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When 1 equals 6


From a math perspective, 1 never equals 6

From TWO perspective also, 1 never equals 6

From a mind perspective you can imagine that is almost possible at all.


Within TWO conceptual fundamentals bases, you can never take out the singularity of any element. This means that math are restricted to what they are intended to explain. Thus, no matter the number, within TWO bases any element it is not ever exactly the same than another. So 9999 ^ n  may be a very good approach to tell something equal to another but, at least 1 one needs to be left aside. Thus, anytime within TWO bases it is said that something equals another thing, what it is necessary to provide you understanding , you need to keep in your mind that the singular element left is always capable to break any balance. 



Thus, within TWO bases "1" may almost perfectly equal "any number", in spite that the expression equal is needed to be used.

It is a relative Issue.


If we say in TWO



1 equals 6, you know we are saying , expanding the concept to go deeper, 1 equals 5,9

But, as the integrity cannot be violated, we are force to multiply by 10. And by doing so , then 1 equals 59. But, we are changing the relation among the numbers and that is a problem that need to be solved ahead.

Just as rough approach in a second level of understanding, 5.9 or 59, like 5x9 it is placing a restriction as 3/4 of a whole circle. Yet 5+9 ~ may become 13 in a continuing time sequence and also 1 in another level.



If 59 is a too rough approach for your mind, then you can take the concept deeper like 1 equals 59,999999999999. This is a different perspective.

That number in your mind is so close to 6 that you may say 1 equals 6. That would be an acceptable approach to the idea. Not perfect but somehow would calm down your need for perfection. Your need to match things up in your mind.

The amount of "9" may become infinite as you continue rounding. Thus up to 12 ceros for a singular number or 12  numbers "9" seems to be reasonable for you to get the concept.

The 59 number may take you on one perspective to time, like 59 seconds or to linear sequence like 99999999.

Then you need to be capable in your mind to alternate between A and B perspective as space and time alternating under the same kind of expression. You can only tell the difference according to the particular frame or context where you are involved.



Or you may say 599999999, multiplying the number many times 10 in order to remove the decimals. That is adding another scale. Number 59 is10 times  larger than 5.9 but it ceases to be larger in size, at your physical sight, from one standing  perspective when you distance the number 10 times away. They will look the same size. Thus, smaller or larger becomes a problem of perspective even in the physical world. Becomes a relative matter according to your standing position and some others factors. The scaling within TWO it is about that, changing dynamically the perspective of things. Like a pendulum, you get close and far, reducing gradually the spectrum.

The context where the number is introduced allows to tell you weather the number is an absolute number or a relative number. Both options are open to the interpretation. As an analogy, If a number or an element or a concept is not in your mind, then the number is very small, like 0. If it is in your mind the smaller amount it could be in your mind as "1" into any relation with other elements. If a concept or a number it is not in your mind does not mean it does not exist. It means that it is not present at the instant of your thinking. This is always present within TWO bases. The more at the right position a number is into an numerical expression, it is smaller. A smaller number is always  capable to be inside a larger number. In fact, you cannot explain a larger number without considering the mentioned, unless the number itself it is a singularity. When there is a small number in one side of any relation between numbers, then, there is in another side or plane  a larger number capable to contain the smaller ones. 

Thus, if you fold 90 degrees or 1/4 of a circle, the above number, into the same field, it will turn into "1" or "9" in a "Y" axis. It will be "1" as a flat field or "9" if you count 9 levels deep. And within the 9 levels deep, you will known that if you are considering the Time perspective, the last number ought to be 5. Then between 5 and 9 in the "y" axis, as like 59 out of 60, like seconds, there is "1" missing. Between 5 at  the end and 9 at the beginning, there is a 4 fields gap. 4 and 9 like 36 or 13

When you count, you count "9". When you see, you just see "I" as 1 element.

If you want to keep a time reference, you are restricted to 5 at the beginning as chronological sequence.

If you decide to break the chronological sequence, then you can extend up to number "9", thus 999999999. That takes you to the Integer perspective.

In order to allow the alternation between space and time you need to consider at least 2 fields. then 19999999

And so on.

TWO will conceptually alternate between Space, Time, Quantum, 3D, US, a Pole with Flag as reference to structure logic and the options you can take. In order for that to happen will consider an imperfect starting Point, When 1  equals "n". As that is so abstract and wide, the "n" is replaced by "6". But as "6" is so condensed, it will be extended to 6^2, like 36 or 360. That number makes more sense to you because mentally you can relate it to time, circles and degrees. Yet It will extend the 360 up to +-365 like Years, in order to allow you to land the conceptual frame to something at your logical comprehension like 1 year time. And then will adjust the number to like 365.2+-, then to 365.16+, then to 365.159+.

When "1"  equals "6" becomes a necessary concept in order to allow your mind structure meaning by adjusting mental process like pendular motion within linear sequence capable to insert in between concepts. It becomes necessary to provide matching values with micro and cosmological observations. Then, once all the relevant matching process are partially completed, you can turn back to the fundamental, to the essence. The universe is a Loving Creation and what You can see is always overcomes but for what you cannot see or even count.

When arriving to the point where 6, like 6 O Clock  may almost equal 9, then a huge step have been taken. You simple turn your standing perspective and yet understand that a whole rotational process needs to occur. Thus, it is not about you. It is about others consideration and you where what is beyond you is always bigger than you.

When 1 equals 6 is like saying when "1" with uncertain amount of elements behind as folded elements equals another "1" that contains 6 elements behind, as invisibles , then, into the second One,  1+6 ~ 7 out of 9.

As you get deeper within TWO, the invisible elements behind 6 will be increased up to 36 in order to facilite comprehension. 36 in order to do not overcome 3+6 ~ 9, like 9 fields within a field, then 9+1 out of 10. When 10, you step out of 1 field towards 2 fields or you remain as 9 fields. Depends on how do you count.

When 6 is alike 9 , then 54 as 20 in a third level. As you can see, instead of been 19.99999, the value is 20, it is overruled. The right approach was from 4 towards 5, also 9 and 20. What is the point ? To force you to consider a different thinking structure. It is about opening within you a parenthesis you have closed in your mind.

It is about telling you that to consider that 1+1 equals 2 becomes the same than saying 1 equals 6 when you expand your thinking structure and follow another thinking structure. It is because other thinking structure based upon logic it is possible, that becomes possible for TWO to match values from reality. And this is not breaking math rules, quite the contrary, math rules become a consequence out of a larger or bigger conceptual frame. Yet, it will look like TWO breaks math rules, it will look like TWO breaks time rules, it will look like TWO breaks many rules. TWO does not break any rules. TWO takes out of reality a logic structure that provides sense and reorder the thinking structure in very complex ways. It provides to a process that have routes to a  sense, and within a sense, a frame. And the frame, that becomes a consequence, gets integrated as a part. 



Thus, in one out of 2 possibilities for any element, idea, number, abstraction, etc  "1" may almost equal "6" in your mind, when the relative distance among the elements becomes so symmetrical that they become, almost perfectly the same size. The differences become invisibles at sight. The matter is that you can never know the real distance among elements up to you really get very close. And when you get very close, what you do is to open the concept or the number. An you will always be capable to do so if you do not close a number or a concept.

If you match 2 elements as equals like X equals Y, then you should known that deeper, not at sight, like as behind or aside, there is another element unbalancing the equality. How much deeper TWO goes ? Up to the necessary levels to match universal constants. Then from that point, TWO that always leave the right side parenthesis opened for a PLUS. The Plus that unbalance the most symmetrical perfection you can imagine. And within the most perfectly symmetrical expression you could ever arrive, the last Plus , the one that never arrives while there is life. That  Plus becomes the last insertion, the Dot within the light.




or "1" may equals 35900000if you move to the seconds scale, like 1~36. Within TWO bases we go, up to 1~36 at one the border and 1~1 at the other border. That becomes part of Constant TWO - Constant TWO step up to  3 levels deep, like Hours, minutes and seconds but always is leaving space to at least One element to break any close circle.


When we  expand a concept, by adding 10 times or one level deeper, what we do is to  change the relative importance of a number but just on one side many times. Thus, when 1 almost equals 6 or 60 what we are doing is placing the element farther and farther away in order to look the same. That is the concept. That occurs in the physical and mental plane with any abstraction or thinking.

If you see " 0 0 0 " or any alike expression you need to understand that one 0 is never alike another 0. And if they look alike, you need to go deeper. The 0 on the right it is more far if you think in termes of size. You can change the size or importance of an element in your mind but not in the physical reality. Thus



Within TWO any number can be explained by others numbers and that approach is completely necessary to your mind ordering process. Also any number have its own singularity that cannot be removed. This is important to tell you that a number at one instant is cause and in another instant is a consequence. In between those poles, there is a process, and this is where TWO enters.


I could have said that 1 equals "n" instead of 6, but I choose 6 in order to makes easier for you relate the number into an imaginary Clock. Two birds with one shot, The abstraction inserted partially into a frame of time. But 6 was taken because its singularity it is need and enough to raise the needed concepts.



As you get familiar with the general concepts and you provide a balance space in your mind to reckon the coexistence of absolute properties that makes 6 bigger than 1 but also they can become almost the same in the mind, and in physical planes.


You have internalized that the meaning of the abstraction represented by the numbers cannot be removed out of a context where it is inserted,.You understand also that without you to provide meaning, it lacks sense. You also got the idea that the concept involved works in two planes, the physical and mental planes. Yet, you reckon that the context itself it has been inserted by placing the abstraction into a clock and also by placing you, with your standing position into the clock.



The absolute properties of any elements it is a debatable matter. Let us simply say, to do not add more issues, that the absolute properties becomes a convention among parts to structure a common sense or ground base to facilitate interaction or communication.. The concept itself demands at least 2 conscious been agreeing on something.




Out of 12 numbers in a clock, 1- 6 is just the math half. 2- also 6 is half a cycle. 3- also 6 is just a singular number. 4- also a non way out closed loop. 5- also a non completed process. 6- also a position in a plane. 7- It does not reach to be the upside-down perspective of number 9 in another plane. 8- It cannot hold within the relation 2 to 1 as a multiple, just as sums. Its scope is limited to 1/4 and even less within TWO Bases.


J1- As a math number it allow preforming math operations but restricted within TWO math restrictions. It is the result of 2x3 or 3x2 as the perfect same from math perspective and 1x6 and 6x1 as again, perfect same. It is the resulting of many sum combinations. From a dual math perspective, it is just half 12 or 1/4  out of 24 or 1/6 out of 36. Within TWO bases 2x3, 3x3, 2+3 and 3+2 are not the same. That is why TWO bases is 4 times wider in this aspect. The same expressed differently, to build a conceptual structure based upon 6 just reach, conceptually to explain 1/4. Yet, within 2 bases, any number may be express as the resulting consequence out of 2 to 35 numbers. - At a deeper level 35 as 3x5~15 as 1/4 of a cicle or as 3+5~8 where 8, at a deeper level it is a crossing relevant plane.


J2- Considering time, it represents  just half a process, like half a 12 hours or 1/4 of a 24 hours day. Widely, conceptually, its maximum extension reach to 1/4 of a process. TWO bases extend its bases a little more but for practical reasons, up to 1/4 and in a deeper level 1/6 in its limits, leaving a 2 space for 1/8 expression.


J3- As a number with just one digit it is a single number, as a single person. If it is not coupled. It is a concept structured on just one base. Within a Clock, again, if a day has 24 hours, just reach 1/4. Thus, if it  is repeated 4 times to get 24, there would be a symmetry that is not good enough to explain de difference between the day and the night and within each, the differences.


J4- As half a process representation,  it is never capable to reach the 12 hours cycle, where 12 is the only number in the clock that contains 2 digits. Ans 2 digits become necessary to be capable to break a circle, to step out of a duality, thus, with just 6, the absolute and relative concept at once cannot be possible because that concept demands more than a duality to be possible. To step out of the singularity of any number from 1 to 9 or from any number below 10, at least 2 digits are required as conceptual frame, thus the minimal number within TWO bases needs to be upon 9. Any number below 10 within TWO Fundamental bases ned to be understood as a number as Cause, respecting its singularity but almost always, to do not say always, as a consequence out of 2 at least 2 others numbers or a number with more than 1 digit. That forces to extend the scope behind a number to an extension in the same plane or to an extension to an invisible plane, to an another side plane. This is a very heavy concept. It is a fundamental abstraction of reality, of ideas, of physical planes. And if 10 is the lowest number within TWO, on the other side, 36 is the highest number within a loop structure of numbers and abstraction capable to break the 6 loop. 36 as the outcome of 6x6. Tet 36 a closed loop. This means that a whole spectrum of possibilities has been restricted to 10 up to 36 and any larger number becomes a reordering perspective, a constant playing of far and close. It is an insertion of relatives into absolutes or viceversa into a loop. That is the power provided to a 6 as a necessary step to 12. Then numbers below 10 are a simplification in one plane at one sight of an abstraction that contains in both sides upmost 36 elements and yet 36 elements in one side. Then at least 3 planes are demanded and at least 3 cycles, then 12 x 3. An then at least 4 elements to turn 6 into 10 as 1 and then at least 2 elements to the most fundamental of all relations, the at least 1 to 2.


J5- Without a 2 digits number or 2 numbers  any concept reach almost just half of anything, half the idea, half the process. etc. And within that half, the half again, and again. It is the never ending story that leads to nowhere. To step out, a number need to be capable to be the result of common multiple, like 2x3, like 6 but, not enough, because yet need to be the result of 3x2, that is taking another side perspective, that is not posible with just 1 digit number., and again the loop up to 3.

While you remain trapped in the circle of 6 over an over it is like moving into the whole clock from 6 to 12 and keep moving to 24, hours, 36 hours and so on up until you die, that is the closed loop. The leap is when by passing many times about 12, instead of going to 13 ours , you go to 1, that is also in the clock. The one that stands for a new beginning that ends up a 24 hours cycle. It is a new day, a new life, a new process. The new one is the resulting number of a cycle that may have taken you 24 hours, 120 hours or 12000 hours. Philosophically, conceptually  there is a big difference.


J6- The position in a plane it is also to insert you into a large clock that contains you or us  standing at 6 position  but others like you standing at different positions, at different times, within the same cycles or in another cycles. The idea  in the most wide conceptual expansion for you to think.  In the restricted plane locations position its like saying that, when we as One are at 6 position, then we take a 2D location in a 2 D plane. Naturally we all know that a more complete plane to be inserted in is a 3D plane. But even in a 3D plane, you cannot scale upon air, without cheating. Thus the 2 planes analogy works well. 

As the clock moves, you can walk through the Pi line around the clock, to the left or to the right. As the Pi line is a closed circle around the clock, , if you keep the 6 O clock position or circle fix, you  turn around from 12, to 24, 36, 48 etc. However, you can walk to your left or to your right to 9 O Clock position or towards 3. Any change from your original position it is a new standing position. The new standing positions are merely in your mind, because you cannot take the same physical standing than another one unless you push the other one. Thus the standing position means to put yourself in the standing position of 5 and 4 on the right side or 7 and 8 in the other side or to alternate between those positions. The issue is that you cannot physically do the task within the same circle. To move, you need to stretch the circles, to reduce its size, that way, you can only move to your right size in order to keep consistence with math. As from 6 to 5 to 4 to 3. If you walk to your left, toward 7, you expand your own size and thus you leave less space to others. In this case, you leave only space from 3 to 5. And the space is restricted because you already know that within TWO bases the less space provided for any number or element is between 10 and 12, because we are restricting the physical plane or circle to 12 elements. Thus if you arrive to 7, the most left is 5, You become from math perspective larger than 5, and that is not respecting the alternation balance. The forces towards You are larger than the forces to leave space to others. Unless, you stretches the Clock towards 13 or better said to 12 + 1 invisible elements, because the clock contains only up to 12. In order for that to be possible, the one that contains 5 need to move from 5 to 4. And that would be possible only if the one that contains 5 leaves space for an element that cannot see. Thus, it is not you who allows you to move from 6 to 7 but the one that contains 5 or less to 4. And that because the one that contains 4 leaves space for one invisible element. That linked process up to the one that contains 2 and leaves space to 1. The issue is that at the most fundamental level within TWO bases, the relation 2 to 1 becomes fundamental because within the core of any element there are 2 elements at least. Thus, if those 2 elements are reduced to the physical and mental elements, at the end of the chain, there is only one left, standing at 1 O Clock position to decide  if is willing to deliver one out its 2 internal dimension to leave a further space for the invisible. And so, that becomes the story of someone you may have heard at least Once.

Now, standing at seven position , having not considered 5  position as the most closest position, then  becomes harder to move back to 6 and then to  5, 4,3.. again. The distance between 7 and 5 it is 2 and together 12. To overcome that distance will become extremely difficult. The one that was standing at one it is not any longer because already provides 1 space and a half of its constituency. 2 and 3 and 4 already have delivered part if its space to the invisible. But, as within 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 there is a part of the invisible or light forces interacting, , then as an opposing force to gravity as within the ULP Constant and Gravity article explained, still there is space for us to move towards 8 position. There is only a 4 space left. +. The 4 spaces left allow us to explain Quantum TWO, Yes, quantum TWO relating us all and yet with the other side we cannot see.


The 4 elements left are at different levels as you may notice from the just explained. And the explanation demanded to establish a link among each other upon an initial base. Thus, when people say we are somehow connected, the way we do connect is by leaving space to the others and to what we cannot see. The larger the space we provide to that, more connections will merge. The 4 elements were inserted within a 3D plane, thus to do so, it was a necessary process to move toward the standing 7 position and up to 8 standing position, at the border in order to leave space for 8 and 4 and yet +


Let's back to 9 8 0 6 6 to expand the concept from the last 6. To do that let us start reading from the right to the left. The first 6 , from a second level perspective it is different than the second. Let us suppose the second one comes from 3x2, as representation of chosen the path to the left. Then in order to close a symmetrical loop, the first should be 2x3 in order to move to the right direction. It were so, then the equation would be non complete to close a loop circuit, It should need another sequence to the other side. However that does not what happens. The gravitational value ends. So let us go deeper, to a 3th level. Let us asume again the second 6 is coming from 30x20 reduced to 3x2, then, the first 6 should be a 2x3 but in the middle of the 2 numbers 6 there's is an empty space that is required to allow quantum alternation. That is not a "0" space, This is not a balancing elements, this is about to leave space for 1 element pop up. One element relevant enough to acquire a relative size enough to almost can say 1~ 6. That Pop up element is coming from Quantum and deeper, from a decision. That pop up unbalance element turn 3~3 toward the relation 2x3 and, thereafter the choice of the right path. It is the insertion that changes relations.It demanded you decision but also is linked to the all relation. Now, the path to the right is open. In fact we are at level 6 so yo do understand that 2x3 it is an extremely heavy abstraction. As for that decision the close circuit was broken because you step out an instant out of your own world, then the scale to the right it is not the gravity scale but the scale capable of overcoming the gravitational forces. That is the ULP scale that by definition, it is invisible. It is a sort of antigravity scales but that is not he proper concept within TWO. Thus, It should become more clear this process because what have been explained it is very important.


J7- The quantum moment that the journey from 6 to 5 starts could be as explained in the last paragraph. At that instant 6 was overcome. Symbolically, for an instant turn to a 9, It was rotated. But an invisible 9, the heaviest but the lighter.  Just for a brief instant that happens. As long as you keep repeating and repeating you move as an evolving process to a 3 or to a lighter 9. Thus it is fair to say that 6 never reaches 9, because when the exception becomes a rule, you are not a 6 any longer. The turning point could be illustrated as a spark of light that may happen between 6 and 8 and almost 9 as when are heavy elements or forces.


J8 - To see the 1 to 2 relation at least you need to move to a more permanent position near 4 standing position because. otherwise, within 2 bases, the math operations do not match, and that makes a lot of sense because to leave more space to what cannot be seen demands previos leaps. The relation 1~6 restricts the matter from 2 to 5 inside, 4 elements, also 1~6 like 16 - Math rules within TWO makes that understanding possible. Thus 4x4 like 16 that is capable to contain 14 elements inside. That is the top because it is the maximum possible relation that exceed 12 in a 2 range, that matches in a very complicated relation among many elements at once and that will likely collapse you at this instant. 1~ 6 set the limits of Constant 2 as a part. Without the other partas we would be standing at the point were numerical sequences are possible but with no sense at all.

Between 14 and 16 it is 15 as 1/4 of a circle. Once we arrive to half a circle but understanding that they are like the 4 seasons, then just one season becomes enough to see other  seasons. Do you get the idea ?





At  8 O Clock our size is Twice larger than at 4. Only Twice 6 takes us there as 12 moving in the Pi large circle. along with us.. It is the 8 O clock Standing that only sees 8 and not 4 and 4 as 2 elements that are different. There is no space for  a couple concept. It is the standing position were the only position or perspective that prevails is the one I hold. There is no space for ULP Constant because there is no space to enlarge the bases of the perspectives I have. If there were, I would no moving towards 8 but to 7, 6,5. I tis the perfectly balance world. The reason, our reason that prevails upon other's consideration. Do not misunderstand me. If the reason it is a talent, then you cannot denied, then. If your solutions are the right ones, then that is the way. The issue at 8 is that you simply do not leave space to what becomes invisible. With the reason we can be very good people, to consider the rest, etc, It is needed. That it is not the point at 8. You can arrive at 8 point by taking the 6 to 5 to 4 route because at that route, every time you leave further space to what you cannot see, instead of reducing , you expand, thus at 4 standing point the size of the clock it in not 6 but 24, it is 4 sizes larger. And that makes a big difference. Thus, you may understand that at 8 point from the other route your are adding 2+2+2+2 to make 8. Then at 8 there the limits of set. 8 from a singularity or 8 as coming from 4 sources, then, again Quantum TWO.


We all usually moves mainly on daily bases from 6 to 8 to the left and from 6 to 4 to the right. To do that, Inner gravitational  forces to the left in a higher intensity than the Earth gravity forces and ULP processor Scale to the right. As daily we repeat hundreds of cycles. The whole motion spectrum it is in the range from 3 to 9 as very,very exceptional. To most, the range or spectrum goes from 8 to 4. If the 6 base is removed, the relation to the left is 2 and to the right is 2. That becomes a 1 to 1 relation posible as long as the space provided to the others standing at 4 matches the space for others. And within the space for others the relation should be 50%  to other space or others, that you may see or not see.  By restricting the motion within the circle up to +- 9, the whole motion spectrum is 3/4 out of 10 or 3/4 out of 12, depends on the whole base selected. In a closed circuit motion, from 10 up to 12 + , are contained within up to 8 while 9 becomes a transitional process. This last process becomes mainly invisible  at sight while standing at 8 may it is not overcome. This section is very relevant within TWO bases.


Standing at 8 as singularity it  very extreme. It leaves space for 3 different interpretations at once.

a- Standing at 8 mainly as a singularity - the Bad

b- Standing at 8 with a consideration to others in a 1 to 1 relation because at 4 there is space for others in a second level deep.

t that level the relation is 4+4 as 8 into the previous level. That is an apparent symmetry that do not match at all and does not reach to explain gravitational forces.

c- Standing at 8 with a consideration to others and to the invisible, that extend the clock size from 8 to 12 folded into 8. But as the Clock is restricted up to 9 maximum, then, the only possibility left is to turn back to seven, but now with a different standing perspective.


Standing at 8 O Clock  in this section becomes an analogy to the 8 level of the periodic table. A direct link is established but for a different conceptual base. To links US with the elements and yet from 8 to enlarge the analysis to a cosmological level.


Returning to Seven - 7


If we step out of the symmetry related to 6, to the pairs, to the dualities and we get back to were you once were standing, at 7, now, instead of only one explanation to seven, it opens to 2 explanations. If we keep within the 6 thinking structure, 7 can be perfectly understood as a symmetrical middle between to be standing at 6 and at 8. In fact so great that becomes no necessary. You could skip into the sequence 7 because it would be simple no necessary. thus a sequence 9 , 8 , 0 , 6 ,  like the gravity sequence.


However, as we are returning now but not with the same standing but to one level deeper because we took a choice, hen it is required to open 7 as 3x4 and 3+4. it is 2 numbers 7 seven because there is space to do that. The returning is like coming back from time 13 to 12 hours but within 7. This is at its limits like 7x7 , from 2 sevens becoming 49 ~ 13 or 49 ~ 36 in a deeper level. Quite in the limit or border. Like 7+7 ~ 14. Those are 3 limits at the same time.

But this is a 2 levels deep at sight, like 3 x 4 ~ 12 and 3 + 4 ~ 7. There is a crossing point where you can leap or jump to repeat the sequence or to leap from 12 to another level like one. the relation is 50% at the transition moment. Thus, at the end of a Cycle of 7, that contains within 12 you may leap level, you may scape the circle where you are moving. It is stepping out of constant TWO or the other side of Constant TWO. It is an instant, an instant that changes you, like a Click


Now, to make almost symmetrical the process from 6 to 8 and from 8 to 6, but at least symmetrical at sight, the process needs to repeat al least in order to complete a 12 hours cycle, then the sequence becomes 9 - 8 - 0 - 6 - 6


You do understand that for the above mentioned to happen somebody else haha had to take the 6 to 5 route while at least 2 took the 6 to mero route in order to keep a relation among the processes.  And if someone is at 5 at one instant  it is a consequence of a chain of events from 1 to 4 in order to leave space to move from 6 to 8.

Then ,if a new fold is added, it is the leap, the step from 7 to 5, Then 7+5 ~ 12 and yet, it is between 3 and 4, leaving space for a 3D and Quantum. Thus, from the same ground base of 6, yet considering the invisible elements still as invisibles, then the sequence needs to go from 9 to 8 to 0 to 6 to 6 up to 5 , then Earth gravitational force. It cannot move further to 4 because from 1 to 4 are the invisible elements within the periodic table and yet the 3D reality and our inclusion within the Opus. Thus this is a cutting border for this section. To go deeper you need to jump to others articles relating elements.




What about from 6 to 9 standing position ?


If you move form 6 to 7, from 7 to 8 and from 8 to 9 as a singularity it is because your are closing everything around you, It is almost not possible 9 + any longer. You are standing at the edge of the singularity. At 10 you become God or one Big ONE. A sort of King, Emperor, The chosen One. You gravitational weight is so large that it is like 9.80665. The analogy it is right the same. Everything it is about you, your issues, your problems, your life, you talking, etc. The space you leave to other or other  have been reduced to 3 out of 12. That is 4 times larger. Your ego is so big that you overpass the limits, And what are the limits? Well , the limit from TWO bases you can leave to others is a little bit more than 3, it is 3.14159265 in absolute terms. Yes, it is PI but from another perspective. Thus, without broken the limits, the limit is 12 - Pi ~ 8.8584, within a 12 hours Clock and within no space for the "+". But , If a space for the plus is added for the never closing possibilities as 1, then then the limit could be is 13 - Pi ~ 9.8584 + 1 from a different deeper scale + 1 from a different deeper scale + 1 from a different deeper scale many times as in the TWO matrices but with many ones  added to the point where even to the most egocentric and destructive  person in the whole world or universe could have a space within. Thus, the invisible one concept, from the other side, because is what cannot be seen, is capable to hold within the minor one that becomes part of the largest ONE. Thus the whole life spectrum become possible. However, within this understanding, that it not new at all, in fact, very ancient, it is quite different were are you coming from. As the expression says, thee is no such a thing as a free lunch. The path you take, as repeated many times, matters and according to TWO bases, a lot.


As a deep consequence number, 9 may be seen as a union point between standing at 3 and 6 - A transitional point

It is a point where 59,99999 instead of turning 60, turns into 45 and by doing so is allowing the union process between 2 different worlds, the physical and metaphysical, the heavy and the light elements, the multiples and the sums.... Perhaps that is why the pregnancy takes near 9 months, as the transition period but for us. Perhaps that is why our solar system contains up to 9 planets within the solar system. Just making possible links in your mind at different scale levels and scenarios. Ground fundamental bases with different expressions. 9 it is about transitions. At 1 second pregnant you do not see a baby. Perhaps at 1 day pregnant you do not see a baby After 3 month, you may presume there's a baby. At 0.000000001 second out of a creation, you see no one, not even you. Just as the process evolves you see the universe. Thus, 9, in us analogy it is more or less the same. The near math expression of 9 in TWO is a 9 in the middle of many 9 before and many nines after. Then, the 9 becomes a 1/4 part - 36 and again, back to the process up to Constant TWO elevated up to 40+3 times + the always dynamic process.




Connecting us All



It should become more or less clear that by restricting the whole spectrum to 12 elements within a clock with a closed circuit and with us moving freely into the provided frame we all become connected regardless of if we are aware or not. If you extend the number 12 to millions or billions, the whole spectrum may be completed. The spectrum have been reduced from up to mainly 8 leaving mainly up to 9 as a transitional stage. And by reducing the spectrum to 3/4 of a circle, with the open possibility to break different rings, It would be enough to take just from 1 to 4 as 1/4 to explain 3/4. Also you do understand that becomes possible to structure a 3D plane from the clock when instead of moving horizontally you move vertically in your mind, to say it very simple and not accurately at this point. However, the consideration to others or to what you cannot see it is not only in the mind.

The point in this section it is just saying that the vertical scale it is a day to day evolution scale within one , a planetary evolution scale and a cosmological evolution scale. It is the same core process at different scale level expression, linking us with the elements. It is our free will what places us within a 2D plane that with smaller circles places us in a dynamic 3D plane.


And if you think that starting from Earth acceleration forces to extrapolate the matter to even a cosmological scale it is an egocentric perspective from us, as if we were the center of the universe, then , you have not step back to seven. It is necessary to go up to 8 and get back to 7 to understand how there is always space for others. It is just about the size of the circle. In fact when the matters is taken to a cosmological scale it is when it is possible to consider that extrapolating PI to a cosmological scale it is just our standing perspective of the universe, but, that is just one out of many endless possibilities, As endless and wide as our thinking.


Upon the mentioned, become very reasonable the existence of astrology and many other forms of classifying people considering groups of features. It is upon looking some patterns within closed loops or circles. It is the permanent motion over the Pi line from 1 to 12 or to 9 or whatever the number. It is also, vertically an spectrum within the good and the bad. The issue is that within TWO, that is only a part of a story than cannot be precise at all because always, as in TWO bases, what we cannot see overcomes us. You can even forecast and make projections but the moment to become absolutist about the possibilities, you step out of TWO bases. The only exception that TWO recognizes is the one that can hold everything when we are not.



The Whole in One Theoretical bases