be predestined, removing free will options.

If one person is explained  by only 2 elements, then 10 +10 ~ 20. Then, in a new level that moves upside-down, 20 becomes 2, Thus 2 would be like 2 chains of DNA within 1 single new person.


108 is about how 2 worlds can be together within your inside, as in your DNA or as Two elements for a new merging reality of a son or daughter. It places Father and mother in the middle. While they 2s do not become together as One, life is not possible. Thus 5 elements. But for two elements to become together, they need to be compatible, unless the limits are broken. And the limits are set in the respect  that each other's integrity demands and are elevated while considering in the relation a space for love, and that is the space for one expression of the invisibility, the love.

108 is the singular number that can explain life but it is not including as relevant the space for what one or both cannot see.


- Sorry Maxwell, I have to leave you. We have been talking during 2 hours. I need to take Mr. Sheffield kids home. By the way, I'm the NannyI hope to see you again.

Bye miss Fine Well








The Whole in One Theoretical bases