

















4K System



Time Breaking - 207



Enclosed you will find a theoretical Matrix that represents a Time Breaking Coding Structure Instance.


The matrix is likely the most abstract and complex to understand table within TWO. In fact, just now, after many year since the table was performed, I am capable to provide certain degrees of sense to the table. As table itself, is very simple, its understanding becomes conceptual.


There is no chance you can comprehend this table without to be very familiarized with many others concepts within TWO. Thus, the recommendation is only try to understand this table once you are coming back for a long tour from TWO.. However, a fast look may help.


This table it is much more than numbers. It is US as merging elements. For some, some associated references may become familiar because the table itself is related to some people possible circunstancial life experiences that are at the edge. Then, what is behind this table will make more sense, emotionally to them than to another's..


This es an extremely deep abstraction of reality and also at emotional level, plenty of possible lectures different to anyone. Some meanings that are about to be provided are interpretations of the numerical abstraction.


Thus, there are numerical linking purposes by introducing this table that becomes necessary to establish connection among elements and yet, necessary emotional landing of the meanings

A - Numerical Linking Connections


1- As mentioned in other articles, TWO is a theoretical abstraction of reality. The abstraction itself have a starting point as 1 to "n", then "n" is replaced by 6 and from that goes on. The largest spectral range within reality, and universe as explained goes like 16, for the purposes of this section. In spite of the mentioned, There's is a second starting point that goes from 1 to 4 as 14. Then there is a third starting point that goes from 1 to 12, Then there is another starting point that goes to 10, then another one up to 8 . Then from other side perspective, from 1 to 5 as 15, then another one as 13 than another one to 11. These are programming bases .


As you can notice 16 is the largest extent. It defines borders inside as the borders of the universe that extends to infinite because of the programming rules of reality making impossible to separate what is or it is not real. Then providing and infinite scope that becomes infinite.. Then outside the box can be understood "1+7" as an abstraction out of the box. When, by programming rules that becomes extremely complex, element are like folded into the same plane pushing other elements aside, and by saying folding, the simplification  is extreme. The border itself of the abstractions are broken and stretched and the process become a loop as long as more and more starting points are added. 16 stretches each time in marginal terms as up to 5 levels by sequences. Thus, normally any ground base is stretched in the horizontal plane a fraction that is turned into a larger and larger number, changing its relative scale as a dynamic process. Thus 16 will stretch certain degrees upon its limits. By doing so, the PI circles that group the elements is broken and then symmetrical numbers stop been symmetrical. Thus from a perfect circle as a 360 degrees circle, the balance is broken, then 360 + 4 + 1+ 0.2 + minor and minor infinite adjustments. Then 365.2 as the days of the year in a very simple explanation. The same process for the tilt of the earth, the universe and for us. The logic within TWO always prevails consistent and end up matching all constants and etc.

If 360 comes from Constant TWO and Constant 140 as balancing among each other, then in the middle, as a third element interacting, there is quantum represented by 15. Thus 3.1415 are containing in complex ways what has been explained. The lecture itself of the number is difficult because is encrypted, dynamic and yet, plenty of crossing roads.


So, the very difficult part is relating all the mentioned  to us as conscious been and this is exactly what is behind the above table. The table is simple because all the complexities are homogenously distributed among the hundreds of structured concepts within TWO required to make this possible theoretically.


You are already familiarized with the tables structure and its context because other previous tables. Anyhow It is necessary to remind you that the structure of the algorithm is similar to the structure that explains ULP constant, and by saying that, I am saying that this table goes to the edge of the universe and to the edge of US. In fact, GOES TO THE EDGE OF EVERITHING SO its base is as going From 1 to 10 going through the transit stage. Then out of 12 levels, At level 6, the value 16 is likely reflecting the 1 to 6 abstraction as 16. Very similar to the total coding structure of 16 but now 16.35.. as the stretch in the same plane concept. Thus, the difference comes from 35 35 50  - see the table below- and those values come likely from the following understanding:


Normally each expression needs to be performed TWICE as left or right or, in this case, male and female. The 35 comes the second alternation abstraction like from 1 to 4 then as 14 that are coming from twice Seven and twice 3.5. This is 2 levels deep for the  first Counterpart to 16. Then, it is 3.5 that out of ten base is 35. The second 35 is a bounce back but a period different or, one level deep. It is like bouncing back. This becomes very relevant and I will get back deeper into this matter. The third sequence, as 50 comes from the abstraction of reality from 1 to 5 as 15. At this stage, a part of the quantum options are out of the scene. To have removed the quantum option outside it is a very complex matter that will be explained later deeply. Then it is like turning 15 to 5. It is removing for an instant the choosing option. Very relevant concept. Then , 3 elements have been taken into consideration. Quantum Options into a mind and by removing some options during an instant, it is about a transition moment leaving the body to a very deep level into a transit stage.This a a near death experience or a deep Nirvana. It is about separating, but not al all  the body from the soul. Thus it is a travel from 1 to level 9 through an streaming process to the edge, a funnel, like an individual wormhole. The stream  is at level 12, an all folding level as when at 12 there is nothing at sight.. To better understand this event, please read again about constant Boltzmann but, in this case, the thinking structure weight coding structure entering another plane is between 3 and 4 content size. It is lighter than 4. How that is known ? Because of the total amount filled that have been restricted to 120. Because the limit need to be restricted to that number. And to that number because the merging quantum element of a process is 10, that without its base 10 is like 100, And recalibrating elements it is like 12 folding into 10, as 2 into 1 - go to Quantum TWO part II . The base 100 becomes necessary because this whole analysis incorporates at least the consideration of 2 conscious ones, and by doing so, the base changes from 10 to 100 and yet the time distance is linked as 10, like 10 years difference. As we are talking about less than 12 base 10 or 120 and, It was explained that the quantum option have been temporarily removed, then the value 120 needs to remove the 3D option folded into the same plane. Thus 117 as the total amount for this constant. If 120+ is like closing all, then 117 is like removing a part of it, the 3D plane and by doing so, the space for physical reality and then collapsing Time. By collapsing Time there is a leap, from 3 and 4 elements that contains direct time relations as Space/Time to 2 and 3 elements, this is a deeper level, a moment leaving the plane, a path to death or to come back, a journey through a tunnel that becomes uncertain upon the resulting process. You may bounce back or you may not return because it is a travel to level 9, a transit level. It is a travel to the beginning, but a restricted one from the moment there's a bounce back. The bounce back as saying it was not yet your time to change the dimensional plane.

By getting closer to 120 or 12 to oversimplify, the ground base of 3 x 4  or 3 x 3 ~ 12 that contains the Time Itself Clock inside is not reach at all because you bounce back. The leap from 3 and 4 base to 2 and 3 base it is Itself a time breaking Instance, it is the travel for stepping out of physical plane for a moment that may be different for anyone according to the level of penetration into the transit zone.


Yet, changing the perspective let's get a little deeper and complex behind the meaning of the table numbers.

117 as total amount filled represents, among likely many things a taken decision. This is easy to know because as all tables containg consciousness are performed under the same bases. 115 is the table that contains decisions itself and is coming from Quantum TWO, thus 117 represents a taken decision that considered near 2 base spectrum. I does not reach 2, Then the 3 x 2 bases. The 115 Table is alike to the 117 table but before taken a decision. Thus the 115 table defines the limits of TWO: the decisions table.


If at the beginning  of tis section it was mentioned that this was like bouncing back from the transit zone, It was opened the door as like a random moment that arrives to anyone like dead. The 2 and 3 from the driving forces perspectives, out of deliberation consciousness, are like the forces of destiny that are taking you without even notice to circumstances out of control that always end up catching you. By reducing from 3 and 4 to 2 and 3 the driving forces from your existence plane multiply gradually up to 10, there after, it is like everything is taking you a an instance. It is like reducing the spectrum from 120 to 50. It is like the hidden forces you never see pushing you to the circumstances yet to come. Yo are never aware of this, perhaps some hints around you if you usually pay attention.

From love perspective is like an incredible amount of circumstances that all look like random events, just like the TWO random numbers for you. Circumstances that needed to have happened for you to know someone special. The special circumstances may be the moment you have end your purpose here or to meet the love , or the work that will defines you, etc. Changing from 3 and 4 to 2 and 3 it is just becoming aware, aware the things are not as random as they look. It is the implicit recognition in your mind that all the Randoms events in your life plus your decision  takes you somehow where you are standing. This is not removing free will, this is the understanding that the funnel starts much before than you think and just at the end you realized you are into it. Hollywood is plenty of movies about destiny and they are great but remember, from TWO perspective, always what's is beyond  you will exceed you and you always have free will. Thus, from TWO perspective, keeping the most fundamental relation 2 to 1, you cannot ever overcome the 33% of chances , in fact, something less. In other words, you may have the feeling but you cannot ever know. See the difference ? 


But the table it is not intended to reflect the circumstantial events that takes you to a point in your life. The table is about have taken an option upon the driving forces that push you to do it. The forces that push you to take a the decision in a decision making standing process, All circumstances takes you to do it because you feel the pressure . And at 2  and 3 the pushing driving forces are up to 10 times stronger than at 3 and 4. Thus, all circumstances of your life  a coveting like in a funnel of forces that push you to take your path, Defining momentos in your circumstances.. Those forces are the ULP combination of forces prevailing upon the combination of gravitational forces. When ULP Forces Prevail, then, from TWO perspectives , those are the forces usually called love.


From a funnel of looking like random events in your life, like the pieces of a puzzle that have no faces, thereafter, you hardly can relate them, to meeting in the process with circumstances that end up defining you by the taken choices, to loving and caring others, included you. Then when all those circumstances take the expression of male and female, then, life become possible because male and female are required. As there are at least 2 conscious plus circumstances, context, then some pieces of the puzzle makes sense to you, You see some faces because you have taken some routes. Then the ultimate expression of those forces end up in 2 X 3 in a stretch funnel. And when male and female become together out of love, a life is possible. Then the life process start from the physical plane through a 1 to 8 up to form a life at 9 stage. Then at level 9, at the transit itself, time have been broken. Thus, in spite that the process itself takes near 9 months and it was requiere to overcome level 8, then "0" at the table, that process overcome time barrier and occur just at the same beginning for all of us. Then it bounce back as One that was explained by 2 and yet partially, because at level 9 everything is folded to add much more than that. Love force as 2 and 3 overcomes 3 and 4. No 3D plane is demanded. Yet the need of a mother's belly and a fathers sperm becomes a part. Then it is a whole continuous process.


The travel in time is a travel to the beginning from . Each new life comes from the beginning of all, at the same time because THE SPACE TIME it is removed for that to happen. Then from a physical expression of love to time travel to the beginning. From a mind matching circumstances of caring  and loving another one in a very alike balance of 1 to 1, then for that to happen, very powerful forces that makes that just to happen. Then from a large funnel to a very stretch funnel, like the quantum experiments but in this case the funnel is quite narrow. If for a quantum experiment the size of the element to enter a body were at least 5, now, in this case, the largest elements are like 3, then, they go deeper into the transit stage where all planes folds. The process goes from 9 to 12 but that is not seen in the table.


Now, using the same base comparison scale.


9.80665  All Gravitational Forces Expression

10.0        A merging new life

11.44      ULP Forces - that contains Upon Light Speed

11.7        Coming from Time Breaking Constant - adjusted base

12           It is not 12, but close. 2 and 3, twice for male and female.  Loving deeply as 2 and 3 are Twice, 5 + 5 , then 10 as One


What is the meaning of Loving deeply in this case - Not asking or demanding but Delivering.

12 Itself demands what is mentioned but even more. 12 Itself becomes the Raw model.


Time linking out of Space / Time


2 and 3 like 23 or 32. Then 23 like "II" two  or 11- Eleven o Clock within TWO Clock. Yet  like 32 as the other side perspective, the other plane look. The 10 O'clock  within TWO Clock is the love outcome in our plane. It is One Singularity that  when it is conscious life becomes base 10. Within 10 o Clock what you can see is the Outcome of 1 separated by a 9 process that end up in a 10

Eleven O Clock Standing it is not a physical but mind status. It is like the cause of 10, it is a whole loop that do not end in oneself  but in another, Then 11 contains 2 elements as 2 and 3, then is coming from the motion from 6 to 5 but TWICE. It is about 2 singularities seen each other. 6 and 5 as the 65 in the gravitational force. Then 11.44 is behind, capable to overcome 11 - 6+5. It is 11.44 the invisible force behind, as from 2 and 3 levels, it is deeper and not at sight. That is the empty space full of loving content expanding each One because at each One there was space for others consideration.



Another outcome of this process is a very deep Nirvana, when there is no other in a physical plane but in the mind plane. There is a deliverance possible by the consideration of other or others  in order to overcome the self. Like Buda and surely, manu others. It is a time traveling through space and time but yet returning. Why, because the hole in the transit zone is 2 and the entering elements were 3. Then there is a bounce back because there was not the right moment or circumstances. The returning was necessary for many possible reasons. Clearly the one plane process was not completed. Now, the Jesus case is completely exceptional because its deliverance was so amazing that it was 2 complete number entering a 3 hole in the transit zone. Then it arrives to the limits itself and become the limit. By coming back from death set the limitas. 2 up and 2 down, the 4 and a plus. Thus becomes the limits of TWO Bases. That is From 1 to 9 , then 10 and + 1, then the absolute "II" that defines the spectrum. BY returning again, 2 and 2 and 1 as 2 and 3 for us, the ultimate expression of love driving forces entering now and ever into the space time. Thus 12 or 120, as the most invisible and deep level. Thereafter, the missing number and yet the matching number. And if missing in one plane is at sight in the other and yet folded everywhere.


In all this section explanations there is a common ground base, is about delivering, not demanding. The capacity of give away. Taken the concept to the edge, is the capacity to even love the one that hurts you or others. By considering even them, the whole scope is defined.


That is a new stretch, If the abstraction stretching limits was 16 and later to 16.35, then it is stretch to 17 but out of 20 in this case. 3 as 3D plane is again missing. Yet, this inclusion becomes a loop that makes no sense to extend. Thus, a cutting edge.


Below level 8, the table is explained as The decision making Table that becomes the same than this up to that level. The change from 6 to 8 allow to tell the story of a taken decision by talen to the edges. Then this story becomes different that 115 story because the context provided for interpretation of the same changes. Number alone, without a story becomes la common essence without wrapping. Both are requested.


The Whole in One Theoretical bases