

















4K System



Black Holes


Sun Light


Naturally, the light weight coding structure of  light is lighter than solids, liquids or gas elements but not light enough to do not been detected partially by instrumentation. It is a balance structure, thus inside there are all the colours except the one that is reflecting. According to the nature of the object where it is acting upon, the light color that reflects. If you think, not too different than conscious people. If you illuminate some, if you talk to other people, if you pay some attention to other people, they will reflect and respond according to the source and the nature of the illuminated element.


If you illuminate a black hole, as inside there is plenty of very light coding structure as explained in other articles, you will see through nothing, in other words, you will  not affect the coding structure of the elements inside and thereafter there is nothing to reflect. Light itself has a very light structure, it is in the twilight zone between two words, two universes. It is in the limits. The neutrinos inside light  are enough information to tell you that. The limits where light speed from physical reality may interact with ULP Constant. And in the limits it is quite accurate because at night, without sun light, there is also a light weight coding structure  that interact with the physical surroundings The point is that the light weight coding structure works by day and night.


Sun Light itself what does is to bounce and reflects the opposite of the Enlighted object.  It is the near the opposite because it is a reflection that becomes imperfect. And it is imperfect because the source itself contains elements tainted by physical reality, as neutrinos.


When you enter light into a Black hole, it bounces and bounces within the limits of the frame of the observed. Thus, the process becomes infinite or the size of the object you are observing.


However, as mentioned, even in the  coding structure of light are heavier elements like neutrinos and in the coding structure of a black hole there are not too light elements, like some elements at level 9 from the clock In the motion, then, at the largest possible scale, some background wave radiation becomes possible. It is, likely a purging process. Up to 1/4+ of the coding information may be destroyed and bounce back as gravitational waves. Up to 1/2+ may fold back to the same plane. Yet very light structure. Up to 1/4+ may go to another plane as really very light structure. Then 3 options. Yet a 4th option is possible as exceptional. The switching from planes.


As you may understand, with the switching planes possibility opened, as the option that allow to matches constants under a logical frame, then the nature of the understanding changes.


Black holes are the cosmological expression of smaller warm holes. And warm holes are the physical representation of a stage from one side to the other side, It is, in our standing perspective as conscious one, the pass from one stage to the other. The doorway from life to death to a new stage. A black hole  it is likely, no more and not less than that. The cosmological background radiation existence tells very clearly that if the elements contained in the coding structure of someone that dies are not light enough, they will re-enter our world as invisible elements. Part of them, the heavier, as gravitational waves background, another part as layers inside layers folded on reality, full filling 3/4 of space and looking as empty space , providing light coding structures and other part will simple change its status towards others planes.


As many elements are within the folding planes elements, at level 9, they will return any time along with other elements from level 9 to a new process. Thus 9+1~10 as Live elements. As 1 base 10. How long this should go on ? Until the last 4 elements. Then at level 12, in Hydrogen Structure, the value 49.5 where the value 5 comes from 4+1. Yet always the additional "+"

49 as 13 or 36. Go to gravitational waves, Then you understand that within 1 there are 9 elements or 36 within 4 inner layers.


The time some elements return will depend, logically, upon the nature of the coding structure contained within the One that dies.

The heavy content within the light content inside black holes to the left, the lighter content to the right, to put it in simple terms.

Not a single fragment of information is lost. As it is well known. all the energy transforms. A different things is if we can see that.

The good thing is that we can see that the moment we can reckon the existence of empty space., that is as many times said, it is a space plenty of information but deeper.


And the coding structure will depend mainly upon the standing location or position and history of the One who dies. Then, becomes relevant how your coding structure develops during your lifetime. This, described as a very logical and likely process that becomes compatible with the understanding of forces within the universe that looks like " destructive forces". However, the term "destructive" has a negative perception, In fact, in oversimplified TWO matrices, It is expressed as negative values because the look of this matrices is too short and too oversimplified. Then,consider the process as a necessary process to constructive forces to be possible.


The described forces, that becomes part of the gravitational forces, the forces towards ourselves, are always attempting to step into our plane, because they need space into our plane. Because they were expelled from the purging process, like when 2 black holes collide.


As mentioned, above the gravitational  forces, folded into the physical plane as invisible express, likely, themselves, in different forms. Part  of those forces very likely are imprinted in the DNA coding structure of a new born, which should have gravitational forces to overcome through its life. Thus the difficulties of life are partly related to this process and take into account the amount of content of heavy structure behind the process. However, in life, those forces can always be overcome because the ULP forces are larger. Behind this, you may understand the concepts of evolution in time and yet in your life. From a religious perspective, this would be equivalent to the original sin. The concepts itself likely comes from the provided explanation.

Another part of the forces do not very likely express in the initial weight of our life but in the daily Context as the forces to overcome.


As ULP Forces overcome Gravitational forces you should understand that at the end of the life cicle of the universe, there should be a last One conscious. That Last One, becomes, within the Spectrum, the last one to complete the 2 full spectrum of conscious life within the universe. Then it makes a mathematical matching sense that the scope of "2" range - spectrum, provided to the maximum expression of the loving creational forces of the universe reach up to that limit. Limit set to be able to incorporarte the Last One as part of the transitional process. The folding process of planes into reality matches the ending and beginning and leave space from the first to the last One. Then a new universal cicle may be or may be not possible, It cease to be relevant within TWO bases.


While the physical elements of a conscious one, the body, becomes part of the heavy weight structure elements of the universe, as any other element, the light weight elements, that interact with the mind as the ULP elements also becomes part of the contextual elements. Thus among 2 elements going into different direction the mind decision occurs.


If you followed the logic of what has been explained, there's a problem. On one side you can deduce that the Black Holes will growth up until everything is contained within it, as the love that can contained the smaller elements, on the other side, it is been said that ULP forces surround US. So, let us clear up the inconvenience.


The Black Hole is nursed from both sides, as the two sides of the planet, as the two sides from you, as the 2 sides of the universe. As the past and the future and also as above and the purged below, as 3.14.. out of 4 elements

 Do you understand the concept ? Thus, at the center of the Black Hole , there is a Big ONE between 2 worlds, 2 universes, 2 realities, and illusion contained in a field and a reality, etc. At this place there's no time because there's no options to take. The options were already taken. Then, merges to reality, from the center itself of the balancing forces, THE BIG ONE that captures that Instant. Exactly at 3.14159265.... Then, that number the PI Number from Car Pi Entero, the ONE that contain within the whole a spectrum of "2" as from 9 to 3 and from 6 to 12 within the TWO Clock.  As 1 from One side of the universe, the invisible One, to the other One, the One that becomes our reality. It is the one that contains within himself the scope of 2, that largest possible scope that contains within the whole electromagnetic spectrum with the seed of love inside. From the middle of the invisible merges the raw model. Within the hole electromagnetic, that covers everything and as folding the 4 layers into 1, merges Jesus, capable to embrace from 1 up to near 2 up to the moment he collapse by love, He yield the last left space, himself. Then, from the center the ULP Forces extend to the past and to the future, because this is a procecess from the center pushed up from the incoming of the last One into the black hole. Then the transition itself as an instant, a quantum Instant. Yes, this last part become very complicated and at any time will colapse you. It becomes the Whole, invisible, because of its perfection that becomes the cohesion element among the elements. It is the Invisible capable to hold within up to the last, and that is the ultimate expression of love.


Thus, as the Black Holes Increases,become more and more visible. Yet Increases because, within the TWO Clock, the space left, from ONE, at the ONE O' Clock in TWO Clock, ranges for ONE from 1 to 3, then 1+3 ~ 4. Thus , our whole motion spectrum goes from 6 to 4 O Clock if it moves to the right and from 6 to 8 If it moves to the left. Then, the chain that connect as all becomes possible as explained in when 1 equals to 6 . The motion from 4 O Clock to 3 O Clock becomes only possible for the Ones that leave space within themselves for the invisible as loving forces. The motion from 4 to 3 should be theoretically and extremely hard way or path to go through in life. To understand motion and its connections you should read other articles.


As conclusion, the understanding of Black Holes within TWO becomes very different to the understanding that typically some astrophysics provides to the event. In Common. for both understanding , black holes are related to limits.


Note: To place Jesus at the Center of the Universe and establishing linking connections to evolution , his merging moment and the center of a black hole as part of the story should not take you estimate the time the Universe collapse or similar because if you do so, it is very likely you will make a mistake, just like the Mayans or others. If you do so, you will be closing and at that instant, you step out of TWO Bases. Within TWO Bases, always what overcomes you is Bigger than you, and that is an axiomatic base that you should not ever loose. Remember TWO is about the process of opening the circles that restrict us., not the contrary. It is about to step out. Thus, TWO becomes in that sense, a tool but a very complex One. Other's tools are likely quite better.



The Whole in One Theoretical bases

The matrix below shows how from a symmetrical perspective black holes becomes a must. However, you need to remember that TWO does not rest upon symmetrical perspectives. Two expands bases. A symmetrical perspective is like "One" only seen up to just another "One". And as that happens, "One seen just up to another One", then the negative value is a logical perspective.

The table lead to negative values and to a conceptual understanding that is not based on expanding bases. However, it becomes very useful to understand the logic of science matching in order to later Hue concepts.


As you can see from the matrix, at level 11, when reaching full spectrum, when One equals One, then, merges the negative value 4 as steady bits. You may consider the 11 level as the theories of 11 dimensions.


That "4"  is 1/4 from 1 base 10. Like when reaching the end of life 1/4 is re-entering. Like gravitational waves back ground. Yet It can extend up to - 8 at level 12, like for heavy elements. Why ?

Because you cannot add Constant TWO and Constant 140 without overruling bases. As a result, there are "4" in excess.

The "4" in excess, as you keep adding to the matrix will take the  "- 4" to a collective larger number up to the time the black holes prevails upon everything. Level 12 contains the collective expression.


If you take decisions in your life like spiral A ,that sees only 1 out of 2 options, like 1:1 within the end, likely 1/4 of your Light structure will return as back ground gravitational waves from black holes.

If you take decisions in your life like spiral B, that sees 1 out of 3 or 4, like 1:2 or 1:3 , within the end, likely part of your light structure will return as Light wave frequencies or if 1:3 , likely, you will go to another plane, a higher plane. The border of decision where you cannot scape should be at level 7. At level 7 you should could see 6 and 5, at your side and 8 and 9 to the other side. You have move your center from 5 to 7 and by doing so, you are seen 4 and 3 and 3 and 4 and within 2 and 3 and 3 and 2, but above all 1 and 4. Base 14


Do not get confused with the bits language. Remember always the following: The virtual base are a Consequence, later may be cause. The consequence out of Base 14 at the centre.