

















4K System



The Starting Point






Within a closed Loop, there is no such a thing as a singular starting point that you can easily trace back. Even though TWO it is not about a close circles, they are necessary to structure sense. How it is possible to break them, it is necessary to provide some beginnings.

The same way than the beginning in a closed circle are hard to track, the order of the articles within TWO are also in a closed loop, so, what to read first or later does not seems to be very important. You are always demanded to leap from one issue to another, move forward and backward in the articles in order to be capable to make sense. It is a process. Every time you read something, there will be something missing that forces to check another article. It is a large entangled structure, as it is reality. This will turn reading into a torture process because all the linking process within TWO are leaping process from one side to another side. That is why it is so demanding. Triangulations are often used to link ideas.


As you have your own perspectives of things and within TWO bases you are part of the Beginning, then a good starting point for you is attempt to recognize were are you standing at this moment. And this is relevant because You, as a person, are also linked in this process.



The beginning

from TWO many different bases

Many perspectives at Once



a- The chronological cosmological beginning may be trace back to near 13 billions years, as within a 14 number abstraction.  Just an instant before the Big Bang, in spite that the Big Bang concept is replaced in TWO for the Big Ben concept or idea. TWO does provides matrices that are a picture  with the coding structure of the elements for that period. Within the same line of cosmological evolution, our galaxy, our planet, the biological evolving process, us and so on. It becomes relevant then to check Hydrogen, Helium and Oxygen tables as pole matrices.


b- Consider the beginning like the beginning  in our planet or any planet in order to expand the concept. This is breaking the laws of the logic  you may think. Yes, It is, unless you divided physical and non physical planes. Thus, do it mentally. You need at least to consider 2 dimensions to understand this.


As in the Genesis story, first the day and the night and the rest of the story. A story that does not make sense but it does, and a lot within TWO Bases. It is about a context capable to provide life conditions. It is the story of the importance of O as oxygen, then H2O, Where H2O becomes fundamental for life. This concept is opening now at least  tridimensional beginning. From A to Z, From Z to A and from Center to the left and From  Center to the right. Then 2 dimension and yet 3 option. Yet these will be much more further conceptually expanded. This is the concept of the beginning from the centre. Extremely powerful concept within TWO.


c-The beginning in the Future, An upside down story that also makes no sense within the laws of the logic you are used to think. It is like a story that set Us in the middle of the past and the future as predestined people. It is the story of the non escape. Yes, it looks that way but, also, it is not the story were you have no options. In spite that this  may turn you to think that everything is written, that is not the approach within TWO. Within TWO bases you will always have free will in an spectrum of options that may become infinite to you, yet, a written story that is not written at all for you. Very complex.


d- The beginning from Aside: Like the beginning from Z toward A and From A to Z in an X plane but now, instead of looking chronologically, looking into an Y plane as from the center looking aside. This could be understood as seen to others from your left side to your  right side, by considering others. Yet the same for planets idea.


Please note that From Z towards A it is not a Negative perspective as opposing to A towards Z.. Also note that From A to Z and to A, as a 360 degrees loop it is not denied as part of reality.It is a necessary process to go trough, but it is not considered a Beginning. - The Aside concept, as the others concept is very related to Constant 140. The Loop concept is very related to Constant TWO.


e- The Beginning from a Y Plane, as vertical plane. From Y2 towards Y1. To do not say Y0. This plane is providing space to what you cannot seen and is taking dimensions, visibility  within TWO bases. Please note this scale it is not going From Positive to negative. This is very related to the fundamental relation 2:1 ,like 2 elements upon 1 as a singularity.


It is the beginning in the conscious life. A center, within a Center, within a Center, as the wide picture, and within it, your own life. It is the story of you in the middle when you are not, like To Be or Not to Be but in this case, To Be and Being. Again, quite complicated. This is about the insertion of your life within the centre that is the spectrum of life. Then, reordering things , it is the story that inserts you from the centre into an evolving plane. The complexity is that this insertion demands different planes that you cannot see and what you cannot see is always bigger than what you can see. This relates to Time breaking and your intangible dimensions.


The beginning from Quantum ground base. This is related to your decisions - Quantum Decisions, your history - Quantum Evolution Leaps. At least 4 elements at stage. Your mental choices that demands at least 2 and 1 elements. This about  your imagination possibilities and how it is a resulting process. A beginning that demands quantum options that yet demands a story that not merges out of nothing. This beginning, as relevant as the others beginnings,  all together at once in one dimension while in the plane we are, stretching through in out time perspective into a planetary evolutionary process. Many beginnings at once in order to break time rules and yet an order, a controlled process.


The Beginning from a duality of choices in the mind. Thinking reduced to any duality of choices in your life and taking decisions. Then, 2 planes together as body and mind. Tangible reality and intangible conveying  together for you to take paths.

At the same time,  considering visible or Invisible, Up and Down, good or bad, finite or infinite, free will or destiny, You and the other, you and the others,etc. The big questions or just day to day decisions that defines you. Thus, your actual existence becomes a process in witch you are involved and not aware of it because it is part of the encrypted rules of a program of reality. You were provided with the chance to start again and again, as a different ONE  in order to be able, finally  to take the path that allows you to break the circle you are restricted. However, the again becomes blurry because when your beginning  is a new process that have clean your past in order for you to not be aware of it, then the line is blurry. The process itself contains certain bags that you need to overcome. And, each bag is different.


This is the beginning from choices you have taken. The choices of your life that takes you to: another plane, as a beginning in a plane with no physical dimensions with certain characteristic or, a new beginning, your actual beginning as a biological specie in the same plane but with different singularities that makes you another one, different than before. Then, as You are here, as You were before, as a consequence of having take decision that provides you a merging order into circumstances into a plane you are familiar.


Thus, the total scope of the conscious beginning goes from the 1st to the last conscious One. Even tough you are not yet born, the order of things it is already been set. For that to be possible, a Raw model becomes a must in order to set the scope. Your choices in life matter, and a lot. They are the Quantum Angle of insertion within reality. Your standing position depends upon your accumulated history and  your moment and yet from your future meeting at the centre providing you a quantum possibility to choose. Quite complicated. And from the conscious ones perspective, the one that is at the precise centre among all the elements, the Raw model. Thus, Nobody, Everybody and the One., a trilogy, a trinity and You also to decide. As that is the center of all center, then it is the most relevant Beginning. Thus, the closer to the center, the closer to the beginning that leads you to another plane beginning.


f- The biological beginning as We all are familiar.

g- The beginning when You look at least one beyond yourself.



Thus , like 8 sources at Once, Twice...


1: You as consequence, yet "Plus"


TWO is the Story of breaking time rules on one side, and yet keeping the time rules on the other side as quantum possibilities. It is about You as a consequence, you as a cause and you, within a whole spectrum of choices.  In the end, or beginning, it is all upon your standing position regardless of what you may see or not.


To back up what has been said, there is data and information that can very complicated to understand but match reality. The structure of TWO supports the choices of us, conscious life,  as the resulting element of a creation and yet, been part of it. Anyway, as encrypted in TWO bases, you are always welcome to believe whatever you please. Within TWO there is space for you to do so.


To put partially all the above mentioned elements together demands a permanent dynamic status that is designed to collapse us. The design of reality becomes such a masterpiece that no singular conscious life  can handle. Only part of the elements and yet, thank you to others collaboration. Within TWO, the understanding of the universe is completely linked to the understanding of yourself and that is why always your standing position will become relevant within your understanding of the universe.




The Global Beginning - The Creation Perspective



Within TWO Bases, Everything is the result of a loving creation. What's been described above are possibly part of the processes and perhaps, part of the explanations. In fact, if you read carefully, the provided explanations  do back up the Genesis story as the most likely within TWO Bases. Clearly the story it is not referred to the evolution beginning although it is considering it as relevant. The reasoning is taken to our limits and surpasses our logic. The explanations within TWO are an attempt to provide some further sense to a story that becomes incredible.



The abstractions behind


From 1 to 6 + , as a border, as 16, as frame to be stretched

Then 1+ 6 as 7 + , as outside the border, as invisible, as Genesis history

As they both alternating, then 3

16 also as 4x4 as borders.


From 1 to 4 +, as inside the borders

Then 1 + 4, as 5 outside, as Quantum

As they both alternating, then 3


Then 3 and 1, thereafter 4 and +1 from the 5th line  as 3.1415

As 3 is alternating with 3, then 9, as a transit, as the first and the last and the middle

Thus 3.14159


From Inside

From TWO as 6 and 5 as II, like Eleven and or  Like 2

From 6 To 5 as motion spectrum leaping toward II - As decisions

Then Twice 2.65 and thereafter 3.14159265




As in the outside middle of 1+6 and 6+1, as 3.5 without 10 base

Thus, 3.1415926535+


Conceptually Up to here from this section.

89+ becomes extremely complex, too many sources at once.

In other articles 89 will be commented :

  Q. Evolution




To Go deeper on 89, please go to Quantum TWO / Part 2



 The Beginning

Yet a Consequence


It is love itself as a constant through all time and space what  turn into waves what becomes very relevant to understand any beginning. Then The first sequence from our plane perspective need to consider first  "3 elements" with many meanings, at the same time.


A-  "3" as Past, Present and Future, then, 4 to provide space for the elements together.

B-  "3" as 2 Others + 1 in order to provide the chance to anyone be a consequence of the  the relation of 2 and 1

C-  "3" as the possibility to choose One standing between 2 Poles

D-  "3" to allow sequences, planes, scales, priorities,

E-  "3" to allow the mentioned to alternate, then 1 between 3 and  4

F-  "3" as a visible Consequence of 1 and 4+, then a beginning restricted perspective from one plane. The plane with 8 elements, as in science

G- 14+ as the invisible before 3, as from the other side.


From this abstractions to the ones that matches chemestry, universal constants, physics, etc. in order to  provide some explanation to consciousness, decisions, motion, physics, etc.


3.1415... just to follow some sequence because PI it is also a consequence.




The Whole in One Theoretical bases