

















4K System



Earth Acceleration

The Value



9.80665 m/s

The table below explains the code structure for the acceleration value for earth.

Its relevance  is mainly explained in the software section for Gravitational forces.

This scale is the upside down scale for another very relevant Scale / The ULP Constant

This scale shares the same structure than ULP Constant, although they have differences


The total amount filled content need to be 99 out of 100. That allow the existence of space enough for 1 element.

thus the relation 1 and 0 it is possible, then "10 ground base"


The 0 value in the code structure from levels 9 to 12 is not "0" at all from theoretical bases. The "0" is a splitter.

It is also introduced as "0" because it is a desirable restriction linked to the computer program capacity.


If the values "0" after 9.8060665 were "0" indefinitely, like a perfect matching, it would not be possible to insert ourselves as part of the universe. Then, it is not such a thing within TWO like a number that is plenty of "0" to the right of a value. At any time, beyond the observation or measuring capacity, there is a break that turn the following into a number different than "0". It may be after 16 numbers at the edge, 13 numbers, 12 numbers or other, but, because of the dynamic nature of elements, it always come up, at any time.


However, what breaks the 0 values after 9.806650000 should possible comes after 14+ ceros. Like 15 plus, that directly links to quantum as 4th insertion. This is not the time to arrive that far.



The value obtained from the matrix  is showing with precision the limits of the instruments to measure elements, even in large scales levels.


The earth acceleration Scale to explain the earth acceleration value becomes completely ridiculous. It is using an element from inside to explain itself. It is a loop. It is a mirror image of our self. And that is exactly the point behind this explanation. The acceleration value represents exactly the planetary measure of forces that leads us to ourselves or the planet. The opposite is contained within the ULP Concept.


If Gravitational constant is the Universal Constant, Earth acceleration is our first approach to the general value, our planetary measuere. It is looking beyond from our base, our perspective. It is a required first step to realize later that the planet, as well Us are not the center of the universe. Then the scale itself contains two values "1". The represent stages from the mind perspectives. A: Looking the planet as the Center - Level 4 and, at level 6, looking the planet as part of a bigger reality where there are others. Then the gravitational forces weakens as we move towards the center. Yet the same within our thinking structure. As we consider in our mind more elements, like others, then the gravitational forces weakens. Keep this very deep in your mind. The value 9.80.. is an alternation between plural and singular. The plural expression becomes the physical earth and cosmos. The singular dimension becomes our own gravitational forces in relation to others. Then, the plural dimension also alternates in order to allow the exchange the concepts of  "Others". Thus, to be possible the mentioned, a whole loop is required.


TWO uses the measured by science value of 9.80665 m/s to explain the chain of elements behind it. This elements may be understood as encrypted information behind the energy that explains this force. From this value and other elements at once, it may be possible to explain all the remaining physical forces but, above that, a direct link to ULP constant is possible , Quantum TWO, the elements of the periodic table, US, etc.


If the acceleration forces towards inside cannot overcome the forces towards outside, you will remain trapped in the same loop that is part of the explanation of this value. In other words, when this happens,  Like 980665 upon 400000, there is no way out.


When the relation of almost "1" for gravitational forces ~  to "1" for ULP value as 1:1, then, it is a crossing point, a quantum instants. An inflection point. To go deeper on this matter, as relevant, please go to Gravitational Forces Article.


Upon ourselves, ULP constant becomes a must to overcomes gravitational forces. Then from the total amount value of 99, filled in this matrix, you can go to value 108  which is the total amount filled in Article 108, thus  becomes 108.


At that instant + 1 quantum status, 108 turns into 216 as twice 16+, as coming from abstraction of reality itself. The conditions for the merging reality or universe becomes the conditions that become encrypted as code structre within TWO. Thus, the column of the amount filled in the matrix  cannot overcame the 99 total value and it does not overcome it. It need to leave space for the ULP value become upon 109  - 108+1 to enter into a  transition status, which is capable to hold 4 forces at once, as 4 quantum elements.


The amount filled column is filled as if the information were random because only part of the coding structure may be mentally performed but not the hole code structure. This way becomes very accurate because it can match data with precision. Yet, each level data results, each line, is matching and structuring sense in other values, constants, processes.


The mental process is more restricted without the help of the table. However, most approaching values had to be structured gradually, like a pendulum adjustment process due that there are two main variables at once at stage in this particular process. Other variables are at second or third line and, to make it visibles there is a need to learn how codes relates.


In the end, the precise number for the earth acceleration was possible, but the most relevant issue is that the acceleration scale was possible from an abstract concept capable to explain the value. Then it came from a frame. And, the content of information at each level becomes very consistent with the many relations that are established within TWO bases.


The code Structure is the result of multiplying Constant TWO x the acceleration scale x or divided by the Pi scale. You are force to understand from other articles the very nature and logic of the scales values.


The numbers entered as independent values in the amount to be filled  are basically coming from quantum abstractions or possibilities expressed in the column to structure sense. The value are expressed in seconds because  "3" deep level were used as ground level. 3 levels deep as hours, minutes and seconds from the hands of a clock.

From the moment the amount to be filled data needs to match values, like puzzles pieces, you do understand that random is replaced by logic. Then, when filling up data, the reference you have are coming from a possible frame that is structuring itself as an adjusting process always in progress and hueing, the hard data coming the most accurate possible measures of reality, the consideration of others thinking, then adjusting your thinking to the Pole thinking structure you embrace, and above all, the consideration of a space for what or whom you cannot seen and yet, the others that you can see. Thus, the frame as a field for reality becomes so complex as reality itself.


The clock association becomes relevant in order to relate the value with time synchronicity, and motion, as explained in when One Equals 6 and other articles.


Then, the scale process was adjusted to seconds. Or better said, the abstraction may be related to "Seconds" because that is the demanded meaning to the circumstances that are under explanation. Then, at the same time, for another purposes, the value cease to represent "seconds" and becomes useful for other explanations to other concepts, sharing a conceptual crossing point and allowing the jump to another concepts. Thus, the concept of "essential" separates from the concept of "accessory.


Within TWO, at the very core you should find a relation of elements as 1:1:1:1:1:1:1... and 1, then "1" at the very core. As is too deep, there is no way to extract meaning without Zooming a little. With this logic, you may understand that Constant TWO , that is one of the tools TWO uses, the relation of elements is 1/36/360. The constant itself is putting together a dual perspective, as 2 worlds. Decimal and sexagesimal bases. Then, by starting by "1" as decimal, which is a base ten number, then, it  allows many meanings. If the base is meter, like 1, then, 360 may be turn to 3600 by considering the base ten. Thus the relation meters and seconds becomes possible.

From the article when "1" equals "1" you will realize that at many crossing roads, many different units of measurement are turned towards "1", Yet, at least, always 2 perspectives will stay at the same plane, as a metric Tape that contains Inches and Meters. No matter how hard you try to melt them as One singular unit, it is not possible, the same way with TWO, with people, etc. There is a need for at least 2 to alternate perspective. Then, for a gravitational force, there is a need for an ULP force. Thus, in this case "1" is meter related to time. Yet, it could be time, as "1" Hour  related to 360 degrees. You always can tell the difference as you get deeper and understand the context you are involved. When you crossroads concepts  it is because  the conditions are set for that. When you crossroad concepts, you start to triangulate, as geometric triangulations. If more and more concepts are crossroad at the same time, the triangulation goes deeper into the core. The more crossroads, the more the extension of the conceptual crossing, then becomes deeper to extract the relations and more and more complex to relate concepts because each time the line is thinner, more sutil. Then, the only way to remark more the crossing roads is by providing space in your mind to it.  The deeper you want to go, the deeper you need to provide space for others. And this is not just for thinking, but also to concern. Why ?. Simply because those are the rules contained within TWO abstractions that are used to structure the abstraction that are capable to match values.



If the total amount filled from the matrix makes a lot of sense, the partial sums also become very consistent with TWO bases and are plenty of meaning.

Explanations upon the meaning of each value in the partial sum or amount o be filled  will depend upon the context of the matter under analysis, what becomes relevant was to set the fundamental base and then, the wrapping comes later. The wrapping would be like the different expressions that something fundamental may take. Same principle for planet than for us. And from the planet base, recalibrating, out of a common base as gravitational forces and ULP forces , between 3 and 4 forces may be structured by combining different abstractions. Then, It becomes possible the understanding of other forces as the forces physics understand that rule the universe. Yet, the matter can be understood up side down. You always need to remember this: Anything is first a consequence and later may become part of the cause.

By starting with Earth acceleration as Cause, we are starting with the firs"1" at the acceleration scale. Thus, from restricted or limited bases we expand, then the second "1". Then from the second at level 6, to the third "1" as adding a bigger field, as more levels.



The 12 levels structure of the matrix  is necessary to provide quantum alternation space within the code structure. Within groups formation, if a group were formed from levels 9 to 12, the content of information of that group whould be restricted to 36 elements from Constant TWO plus 4 elements from quantum , then 4 elements to become 1, thus, what is not in the table of Earth acceleration is contained in other tables.


If all the mentioned elements were included in the same table, that would become "100" output, That would be "Closing", and that would be a conceptual misunderstanding of bases. But even that , would be only a part of the issue. Thus, the absence of information  on one side is information on another side while yet, the rules and reasoning within TWO becomes part of the process. Then, any value output tells as much as any value that it is not present when in the mind are larger values as frame.


In fact, if you look at the amount of information al level 4, the amount filled is 36, just the limit for quantum process at 9 level, which you will realize, matches the periodic table needs for elements. Also, you may notice that at level 3 and 4 respectively,  At Pi scale, the value turns into 1. At level 4, the value for Acceleration scales  turn into 1. This is an alternation between 3 and 4 , as from 3.14. The one in the middle of 3.14 from Pi is reflecting that alternation. The value of 10.000 at Acceleration Scales , at level 3 is directly related to Quantum. And, from Quantum articles you will understand how, by considering PI scale, the value will jump to 100.000 and then become larger and larger.


In the acceleration scale and Pi scale  - "3 and 4", are as both levels meeting in the middle within a range. The border as Each "1" values within the respective scales. The concept of the middle becomes very relevant within TWO bases.


If from level 4 you step to level 6 you will note that, again, at the acceleration value scale merges "1" again. As jumping from level 4 to level 6 more elements were considered, then at level 6, like as an analogy, the 6 O Clock in a Clock, as the middle of number 12. The new merging "1" value is aside a new base, the 100.000 base. That becomes completely consistent with expanding the considerations, from quantum perspective, from 3 elements to 4 elements. Then, the value outcome are like reinforcing the conceptual bases within quantum.


Yet, at level 6, like 6 o Clock, when motion is considered from the larger frame behind, the trend, the motion from a mind perspective may go towards 5 or 7. When the route takes the right path, as a decision, then the base need to expand as indicated in the table. And that is because when moving towards 5 from quantum, you are jumping up to 7 level in this table. Yet 7, is a number that cannot be contained within The Acceleration value because it is an instant where, from mind perspective, gravitational forces are overcome. Then you can understand why 9.80665 ends up in 65. It is exactly the point where other forces overcame this force. It is exactly the instant were expansion is possible. The 7 missing value out of a logic sequence, out of an abstraction is deeper explained in the article gravitational forces.


The value 9.80665 it is a collective expression of the same at a singular level, just different wrappings.


At  level 5, the amount filled value "5" becomes consistent with the 5 elements mentioned at the quantum TWO explanation. Yet. it allow to understand Earth level between levels 4 and 6 within the acceleration scale and within a larger cosmological scale. That level provides yet the base 10 as one minimal base within reality and the abstraction within TWO.


The fact is that to understand the values becomes extremely complicated without been familiarized with TWO logic. In simple, if the coding structure looks random, there's nothing random contained within it.


Keep in your mind the following at this stage. The planetary and & or collective expression of the driving forces that leads towards ourselves is gravity. The coding structure of gravity reflects exactly that. Thus gravitational forces becomes a barrier to overcome but not as space voyagers but as  within ourselves to become possible the relation 2 to 1. Overcoming gravity by +1


Most heaviest elements within 9.8 m/s are explained up to level 3 in the matrix. Then, the force starts to weaken to provide space to others force to rule. That is coming out of mind decisions.


9.2 out of 9.8 are explained at that level. What does it means?

At a individual level

It means:

The first steps to stop thinking the planet or you are  the center of the universe are the hardest.


At level 4, the acceleration scale is at "1" value, At level 6  the value is also one, but if the same comparison base is used , it is like 10.

At level 7 the value is 100. Then, from a mind perspective relation there is a jump from 10 to 100 base. From the consideration of "1" towards the consideration of "2" as elements, persons, as you wish.


At 1 base you can only see yourself. very heavy gravitational force  9.806

At 10 base  You are just standing into the 6 O Clock at 6. Right in the middle of Ones perspective      9.8066

At 100 base You are seen a little ore than yourself. Then you are about to overcome your own gravitational forces.  9.80665

When arriving at 10.000.000 you are thinking differently.


The mentioned above is deeply explained in other articles. You jump from a smaller circle to a bigger one. The force that makes that possible was coming from ULP Force. ULP force need to be larger than gravitational force. And it is larger, but deep. As it is deep, cannot be measured physically because of its structuring code bases, but it can be measured conceptually to provide understanding bases and logic to the universe. All this is related to decisions and US and Others.


The value becomes collective, as for the planet because it is a common base to anybody to overcome. Yet, many cannot. Then, you need to understand that the collective expression of our thinking as conscious one is  in part explaining the Planet, the universe, etc. However, the first step is you understanding that always " You are a consequence first."


Now, this is not about placing ourselves in the center of the universe. While you keep expanding the bases of your thinking, towards the center, then, at the center, but from an upside down perspective, you are at a tunnel. like a worm hole towards one plane to another or, bouncing back again in a new out of the same scenario.


Naturally, this is not telling that gravitational forces are the only forces. Yet understanding the concepts it is the first step.

What becomes relevant is to understand that value of gravity in earth  makes sense out of an abstraction of reality that connects reality.

Then the first step is connect planetary values with our own nature. An essential connection with different wrapping.


Planet earth contains the perfect balance between gravitational forces and ULP forces in order allow any conscious one to step up  to 10 floors into an invisible stairway. The way to climb is by considering others than yourself. It is as simple as that. It is simply physics, and physics for real. Within the balance: Not to Cold, not to Hot. Just to find the dynamic balance. Just to move within a multicentre range.


The Logic out of 9.80665


* There is a count down from Gravitational Forces to ULP Forces. While Gravitational forces reduced, ULP Forces Increases

* Consider value 5 as a border value, Bellow "5", consider any value as a non measurable value by instrumentation

* Consider the values in color red as non visible or measurable but part of the matching equations.

* Consider the count down from a logic that starts at the crossing point of 65 and 67

* To establish a logical abstraction route there is Predefined route that is inserted within the logic that explains earth acceleration.



The route to structure the value goes th3eoretically as follows.


From standing in a clock at exactly 6 O Clock in your life, In other words, in exactly a balance point between 2 options, you need to take a decision. You do move to the left or to the right. To move to the right is like to provide a bigger weight in your mind to others consideration than your own. As simple as that.


When you decide to move to the right the motion route is from 6 to 5. Then the value is present in earth acceleration as 9.80665.

As the value 9.80665 is a planetary measured value, the mayor decisions within the value have had already been taken. Then you can understand the4 difference between cosmological, planetary and individual decisions.

The relative importance of individual decisions cannot be measured because its impact goes beyond the value 9.806650000... As explained above, the ceros balanced will be broken after many ceros.


Moving from 6 to 5 it is only possible when other or others were considered in the most possible balance structure, Then, counterpart perspective is 67, as looking from 65 perspective. As Crossing from 11 O Clock to 13 O Clock.

As this is about providing bigger space to others, then, in the crossing instant  between 65 and 67 you need to understand that from the 67 perspective, in the mind of 67, it is moving towards 65. To understand this remark you need to switch positions. The switching position process it is not explained in this section in order to do not make understanding too complicated.

The number 7 from 67 cannot merge into the earth acceleration value because it comes from 4 & 3 and 3 & 4 perspective. As from a deeper level. Into that level, instead of One perspective, the consideration was to consider Two mind perspectives consideration. As 4 and 3 are below 5, they are not visible. 4 & 3 and 3 & 4, both are like considering Two Perspectives. From this sections, you can understand Constant Two value of 36, the value 12 and 21 as crossing values at balance, Then another deeper level is required, from 4 towards 3 and later from 3 towards 2.

When you read 67 you need to change your perspective and cease to consider the motion criteria as from 6 to 5. Something has changed. What have changed is that you are expanding your base. Then now, you look at the weigh instead of motion. 7 weights more than 6 and balance the weight to the right, as rotation.

Then within 7 there are 2 in a centred position. Out of those Two, from 65 perspective now, there is 3 towards 2. Thus there is 4 times 3 and 2 and 2 and 3. But what you see is only 0 as 9.80665. You should understand that when looking at 0 value there was a mind that went deeper in order to make this logic structure possible. It was always about how to provide each time, with each motion more space to the understanding that what is above or beyond you is larger and that becomes a simple route once you got  the idea.

Within the value 9 there is no space for an extra value within a field. Within the value 8 there is only space for 1 value in the field. But within the value 7 behind the value 0, there is space for "Two" considerations. Seven value becomes a cross crossing value as 12. Then you do understand that the common ground from 7 and 12 is 5, coming from 3 and 2 and 2 and 3. This is a 4th level deep.

Then you understand that you cannot overcome the gravitational forces within you if you do not consider others perspective. If you consider the most possible balance way the mentioned, without denying you, the most balances possibility is 7 behind. It cannot be 5 because that value is coming from a deeper balance.

Out of 20, you are moving into 19.80665. If 3 levels then 29.80665, like closer to value 3 or near light speed if ceros are added. Are you following?


Same number can have different interpretations according nor just to the context but to the mind path you take.

Thus when reading 65 as 6 towards 5 as positive within TWO, Then reading 67 as moving from 6 to 7 it is not a negative motion. You need to change your perspective. If you are capable to understand that moving conceptually from 6 to 5 it is more than making a math operation, then you will see that things become harder because 67 is just like moving, again, from a different standing point , II standing point to 6 and 5 and then from 5 towards 4, as coming from 4 and 3 and 3 and 4. Almost same logic because when 3 levels deep as 3 consideration are into the board, then, the standing perspective neds to switch again. You do not have to use the same logic. Then the logic itself restructured within the logic of the consideration's levels.

The only thing you really need to have clear to understand gravitational forces is how far are you considering the others and you, and how you can balance the relation.

The value of earth acceleration is the most possible logical balanced value out of a frame likely intended for you to overcome it in your singular dimension.



             9   8   0  : 6  5  4  3  2


             9   8          6   5   4  3  2                     1 and 1

                     4 & 3



             9  8

                     4 & 3                                          Frame


                     2 and 2 & 3                                Frequence



7 like  2 and 2 and 2 and 1 unbalancing from between 4th and 5th level inside the frame

6 & 5 as II, as eleven, then 11.43, then approaching ULP Constant Value as from the counterpart out of a duality.

The thing is that the 11.44 value is restricted to matching observational values.

By overcoming 11.44 time itself has been overcome, then 11.43 becomes possible as frame. Like standing between 1 or 0 at 12

This is not about arriving to 5 and 12 as 60 and then matching space and time. It is about understanding the quantum alternations between the following:

Space - Time - Created reality as Frame - Consciousness and yet, as a plus for US, our insertion within it.









The Whole in One Theoretical bases