4K System
Motion > Left or Right ?
I do not need to tell you that everything is at motion. You realized that happens. Thus, where does the motion comes from ?
From mayor 4 fundamental forces. Naturally, the answers is from the physics perspective. And you just need to step into some TWO articles to be able to understand a few reasons of how does may happen.
So, as we are starting from motion as a given force, let us take it as our pushing element that moves us. Let us mount upon it as if we were riding a horse. In front of us there are only 2 roads and we cannot stop the pace of the horse. A road to the left and a road to the right. There is no sign to tell you where the road may take you so, you decide to ask a peasant that is walking besides your horse about the ending cross road.
- Hi Sir. Would you mind telling me where the roads can take me ?
- Certainly Sir. But I have to ask you first something, if you don't mind?
- If I know the answer, no problem.
- Do you have some concern about other people or not ?
- Of course, what kind of person do you think am I ?, naturally I care about others.
- Well, in that case,
If you are concern about the others you can take the left road. Many people that is concern about the others take that road. Some of them realized everything is a mess all around the Shire, so, they take that road to do good to others, It lead to the village "The Good Ones" They are so concern about the others that they even take from you to give to the others. And they will ask from you everything they can in order to make a fair Shire. Remember, they are the Goods.
- I see.
So the people that are not concern about the others take the right route?
Well, a lot of people that take the right route is not concern about the others. They do not like the left route policy. To them, may result annoying.
Thus, no one concerned about the others take the right route?
- I did not say that, a lot of people does, I would say about half travellers that are concerns about other people take the right route. It leads you the village called " The Ugly Ones" They inhabitants are in between The Good Ones and the Bad ones. The policy there is that they take 1/4 from you to give it to others. And that is because in the village there are 4 groups. a- The Ones that are wiling to give away, b- the Ones that understand that they have to contribute to others, c- the Ones that do not expect from the others and want to be left alone, and d- the Ones that expect from the others some concern.. The town it is also a mess, plenty of problems with so much people. Well... just, like most towns.
- For what you are explaining, I guess most people lives in "The Ugly Ones" town. I assume the "The Good Ones" village is smaller.
- Of curse not. You should know that most people considers themselves as "Good". Let me explain, it is very simple. About 2/3 of the people of the Shire have registered address at the "The Good Ones" and vote there for mayor of the Shire. If they win the elections, their policy is applied to both towns of the Shire. And as it is normally a larger group, they usually win.
- I see, then I guess I will take the left Path. Thank you, bye.
- Bye
3 Days Later
- Hi, it is you again, coming back ?
- Well, I settled down in "The Good Ones", there were very few people there during the day, like 3/4 less than expected, so It was easy to get an address to register. They told me that most people works at "The Ugly Ones" town so I will go there. It is plenty of people for what I heard. I have told that if you do not have a very well payed Job, you are poor and, the poor people, have the benefit of paying very low taxes, if you are in the 4th group. And that is very good because at the Good Ones people town there is almost no job. You known, not too much left to deliver.
Thus, if you need to decide which road are you going to take, the Right path will always become harder because, at your own load, you need to add some others load. It is very easy to take away from others to others whatever the reasons but mainly, because as you are entitle with the light, you see justice from your standing point. The hard thing is just to take away from you to the others. That makes the whole difference. And this example, that looks like politics it is about much more than just politics. It is about our general standing upon many things. How can you known what is or its not fair ? Are you a Judge capable to see beyond the appearances?
The horse cannot stop, as the motion cannot stop. The only thing you need to do is to decide if the path you take is to the left or right ? Once you do that, the horse will just take you gradually through the way. The paths you chooses end up defining who you are.
To go deeper on this matter / When 1 equals 6
Part 2
More abstract
The turning to the right direction becomes a matter of perspective. It is like watching a clock from the front. Hands moves to the right. From inside the clock perspective,the hands moves to the left, just like earth from an outside perspective. In other words, if you remain quiet upon the earth instead of a horse, yo evolve at earth speed and larger process. As you can move within an evolving ground base you are required to take a side for your motion in order to evolve faster than the planetary or cosmological motion. If you decide not moving at all, you become a sort of flora, a tree, a vegetable that needs to adapt to any season, otherwise, to perish. Then, if you decide to move, you may leave the horse take the path, just following its instincts to wherever he wants to go or, you can take control of the situation.
If there are many horses in the route, your horse will just follow other horses, that is what they do. But ,if you take the horse ropes, you better know the way you take, otherwise, pretty hard you ever arrive.
Imagine that the rotational speed to the left of the earth is like the speed of your horse walking in a circular loop. Reduce the size of the earth millions of times and place the earth upon a metallic axis hanging upon 2 bases, like a dog upon a spinning ball over water, like in a circus. Got the idea ? The horse just walks and you can realize, that will not ever leave the spinning game without your help.
As your are looking from outside, from a dual perspective, you see the problem. No matter what directions take the horse or the ropes, you are trapped in a spinning game without options lo leave the ball, like the earth.
The left route means that at any point or moment in your life, you think you are from the "Good Ones". You think you know better than others, you are smarter than others, you are nicer and prettier than others, you are wiser than others, You are upon others by reason or power. Thus, from a dual perspective, It means, in an oversimplification, you are the Good One and the rest are the Bad Ones. As you are the one that knows, you can perfectly bee the judge of others, the judge of justice, etc. Any time you feel with the right, directly or indirectly to take from others, its resources, its free will or anything, you are part of this group, whether you like it or not.
The thing is that it is pretty hard have not ever think or act that way. You can permanently or circumstantially think or act as the Good One. Unless of course, you are not human.
Thus, what about the right route. It is a wider scope town. The town is capable to hold within 4 different groups that clearly have differences. The group is just excluding those that think they are the Right Ones. As conceptually is a larger groups, within TWO bases, the Ugly Ones town should be consider a better group than the Good Ones. By doing so, TWO bases would be closing files with the group of the Ugly Ones as the group of the Good Ones. Thus, it would be falling into the same category that in a first step rejects. It becomes over the other option, but it is the chosen path. To solve this inconvenience, its is required to go deeper.
The mentioned above problem is just restricted Within the Ugly Ones, to the Good People of the Ugly Ones, that is willing to consider the others. For the others Ones, there is no problem at all. Basically the issue has been reduced to 1/4 of the population of this town... Free will is respected within the Ugly Ones because you can choose to consider or not the others..
You could be the worst person in the world and yet, occasionally, by your own will, you may want to share something with someone you like./ That would place you into group A within the Ugly Ones.
The group of the Ones that understand that the are others may be not too much concern about them but do not ignore them at all. They reckon its existence, what it is not a minor thing.
The group of the ones that want to be left alone is the group of those that are concentrated in theirs matters. They do not like too much to have to contribute to others because they may be having too problems by themselves, or maybe they simply do not care because the issue that demands attention is too far from their concerns.
The group of the ones that need some attention from the others is mainly conform for those that may need some help but do not demand it as a right from the others. Yet. this group may receive a lot of visitors from the Good Ones town. As in the Good Ones town they all are very generous with their own and others possession's, then, to pay a visit to this group, keeping the address at The Good Ones town is quite reasonable. After all, they need help.
For the Ones living in The Ugly Ones town, the Bad Ones are those living in the Good Ones town. For the one living in the Good Ones town, the Bad Ones are the living in the Ugly Town. Thus, the Bad One Category turn to be a relative category on one side but an absolute category on the other perspective as a ground base order from the moment TWO bases defines an ordering bases set in its principles. Yet, the absolute scale it is built upon relative bases that may be reduced in the end to 4 elements, a doble consideration to others and the option of free will and yet Space for what cannot be seen.
The thing is that into The Ugly Ones town, most of us have going through, on a daily bases, on some of the town counties. Many time we are willing to do something for others, sometimes we are force, sometimes we don't care and sometimes we need help.
Yet, the Good People from The Good Ones town have always been at home. They are part of our history the same than the Ugly people from The Ugly Ones town have been living in the Good Ones Town.
Naturally, it is good to know where is your address but even more important is to know where do you work on a daily bases. That is your standing circunstancial standing position.
Up to this point, from the largest conceptual scope until here, within TWO bases, both ways are a loop where you are trapped, but , according to TWO bases, if you have to pick a side at this moment, the wider scope within the restricted limits is the right path. It considers others that care about others and yet, considers others that do not care about others and also respect widely free will than the other group. Thus, the right path becomes TWO option to go on upon a duality of options. Yet, quite more to come.
Part 3
Even more abstract
The Earth spins to the left if it is looked from outside. The sun always come up from the East. This means that to match earth motion, the horse you are mounted on is walking to the right. Otherwise, the horse would be walking to the left. Naturally this is if your horse were moving the earth, that is only possible in your imagination. Right ?
As in the Ugly Town there are 4 groups which real dimension will depend of the circunstancial reality of the town, you may consider that the Shire is moved by 4 horses. Just one horse is too few to move the earth. So, please Imagine now that the 4 horses are the 4 mayor physical forces that moves everything. Of course, those forces are different, just like the horses. Some are bigger than the others and some are stronger than the others. They, combined, supply a full spectrum of forces. Each horse has its singularity, as the 4 groups into the Ugly Ones town. An yet, you are riding your own horse. Thus, 5 horses.
The same way the horses born before you were riding one horse, the physical forces that moves the planet born before the planet. They become a consequence of a process. The forces did not pop up out of nothing. Thus, when you are demanded to think that your horse, along with the others 4 horses are moving the earth, the large main part of what its been asked you is just metaphorical. Unless, of course, you understand yourself as a consequence, then metaphorical mental exercise it is not so metaphorical at all.
Due to Ice melting and perhaps others reasons, scientist realize that the spin of the earth it is not constant at all. If you consider that maybe, a very, very small part of that Ice melting is related to the man activities on the planet, then you can conclude that in a very tiny fraction, part of mankind activities may affect the speed of rotation upon earth.
By considering the above mentioned possibility what has been said is that mankind contributes to explain the motion upon earth, regardless of time. By putting the words in perspective, This is, from TWO bases, a direct insertion of mankind as an active part of the planet motion and, by extension of the universe motion. But this are Big words and demand to be templated immediately. How relevant our part? Well the answer is very simple. As relevant as the size of the universe you see. If the mankind participation is represented by number 1, then it could be said that our part is one out of 10^n where "n" could be and infinite number or a finite number. If it is an infinite number, then it always the relation will become invisisible at sight. If the number is a finite number, then it must be big enough to make our role not visible at first sight.
Let us open a third option to step out of the duality of the 2 roads. For the horse there are only 2 choices, lest or right. Hew cannot move forward. So, it is the time for you to do not ride the horse any longer. Consider, in your mind, that the horse was your body, restricted to the physical possibilities. Think that the horse goes the right path. As it was mentioned, at the right path there is space for free will and also space for people that consider other not because they must but because they are willing to. From that standing, as part of group A you are expected to understand that at any time within time you will notice that you normally moves from town to town and from group to group, thus, a good way to solve the conflict is to fold in your mind the 2 cities in the same plane. Like looking at you at different scenarios during time. Recognizing the differences in your standing perspectives as you evolve. Consider that both cities were 2 cities but yet, your just your left and right size of your mental process. It is like an acceptance of the differences between one side and the other side. This can be performed only when you consider others and yet respect the spaces of free will. While both are not together, that would be very difficult because it becomes a look into yourself and accepting what you do not like about you. That is why it is difficult.
Further, you can understand the 2 cities as male and female. The got united when each part learn to accept the other and then you can properly fold planes. I hope you got the idea. In both imaginary exercises the real concern for other and the respect for the other becomes a must. In the mental process this task it is not too difficult because your are watching he sides from the example. In the physical plane it is harder the same task because you are force to trust the other part in order to leave it a space in your world. As you are likely familiar with that other part the process may become not too much difficult at all. The really difficult part it is when you cannot see the other part.
When you accept the other and leave space to other the distancie between the towns is dramatically reduced. Thus, 100 miles may become just a face to face mental encounter. By taking distance from the observational point, the 2 cities may get closer horizontally or closer in a vertical folded plane. In both scenarios, different kind of motion are part of the evolving process.
The issue is that to get perspective you need to claim into a stairway that needs to be in front of you. Each step upward the perspective zone is taken within the physical plane. You cannot move forward into the stairway without evolving from the different towns. There are rules to move, just like there a rules to talk or to write or to perform maths. To move, somebody have to leave you a space to do so. It is a chain of motion that goes step by step. Manu steps aside for one upward.
The 2 town example can be used to enlighten a lot of concepts with the same ground bases. How 2 can get together. And that is a process.
Part 4
Ver, very abstract
Your motion occurs in 2 planes, A- Physically and B- Mentally
If the physical plane contains 1 dimension , the mental dimension have at least 2 dimensions
Empty space is required to make motion possible in both planes. Physically you cannot take the same place of another element without pushing it. Mentally, it should be the same, like the Future and the past, Left or Right, North or South, Above and Below, Good or Bad.
The empty space should be full with coding structure that it is not ever visible, that is why it is perceived as empty space. The idea may be very well visualized by the observation of the coding structure of the elements from the periodic tables of elements within TWO.
To link motion with time you need to understand articles when 1 equals 6 and when 1 does not equal 1 and it becomes necessary to return to the Big Ben Clock., at hour 13.00
In other TWO articles was explained that our physical motion was restricted so, we need to go to our mental planes.
The clock contain 3 hands, ono for hours, another one for minutes and another one for seconds. Typically the shorter hand is the one for hours. If we are standing on the hours hand, to land at any hour site demands a jump to advance the difference of length between seconds and hours. That is a leap to the empty space. If you are standing at the minutes hand, the leap have to cover a shorter distance. Your pace is always a step of one. Thus The higher you are, more far you can arrive with your next step to the cliff because the more time the process take, the clock itself moves in order to shorter the length or to distance it away. Thus the leap forces you to trust you are taking the right step. otherwise, you will not land at all at the physical point you wish.
How high are the hands of the clock upon its horizontal axis will depend Upon your accumulated standing position. You standing position is linked to your traceable 3D position at the Ugly One Town.
If you are near 1 unit high taking a step to the Right side, and the base of the clock now becomes a 3D plane of earth, then by taking only one step ahead, you will move near two steps. Standing at any point into the hands it is a journey. It is a situational Journey and yet a life time journey through that line. The highest point of the stairway is a 12 steps high level +. From a 3D perspective, it is like folding the 12 hours axis in a vertical way. At that point the One step leap forwards it is like 12 spinning of the base at the right direction and time. But when you walk, you do it step by step, The only requirement to walk is an empty space in front of you. If the space in front of you is busy ay your sight and you cannot be above the space you want, then you are force to leave that space to others and find your own way.
Motion it is about to leave empty space by your free will chances. The empty space in front of you comes from the empty space someone left for you as an option for you to take or not. Then your options defines you in the standing process and perspectives of things. Thus, at any point, you will move ahead by your own whether you can see or not see that someone leaves you a space for that to happen. This is an mind process that demands a conscious and unconscious process. And the unconscious part needs to overcomes the conscious process in order to allow quantum alternation a a decision to pop up. A decision about not to move or not, but in which direction , left or right and within it, in which group and so up to Constant TWO, that becomes another part of the story.
As al the empty space is plenty of the space, the ) space is full of balances at sight form the momento you have the illusion of seen "0", the then push for motion comes from the world you see. The space you do not see becomes the future space, and the space you see is the space taken by the past and your side, aside. An the one that push you is the context, is the others, etc. But as we are focusing and the conscious one processes , you learnt from 1 equals 6 article that motion becomes possible when the 2, 3, 4, and 5 leaves space for 6, 7 and 8. Thus all the motion becomes possible as a chains of events trigger from The ONE that leaves space for 2 to come. And when that happens, the question that becomes relevant is where is each on of us standing.
According to TWO bases, the source of motion, that takes the wrapping expression of an universal chain of motion, physical and mental , up to our motion, may be very well explained by the mentioned process. Thus the mayor conceptual bases are on the plateau.
If you get trapped by the examples provided to explain the idea, you will remain in a loop because the concepts used are dynamical. There are many things happening at the same time because many process becomes in motion at the same time, and yet are introduced to us as part of an evolving process. You cannot put all the pieces together at once because they will colapse within you, they will crash, just like in the Big Bang. The understanding itself becomes a process.
ore than one book will be necessary to explain what have been mentioned in just a few words. So, this is rough that demands to trust that there's some logical upon the provided ideas. That is very tough to demand because it is about asking to provide a space to what it is already busy with other ideas.
The thing is that at this point TWO is setting some rough connections between the importance of the Good, The Bad and The Ugly, and the dual poles, the free will and the necessary part of US leaving empty space to others. Yet adding the necessary condition for that to happen linked to the necessary recognition of someone been the first to do that. It is all about a chain of events structured with very high levels of precision. It is been elevated the significance to define our standing position point and that standing point is linked to time in order to use it as a general linking element up to when we make it vanish it
Motion becomes possible because there is always an initial breaking of a closed circle loop. And the dynamic and continuity of that process has been linked to us as part of the process. Also, our own breaking loop is linked to free will.
Talking about free will and yet circles, like onions layers means that it is very likely to understand reality may be understood as a written story for all and yet, placing you in a position where you never are capable to know which part or role you play, thus, for you singularity you have all the free will you can imagine. Thus both coexisting at the same time.
With the rough concepts about motion at stage with us included, now becomes necessary to go to the singularity, The One that becomes the first trigger, the One that leaves us all the space required for motion.
It is not necessary to recall you that the process keeps in motion while life exist and yet that death becomes part of the continuity of a process. The process is a repeating process but should not be the same for every body. Again, where are we standing at our death moment becomes relevant,
Part 5
The Initial Motion
Think about Dominos ordered pieces standing over its base. The order on one side, the chaos in the other side.
The base is so thing that just a blow it is necessary to make the first one to fall and then to triggers a chain effect.
A chain effect that can last as much as there is life. Hold that thinking in your mind.
You can add many computers to the thinking in order to structure many simultaneous beginnings at once. Many lines of pieces crossing among and in between. This can be as sophisticated as your main can imagine
Think about a 12 hours clock, the Big Ben Clock and the stories contained within 1 equals 6 . This is a time relating element that will merge and vanish, it will alternate with reality in order to make a continuous to be able to occur.
Think that you are wearing a hand watch. Those old watches that work with the motion of your hands. As long as you moves the clock, it works. . And think that while you sleep and do not move the watch, there is another one that it is not sleeping keeping the motion. This is to tell you that motion has not a singular source. Just a weak motion it is enough to move the watch.
Now add to the former thinking the idea that your own decisions and act a part of the motion it self, as in the horse examples, you are the horse trigger and the horse moves the ball.
Also think about the chain effect within the clock. Let us leave space only to motion among 00 and 3 O Clock. 12 to 15 hours. We are restringing the clock space to 1/4 of a circle. Then it goes on and on. 1/8 - 1/32, +. That is all the required space in order to leave us space from 4 to almost 9 O Clock.
Think that the Pi circuit of a ring opens and closes while we are alive. The size of the ring is the size of the radio that explains it and that size becomes the size of the universe we all agree and also the size of the universe you see. But at the beginning and at the end off all, when we are not, for a quantum instant, the circuit is closed to match a perfect synchronicity. An Instant where life is upon what we cannot see and yet our own transition time out of the visible plane.
Imagine that for an instant the time freezes, what is more or less the same that things are occurring at a speed that is explained at ULP Constant. At that instant the beginning starts in the Centre, in the middle, as explained in the middle article . Yet time rules as we know it are broken for that instant, this is the exception that makes the rule. This is the middle, of the middle, of the middle of, the middle, The precise center, but not of time, but everything. This is the picture of the beginning. Life scope is among the material beginning and yet the end. But do not attempt to track it as a math exercise, it will always overcome you because that is part of the rules.
Remind for a moment tin he persons you love most in the world, Think for an instant the person you love most phones you and tell that needs your help? Would you do something for the person you love most? Would you do it happily or that will be a burden for yo? If you would do something for the person you love you can do it freely freely or just because you consider you have to. That will place you within the Ugly Town in the first Quarter or in the second Quarter.
If the person you love most ask you to transfer a lot of money to its account and tells you that the money will be returned later, will you do it? Now, If the person you love most tells you that Its life depends on your life, will you willing to give your life for that person? Now these are Big Words.
The question is what would us do for love. Will you give up all your money knowing that if you make a wire transfer you will not retrieve any penny. If out of a contextual necessity you will be force to give up your own life for the one you love, will you do it. willingly? Likely.,most of us will not. The thing that in the provided example, we are talking about the persons that you see. Now, replace the person you see for the person or personas you cannot see. That is a triple leap. To do such a thing demands you to see asides you and above you. Aside you, by looking the ones you see and not see and above you the one that is capable to contain you within and the rest , To do so you are needed to be at 12 levels high and yet, expecting the
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