

















4K System







From Part I you need to be clear that 4 elements + 1 turn out in 1 element  into our plane. The elements that merges normally contains 3 possible outcome in spite that 4 outcome are possible. As an average, the possibilities are 3.1415 as PI itself. The 4th merging option is so deep that normally it is not considered but yet it does exist but as very, a very   dismissed and ignored option that only merges at conscious level and not in other levels. The merging in other levels is equivalent to step from 8 to 12 levels into the periodic table algorithm of elements.


Below 5 value, quantum stays into the mind or invisible plane, mainly, it is a plane not affected by gravity. Thus 5 becomes a limit. Into this section we will take 5 as ground base from 1 as in base 10. Thus TWO will complete more the Quantum TWO bases by recalibrating the bases.


In order to become "1" element for science, 2 planes are like folding as 4+4 ~ 8 + 1 and 1, then 10 as like 1 por up elements for science. As science only sees a "3" base, then, the outcome is + or - 1/3 and 2/3.  out of 2 possibilities, wave or particle. This is a symmetrical ground base where the 1/3 and 2/3 outcome of a quantum mechanics process is just an observation out of a duality TWICE, as positive and negative. For Quantum TWO instead, everything is asymmetrical, except the exception. The bases are completely different as ground base. The 1/3 and 2/3 make sense out of a "3" base that is not symmetrical. And when it is taken to the edge, as 2 and 2, the symmetry is also collapsed as 2 and 1 and, 1 and 1 where "1" alternates or switch with another "1", as similar but not the same, as crossing in a narrow funnel that leaves just that tiny space for that to occur. That is exactly the instant where all planes convey and the trade off becomes possible. That is TWO matching and +


The typically used expression "Particle or Wave" dilemma wil lbe removed. Instead of saying  one or another, instead of saying TO BE or NOT To BE as an existencial question, TWO will take the issue towards " TO BE and Been" - Ser y Estar, Wave and Particle upon one plane or another and yet aside and so on.


The moment we say Wave and Particle there is a need of more than TWO planes and, understanding very well the "levels concepts", the loop concepts, the folding concepts, the motion process, the decision process, etc.


To Start simple.


From 5 to 10 there's at least a TWICE process. The Twice process occurs from One plane to another plane and yet fold back because of motion. Then


a- IF "Particle" is First, them Wave , in another plane or aside. Also Particles affecting other particles as physical reality.

b- IF "Wave" is First, them Particle is aside and yet, wave in other plane, and wave aside affecting other waves/


There is an asymmetric relation


Mainly, waves are affecting 2 planes or dimension and yet coming back as bouncing as explained in Boltzmann Constant

Particles are not affecting TWO planes with the same intensity. Thus, and this become very relevant:

The relation among the elements is mainly, at its core and roughly 2 consequences for waves as 2 planes  and 1 Consequence for particles.


Then, if a particle element is under analysis you will see the relation, out of 12 elements or levels of: 8 for particles and 4 for waves, just as in the tables that explain the elements into the TWO periodic Table.

If the element under analysis are Waves, as "thinking", then relation among elements changes to:  2 to 1 as, 8 to waves and 4 to particles.


If the relation of Elements of 8 to 12 is taken into a conscious been, like Body and mind, it would be like 2:1. Like 8 to body and 4 to mind. Then, to invert the relation of 2:1 towards 1:2, as mind controlling the body, then it would be necessary to multiply 4 x 4, as 16 and yet 4 + 4 as 8. To provide within the mind, layers, levels, dimensions.


Imagine a ball upon the ground, upon it, a pyramid with its base upon the ball. Over the tip of the pyramid, like between 3 and 4 dices. Everything is so well balanced that the structure do not fall. The imperfection is like 2 units of measure out of 100.000 at the tip of the pyramid. Then by adding the dices, the balance is like 2 out 10.000.000. But, to do not reach borders, think it is a little less than 2. It only takes 2+, upon the last dice to unbalance the structure. Imagine you can see number 5 in the last dice, then you add 1 and 1 element. Imagine the elements are set in the edges but one in front of the other. Then add 1 element at the center that contain the "+" unbalance. Finally, you end up adding 2+. What unbalance the whole situation is your thinking, as the plus, your thinking, at that stage that becomes the consequence.

Then you understand quantum bases and motion. Out of balance, the body forces prevail, as gravitational forces prevailing. But if the balance is right, the mind control the body, and if the balance is sharper, you will notice how the light structure is becoming more and more powerful as the bases changes. Then, the balance and the exercise applies for the universe and for your thinking. Mind upon matter and mind within a larger contextual balance as consequence when the taken decisions leaves space for that to occur. Then that is the 4th, the invisible force that acquire sense only under a balance. Then our decisions are within a spectrum that can lead us to get close to balance or get far from it. The more unbalance, the mind takes decision loaded to gravitational forces.


Yet, to further complete this matter, consider at the same Time as TWICE as from A to B and from B to A. Also From North to South and south to north. Also From Est to west in a round trip. Also from West to Est in a round trip. Also a Quantum insertion that is capable to break the mentioned.

And Yet 3 Times as alternations processes requirements. But let us move gradually. Let us just keep in mind the relation 1 to 2 as  and 2 to 1. also as 12 and 21 as Between 1 and 1 up to 4. As 1 or 2 up to 2 to 4.


If the relation of elements  is folded into the same plane, then merges  12 or 21 as stretching  the plane or pushing elements from the same plane. Within 1 and 1 borders, 2 and 2 as 4.


If the relation of elements is folded to other plane, as the counterpart plane, then, symbolically but yet real,  it is like rotating 90 degrees a plane. Then the 12 will look from a X plane like 1 because the other 2 elements goes to the Y plane. You will only see 1 but you will known there is a 2 behind the One. Only if you move your standing positing as from looking from the side, you will see the 12. In other words, while you see ONE, you will know there are TWO.  The exercise is very simple but the problem is that you are in plane X. so, you cannot  move to plane Y in order to keep seen the 12.


Imagine a very large number. The largest is PI. If you write it down - or just some numbers out if it - upon a transparent sheet and later on you turn the sheet, you will see only  " I ", very similar to number one "1". It you turn around a number ONE 4 times 90 degrees, you will get 4 different "Ones" coming from different perspectives, as the same, different Hydrogens that are at the beginning. Different Ones, different perspectives.


At the edges. What you see as very large extension on one plane as the "X" Plane has a counterpart that becomes ONE on the Y axis.

As you are standing at X axis, you cannot ever see the Y axis. You can only Imagine it is possible. The nearest you are to a folding plane, the more you consider as posible to increase your perspective. The most extreme edge is at the Twilight Light Zone or in another expression, the closest you can be standing to 12 in a 3D plane, or by making some assumption by looking into space from certain angles. You already got the idea. However, from the mind perspective, as from where we are standing at this stage, with restrictive bases you cannot ever go deeper than 8 / 12 as 66% of understanding. However, you can think you arrive to near 99.999..% because science can, by the use of logic and observation arrive to the conviction that is observing another one, as the "2"  within the "12". Over simplifying, just turning around upon itself, science believe they see 21. And are partially right. as 21 as he contrary. Like positive and negative values.


Adding 1 + 1 as 2 in reality is an illusion, except, the exception, Of course in math 1+1 equals 2. But in TWO bases, it is just like adding to 1.9999....more and more numbers 9. It can never arrives to another One . You can arrive just an instant later than creation with this logic. There is only "ONE" Absolut with dynamic bases that contains all - Love Itself. It reaches 2, then 1 below.


The thing is that science is watching always different ones as the same "1",as in Hydrogen. Then, it is seeing mirrors because it is always looking from the same perspective. Thus, it cannot go deeper within Quantum  Mechanics without collapsing. To step out of the collapsing, it is required to see that are different "1" and behind them are different stories that from time to time got together but do not melt.


To look from 8/12 perspective it is necessary but the way to move from One towards Two or more numbers upon the Y axis demands more planes in such a way that to turn around becomes possible as "1" from different perspectives. The different perspectives for Quantum TWO are in layers of deep.


However, within TWO Conceptual bases, you also cannot ever overpass the relation of 14 + 36 out of 100 . In fact, quite less because neither 14 nor 36 can be conceptually closed to arrive to the mentioned limit. Yet 100 also cannot be closed. All parts demands a + symbol. Thus two can see up to 1 out of 2.


Thus, TWO is poorer than science from a relative perspective but richer from an absolute perspective because the ground base of 14 within TWO in absolute terms is quite larger than 8. Then. you understand that by expanding the spectrum from 8 to 12 levels + 2  as 14  and yet adding Quantum status and Plus the vision is larger.


In Progress



The Layers of Deep


If Quantum Mechanics is capable to watch how an element merge, Quantum TWO goes up to 4 layers deep, allowing to establish relations with cosmos , gravitational forces, decisions, etc. Thus if Pi number is folded upon an Y axis, as from 1 towards 2,  in a jump motion. You could do the same for Constant TWO, Constant 140, Quantum and consciousness and thus arriving  up to 3 to 4 levels deep to do not make the conceptual relations too much complicated.

If you look at on one side, you look deep in the other side.


If there is 1 on one side, there is 35 in the other side, then 36 as TWO sides.

The same for any number.


Quantum Waves - Below 5 - No gravitational forces


If we go 4 levels deep as 3 x 4 or 4 X 3, before quantum merges

Levels as 10 - 100 - 1000 - 10000

As alternation is required, then at least 2 or Twice.

Thus, turning 5 into 10 as a singular pop up element: 1 in base 10


Quantum Particles


As particles, the levels goes from 8 + 1 Twice, then 10 but with different bases.

Thus normally, it takes 8 levels to explain elementes, However, there are exceptions that takes more levels, as Hydrogen, Helium and Oxygen that demands all the levels and +.

H2O Becomes very relevant for life and Consciousness.

From In the middle article the reason become very clear. - One Beginning.


Live Conscious


The relation of elements goes from 8 up to 12. As 2 for particles to 1 as waves.

Now, waves bases are expanded, as in the provided example of Ball - Pyramid and Circle. Thus, bases will be reopened towards 12  as coming from  4x3 as common ground bases normally used,  in spite of the need to go up to 16+ as an abstraction. as 4 x 4 base, to provide space for quantum.


The 4 elements between 8 and 12 may come from folding 4 into 8 as folding themselves. In the extreme + 1  elements coming from outside, from others wave from levels 2 up to 4. That is the basis relation among elements.


If the elements relation have no life, like 8 out of 12, where the 4 difference is the consequence of a decision upon other matters.

If the elements are body and mind, for live consciousness elements, the relation changes as from 8 to 8 up to 16, where 8 to 8 is a balance that may be compared with standing at 6 O Clock and taking a left or right direction, from article when 1 equals 6

If the element are the relation between One person to Other person, then, the more you concern upon others, the base extend and the motion is from 8 to 16. as 1:2



The concept of where is coming the wave it is like when you tune up a radio station. With your decisions you decide which radio to listen within a whole dial. Then this is all related to frequencies and its scopes - Spectrum, as up to 2 from the Ball-Pyramid Example.


At the edge, for any conscious one, you could stretch the relation from 4 to 4+1 or to 4+2 or to 4+3 incoming elements to the consciousness. The spectrum is within 2. Yet, as unique exception, the range may arrive to 1 and 1 as cause and consequence meting at the center and exchanging.


The 1 or 2 extension becomes the same extension of folding 12 as 1 and in a ten base as 10. It is directly linked to Other's Considerations and that, to your standing position accumulated and your decisions. The One or Two extension to 4 may come from different levels deep. The deeper the level it comes the more relevant the multiplying effects. Thus the more deep the layer the largest the scope of consequence because the deeper the layer, the fastest the motion behind. The spectrum of 2 may come from 5 and 4, as from article 108, or as from one + one singularity upon the same plane, as from the 14 base that contains itself the border within conscious Raw model and others sources that convey as One and reinforced themselves. Yet, as the decision spectrum within a 1/4 or restricted capacity to overview the whole spectrum. At cosmological scale, the whole electromagnetic spectrum, the Pi radio according to the size of our circle, that need to be maximum 1/4 of the total circle or smaller. If smaller on one side, larger on the other side. The more you leave space for others, instead of reducing, your are expanding. There is a crossing and a base change.


The motion range linked to decision is explained in the articule when One Equals 6.


When the relation is 2:1 it is equivalent to be standing exactly at 6 O Clock in the TWO Clock. From a neutral point you move to the left or to the right with your decisions. From 6 O Clock to up to almost 4 O Clock or from 6 O Clock up to almost 8 O Clock. The 4 O Clock, like 16 hours, like the abstraction spectrum again. But, like the 00 to 4 O Clock is busy, the motion spectrum possible for any of us, when the right way is taken, is from 6 to 5, as 1 out of 2 spectrum because at 6 and 5, as eleven, there are 2 elements as conscious element, Then it less than half the spectrum but more than 1/4 Yet, never reaching 2.  Note the change of base.


The direction on which you move becomes relevant. If you move towards 8 O Clock, then the driving motion forces take you towards yourself. On the contrary, to the consideration of Others.

Most Conscious Ones moves from a range between 7 and 5, as 35 and as 12. The 35 like the 35 explained within PI as the 3.1415926535. If the motions is about to overcome the 5 standing position, it is because your are considering more than ONE, If it is so, then, you jumping from 5 to 10 + 1 as II,  as almost 2 elements consideration, at almost eleven O Clock Position. It is You and another One. But as you can never do it perfectly because you are not another ONE, the scope is restricted.


That is the conscious One limits. The exception is the only One that reach that scope. which end up been the PI largest radio that defines all the borders. Then, that precede the 35 Pi number. 



Then if by science the extend you can watch it is less than 14 billions light years, the TWO Scope arrives to similar numbers but providing a quantum reason. 35x4 - Constant 140.- Time Breaking 

The motion from 6 to 7 or 5 only becomes possible by leaving space into your mind to others consideration, The more extended the others consideration from the Ones you see to the Ones you do not, the deeper the quantum layers you can go. The deeper you step in, the farthest the quantum effects, up to the borders of the universe.


But if 1 or 2 or 3 levels and within it, content of information  is added to the "4" elements of the thinking structure, then, its weight should increase and as a consequence, become a heavier element that Pop UP into the tangible world. But that do not happen because the moment you increase the space consideration into your mind to others, visibles and invisibles you change the scope of the scale level behind to 10 - 100 - 1000 and if arrives to 4th level deep, 10.000 and then 10.000 turn out to be become infinite. Then , the equation never colapse. TWO arrives up to 10.000.000 as multiplying effect of the amount of others considerations taken at the edge.


From the moment the consideration from 1 to another equals 2, the base chanches from 10 to 100, then there is a leap, like the same leap atoms do. From the moment the others considerations includes the invisible or the invisible One, but it does for real, like blindly believing in what you cannot see, then the base changes to 1.000. From the moment you change the ground 1 level to 10, then the bases changes to 10.000 and so on.


As consequence, the more deep you get into others consideration, the lighter the thinking structure and then it can go deeper into the quantum levels. The limit, that is already taken is the one that reaches 2 as One and One switching. In other words, to perform such a task becomes so extreme that the task itself defines the limits. Thus from inside, as from 14 or 140 constant, to the outside borders defined as 16, then 16.353550 as in Time Breaking . With that process the whole spectrum range as 54 and 54 from understanding 108 or 5x4 or II or 2 becomes possible. The very edges.


As there are layers and layers overcoming in loops, each layer is a jumping. A heavy thinking structure barely penetrates the barriers and bounce back. What would be a heavier thinking structure, a thinking structure that cannot overcome to look at himself, then the scale level cannot increase accordingly and thus bounces back. The bouncing is a reflection.


Motion in Quarters



The motion in quarters of 90 degrees  are easily explained as from 3 x 4 ground base. The 2 and 3 relation, that are like inside or alternating with 3 and 4 are at the core, as the reflection of Loving Forces.


If the ground base is 4 as you already understand, and decisions are mainly and commonly between Standing in the position , moving to left or right, then, the  outcome are alike but contrary sense. The deep or exponential number of the quantum is related to combinations between 43 to 34 / Like a "Z" axis line. The 4th option when decision are made is the option that remains almost invisible, the ones made from the center, instead of bouncing back. the 4th option is  to consider the one that becomes invisible at sight. The one that forces you to trust in spite you cannot see.

For science the outcome is in thirds, like 1/3 or 2/3 combinations. For quantum TWO that is right yet incomplete. There is a 4th option coming out as 1/4 but that option demands exponentially deeper synchronicity of elements, not just from a singular perspective but a dual consideration at the same instant. The forth option becomes possible by yielding everything. even your free will, otherwise, there is no space for it to merge. Then the edge itself, the exception. It is about moving inside 3 and 4 from 2 and 3 toward 1 and 3 relation. This is One conscious delivering 3 to other consideration. And the return or bounce is a switch as 2 and 2. This is very deep thinking that Christianity explains very well as the Father, the Son and the Trinity.


In terms of driving forces this is like, considering the physics forces, to say that there are 4 forces that merges from the combination of ULP and gravitational forces and yet another incoming element that ends up unbalancing everything. Typically, we only see 3. Thus, any physical forces it is just a combination  of these forces that becomes possible with the combination of motion, that becomes a different expression of the same. In the middle, a light speed, and Upon light speed, ULP speed,  that is at the edge of level 4th and naturally becomes invisible because it is very, at the deep.


As for the sign, as simple as to consider what king of decision was made. Was the decision focus on You or was it on the others? or in a inaction balance?. Then, the negative or positive charge, like the angular reflection for science and for TWO, the understanding that for One to be possible, there's another one that moves to another side, as balancing elements. Yet, always prevailing ULP forces with ground base always beyond anyone.


As space - Time can be explained within quarters as 1/4 of a Clock Time, as 1/4 of a circumference, as a 1/4 of a Planet, etc, and the creation is extremely efficient, the others 3/4 partes may be understood from 1/4 and yet, preserve the singularity of each element. Alternatively, reality may be understood from 3/4 base. But if you do so, as balancing symmetrically both options you lost the track. They are not the same as mirror. That works only in the paper but becomes a misunderstanding because it is incomplete. Looking from one side it is not the same than looking from the other side, the perspective is different.


Thus, 3.14159... as alternations and  sequences that incorporates quantum and never end , then just a 3D plane + The insertion of elements becomes enough. The folding process demands:  empty space that is full space plenty of Light Coding structure, Motion and, the understanding of how motion occurs out of a dynamic process of insertions.


The empty space, your brain, etc. is always filled, mainly, with light structure coding information as very delicate energy, not measurable and thereafter, cannot be seen and it is barely detected. It is more what you cannot see light dark energy or dark matter or inside black holes than what you can see. there after, what rules it is looking from the 1/4 perspective first and then the 3/4 perspective. Then again , as the 1/4 perspective is ruled out by science, then the quantum outcome as 1/3 or 2/3 . Yet, paradoxically, science can see that what they called empty space, dark matters, energy etc rules upon the universe. Quite interesting paradox as you can notice.


As things evolve, as a probability that starts from 1 out of 1 million, in the end, need to become more probable than 2 out of 4, then, when it turns towards 21 out of 40, then , there is a beginning, from broken the balance of elements. A beginning from the quantum center, at the instance where is neither 3 nor 4, as 35 illusion a moment and Empty Space as 0, as a field folded upwards. The script, as a folded empty circle that is expecting a 1 to form the plus sign. The, just "+"



From Base 10 to 15 

The Quantum TWO Insertion

Part III


For 1 pop up elements the explanation was from 1 to 4 elements - base 5 as 1

By considering others we went from  5 to 10  elements - base 10 as 1

By considering 2 others + One, then 15 elements as base 15 as 1 merging element ;Like 12 + 3 options to 4 options to choose. Typically 3, exceptionally 4.

The exception, those one that have faith in what they cannot believe and trust that.


To see oneself is extremely hard, no one can at all. So, that us Base 5

By seen others, you also expand the capacity to see yourself, then base 10

To see others that even attempt against you are very big words, then base 15  

From you to outside you to the ones or things you like it to the ones or things you do not like it. The borders as 20


Then out of : IIII , Inside:  III , like combinations.

Then 1-3 and 2-3 and 3-1 and 3-2 - 3-3

Not as fraction but as relations where the order matters.


Go to Part III





I ___ I___  I___ I 


Edge 2/2 and 1&4 and 4&1 


Yet, 3 may be explained as 2 and 1 and 1 and 2, as different., but I will not enter to that.

As "1" as a singularity cannot be explained as 1+ something, then the TWO limits is 2.

Then the "0" enters. To provide space for one To Be , then 10, as 1 for physicians.


20 or 2

Within a whole spectrum as the color spectrum, as the electromagnetic spectrum as the people spectrum, as al the music sound spectrum, etc, etc. All the same with different wrapping then:


As were are in a quarters perspective, our range of average tolerance to others is within a quarter out of  the whole spectrum of people, as 1 Out of 4. As we move or evolve into life we can increase or decrease our tolerance. We may see we are above or below others, etc.  You normally feel more confortable with people that more alike to you and that is quite normal. The more you expand your caring and loving bases, including yourself, as in balances terms, the more you expand your bases.,



 Within 1&4, there is 2&3 and 3&2 : For waves formation - mind related

4&1 as 4 for gravitational weight upon 1 : For particles or elements as in the Periodic table

1&4 as 1 yielding up to 4,for others. Set borders turning into 2^2 in the crossing.


1 to 4 - The Non live Elements


Think of a grid with 4 elements, like balls spinning on its axis and yet, hanging on 1 strings with 1 adicional small ball. The elements around a string as in different floors.

Then twice, as left and right spinning and crossing. They will colide, and some will attempt to scape. 


Now, add the same than before but  from Z to A instead of A to Z. The second string overlapped one floor and the elements finding a space in between. Thus, 2 wide or deep levels with 3 elements encountering and coliden by level. The balls are alternating positions. The strings lengths are also alternating positions, as moving floors, as up and down. It is really a mess. 


Then 8 levels at the base and 2 above. Also 16 elements below and 4 above at the same lines., then 20 elements

Now add 8 additional elements below as from A to Z at the same line and 2 above but at one floor different level in order to get 4 levels above.

Then 34 elements. The limit, 36 elements.


Out of the 24 elements below, as 8 and 8 and 8, they alternate as in a 3D alternation in order that you see 8 as first layer, 8 as second layer and you can cannot see the third layer behind. Like, 2 balls and one above, from inside pushing down but not in a visible manner, from an inner layer. Gravity is doing its job. Then, in this more than oversimplified example, you will see symmetry out of structure of 8 levels. The size of the elements depends on the perspective of how close or far you are. In other words, depend of the scales levels behind each process.

As for the above elements, the logic is the same but this elements are not coming from physical reality but from the mind universe. They are lighter but not too much light. These elements are the left consequence of decisions from the mind in another time. These elements come from the heaviest coding structure within the light structure that was reordered. To be more clear.

Once a decision was to consider yourself 3 times upon non considering at all another one, like 30. Then, the 1 quantum outcome left has inside a heavier coding structure. Thus, elements contains the non consideration to other's consequence. As the other were "0", the only left is 3 x 4 as 12. - Then a physical material element in an oversimplified explanation. At the edges, non live elements and as things evolve, then life then conscious life. As in one side the consideration to other were "0" once, at the counterpart, at the center, the consideration to other was "3". An this is a linking, that crosses time sequences and becomes consistent with the evolution process, from the beginning to the end with ground base upon the center.









The Whole in One Theoretical bases

The POP UP elements in Space


As the ground base of Quantum is founded out of 4 possibilities that are symmetrically opposed, like left and right hand, the polarity is defined by the Quantum standing position. The scope it can reaches, at the same time, is provided by the whole spectrum between 1 to 14 billion. that is less than 14. Between 14 and 12, as billions. The por up element looks like the same one with contrary direction or sense but it is not the same element. This is exactly like saying that Hydrogen Elements are all the same. To understand this you need to understand Hydrogen at its core. The POP up element it is not the same at the same time. It is a merging element that is the counterpart of the cause. To comprehend why it is not the same it is necessary to switch to quantum TWO, that recognizes the singularity of each element. The more balance the cause, the farthest the pop up element within the defined spectrum. To claim that the por up element is the same is metaphorically like saying that all new merging element like a life are similar. They are not, each merging element has its own singularity. This is at the core of TWO Bases. TWO Bases goes one level deeper than science base and thereafter, this conclusion, beyond the observational capacity is extremely relevant. Without this theoretical ground base, it would not be possible to get matching values for the universal constant and other elements. To understand this matter of the singularity it is very relevant conceptually because changes the understanding of things. By changing understanding, explanations becomes consistent however, very hard to understand. Basically, One quantum element inserted from ONE side forces another element from the other side to Pop UP because there are no empty spaces left anywhere. BY folding the space "symmetrically", one motion one side push the other side as like at the same quantum time. As it occurs within the borders of time, but not in the center itself, the echo's stretch beyond the source point.  As reality it is not a perfect mirror, because never an element pop up at the same point. It could be near, but not the same. Thus, if one side is your left brain hemisphere, the other side is your right hemisphere if a whole round trip is performed. However, that loop is a misunderstanding of the bases.


Only a perfectly balance element could fold upon itself after traveling the whole universe like 3 times or OVER 3 other elements, like 3 days. Yet, that would be not a loop but a switch. The switch demands a 4th element and becomes the exception. And along with a 4th, and a 5th element. It would required like 3 days in order to synchronize with others elements into the whole time spectrum, if not, the pop up would be like an instantaneous pop u .That would be the exception that makes the rule. This would be like coming back to life. Only theoretically possible for a unique event, only for the element that contains within the most incredible balance.


Before Going to Quantum TWO second part, you need to be more or less clear with the concepts of this section, then read another sections and then, it is recommend to move to Quantum TWO second part. That  section will enter deep into Quantum TWO and it will get much more complicated because it will set new bases of understanding reality.