4K System
Constant TWO
Constant TWO > The Imperfect Constant - The One side Constant
1/36/360 x Different scale levels
Constant TWO may be difficult to understand because it is intended to work as a linking element among other elements. It is present explicitly or implicitly in TWO matrices. As any universal constant, it is not 100 per cent constant. If were a 100% constan would not leave space for Quantum Two. Thus, again, as any universal constant, it is required to comprehend its limits.
The limits of constant TWO merges a quantum instant before and-or after the creation instant. It is required to be so in order to break a continuous loop or circle. This last is required to make possible the quantum leaps from one level to other, or from one group to another. This is also required to connect the singularity of one into the singularity of all.
Conceptual bases of constant TWO
36 may be understood as consequence of 3 x 12 where 12 may be seen as a synchronizing element within an evolving time. If you like, it represent the 12 O' clock in absolute terms. However, if you rotate the clock up to 12 times in hours space, 12 becomes a relative element if you fix the bases at 00 hours. And 3 may be understood as 3 levels or dimensions of synchronizing elements. Thus, 36 would be like 3 levels of synchrony for elements. Naturally, the concept may be expanded or collapsed to structure a cosmological synchrony as well as a singular synchrony. Thus 36, 360, 3.600, etc become extensions or reductions of the same principle. However, 36 may be reduced just up to 12, that becomes a border line. Below 12, you may escape from the time synchronizing power represented by 12 and linked to time. Below 12 other elements and concepts need to be added to preserve synchrony.
The relation of 36 among 360 provides relative and absolute space for jumping leves, as seen in the hydrogen table. It provides space for quantum leaps to the next level. Thus it makes possible to synchronized different layers or dimensions as singular and/or groups formations and also leaves space to re dimension the relative importance of a singularity into a larger group. Thus 1 out of 36 out of 360 or 360 x10 ^n becomes the maximum collapsing relative importance the constant may take.
The "+- n" possibilities are also constrained to reality. From very small to very large. Limits for "n" are restricted to 4 or 40 +-4
36 may be understood as consequence of 2 parts that become 1 part in a different level. Like One and Another, like 18 + 18, like 6 x 6, like One pole and another pole. The parts may look or do not look symmetrical.
If they look symmetrical,
Within math, 6 x 6 is 36. But in reality, you need to goo deeper. Thus, take the following example. Imagine 2 dices, like 2 parts. The dices may look exactly symmetrical but you do understand they are not. No singular element is exactly, perfectly equal to another. This is part of TWO bases from observation of reality
Thus, the low number division that can be performed for "36" splitting the number abstraction in almost symmetrical parts is 6 x 6, where one 6 is not equal to the other 6, in the tangible world, only in math. It is the same than saying that one dice is not 100% equal to the other. However, as math are needed within TWO as a tool, then, 36 is needed as consequence of putting together elements, dimensions, groups, levels, etc. However, the very important part is learning when the singularity of each component needs to merge in order to properly return the singularity of each element Any mathematician could say that an easy way to solve this problem would be to add an extension to each 6. Thus, TWO could talk about 6a and 6b or dice A and dice B. Certainly that could be done, but in order to provide common fundamental bases that need to be restricted. Adding extension or a dress to any fundamental abstraction needs to be part of the internal mental process of any conscious been. It is about having common rules that according to the circumstances, allows to structure different elements, groups, singularities, etc.
It is recommended to read the dice article.
You need to have very clear that at any point upon level 10 in Hydrogen table, it is required to break the symmetrical construction frame. That is the point when the exception makes the rule. Thus, when you return to the asymmetry bases, the abstraction that allow crossing planes re formulates to the following possibilities > 18 x 2 - 3 x 12 - 4 x 9
The option 1 x 36 becomes the exception that makes the rule. It is when the constant it is not present within the plane that is explaining. It is the reason why the coding structure of hydrogen do not ever reach 36.
The option 6 x 6 also vanish because when 1 x 36 becomes 1 in another level, at the same time the symmetry of 6 x 6 is broken.
The option 36 x 0, when 36 become 1 in other level, becomes the relation 1 - 0 or 0 - 1. In other words, when one plane is at sight, and another plane becomes invisible.
18 x 2 , 3 x 12 and 4 x 9 possibilities and also conceptual abstraction of realities can be further collapsed. Any time that is performed, the amount of content of information within any abstraction increases, becomes deeper, more dense and abstract. If the abstraction are too much collapsed the possibilities of structure comprehensible meaning are reduced. Thus the limits of collapsing the abstraction is restricted to 4, as a representation if you will of the 4 fundamental physical forces of the universe. Further collapsing the concepts is in the border line to just an abstraction that almost overpass our mental capacity. As another analogy, restricting up to 4, the number, is required to link quantum Two mechanics at its fundamental level, the same level where it is linked the conscious with quantum Two mechanics.
18x2 , 3x12 and 4x9 may be considered 3 elements as well as 3 probabilities that contains options within.
However, as the number 4 has been integrated as a necessary restriction required to allow the existence of Quantum mechanics, then the 3 elements may be further collapsed or reduced to possible left possibilities that become 12, and considers 3 to allow 36 and considers 4 to allow quantum possibilities at its core. If 12 is out of the equation, then to synchronize any elements as consequence of groups and levels ordering would become not possible within TWO bases.
36 may also be understood as a consequence 4 x 9.
If the collapsing of 4 is not further reduce, to keep quantum options, then only 9 could de reduced or collapsed.
As the fundamental relation "2" to "1" cannot be reduced within TWO bases without breaking time, and it is not yet the precise moment to do it, then, 9 can be further reduce to the expression " 3+6". 3 and 6 become and enlarged expression of 1 and 2. It cannot be further reduced.
As 3 cannot be further reduce to do not loose synchronicity then only 6 could be theoretically reduced, However, as 6 it is the minimal abstraction required to keep the illusion of symmetry as explained above, then what is left at this stage is the ground bases for Quantum.
If you remember from above, it was mentioned the importance of been able to keep synchronicity. Besides, to expand and collapse the concepts related to the abstractions behind Constant TWO. Thus, to keep the synchronicity without yet collapsing time within the abstraction, A new space is required to structure a 3D map. As we are keeping 4 as a provisory constant ground base for Quantum TWO. then 9 is a required element to cross the previous x and y planes. Than is required to structure the Z plane. It would be, if we keep on standing on the watch symbolical figure, it would be like setting the "Y" axis in the centre of the circumference of the clock.
Axis X and Y as one, are in the relation 2 to 1 to axis Z, thus, the basis rules of TWO are preserved. Yet if only the relation between "Z" and any other axis is watched, still the relation 2 to 1 will remain.
9 becomes a point where the illusion of symmetry is about to be broken, it is like standing at 3 or 9 o clock in a clock. It is like the day and night from the article in the middle , the illusion of symmetry. Hidden behind one side "1" and, at the other side "2" . The illusion of symmetry given by 3 x 3 , that are just a more collapsed representation of 6A and 6B from the above explanation. Thus, this become one way of looking reality and from the other side the 6 + 3, option, that allows to keep the 2 to 1 rule, To respect the Adding essentials within TWO and also to further move ahead.
Thus now, with a 3 dimensional plane as ground base, then, we can insert the "4" numerical abstraction as representative of many things at once in quantum moments > The 4 fundamental forces within the universe, The 4 quantum fundamental quantum bases and also introduce our consciousness standing.
1- The forth
As you probably notice, many possibilities were gradually closed to arrive at this point. That occurred because I was providing meaning to the logical sequence that end up in constant TWO. Without meaning, it just look a number into an algorithm that help to explains universal constants from TWO bases.
Let us stop for a while at this level in order to better understand where are we standing at this moment.
As we move and cross through "X" and "Y" and "Z" we only left 4 as an abstraction from the original 36. What this means from different perspectives.
1- We are standing between level 8 and level 10 into hydrogen table. At that level, the partial sum column moves from 32 to 36 from an evolving perspective. And I say from 8 to 10 to remark that this is a dynamic process. When to 32 is added Quantum to, then the partial sum arrives to 36, at level 10. By arriving to 36, it reaches the constant limit and then , as mentioned before, a new level is reaches and the relative importance of elements reordered.
We are about to put together the observable physical world with the quantum world. It is a transitional stage.
2- Cosmologically, is like watching Hydrogen at the beginning and moving to the possibility to think that all the particles of hydrogen at the beginning were not exactly the same. Like the 6 and 6 example provided. You think they are the same because science restriction do not allow to look deeper and because you did not consider the math restrictions applied into physics. That is what's happening between 8 to 1
3- We are standing at the border of the theory of relativity. In the limits of light speed, about to consider that restricting your understanding of things to that physical restriction does not reach far enough. Just a few steps to insert the elements that break that limit.
4- From the biological perspective, we are arriving to the border line where the ovum is fertilized by the sperm.
5- From the emotional and intelectual perspective, we are standing at the point where you recognize that you are not very different than others and thus, you leave a big space for acceptance of the others. You are in a balance point where you consider others as well as you
Those 5 ideas are enough to explain that at fundamental level, the forms that any element may take can be very different but the core rules remains the same.
So now, 3 elements or number abstraction may be configured to conform a 3D base reality. The others 4 numbers or abstraction may be used to conform others thinks, like 4th elements of nature, 4th elements of quantum or elements that help to explain part of us. Still, the elements keep a time synchronicity. Thus ,this may be understood as moving from 3 to 4 elements and also as a 3D base that can incorporate one element as a group that leaves interior space to 4 chances or options
Any element , and that includes ideas and numbers within TWO bases, may always be explained as a combination that demands between 10 up to 12 levels. How many levels are required depends on the complexity of the elements and the contextual frame is needed to explain. As Constant TWO becomes a loop at this point, the groups and levels formation become infinite within a ring, or any other geometrical figure you wish. Everything becomes a problem of the coding structure you wish to interprete or visualize.
At this point, 3 x 4 or 12 becomes enough to step deeper into the abstraction possibilities inside Constant TWO.
Within the 12 hours clock, a 3D plane may be formed. Standing in a clock perspective, within 12 and 3 or 9 and 12 standing position you can explain 1/4 of the clock or 1/2 of the clock 2D plane. As everything within the Universe and TWO is in motion, only 1/4 of the 2D plane becomes necessary to explain the whole 2D clock. Then you are force, to visit the 12 hours to understand that each quarter of the 2D clock becomes a part of a process.
Now, to incorporate the processes as well as to insert a 3D reality in the already conformed 3D base becomes necessary to take the 4th elements we have not yet use. And now the matters is about to become more complex. So complex that computers are needed to hold in your mind such an amount of collapsed elements or abstractions. Thus, this need to be taken by parts and provide them quantum alternations. Then, the 4 elements may be used for>
a- Insert a new 3D element sharing the Z axis * out of the 4 elements that are a group of elements collapsed to 4 abstraction
b- Insert the 4 driving forces of the universe sharing the Z axis
c- Insert the Processes by adding an scale sharing the Z axis, as a helpful reference, a sort of 2 pairs of chains of information, like DNA
d- Insert the quantum TWO possibilities.
e- And so on up to 12 becoming a loop to be broken later.
Now, what is important at this stage is to consider that Constant TWO is capable within the dynamic encrypted within, to allow this possibilities to be possible and likely as far as it can contribute partially to explain the atomic weight of elements and by extension, its structure. The interesting part is that at Axis "Z", the possibilities of putting together different elements, layers, groups, realities, etc becomes consistent to provide an understanding for evolution in many layers as well as a merging reality in different levels, from cosmos to life itself, and of course, consciousness. At Z axis.
The common ground base for different groups and levels occurs theoretically at axis Z. To help to understand the processes within time within the clock symbolical representation that has been used, consider that the Process Scale is like an espiral around the clock, as a Fibonacci chain As we are restricting the clock to 1/4 in an 2D plane, it will only merge each 3 levels or groups, Only by looking the whole clock you will visualize in a complete form. The chain scale naturally should be a 12 step chain, from 6 o clock to 12 o clock. And as Constant TWO represents only a part of the story that can never over pass 49% as fundamental rule, then, the light weight structure of the coding behind the Process Scale should fill up the 2D clock to turn it into a 3D clock that may look like a planet. Just as an analogy.
The elements that together are useful to structure 3D merging elements contains heavier elements in its coding structure than the ones required to structure thinking or other light weight structures. Thus the axis Z is primarily conform by light weight coding structures. If one element is moving from 9 o clock to 12 o clock, is moving upwards. As 2 Processes scales are required to respect TWO bases, then when one element moves from 9 O Clock to 6 O clock , it is moving downward. The whole point is to provides hints about how the empty space is fill with coding structures that end up in energy everywhere. To go deeper into this matter, others elements need to be considered and other articles need to be read. This is jut to provide a rough conceptual base.
Finally it is worth to remark that the relation between 3 and 4 is the most balanced mathematical relation that can be performed between 2 numbers that multiplied explain 12. Also it is relevant to remind again the lower the number that becomes visible to us, the largest the content inside that remain hidden. Thus if you see "3" ,on the other side, confider's there is 33. The same, If we see near 15% of the cosmos as physical elements, it is not very hard to estimates how much is in the other side. And in the other side in this particular case means dark energy and dark matter and also light energy and light matter and plus 1.
From 3x4 to 2 x 3
One step deeper
Let us start again with 36 or 360. A new level demands to restart.
36 dynamic loop elements, probabilities, ideas, concepts, etc is a number large enough to allow you to structure some relations among the elements to structure some sense. If 36 becomes poorer, then you know you can leap to 360, or , from 1 to 10. It was easy to create a mental association with time by adding an imaginary Clock, It was possible, by restring your thinking structure or possibilities to lead your mind to some concepts from one side perspective, Yet, the door for other and others perspectives was deliberately left open.
2x3 or 3x2 or 2+3 or 3+2 it is not the same. The order matters in TWO, adding or multiplying is not the same. In reality, to be first or last in a row is not the same. However, it defines the scope.
If 36 becomes 1 in another level it is because the maximum scope that Constant TWO provides to a number considers 35 elements within. There's is an encrypted lack of precision within any perfect number. Numbers may become even less precise than concepts. Thus, to structure sense, both are needed, at least 2 parts are required, number to define limits and concepts to provide meaning. If one is missing, the other one loose sense, precision. So, it is the same for Constant TWO, it is using numbers and concepts but once that is done, the two previous concepts become a part of a new scenario that again become a part of other scenario in another dynamic level.
Thus conceptually when you define a scale that moves from 1 to 36 you need to consider the following.
If you write down 1 on one side, there's 35 on the other side. If you right down 36, there is "0" on the other side
If you write down 35 on one side, there is 1 on the other side.
The smaller the amount on one side, the largest the amount on the other side.
If you do not jump from 36 to 1 and you remain in 36, the concept become an absolute and you break TWO rules that are just the Axiomatic rules that seems to be encrypted in reality.
If you move in absolute terms you can go from 1 to 2 as 1 to 36, then 2.
If you turn any number into an absolute, you break the fundamental rules. And that happens in the Hydrogen table exactly at level 10.
What does it means? It means the transitional stage related to 36 and also to time is left, abandoned. At level 10 in Hydrogen table an absolute concept breaks in. On one side is One or 36 and, in the other side is 0. Its is a merging time for reality and it occurs the moment YOU and WE ARE NOT.
As we are not, as Constant TWO is outside the structure that explains the atomic weight of hydrogen, but it is affecting it, time may collapse. We may step out of our previous ground base of 12 and further collapsing it to 6. By doing so we are collapsing the direct linking to the time synchronicity we had before. If you take just number 2 out of 2x3 and focus over the time concept in dual perspective, encrypted in number 2, as symmetrical dualities, what you already know it is just a misunderstanding necessary to structure rough meaning to be polished, what we have is a split between a beginning and ending process. It is just like in the queue example. there are two ones, like to Hydrogen particle, one in one level and another one in other level, one 1 at the beginning and another 1 at the end and 0 in the middle, because you are not. It is the moment where you can fold time, the past and the future into axis Z. You can read the 0 in the middle as Oxygen, as the O from standing in front of O'clock, as 0, like when you are not. That is the power of the abstraction that lack extensions. They become very efficient and allow you to structure all kind of meaning by associations.
When you are not it is possible the merging of TWO as an absolute number, abstraction element with physical properties into a physical reality. As an absolute the level 10 becomes level 1 and with this reduction 1 equals 1 because the process have been removed from the understanding. And by removing the process, you have been removed. As One equals One within the physical context, then any explanation of the universe or reality that do not recognize the singularity of each element that looks alike will become incomplete and, as consequence, will not be able to provide meaning.
If the past and the future are symbolically symmetrically folded as 1 and 1 or as H and H, you will get trapped.
36 may be reduced in 2 dimensions * from 2x3 * , The dimension related to Levels, as the vertical dimension that allow to say that number 1 may be understood as 10, leaving space for 2 out of the plane. An the dimension related to 36, as the horizontal dimension that alloy to structures groups. If this last dimension is further reduced or collapsed it is 3 and 12. This is the reason why at level 10 in the hydrogen table, the amount of content added into the table is 3, and the total sum is 36. The algorithm is leaving 12 outside the plane. Thus, interlinking both concepts in quantum TWO planes in the Z Axis just left space for 2 out of the table. This last 2 + 10 becomes 12 in closes the loop leaving the space to be broken. As a consequence, as 2 planes are crossed, the ground base for TWO Constant needs to be extended to 360. Then 1 as 1 / 36 and, again 1 /360. 3 levels deep and 4 elements left. As one level is removed, then 4 may be extended to 40. In other words, the constan can be extended or elevated up to 40 times to adjust relative significance. And if quantum alternation is removed from Constant TWO bases, the extension of the constant could be elevated to 44, and if the extension of the counterpart of constant TWO is also removed, then if would be like elevation to 48. And then if now the quantum base of the process that explain this matter are removed, then 40 is removed and the only thing left is 8. 8 that are exactly the levels demanded to explain reality from restricted ground base limited to just what can be measured. With 8 levels, most elements of the periodic table may be explained, but not Hydrogen, because it has encrypted its exceptionality. With 8 symmetrical levels the reality becomes so poor that lack sense or purpose because the ground bases only see one. And TWO the least that demands is to see another one.
When reality is reduced to 2x3 hundreds or thousands of standing perspectives are possible. Let us focus just in 3 as the merging possibilities within a spectrum. Pole A, Pole B, and a third merging Pole, the Pole that holds the flag that represent you. An now, 2, Your flag as a resulting consequence of all the flags , when you are 0, and a whole dynamic spectrum that allows you to interact as part cause from one plane and consequence in another plane. And 1 to always incorporate the dynamic of the process.
Thus, when you are not, then 36 and 14 missing to complete 50 as half of a whole, as 6 out of 12. in a relation 2 to 1
The half it is just metaphoric, the maximum extension it can take in relative terms, when you are not is 49%,, yet, at the same quantum time 2x7, also 7+ 7, also 49% as 4x9, Then 4x9 becomes a linking element to the other side within the same side. It is like an analogy to put together Est and West as part of on e way to look but anyway is missing North and South, and when that possibilities is added, what Constant TWO is capable to hold, the just 2 and 1 is left. or 1 and 2 if you are looking from both sides.
And when 2 and 1 or 1 and 2 or 1 2 are the only elements left , then you are at level 11, because at that level 4 elements in the hydrogen table become 40. In other words you understand that when 1 out of 4 or 14 and 36 are, then you are NOT. - Level 12
The time barrier have been broken, It is the right moment to incorporate The Upon Light Speed or Process Constant into the Play
A leap have just been performed, the mayor leap of all, the leap that is capable to hold within 2 into one. It goes from 36 + 14 to reach 50 in the Hydrogen table. Instead of adding 2 ceros to the scale, the table jumps from 5 to 50. As you are not as a singularity,what conceptually have been performed is to leave space to the other in the same plane, your aside counterpart and also your vertical counterpart above you. By vanishing your space into Constant TWO, you are taking the comprehension levels to the instant life it is not present. Yet, at the same time, an as a quantum counterpart, at level 12 the total sum column reaches 90, just the precise base to leave space for anyone to merge at a quantum instant any time between the beginning and the end of conscious life. When you are not, on the counterpart, there's , Oxygen, just in the middle. And there is Oxygen because the beginning was reordered conceptually.
When the column, at level 12 reaches 90, 4 planes or options are left. The quantum alternation only have space for you to choose what do you want to believe and your choice and your standing general perspective places you at an specific position within a 3D plane within a particular moment in time and so on. It is like your DNA + You in your life building up your location. The creation of reality contains, within our planet and galaxy as reference, the largest scope for the consideration to other or others. The largest scope set a place to everybody and forces us to template our relative importance, then, the largest relative size we can take is the relation 1 between 2 others, in absence of the physical plane. And the smaller one is the relation of 0 among the elements. Then as many ceros as the concept is expanced and enough empty space to allow the quantum options.