4K System
The insertion of a decision into the Cosmos maybe understood from the matrix below
The matrix reflects the quantum moment before taking a decision from a context that become the most symmetrical posible context within TWO. If an additional quantum Bit es added, then the table leaps to the outcome of a transitional status. Then the table is structured under the same coding structure that explain both moments and yet, the same ground bases than PI and ULP Constant. Then it intends to be very consistent. Yet, the table matches the explanations of Quantum bases as explained in part I and Part II. Yet the value are linked to TWO time Clock from when 1 equals 6. Naturally, the moment matches all conceptual bases within TWO.
The concept of the center of the center mergers clearly in order to understand how decisions have effects that may be shallow or deep according to its nature, context an others factors, the relevance becomes critical as the last or first elements that allows a whole TWO structure that links conceptually the mayor phenomenon's.
Naturally, like most TWO matrices, they are just numbers upon constants. Just partially decoded codes that only make sense within an explanation behind that becomes possible out of a correlation among all the matrices.
Yet, the amount of connections should caught your attention up to you become to understand how this kind of connections are possible. You need to remind that this abstraction are coming from programming bases of reality out of the provided context. They are very complex because the always changing thinking bases.
A - Elements Involved
As you already guess, this is again Constant TWO ground base x Acceleration Scale Level x Pi level structure x amount filled as the amount requested to match values in order to keep consistency under the same frame. In this case, the demandad matching value is 115, 2 lower value than 117, that is the Time breaking Value, the matching value after a decision is taken at the edge. The difference between both moments is merely 2. Thus the decision scope or spectrum goes from 1 up to 2. Then, a decision is constrained always within an spectrum. The largest the spectrum, as the largest the radio into a circumference, the largest its significance. Within a mind, the spectrum becomes restricted to the options we see as possible. If the spectrum considers a big radio, then expands up to the limits of the universe you see. The very idea of spectrum as the spectrum of US, the electromagnetic one, the colours, etc. is always the same, as core, as constant. What changes is the radio and the wrapping expression. Yet, under a common base creation, within we are part, everything becomes related to decisions and part of that understanding comes from the links of this matrix.
B- Time breaking decisions vs decisions
16353550 vs 163535 4984567 is the outcome of Decision matrix vs Time breaking matrix. The difference in both matrix is just 2 at level 8, the same ground level used as match as possible in order to help you to maintain the most possible the same base. Ground 8 as the same level up to science arrives to explains elements at the periodic table that is elevated to 12 within TWO.
49 as 36 as Constant TWO at sight, 84 as 16 missing, the same 16 that defines the abstraction limits. 84 as yet 8+4 and yet as 32 as 3+2 as at eleven O Clock Standing. Then 5 as before taking a decision between 5 and 20 and 67 as if you do not make and attempt to expand even a little more, instead of moving to 6 and 5, to the right, the motion itself will take you to 6 to 7, to thee left. However, at this very deep level, standing exactly at 6 in the TWO Clock in the deep of your decision becomes near 2 like 20, then you arrive to 50 as 1/4 of the whole spectrum you are inserted, as our own spectrum, This the very edge.
C- The Centre at the Edge
As this is the edge for us, taking decisions end up for defining us. This previous instant that defines one way or another is directly linked, when the decision goes to the right by 2 to the edge od the universe. Then it is linked with hydrogen table at level 12, then is linked to Helium at level 12, then is linked to Gravitational constant with the 7 missing value of the sequence 9.80665, as 9.87. The seven missing comes from 4+3 which counterpart is 3x4 as 12 as the just mentioned 12. Yet, is the decision to come is to the right, then, again 65 instead of 67. If 67, the bounding back to Gravitational forces. This is the most fine tuning within TWP bases. This tuning is looking at the edge of the universe by looking Hydrogen widths iys 4 different Hydrogen structure to the center itself, then 2 to 1, but, right at that instance from 1 to 2, the whole expands to 5, then always ant elements becomes a consequence. This is so in the edge that is like looking at 11 at the TWO Clock, then from its right side going through the whole watch up to returning to 11 but at the left side, then 1 and 1 as two elements in an encrypted time sequence but 11 out of the plane. Then a decision that from that center may or may nor incorporate the 12 as folded within plane. It is a whole loop with an space open. The It is not any longer a close loop. It is like turning the "O" into "C" The space range is 2, 20, 2000, 20.000 etc.
If the abstraction of reality comes from a sequence 16 - 14 - 12 - 10 - 8, then Entering into 16 and 14 is 15, then 3 elements alternating among 4 and you already know the sequence as in the beginning . 16 as from Constant TWO, 14 as the Raw Model that defines the scope and yet later US adding into PI never ending extension, and 12 as the counterpart, like the Other side. Then the insertion of Quantum is like out of 365 days of the year the plus 0.2 as US, our insertions. like many other insertions into the planetary and cosmological level. Yet, always a part because our restrictions. The 0.2 as the same 2 insertion contained in here but at the edge. We cannot reach the full 2 spectrum, that place have already been taken. Thus any decision have a range up to 3/4 out of 20 as 15. The whole spectrum within the TWO Clock from 1 to 4 O Clock is busy. Like the 16 abstraction, like the 16 hours, like 4 twice. Thus from TWO Clock we never really moves trough the whole Clock, we only move from 6 to 5 and then jump or from 6 to 7 - then the spectrum of 2 as the difference between 5 and 7. From 5 you do not go to 4, you leap to eleven, because you are seen at least 2. However, from 7, I m not very sure at all at this point you can move towards 8 but that should become very heavy and destructive, because beyond 7 you end up overpassing others limits. So that happens and a lot. Thus beyond the 7 spectrum to the left, any decision becomes very destructive, if you understand what I mean. Anyhow, as the full spectrum consider that possibility, then you need to understand that to enters into another plane without bouncing back to be elegant should not theoretically be posible within TWO, at least in One life. But I may be wrong. Thus, repeating under a different wrapping should be quite likely, as US been still here. A different wrapping and yet a partial fundamental adjusting at core level would be very likely required.
D- From 5 to 10 to 15 out of 20 to 105 to 115 out of 120
E- The Decision Table - Matrix
Look at the table in general. Note there's plenty of symmetry and order degrees and levels. Focus on the amount filled: the numbers at all levels are pairs and they could be divided into half's like for ever. One half to one side and the other half to the other side on an "X" plane. Just like science that in order to zoom in and \Zoom in and figure out understanding of elements. So that is what happens from Cosmos to the atomic structure, to zoon in and in and in. But there is a limit. The limits is that science cannot read thinking structure upon its base. Yet, It cannot go very much deeper into the nucleus of an element. It cannot go deeper out of its own restrictions. Yet the same for an artist, a musician, a philosopher, etc. No one can see beyond its limits and we all have limits, whether we like them or not. From any singular perspective the most difficult thing to see is oneself. Thus if we try to see the universe or oneself always some elements will stay out if you accept that no one can see itself a 100%.
When science zoon in and zoom in and zoom may arrive to see from one or another way a symmetrical structure. Like zoon in into a clock. In the end, you are into a loop. Thus at the edge of the observational capacities science can see merging elements out of quantum mechanics as thumbs up to the left, thumbs up to the right as mirror images. Yet, a third additional thumb but not a 4th one. Yet, science cannot see themselves at all. To reflect that situation, please consider the following:
Instead of looking at the coding structure of the matrix, focus again into the amount filled and think that instead of dividing and dividing the pair values into each level , you mentally open each pair number into to half's and make a balance at the edge as the following example: At line 9, divided the 18 value into 9 on one side and 9 in the other side. Then take the left 9 and think of it at the edge, as 1+8. Then do the same for the other 9, but now as 8 + 1. In both cases, same resulting number of 9 that symmetrically explain 18. In the mental exercise we are just removing 1 element each side, as the capacity to see you 100%. As science can see up to level 8, and just guess about level 9, the example provided matches the idea transmitted. The 18 value from level 1 at the table randomly matches the provided example and randomly matches the scale levels construction for the elements of the periodic table. As you can notice , "Randomness" is at sight.
If you remove the left and right "1", from 8 number you will go to the same but now with seven, An so on. The deeper you continue you will arrive at any level you perform this mental demanded exercise to 4 Ones into each level Line. Yet, if you perform the same task From level 1 to level 8, you will arrive with 4 to level 4 with the same 36 value. Yet, if you perform the same task with the value 36, you will arrive again to 4 ones. As there are 4 from the X axis and 4 from the Y axis, then you can continue the mental exercise. Of course you can dio the exercise in a paper. It is very simple. Then from 8 you will end up in just 4. Now out of the 4, you cannot answer TWICE the same question. Let us remember the question. Can you see or not see all?. Then if you left the door opened to the question, then only will remain 3 and 1, 3 as all you can see and 1 for the acceptance in your mind that there's at least one thing you cannot do. This was taken to the edge, as dividing and dividing is taken to the edge. If you think you can see it all, then you are GOD and this whole matter stop having sense. If you accept you cannot see everything, then the less possible space left you can provide into your mind if you follow a logical thinking structure out of a symmetrical structure is 1 out of 4. Then, out of this reasoning that comes from a coding structure that comes from the edge from all sides of TWO bases, the less space you can provide to what you cannot see is 1 out of 4. Then , at quantum level, the 4th option that remains hidden merges at a 4 level of deep.
If you accept the idea that no one can see 100% and the logical sequence explained, then, the 3/4 left is the most, at singular one level or as a collective, we all may see.
Now, if you accept that within the context where we all are a part there are some rules out of the physics like for any action there's a reaction or more or less the same, no element can pop up out on nothing. then we can go on. If you denied that very fundamental observation, then again, the matter is over. It makes no sense for you to go on. The acceptance of the mentioned is part of the understanding.
Some ideas and logical mind sequences have been performed. Do you recognize the existence of ideas and degrees of capacities to logically process them, regardless of where they are coming from, the capacity to measure them o even Who are you? Well, if it is so, we can move on. Otherwise, again, it would not make sense to further continue. The acceptance of the recognition of its existence becomes a must.
Upon all the mentioned, If you are not God, you necessary are a consequence out of randomness or out of something you cannot see. Anyhow, you are a Consequence. Then, if you follow logic, you cannot denied that one way or another your are a Consequence., An element that do not merge out of nothing but out of something. That logic chain may take you back to the very beginning, regardless of where and when that become possible.
Now, Do you recognize the existence of others or even elements that are not you from your perspective? And by doing so, do you see, at least your body as an element within a context within a moment or time ? as within a space and time instant ? If the answer is yes, then the logical sequences may continue. Otherwise, again, this is as far as we can go on together, at least for now.
Then ,
Then, when you are a Cause within your thinking, there is a Consequence a Process
Then, when your thinking is a Consequence, there is a Cause and a Process.
Then, at any instance, you go through an alternation among the mentioned.
Among those alternations, there is always a constant, 1 out of 4 you cannot see.
As the constant repeats in the scenarios, at any stage, 3 out of 4 will turn out ruling.
Then from 1 from to 4 is the extend of the quantum process
As you moves from 1 towards 2, and towards 3, then, the relation among the elements have different consequences within your life or anybody life. It is a process itself. You are the outside element according to your standing position. You are standing at any point between
and spectrum coming from everywhere. Then your decisions defines you.
The center itself is, as you can see, when all the axis convey to the center of the Clock. At the center, when your consideration to other and others and to the invisible is like 3,
In Progress
F- The Nouns
G- Cause - Consequence - The process