4K System
Gravitational Waves
By September 14 1974, the gravitational detector at LIGO register the first gravitational waves. A team with Stephen Hawking's concluded that the waves were coming from two massive black holes 1 300 000 light years ago that crushed each other.
Hawking's provided a very convincing demonstration that when a black holes is formed and later on vanishes completely, the information within the black hole is trapped and lost. This is oppose to Q.M. The black holes laws are ruled by QM and general relativity according to scientist. This issue becomes a problem to nowadays.
As TWO is based upon QT and not QM, it goes deeper. If 2 black holes crush it is because the content of information is at the same level. Let us put it in other words.
From 12 as 1 200 000 light years + 100 000 ~ 1 300 000 Light years
Among the options: 12+1~ 13 or 12+1~ 1 + 1 base 10
The mentioned like the same than 35+1~ 36 or 12 and 1 base 10
100 000 contains 5 scales levels and quantum itself, like 10x10x10x10x10
Do remember, from Black Holes article: A black Hole is the collective or cosmological expression of worm holes. An a worm hole is the singular expression of a transit stage among planes. That transit stage may bounce back or cross planes. The matter rest upon the issue of levels of considerations.
If the elements inside the black hole 12 are like 9.80665 and 1.14433, then they both will not reach 11 value and within a space provided by inside 14, like 12, then, there is no crush.
In order for this to happen, the quantum relation among elements is 1 and 3. "1" yielding space into the mind as 1/4, then decreasing its relative size by expanding the trapping circle. By expanding the trapping circle, opening the circle, is avoiding the crush. This is exactly at the creation moment. If the 1 300 000 million years is multiplied 10 times, then 13 000 000 000 millions years + near one +, the balance to match science capacity to measure. As simple as explained.
But If the quantum relation of elements inside the black holes it is not 1 and 3 but 1 and 1 as 1 equal to another, then the base is not expanded and the element inside are force to collide. The 12 space inside is not capable to hold on inside 2 elements that weight more than 6. Again, it is very simple.
The observation it is excellent to reflect the concept of base expansion and to reflect the concept of considerations degrees. Each level of consideration expand x 10 as quantum bases shows. Thus, this observation it is very good to support TWO bases.
Clearly with the collision, the first layer elements chain of information is destroyed and bounce back a gravitational waves. If the relation among elements was 1:1 then, only 1/4 of the information bounce back. The other information is neither lost nor trapped. The lighter content that was inside folds back again. Clearly, undetected because its coding structure is light. That is how the process should go.
If the route is like adding more to 1 300 000 light years, then x 10 x 10 x 10 , thus 13 000 000. then again x 1000, like another level with 13 000 000 000 , like 11 digits, like considering 2, like 2 black holes, like 2 dimensions.
As there is 2 like 2 dimensions, from the moment there are 2 dimensions considered, constant 140 is entered again, but not as inside Constan TWO but like alternating. Then 13.8 billions years. But Twice constant Two and yet Twice Constant 140 as 1 and & 7 and 1 and & 7 is overruling bases. You cannot considered more than Twice as A to Z and Z to A, 1 overruled out of 5 would be like 13.798 billions years . This is like minus 12 from 13 800 , like one out of 4 from 3 and 4. However, if 1/4 is removed, then 3 of 1/16 need to be added, like 16, 26, 36 then 13,798.26 . But again, if so, 10 is missing, like 13.798.36 + 1 + billion light years.
But the adding route do not need to go just expanding bases in the same plane as multiplying. If the "X" bases becomes full, then you go deeper. Thus you do not add to 12. You realize you need to unbalance 12 by going deeper. Then you reduce to 7. That leaves space for quantum like 5 digits and yet, you unbalance symmetry. It is not any longer about 3 and 4 as multiplying layers but 3 and 4 as singular adding's. As stop looking cosmologically and look within you and others. This is a whole new perspective connecting elements: The consideration towards others. 7 elements at stage are enough. to hold inside 3 and 2 and 1. With that, the highest frequencies out of quantum: 2222222 as borders setting, the higher of all frequencies from 1:3 and 3:1 as 2:2:2:2:2
And also frequencies like 2:3 or 4:5 or any other with 1 step difference. They all start at 6 and 5 and 5 and 6, like 11, like 2 out of 3 or 4 if 12 is the reduced frame. Then from 11 as a 2 digits or field number. When reaching 12, it is a 3 digits number. It is 1:3 from a deepest perspective. Thus when 12 is like 0000, then there is 2 like twice. Thus 14, the outside borders o quantum choices, like 1:3.
There is no more 2 and 3 because choices have already be taken. Quite complicated.
36 + 14 ~ 50
Constant TWO + Constant 140 are like 50 from 100. it is 50% . Adding both together overrules TWO bases.
That is the reason why 13.798 +- 37 cannot reach 14 000 billions.
12 + 7 ~ 19 Does not reach to overrule 19 from 20+. As total Scope. As from 1 towards 2 included.
Then, from 19, please understand the following: 1 digit + 9 digits ~ 10 Like One base 1
The 1 digit is coming from 9+4. It was 9+3 that instead of turning into 1, turn into 13, taking One from base 20.
Quantum base 20, as 20 digits , related to Base 14 + 6 as 6 microsecond from the beginning to Big Bang, according to Stephen Hawking gap time difference from science base could be extended to 20 + 3 as 23 . Then we arrive to the frequencies matter.
6 as 2 x 3 for science> 2 option 3 possible quantum outcomes.
By taking the matter towards the creation instant, then, it is left 1 and 2+. 2 as providing a space always superior to what goes beyond our capacity as ground base for TWO. Thereafter, TWO cannot provide an absolute time because that would be equivalente to Close, which again, attempts TWO bases.