4K System
Please, read in Wikipedia or another source about this constant.
Basically, it relates Energy and Heat into an atomic level. Thereafter, the constant is linked to the motion of atoms when temperature or energy is applied. As particles moves, they release some degrees of energy that is defined as constant under certain experimental conditions. The motion of particles is considered random for science but not for TWO. The constant provides a dimension of energy by degree of temperature.
The Constant is related to quantum mechanics and is based upon the translational motion possibilities of particles restricted to X, Y and Z planes.
Boltzmann Constant is directly related to Planck's distribution law, the spectral energy density (energy per unit volume per unit frequency) at given temperature is given by a formula that contains 8xPi value and c3 as Light speed and other variables.
The measured becomes possible only under certain given temperatures to certain king of elements, and why that becomes relevant will also be explained.
As TWO bases have some conceptual ground differences, yet the constant will be explained, it is relevant to mention the differences.
This Constant tell a lot within TWO, please take your time to understand its content.
1- Constant value have been matched with a 12 level structure. The same 12 levels used for explaining the elements of the periodic table but not including the ULP Constant in the algorithm. The ULP Constant is not included because it is directly linked to decisions within US. Thereafter, by not including it, the algorithm becomes a consequence of a previous stage. Within a hierarchy of elements, the lives element are Upon the non live elements. Thus the provided space for quantum option becomes reduced, given as consequence, that in another moment becomes part of the cause.
Then al level 12, the amount filled in the algorithm alternates, in quantum motion between 5 and 6 element. In a much reduced abstraction 5 and 6 that are coming from the alternation of 2 and 3. Thus, the deep goes to up to the number up to exponent 23 from one perspective and to 6 from another perspective, the same 6 that is similar to 5.84 as an average value, as an illusion value. Decimals are not allowed within TWO, thus the 5,84 becomes the output of 2 and 3 alternation. 2 elements, 2 worlds interacting within 3 options because the 4th one have already been taken in another instance.
2- Let us look what is missing. At level 12, that is an invisible to science measure level what is missing to fulfil value 6 base 10 as a complete value is 16, or 1,6 if you prefer. Now please remember that the edges of the abstraction of reality is restricted to 1 and "n" or 6, that when are aligned, as two math bases permit, they become 16, or 1.6 as a limit within everything may happen. Then, the 16 missing becomes an expression of the things happening into a constrained structure. Thus, the 5.84 becomes a very precise expression of the process but restricted into or inside the borders of reality abstractions. It is a very beautiful matching structure.
3- To restrict the motion of atomic elements to 3 options like X, Y and Z it is a very limited understanding of the nature of things and even energy. The quantum option are an alternation between 3 and 4 options, and 4 and 5 , etc . like 3.14159265.. This would be a more accurate understanding. But the 3.1415.. are within a Hierarchy as explained above. If measurements are performed to elements, elements with no life, then, elements that do not take decisions, so the 3 options become fine but not as a precise 3, likely like a 3 similar to the near 3 encrypted as light speed like 2.99 from an abstraction standing. However, for this gross understanding, 3 is almost fine. Thus 2 and 3 content merging again where contains physical restrictions of speed and yet option.
4- Let us continue with exponente 23 in the Constant value. It was mentioned that one perspective was to analize the value from the content perspective, as how it was done. However, at the same time another perspective becomes necessary, because the constant is dealing with 2 related elements at the same time. Then let us relate the same values to another simultaneous perspective, the time perspective. 2 and 3 together as 23 and linking the concept to TWO Clock as explained in when One Equals 6. Consider the 23 hours O Clock. You known that the difference between the 11 O Clock and 23 O Clock is 12 Hours, as one side and the other side. And yet, at the same time besides the 10 O Clock that is like a merging reality for One element, at 11 Hours that is less than half a process of 24 hours, you can also considered as 1 and 1, where Eleven demands 2 elements in interaction. and yet , at the same time, like synchronizing many events, at level eleven, like the level in the constant that is explained there is a need of 2 elements. The element that becomes part of what it is been explained, and the explained element. This is a loop perspective because there are no decision involved, decision that are the ones that breaks the loops. Then at level 11 in the constant it is just necessary ONE element as amount to match the equation itself.
5- the 12 hours out of 23 hours were left aside, the same than the 4th quantum option, Thus outside the constant itself there are another 2 elements outside besides the always plus. This means that the understanding is restricted because the constant is based upon a restricted perspective that only becomes reaches by the consideration of Conscious elements. However, the provided information becomes very interesting.
Now, if there was 12 hours missing, as one part, please note that at level 10, the amount added is precisely 12, as the 12 missing hours that are folded into the plane as 1 merging element precisely at 10, but in this case a one merging element base 10.
6- At level 9 the amount added to the algorithm is 18 and this value becomes very relevant.
When It was mentioned that Boltzmann Constant was related to Planck's Energy Density equation it is because that the relation merges very clear at level 9. And the relation will become very complex and philosophical. It was mentioned that Planck equation uses 8 times PI and that becomes a ground base issue or problem within TWO Bases.
PI has many, many, meanings within TWO . In this particular case let us take PI as a variable that closes circles. Strictly speaking 2 x PI x radio provides the diameter of a circumference. Thus, a 45 degrees arch is 1/2 x Pi x Radio is enough to explain an X, Y and Z plane, a 3D Field . Thus 8 Pi means providing space 4 times in a 3D plane.
Level 9
If level 10 to 12 are invisible at sight, levels folding upon the same plane, as an oversimplification way to explain it, at level 9 becomes necessary to go deeper because it is an encounter plane between reality as visible and the invisible planes. Thus, this will get very complex and the explanations will become very abstract.
Behind Boltzmann Constant there is Quantum Mechanics. Thus, at level 9, TWO will take it but, It will go deeper, to Quantum TWO ., one level deeper because this is a point were water do separate. One route is narrower than the other and TWO will take the Broadway as in its bases.
The science perspective explains elements up to Level 8, as seen in the algorithms that explains elements. TWO does take the matter to 12 levels, adding 4 invisibles planes that are enough to keep the relation of 2>1 as Tangible elements and Intangible elements.
From the moment we set the attention to the 4 intangibles elements out of the 12, TWO explains those elements out of another 8 elements. Then 4 out of 12 in the Intangible section.
As The focus is at level 9, then recalibrating the perspective becomes necessary because of the dynamics of the processes. Then by recalibrating the equations, by re-balancing elements, by reordering it is possible to understand that that the 4 Intangible elements are coming from the other 8 elements that are leaping from a deeper level to a shallow level. Then symmetrically, on one side or one plane 8 elements which content of information or weight is 5 and another 8 elements coming from the intangible side that are becoming heavier because they leap one level, then merges as 2 content. There after, as there 4 elements to balance, then also 8.
To understand why from the tangible side the content of the incoming energy is "5" you need to go to Quantum TWO. Basically the concepts is that any quantum por up element contains at least 5 bits or units of information within its coding structure. The POP UP element merges as 1 from Quantum Mechanic and as 10 from Quantum TWO. To remember you, any element with less than 5 units or content of information inside it is not affected by gravity as explained in many sections. Thus this whole matter is taken to the border, to the limits.
Then, as energy is entering an element, that needs to be understood as a group, the most light structure of information coming from outside as energy is energy with a 5 units content of information behind.
From the element that receive information perspective. Imagine the element as group with an extremely light coding structure of elements, as a group containing elements with coding structure of 2, then leaving a lot of space, from 2 to 8, as 6 difference to receive incoming energy. The whole of empty space as 6 is bigger then the 5 content incoming elements, so the body structure will receive energy and do not reflect it up to the point the light content of information changes the structure of the body that is receiving information's. Then before receiving energy from the outside, to run an experiment you need to secure certain degrees of matching content of information from both sides. The way to do that is by making sure the experiments are develop under the right temperature. The right temperature means to fill up the light structure inside with content of information coming from outside as the right temperature. Thus, it is about matching 5 elements from one side with 5 elements from the other side. The body that receives information or energy will accumulate it up to a saturation point. The saturation point is when 35 + 1 lighter elements becomes 1 as part of the 2 elements inside. Thus, any physical element will be able to receive information or energy according to its own coding structure. Beyond that point, that contains up to 4 levels deep in a looping structure, will saturate as it goes filling up elements.
Then, in order to 5 content of information as energy enters a body and bounce back, besides the right temperature, pressure and general experimental conditions , the internal structure of the element that receive information need to be 5. Then if it so, what attempts to enter bounce back.
If the incoming information structure were 6 instead of 5, then it cannot enter, because the size to receive it is too small or the body structure of the body get smashed or destroyed. It is very simple.
As science scope of measurement arrives up to 5, then to run successfully an experiment need to match 5 from outside with 5 from the inside. Then it requires a symmetrical structure from both sides. Thus, science start from 5 and 5 as symmetrical elements because at its core, cannot go further because of the restrictions that defines it. What TWO does it tell or explain how behind the 5 elements, with 4 and 3 additional looping structure, the history changes.
Then, at level 9, where all this is happening there are 18 elements coding structure, as coming from 1 and 8 and 1 and 8, where out of the TWO ones, one is invisible because is at quantum motion. Thus, one 1 is coming from the level 11 that is in the coding structure and have had already been folded as part of reality as 10+1 and the other One is coming from the alternations itself.
At level 9 then is 18 as 1 and 8 and 1 and 8, merging as 18. The matching elementary structure remains as if were coming from elements with an 8 elements structure.
When understanding is restricted to 5, then, the only way to step out of it when the existence of Quantum Mechanics is considered is by adding 3 additional elements as quantum resulting possibilities. Yet allowing to take the understanding of reality as a reality with 11 dimensiones. what it is nothing more than adding 3 elements as merging possibilities out of ground base of 8 elements that turn out the resulting process of a reality observation capacity restricted to 8 leves. The, the 3 quantum merging choices merges as an incompressible phenomenon that can be watch, because merges as 5 and 5 can be measured. But out of 5 the logic itself collapses.
The background cosmological radiation ends up becoming an observational event but becomes a headache for science because the phenomena itself it is telling there are deeper levels events that, at the edge, we can realize exist but becomes enigmatic.
As consequence, within TWO, at level 9, there are TWO worlds that are into a transitional process under experimental conditions. TWO worlds or realities introduced as 8 and 8 in a quantum stage. * and * that are introduced as similar but are everything except similar because they structure are different. Then the energy ounce back. And if the experiment becomes a quantum ONE, the merging options becomes 3, because what is entering it is not 5 but 4, a thinking structure. As 4 coding structure enters, the outcome are 3 possibilities, like 3x4 as quantum mechanics know it. Quantum Mechanic see one outcoming element as a random event that besides its randomness contains certain logis, and that logic is that elements merges as left and right or up and down within certain degrees of deep, but do not understand why. However, it is capable to find a relatin between the thinking and the outcome.
Then, when the experiments are performed with elements with no consciousness , the level of deep is restricted and thereafter the outcomes is merely bouncing back. When the experiments are performed including consciousness, the they good deep into the body structure, then the outcome possibilities goes to 3.
Now, when the experiment goes up to 5, then you do understand that 5 is 5 as a singularity and also as 2+3 or 3+2. The 2 +3 or 3 + 2 are the resulting process of 2 elements or dimensions, lets us say x and Y forming Z axis. the extension of the resulting Z axis comes from the 2 and 3 bases, there after, it goes up to exponential level 23, just as the constant is reflecting. the 23 deep level is a relative size level. Thus to say exponent 23 or exponent -23 becomes just a standing perspective issue.
As consequence, it should become clear to you why the Constant goes up to 23 levels of deep and also, it should become clear to you that the coding structure that looks like a random coding structure is everything except a random coding structure.
Now , when an experiment includes consciousness, then as it goes up to 4 levels deep, the outcoming results should range from 34 up to 43 levels deep, defining the maximum observational levels capacity of a merging element that taken to a cosmological scale it is like saying that the observational capacity of equating should arribe to that level, depending upon the ground base.
The outcoming merging option are like, in a clock, The 3, 6 and 9 O Clock, as mirrors consequences. Yet, there is the 12 O' Clock itself but that option becomes the exception Itself. Thus there are no 3 options at all. Very strictly speaking there are between 3 and 4 options, and later between 4 and 5 and so on as PI. Before trying to understand the 4th option itself, focus on understanding what have already been explained.
The charge of the outcome merging option comes from the Standing Position as observer and Observed one and also comes from who are you and what is your history. Then , as many times explained,. what you do matters. In other words, the frequencies becomes part of the process. From low to high frequencies from shallow to deep effects. Th history of one as the same like the right temperature fot the experiment. It as about an accumulation process.
All linked , the cosmological effects, your history, global history, from Quantum Mechanicas to Quantum TWO, Just different expression of the same core. From physical to mind and other planes.
The extend of the quantum phenomena, goes deeper into the space from 34 to 43 as the whole possible range restricted by the abstraction of reality itself. Then, into some other chapter TWO will focus deeply into frequencies and its relevance.
The lighter the coding structure, the deeper can penetrate into a group or a body. The deeper it goes, the larger the multiplying effect.
Thus, when a simple experiment is performed, with just elements with no life, you should not expect more to watch more than 8 inside bouncing in spite that they could be up to 12. The bouncing becomes like action and reaction at sight. If you go deep, the reaction can arrive far. If you go very deep, to the core, yo get close to the boundaries of universe. IF you could go to the limits, what you canot do alive, then you broke even time.
For US the limits is at level 9, just like this Constant. The outcome for us have 2 dimension options. To this side or to the other side.
As for the other side. Theoretically, by collapsing time and the body, then the total extension or deeper level could arrive up to 50 out 200 as a process that could last the same time than from the beginning to the end from a physical perspective. But, again, theoretically, it would no more like 50 out of 200 but as One that is part of the whole spectrum regardless of time. Then there is no collapsing of any equation and Yet the concept of regardless of time means that the extension now should reach the extension of your thinking, as explained in the size of the universe. And the extension of your thinking, according to TWO bases will not ever reach the extension of the whole.
Please see number 108.
The same way that 8 and 8 were calibrated to explain this constant. what happens at cosmological level is the same to define the scope of all the frequencies as the spectrum. As the matter is taken to the limits, from different perspectives like taking now as 5 and 4, interacting, then instead of going to 34 or 43 deep level, we can fold the same principles into number 20, like a whole electromagnetic spectrum from infrared to ultraviolet where everything takes places. While you concentrate on 2 planes, at the same plane other planes are moving. Why 5 and 4 ? ~ 9 ~ 20 because you are already coming from abstractions at level 5 and at level 4, as abstraction putting together different planes. Thus this becomes an insertion that brokes your linear thinking structure, like the DNA structure that cannot keep very long sequences without collapsing any time.
When looking at 8 level from a symmetrical perspective the value 18, it is like looking the same result from both sides, then it is like not been able to recognize the existence another side. Then the counterpart it is the same but with contrary sign, as a mirror image. As other. That illusion effect occurs within the decisional process within the process it is not interacting in an active way, as in an element without life.
Is an element of size 5 attempt to enter an element of exactly the same size, there would be not space without high friction. To avoid this, the space left need to be a little bigger but not big enough to become 6. Then the closer approach would be increase the size just a tiny bit. That tiny bit is the 0.84 at level 12 tah means that the space towards the body start at 6 and closes in quantum moments to 5, then allow just a partial entering. The partial entering opens routes by reordering elements inside. The ordering relates to temperatures and borders. The energy attempts to scape from the hottest to the colder. Thus, before reflecting from the same place that enters, bounces internally up to stabilize the process up to the moment that no further energy is admisible. Then the reflection process.
When the entering is at level 4 - thinking structure, as a continuos process, then energy escapes as 45 degrees process, with the same logic, just more complete. The 4 incoming elements may be understood as 2 and 2, 1 and 3, and, 3 and 1 . According to its leaning, the outcome. Now, if the process comes from 2 and 2, then the option are 1 and 2 or 2 an1, thereafter up or down. All of this in spite of the rotational process as another variable to be considered at once. If the 2 to 1 is coming from 2 towardas oneself, then the bounce is back as contrary sign. If the sign is 1 to 2 considering 2 instead of one, then the outcoming is not a bouncing but a change of level to another pi circle radio or another plane of life, etc. It will on depend on some others consideration. Thus, there is a change in the understanding of Quantum. It is not about alternating with 3 option but within 4 option that normally as seen as 3 option because the 4th only merges as when you enters very deeply into the matter, as when you consider what cannot be seen.
If the thinking structure is in the body that receives energy, then the heavier its content, the closer to 4 the number as 3 toward oneself and 1 toward the other. If it is the contrary, then the thinking is lighter. The lighter the thinking it can move to other levels and then leave more space to go deeper within the body, as selected information.
The light information demands space that is perceived as empty space. The light information relates to ULP Constant while the heavy information relates to gravitational constant.
The deeper the level, the faster the speed. However, any margent element as a pop up element it is not the same element. It looks like the same because have similar coding structure, like left and right hand. It is not exactly, exactly the same, the same way it is not exactly the same to look from one side than to look from another side. It is very delicate, but we are into micro instant within a thousand of seconds. Then, the singularity of each conscious one is preserved in spite of the illusion of the same. Illusion that can becomes so power as from some to believe they are the reincarnation of a previous been. That could be possible, but only denying the singularity that is encrypted within the whole spectrum, that makes sense perhaps to make possible what have been explained as possible. The distinction becomes relevant because each new cycle it is a new provided chance, as starting from One again.
Now, it was mentioned before than when you step from 49 + 2, like 51, there was a beginning, your beginning, then the matter is taken to the edge, the another 2 is required to add, the consideration of other 2 as to complete the whole radio spectrum from 2 to 4. then 53, as the radio of Hydrogen, and 3+1 as the atomic radio of helium - 31, as TWO worlds becoming together from different planes, as in the periodic table order. Then the 4 Hydrogen elements as coming from 4 sources from a quantum perspective. Then 2 and 2 in the middle, as positive and negative alternating as 3 and 1 and 1 and 3, thus alternating from a spectrum from past to future and from future to past, crossing in different planes as 2 stream lines connected, as DNA is connected, as 2 stream lines interacting. Vertically the 12, the encounter plane of of planes folded and folded, as the stream channel itself. And within that alternation, ULP prevailing upon Gravitational, in order to allow the integration of all tis process into an never ending process within a field where the only constant is the others consideration upon everything.
The Constant value is the resulting from the sum of all the values from the Code Structure.
Each code structure line is explained by Constant TWO x Amount filled x Scale Level x Factor.
The amount filled is a manual matching structure that contains rules that are common for all the coding structures.
The resulting numbers are never random within TWO, thus, some values will be explained.