4K System
Does TWO takes you to and understanding of the universe and even yourself as part of a big virtual reality?
Clearly YES but, and here comes the hard part,
A virtual reality as a Consequence from the past and yet to come from the future.
A virtual reality where you cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is an illusion.
A virtual reality that only become possible out of a singular constant that remains in the past, the present and the future:
Love beyond what we can see.
Thus, time becomes an instrument
These are Big Words
To provide some hints, let's start from one perspective to end up in another one.
Yes, TWO may take you to understand that the whole reality is a virtual one. In fact, encrypted within, there is a logic that lead to that. There are some rules and axiomatic principles that may be programmed. Energy is decoded to levels that end up in numbers an abstractions. It contains rules that generates endless loops as well as rules that allow you to step out of them. It contain a complexity that exceed anyone's capacity and demands many to operate. Weather they are right ?, I don't know. Weather they are just one out of many possible initial programming ground base? I don't know. In simple, I cannot tell weather TWO may become or not useful anytime. I just can tell that it has a purpose, and it is simple. If any content within TWO adds as a positive contribution to anyone, then it is more than enough.
In the movie The Inception - El Origen, a spinning top is used as a tool to distinguish between reality and a collective dream. Within TWO, the spinning Top are the principles behind TWO. And even using them, the answer become difficult.
Within TWO, any element, forces, you, constants, ideas, etc. are always explained as numbers and matrices, all within motion. All numbers can be reduced to flows from 1 to "n" from an informatic perspectives.
However, within TWO Bases number "0" as part of a binary bases is not allowed. Number "0" becomes a very useful math tool but attempts against the most fundamental ground base> TWO is a love CONSTRUCTIVE reality that merge out of something, out of a breaking balance order, thus, the most fundamental starting point is "1". Yet, negative number are also ruled out of TWO. Thus, within TWO bases, if "0" or negative values are used within any equations, at any point, the equations will collapse. Thus, any theoretic frame of reality that do consider the use of those TWO will necessary collapse, as I understand it happens, any microseconds after the creation itself. As two do not use the mentioned elements is capable to provide pictures of elementes at the creation time. The last as consequence of different ground base, a logic that changes the sequential thinking process, a logic more similar to the one encrypted in the DNA structure. The logic it uses becomes so complex that demands super computer processing and a process from many sources is demanded to set some bases.
Now, let us switch to the other pole, the contrary one.
Based on TWO Principles
Principle 5
You can always choose. Either to believe you are in a virtual world or into a tangible reality. From TWO perspective, part of the ground bases rules is that you can never be conclusive and the program of reality itself it is designed for that.
Principle 4
You need to consider other's different than you. In this case, if you restrict the universe only to a virtual reality, this principle would not be respected unless you consider different virtual sources. Thus, it remains in the borderline. TWO perspective is that reality is an alternation between both scenarios. The limits are the transit between Live and Death.
Principle 3
When you are, you are a consequence. Into reality and into a virtual reality, in both scenarios, you could be a consequence. and when you are not concept is also capable to hold you within as virtual.
Principle 2
What we cannot see is always superior to what we can see. If we can see ourselves as a virtual reality consequence, then you are incorporating to the universe what you can see now as part of what you used to see. Then your are in a new status. But, as the rule is that what you cannot see always overcomes you, then, if you respect it, then, you will not be able to be conclusive. You only could conclude you do not know for sure. You would be force to leave space for both possibilities and the among in between, as in TWO rules and likely, as is reality rules. The leap of faith on what you cannot see becomes a necessary part of TWO bases in order to enlarge the possibilities behind TWO.
Principle 1
As far as we go from principle 5 to principle 2, the only thing we could know for sure, based on TWO principles, is that "we do not know for sure". We may balance our thinking to one side or to the other side and, as long as you stay on that status, you will not be able to leap or jump to a new status, as you did from principle 3 to principle 2.
No matter how hard you tried, at this point, you reach the shore. Is like attempting to answer any Big Question. Your reasoning capacities are at its limits based on the elements you have. You can stay at any side of the dilemma and then the issue becomes over for you. Then you are closing at this point and that is your choice and quite respectable. Then, you move on and continue.
Now, if you arrive to the point where you cannot unbalance que dilemma and still wants to persists, then, some basic conditions to leap to another status or level may become possible. That border line may occur when you stop providing significance to the dilemma. It is a yielding point for the reasoning. It is the comprehension and acceptance of your restrictions and limits. As you stop, your mind leaves space to other's considerations. And when you take into account others considerations, you expand in your mind, and you can do it because you are leaving space for more things than only your thinking. Then, you leap to the other's side but do not denied your own base.
As your reasoning edged to your limits and is overcome at principle 1, then, there are just a few elements left.
Your capacity to decide, to choose. When everything is narrowed,this is the singular variable left open within TWO Bases.
By leaving it opened, then, randomness becomes possible as part of reality, as well as order.
Then, a question may rise, and It should be not about how but why?
Then, again, there are many answers and quite a simple one is to believe your existence may has a purpose and that purpose will always overcome you if you keep respecting TWO rules. Thus, again, upon the previous answer,there's only a very few elements left.
If you cannot be sure about the purpose, as very likely, then what is left are the intentions you may have and how you do live the process. Thus, the intentions do matters in a tangible or virtual reality universe as well as your actions. This is all TWO is about.
And, as if the reality is virtual or not cease to be a big question and becomes part of a process of life, part of a process to understand you within a bigger than you scenario. Then only and simple question I left to you that makes the whole difference, at least in my life, is the following
Do you believe the universe is a creation or a loving creation?
The answer matters
Within TWO, reality could be a possible quantum alternation between a physical and a virtual reality.
If it is so, an evolving process needs to occur.
If it is like a Big Ben Clock, there are gears and many elements that needs to convey.
How to move from one side to the other side is part of TWO fundamentals
If we are a part of a whole, no matter how incredible small or completely invisible our part could be, it matters.
Perhaps you can leave space in yours thinking to imagine that the most sophisticated computer in the universe is your mind, capable to perceive reality with your biological sensors. It is so powerful that is capable to receive and broadcast information faster than light speed but we cannot realize because biology slow down the processes. The processes are govern or restricted by the rules of physical reality. As reality is linked in form that exceeds our capacity to realize the linking processes , you better imagine you are just a terminal, and amazing one.
If you travel with your mind around your body, the others, the society, the planet, the galaxy and the universe, as you can do it with your thinking, from the left side of your brain hemisphere to the right one, then, everything becomes a masterpiece.
When watching the universe, image that you are just watching it just from the other side of it. Watch the universe with your eyes opened and later, close your eyes and do the same, enlighten the deep darkness constrained in your brain and follow the lights that pop up and moves. In both scenarios you are watching in front of you, a big space.
Note: TWO Does use "0"s but not as part of a binary bases of choices but as an element to provide perspective as close and far or to close groups. The precision becomes relevant.
Some possible fundamental programming bases are a process in progress and it is restricted.
If you are part of an institution interested in going deeper into TWO bases, please contact through this web site.
This should become more than a multidisciplinary life time team-work that demands funding.