4K System
Constant TWO > The Imperfect Constant - The One side Constant
1/36/360 x Different scale levels
Upon Light Speed Constant - ULP > Beyond what we can see or measure.
Matching Constant
From a physical chronological perspective, Hydrogen is the first element in the Cosmos formation. Also the first element in the periodic table.
Within TWO bases, Hydrogen becomes the first physical measurable chronological expression of an element. And the mentioned does not make Hydrogen necessary the first element of the universe. It makes it a consequence at one quantum instant and a cause, at another later quantum instant.
Within the most dense or concentrated relative abstraction of reality and the universe, Hydrogen is One out of 3 elements. At least 2 elements explain it. Thus, becomes the third one when other hidden elements play a part.
As a result, it becomes logical that physicians just can initiate its understanding of the universe a fraction of a second later than the beginning. Within TWO the beginning of the universe matches life's beginning and even your life. Naturally, the history of TWO becomes a different story than the one you are used to.
From 1 to 12 levels.
Levels are like different layers. In the Hydrogen table, they are structured as jumps upon decimal numerical ground base scale. The jumps, as "H" is the first element, are symmetrically ordered in a scale. The symmetry is broken at level 12. There, a double jumping is performed.
The elements of the periodic table may be normally explained within TWO using 8 levels to match the atomic weight of elements as information provided by science. However TWO does extend the scale up to 12 levels as ground base. The extra 4 levels are a must to explain Quantum TWO mechanics and other linking concepts. Only one Table of elements demands more levels. The table that is at the core of the center: Oxygen table. The last mentioned demands more space because, from the center, TWO will reach the borders. Like 1: 2: 1, where 1 is H is at the edge. Oxygen becomes like a "Y" vertical line crossing an "X" plane. The relation "2" up and "1" down in an instant forces Oxygen table to become an exception and in fact, that occurs.
Hydrogen singularity or exceptionality does require at least 10 levels to explain consistently its atomic weight structure and other variables at once. From level 11 to 12 there's a double jump that break the rules. That is expressed by adding a 100 multiplication factor instead of a 10. That breaks the piramidal or rectangular forming structure. The double leap is, as an abstraction analogy, like converting number 2 in an absolute number in a quantum instant. This is a very complex concept that demands TWO conceptual software articles understanding. Basically, breaking a progressive symmetry is required to allowed the explained been part of the explanation and yet, always the explained become a consequence. Yet, like a black spot on the sun. Just a very tiny dot out of a very large universe in order to become a permanent part of a bigger scenario. Like a sting from a bee.
Instead of filling up the table with the "amount" of "5" at "12" level, the value added is 50. - 10 times larger amount. The value is overruling by 14 the accepted tolerance of a group limit of elements. There are 14 in excess. They are intended, as an error, o provide some degrees of understanding. Every time we focused on something, its importance is overruled. Then you may understand the concept of permanently adjusting. Overruling is like stretching. Like stretching a wall. There is a limit with no return.
One encrypted rule within TWO restrict the possible amount added in the table up to 36 value. Why this exception ? Because that exception contains, encrypted within TWO, the insertion of the possibility of the incorporation of " the other side" into the same plane. This is equivalent, as analogy, to jumping from principle 2 to principle 1. Then, the stretching folds into the plane as a Scope.
This jumps or leap from 36 to 50 turns Constant TWO, with its 360 base - pay attention to level; 11 and 12, at a quantum instant, to a relative variable. By doing so, is leaving the space that once had as constant. It yield space to other element consideration. Thus, embraces the possibility of 2 elements crossing, at a very precise instant as like 2 from below and 2 from above. Thus, if the planes are not stretched, then a hole is possible at at quantum stretching instant. Yet, the right value at level 12 for the total amount filled should be 1.999999.... The issue is that the value cannot be 2. It cannot be "2" because a process cannot be the same than a purpose. The crossing road is "2" itself.
Then, if the value is 50, there is a stretching of value of "40" in the end of the atomic weight value.
The 40 are intended to show 4 quantum options in base 10.
If the value is 49 as like 360 as like 13, as constant TWO bases, then, the atomic weight is a bit under the perfect matching. Then You do understand that this is a quantum alternation between 49 and 50 value.
If the value were 49.5 Decimals are not allowed within TWO bases, then, that would be a perfect matching. However, the scale is not further extended. Thus, 3 scenarios merges out of 4 instances.
a- 49 and links to Constant TWO
b- 50 and links to Constant 140 and seven bases within a stretched bases of 5x4 as 20
c- 49.5 where the 5 it is just placing, in the middle of 2 constant, a quantum alternation. Yet as it is in the center, needs a vertical plane, and a triangular capacity to alternate. Thus what it is measured from science, a perfect atomic weight value it is the outcome of a quantum alternation between 49 and 50. However. 1 out of 4 times, the value itself becomes 49.5 as stretching quantum itself. In order for this to be possible, a second layer of quantum alternation it is a must. The same for the other constants.
The base of 2 or 20 or 2000 or any multiple becomes the scope within the X plane. A scope that goes from cosmological scope to a singular conscious one scope. This as also explained within PI. Also, the 5x4 as 20 base it is also related to 108 / as 54 and 54 base coming from 108 abstract Also, at the same time, levels 10 and 11 are defining border. In this case, 3 and 4 as ground base for Pi abstractions. Also 4 quantum bases and 3D planes. Hydrogen Matrix it is extremely relevant as linking table. Also, Constant 140 as from base 7 and 7 is defining inner scope and duality alternations, yet as male and female behind. And male and female behind because the spectrum of base 2 can handle that as 1 and 1. then 2 out of 4. An when male and female becomes One, then the base is 1 out of 2.
Yes, the last part becomes too much, but remember to come back to this article after a few months inside TWO, then, the mentioned will make a lot of sense to you.
However, when a Zoon In is performed at 49 value, then, it needs to change its bases in order to incorporate within it another sources, and so on. Thus, from 49 we reduced to 36. As from reducing g from 360 to 36, ant from there to 12 and from there to 10, and from there to 5 and from there to 2 and 3 as waves at very high frequencies inserted within quantum. An from there to 2:2, as the highr frequency that do not contains any bip, like a flat border.
Yes, the matching values out of TWO should caught your attention because they are really power. However that is not the big issue. The big issue is what is behind the values. How is it possible that so many matching values may come for just "adding" out of non singular formula, just relations among elements. Then, the answer is very simple. Pay attention to everything that adds for others and to you. That is the formula.
TWO cannot ever overpass 49 as 49% without overruling. However, overruling, as making mistakes in life becomes part of the process.
Then 49.5 as 495 out of 500 and 500 out of 2000 is near 1/4 of a whole spectrum base. If the base is the cosmos at one edge. then 1/4 as H like 4 times, but only 3 at sight or at play. then becomes possible to understand that all the edges are necessary. However as from the center there are at least 2 dimensions, then it is possible to triangulate within the center an the edges. Thus, by looking twice at the center and to left, and to the right, triangulations with leaps among levels becomes possible. And if the mentioned is performed, then Twice the process as from a to Z and from z to A. And then from C as center to A and Y and son on in different forms. That is why becomes so complex conceptually. Too many considerations at the same time and, as consequence, very hard to see.
The keystone: what you cannot see is always above what you can see. ( 2 vs 1 }. What have been conceptually performed with this explanation is very complex. This is a cross linking concept between the coding structure of the most fundamental physical element with consciousness. It is not expected you to make sense, at this point, to what have been mentioned. The only purpose at this point is to tell you that Hydrogen particle contains a very special singularity.
Why did I mentioned the 49% relation? Because Hydrogen structure leave space to be explained from 2 different sides. Sides coming from different sources. This is extremely relevant within TWO and makes possible to reorder the understanding you may have of the universe and life. This matter makes possible to trace the origin in the middle, changes the nature of the understanding of time, allow to cross planes, etc, etc, The picture code information behind Hydrogen at the precise beginning have encrypted inside a quantum TWO possibility that set the fundamentals to understand the insertion of life as one beginning of many that have to convey at once. This matter break the rules
Constant TWO x Amount x Scale
It is the consequence of multiplying Constant TWO x The amount of content to fill up each level with energy information but also to match the atomic weight. To adjust the relative importance of each level, a scale levels is a must in order to adjust bases. The scales itself contains a very interesting logic. The logic is related to concerns levels.
The column contains absolute and relative information.
Constant Upon Light Speed / ULP
Upon Light Process or Upon Light speed is a TWO constant coming from another ground base. It is related with the necessary theoretical speed to link our mind and mental processes with quantum mechanics and also, as you can see, to the fundamental chemistry of the elements. Yet, according to the base, also becomes physical as force to overcome gravitational forces. Because of its coding structure, it is not affected by gravity. And it is deeply explained in other articles.
Physical Acceleration
The acceleration value 9.806500000.0. it is not precise at all. After many "0" should contain some extra values, but that is not an issue now. The scale is used instead of Gravitational Constant in order to allowed direct linked with ourselves. The link becomes very clear as analogy. However, Earth acceleration is linked to Gravitational constant and thereafter, the link between Us an Gravitatinal Constant becomes possible.
It is just about a precise at a quantum moment. It is a direct linking constant from a planetary scale to PI and by extension to conscious life. 9.865 becomes a connecting value but also allows to jump to other concepts at a metaphysical level.
Partial Sum
It is the consequence of the number of times TWO Constant needs to symmetrically be repeated to match the value of the known atomic weight from science. In its spite that it may look like a random fill up, to provide a random illusion, the fill up data also contains logical degrees that are checked by comparison with the column partial sum.
The accumulated sum into each level becomes consistent with TWO fundamental logical structure. In other words, the fill up data process coming from the Amount to fill up contains encrypted logical.
Amount to Fill UP
It is the independent variable into this matrix.
It multiply with the scale level to provide Constant TWO value.
The fill up process contains rules. It is like a puzzle. There are pieces * numbers * that needs to perfectly fit.
The consistency of the fill up process may be seen in the column partial sum.
Atomic Radio
The known value of the atomic radio becomes consistent with the total partial sum within TWO abstraction numbers. The consistency becomes clear at deeper levels. At deeper level, the 53 value for radio becomes the counterpart of the partial column sum of 90. Yet, both values consistent with a transitional stage as the beginning or end.
To understand the Hydrogen Matrix without to be familiarized with TWO Concepts or Software will, likely, be extremely difficult to not say impossible. The below information is merely intended to provide you and idea of some concepts involved.
Constant TWO x Scale 9.8.. x Factor x Aceleration x Amount to fill, as independent value added to match atomic weight
From science perspective Hydrogen is the First Element. For TWO perspective, at One pole Hydrogen is the First element, and, at the other pole, Hydrogen is the Last Element. In the middle , there's H2O.
For science, there is no H2O at the beginning of the chronological cosmological evolution. For TWO perspective, there is no water from a chronological cosmological perspective. There is no contradiction on that standing. However, as TWO concept of time does not match General relativity conceptual bases. The beginning from a Quantum TWO perspective needs to be traced, for the light weight atomic structure, represented in the matrix of hydrogen over level 8. From levels 9 to 12 is the road to the center. Thus, the beginning has many dimensions. How it is look matters.
The middle does not need to be matched as a mathematical middle. The beginning is an ever occurring event within life itself from one perspective. To understand this is very complex out of the conceptual bases of TWO. The time difference between the Science Big Bang and the Beginning itself > TWO Big Ben < may be explained, theoretically, by the quantum time that takes to Upon Light Process to alternate between 3 stages + 1 . The consequence, the merging reality on one perspective, the merging life on other perspective, the ending on other perspective. Yet, an order from the center that merges as a evolutionary line.
When coupling H1 and H2, the merging reality is Life and US. This is represented with the O in the middle.
The O in the middle represents a fundamental requirement for life. The whole thing end up, from life perspective, with the beginning of life itself.
Thus, the beginning becomes a relative evolving structure.
Understanding quantum Leaps in time, as evolution becomes a must.
Hydrogen 1 - O - Hydrogen 2
Within TWO axiomatic bases, there's an amazing efficiency in the nature and cosmology. Based on this idea it will become more clear the following idea related to H2O as the first requirement for life.
2 similar particles of Hydrogen makes no sense if efficiency is taken to its limits. The universe would not be a Master piece of efficiency.
Most element of the periodic table can be explained or structured with 8 or even 9 levels. However, Hydrogen demands 10 levels to have a good matching atomic weight structure. However, it is taken up to 12 levels, as all elements. This is very relevant to allow to create a singularity for H2. Thus TWO Structure for Hydrogen allow to split it , between levels 11 and 1 2. Split for what?, To make possible an consistent that there is an H1 and an H2. - H2 is not 2 particles of Hydrogen. It is One particle of Hydrogen with One Structure and another particle of Hydrogen with Another Structure. The difference is so delicate that, naturally, exceed the capacity to be measured. And this matter is extremely relevant because set all the limits. The limits of science are near level 8 and, if they are stretched, level 9 becomes theoretically possible. A cosmological analogy to level 9 would be detecting neutrinos or Higgins particles. Levels 10, 11 and 12 + You, or the Absence of You is the other part of the story that becomes part of TWO. The stretched 4 levels from 8 to 12, that can be collapsed conceptually to a duality of 2, becomes unbalance by the absence of you, when you are not .
The 50 value at level 12 may be divided into 4 times 12.5.
Yet you already learnt that 12.5 it is not possible. It is the outcome of 11 and 13 alternation.
Then 4 times that alternation from different instances in time are a need. Then within hydrogen 50 x 4 times again is the spectrum. Thus, Hydrogen at the Beginning, Hydrogen at the center and Hydrogen at the end. Yet alternating within a base 4 and son on.
If you look at the code structure that explain hydrogen in absence of the elements that explain the coding, it will look just as Chaos. The same Cosmological Chaos from the universe beginning. Thus, on One side you see Chaos and From the other side you see a very complex, logical structure that has a purpose and sense. The other side becomes a master piece with encrypted logic that makes sense precisely when you are not.
Chaos vs Order, another dual dilemma for you to choose.
From an informatic perspective, any code could be reduced simple to 0 and 1, as a binary code. However, TWO does not do that. That would be reducing the conceptual relevance of starting with 1 - 2 - 12 etc. Thus, you could do that, to reduce the code in order to constrain the universe to merely a virtual reality. But again TWO does not do that. It does not start from Ceros and Ones.
By not doing that, it is not denying its possibility but it is expanding the concept to allow the alternation between the physical reality and the metaphysical alternation. Thereafter, it is leaving space for anyone decide what to believe or not. As is happens in reality.
The structure that explain Hydrogen becomes the same for all the elements of the periodic table. Each element possesses its own coding structure but the operational bases that explain them is the same.
Only one coding structure for one element may be explained with many constants and combinations but, the probability to explain all the elements of the periodic table , with precision and consistence is another story. Just from a probabilistic perspective, what has been mentioned it is relevant because the chances are very, very low.
Extensions to the numbers should not be added . If that were performed, the richness of the concepts would become limited. The quantum options to adjust meaning to the ever merging concepts would trap your thinking. The efficiency within the universe would not become possible. Numbers need to be covered with extensions or units like hours, meters , days, etc just according to the contextual frame under analysis. You need to change the meaning or sense provided to numbers according to the circumstances. Thus, what prevails are the relations. This is about core rules that are common for different levels, groups etc.
Naturally this add some difficulties but also becomes very simple once you got the basic idea. The issue is that to define rules of how to handle number and operations becomes difficult. If the focus is set in that, then the rules upon abstracting itself becomes too complex. Thus, just some explicit rules to do not be trapped by them.
Hydrogen 4 Times
4 Times is a linking Element to Helium Oxygen, Quantum TWO , 3D and US
From Hydrogen symbol above, at the table; number "1" at the left and "1" at the right upon the green symbol of "H" is good to illustrate the concept. Hydrogen, from the science perspective is the Beginning. For TWO Perspective H is at the Beginning and naturally in the middle, with 2 dimensions, and also , from our time perspective, at the future. Then like H1, H2 and H3 and also H4. For science 1/1, for TWO 4/4
and the expression cannot be reduced or simplified.
There are 4 "H" elements with different coding structure at the highest level within the table. Science cannot measure the difference. It cannot arrive that far.. Out of the 4 Hydrogen elements, 1 can always be explained out of the others 3. Thus, while using 3 elements, one is at stand by.
The elements within hydrogen are in motion. Particularly at 12 level:
Like 1 towards 9 from a to Z and like 1 towards 9 but from Z to A. That is not the same than 9 towards 1 from Z to A. Remember> within TWO, order in number matters a lot. This is not conventional math. Yet as from the center like Y2 toward Y1 and from Y1 towards Y2. When the 4 elements of H meets at the center, pushed from a quantum income. then, H merges as One single element, just one number, just one code for science. then science see 1 element to the left and 1 element to the right of the symbol. TWO sees 4 as one to the left, 4 as one to the right, 8 at the center as 4, as a quantum taken decision, then 12 as 12 levels and Yet, the incoming element that triggered the process as part of the dynamics of the matter. As you can notice. It is a completely different perspective of understanding. Yet, both perspectives match the value.
When science see 1 out of 4, sees like 1/4 of this picture. When TWO see 3 out of 4, sees like 3/4 of this picture. Yet, science only see a frame of "1" while too is seeing a frame of "4". Thus, becomes consistente that out of the space, science explains like 1/4 and the other 3/4 are like darks energy, dark matter, black wholes, etc. Thus, for science 3/4 becomes something that cannot be seeing but it can become part of theoretic bases normally upon the same ground. For TWO instead, all that empty space is plenty of light coding energy structure that covers around 75% of the space.
Yet, when science stretches from the 8 level limits to a part of level 9, as like the Higgins Bosom stretching, then, recognizes that there could be a field. For TWO, the field itself are the abstraction behind a created reality. And the abstractions itself are yet a consequence.
What TWO does it to open the process itself in order to communicate that what we do matters.
Within the same logic, but now, within the brain, as a related matter: there is no such a thing as a brain that is partially used. The brain always is working at its 100%. The connections that cannot be seen completely exceed the connections that can be seen. The lighting of some neurons it is just the friction coming out as visible of the interaction of different frequencies we choose to tune up with our neurons. Naturally, the interaction goes both ways, as Y2 to Y1 and as Y1 towards Y2.
The gap from Y1 to Y0 as 1 is it anyone as 1 at base ten. as 10.
Then, from 4/4 but now as 1 out of 4 as 4 exp2, the bases, are elevated to 16 as abstraction bases.
Yet from 1/4 a new scales as 1/8 , 1/16, 1/32 and so on. However, the same way the ten base was not further enlarge at hydrogen table, the 1/4 base will be restricted to 1/32. That in order of taking 2 and 3 as deeper levels. Then from 2 and 3 as abstraction from 5 and 6 and 6 and 5, the linking to gravity becomes very clear. Then the jump from 5 and 6 to 11 becomes very clear. The link to ULP cosntant more clear. The motion from 6 to 5, as linked to time. also very clear. Thus, from 2 and 3 towards 2 and 1 or 1 and 2.
In order for the mentioned to be possible and beyond time scope or concern, which happens when the relation of all elements is 2 to 1, where the 1 is at level 12, at the top of the hierarchy, then within the visible scope of 1 there are 12 elements folded into 10 elements - 3 x 4, 4 x 3, 3+4,4+3 , 4 different elements, 4 dimensions that convey at a quantum instant as 1 with 2 dimensions. It is the physical reality one instant, then it is the conscious insertion at the same time from the original moment that becomes, instants later like Helium insertion from a cosmological perspective. Then At the same time from the original moment, but as 3 level insertion, as 3 quantum moments have happened, It is the life insertion as we know it. Then, the evolution process of the universe makes sense but yet, only makes sense when it is understood that everything occurs at the same time and synchronicity but changing the perspectives. Encrypted behind the Hydrogen coding structure it is the concept of The Creator, The Created and the Trinity. The trinity is like the 3 that allows to introduce the transitional dimensions where the alternation becomes possible to mix things.
Then exactly at level 12, the exception becomes a must, the 36 value that was the limit within TWO rules is broken . The value is taken to 50. There's a second incoming element at that time, a 14 that is required from below. The value enters as 36+14, as little. The values are coming from 360 and 140 from another plane perspective.
It is the insertion of the created One that sets the limits. Its expression is at the link with Helium. Then from time sequence, the expression is a stretch in time right at that instant of creation, BUT IN THIS LEVEL, AT THE CENTER, but a tiny expression that becomes just a detail within history. IT IS A NEAR 4 YEAR time adjustment, like the changing of Julian to Gregorian Calendar. This is extremely hard to understand without do not been completely familiarized with TWO bases. The point to remark is that Hydrogen is contained within the exception that makes the rule. Hydrogen is directly linked to Helium, demanding from helium certain restricted coding structure in order to justify the 140 overruled value. This is about the instant where the created One that works as Raw model step in as part of the creation. This is the linking and insertion of the Created One that becomes the added 14. It is the expression of the instant of creation itself. It is the moment where the absolute, the more fundamental ground base base keeps its "1" singularity but within itself, there is space for the relative and the dynamics that allow the One to be at the past, the middle and the future. Where the middle itself needs to contain an space with 2 dimensions that includes the one capable to insert the Chosen One, and yet, as a third element in the scale , Us. It is an Us that will always, have a space within the absolute One because that absolute is based upon bases design for that. It contains a dynamic itself. It is a 1212121212121 or 15151515 or 2222222 wave frequency turned into a 10 - 15 and 20 high level frequency. A flat line. as an eternal line, with no bip.
The always plus within TWO, to do not ever closing it is the dynamic status of life. The plus is like the bonus truck for us, there will be always space for us. The Creator sacrifice it is leaving from its own space, part of itself to make a whole process to be possible, and that make Us possible. Extremely complicated.
Linking Hydrogen with Helium and yet to come Oxygen it is like putting together the necessary elements for reality itself to exist. Thus, there is no single number in the coding structure of the elements that becomes random. The numbers abstraction have inside many stories at the same time. Reality itself is really and amazing master piece of love. It is a mind blowing art Opus. So incredible great that considers each one of US even before we are aware of our own existence.
This last section is overruled, needs to overcome you . Thus, think the follow : Between Us as Conscious Ones and the Creator there's in One in The Middle. If you are capable to understand the purpose of the One in The Middle, and your own nature and where are you standing, then It is more likely that you understand just a little more because, as a TWO rule, always what's you cannot see OVERRULES you
Likely, what you will be able to comprehend is that from an abstraction base of 360 as in the middle of 1 and 3600 from Constant TWO,, and yet as 360 days, there's is a time insertion, of 4 coming from 4 original Hydrogen elements, as to extend time annual measure up to 364. The step from 360 to 364. Then the 4 extension are coming from this section but also, from the Helium Insertion. Then It will not go to 368 as you might expect. 4 will remain here as the base for Quantum Base and the 4 that will extend the days in a year will extend from 360 to 364 for Helium Insertiom. And from there, will further extend to the days of the years. The 4 Times Hydrogen remains here, like folding upon its axis 4 times to 1/4 of a round circle alternating within 3 dimensions further ahead. And yet, the tilt of the earth will be linked to the power of decisions. At last, this is all about for you. To understand the significance of each decision you take. This is about BREAKING A CIRCLE loop, the 360 loop of a closed circuit, a ring, a period upon itself. This is about 4 different "Ones", One looking left, another one looking right, another one looking in front, another one looking back. Out of the 4 elements, just One visible, as the Hydrogen you see in the periodic table, the chemical One. The others 3 Are in another plane while you see One. Got the Idea !!
Each line of the amount filled delivers tons of information's but, for now, enough.
Mainly Hydrogen and Helium
From a base 10 as Each One and from the understanding coming from other articles.
10 may by understood at it edges as:
a: 9 +1
b: 9 x 1
9+1 reaches 10 as 1 merging element, as Us. However, 9 x 1 as the One that can only see itself, out of 10 does not reach 10. Yet 9 x 1 it is not the same than 1 x 9, that becomes "1" entering a transitional status.
Then, 4 times the "Ones" coming from 9 x 1 are likely the 4 one bases of Hydrogen. as H1, H2, H3, H4. This ones are like the last 4 ones that are introduced as the residual consequences out of decision from other that did consider others. Then, they become not live elements that are in interaction, colliding each other. Naturally, this is theoretic and I may be wrong. However, it makes a lot of sense out of a planetary perspective. Thus, you take out your own conclusions.
Remarking the Relevance of Hydrogen as first element for science