

















4K System








How Does QT operates ? 


Very complicated section as bases are changing and becomes too much to re/define each time

This demand interactive participation, as live talking face to face.



To link Quantum TWO - QT with time, please think of just 4+ points  within a clock, like 4 hours as  12 , 3 , 6 and 9 O Clock. Four points. They may be represented like a square figure within a clock, outside a Clock., in its borders Like 3 squares where 2 of them may explain the one you see.

Like in the Flash movie, freeze the time for all the rest. This process goes very, very fast * read about ULP Constant. This process is linked with time and yet, if it goes deep, will overcome time, then it will make it " disappear" when arriving to 2 and 3 at deepest level.

If at Cosmological level things may be represented as 4 and 3, at quantum level things run usually at 2 and 3. level. Then, the 3 becomes a linking among different bases. However, at rather exceptional and deepest circumstances, things arrive up to  level 4 in order to explain cosmological values itself. Then, even further stretching bases to the limits becomes necessary and then, to consider its bounce back. QT goes so far that further expand its bases in order to explain our participation within the cosmos process. This last occur when we are able to add upon a negative symbol, a script, a negative perception of something, a field, " - ", a vertical line upon, as a ONE that allow to form a crossing point, as the  adding symbol "+". Then, the adding becoming the always dynamic process that is considering US after have considered other first. The "+" comes from each one singularity.


By saying considering others first, there is a chronological sequence behind Quantum process. Thus ,you need to understand that among the many concepts at once within TWO, one of them is always adding a number and the never ending concept makes sense to tell you that while there's life , there are elements to be incorporated into the PI sequence and by doing so, establishing links among different elements. The PI number itself, when starting from 3 "and" 4 like 3,1415 where the "and" stands for the first exception between 3 and 4, and  then, 15 as the Quantum representation of quantum Itself within PI. In other words, out of 3 Choices upon a 4 elements base or upside-down as the exception, there is quantum itself with cosmological level repercusions, then "15" that is like the insertion between 16 and 14 where 16 and 14 are coming from many sources, as consistent abstraction sources. Yet 16 as the above mentioned "4" point within the clock but at time 16 hours in the clock, as 4 elements x 4 , like taking the limits of 3x4 and 4x3. Like the 24 hours divided in 8+8+8 and overlapping just 16 to be able to hold the limits of the abstraction of reality. The 14 as the abstract representation of many sources as one, but specially, the abstraction itself that defines the limits, the spectrum within US, then, the need for a Raw model that becomes the base Pole, at the center. Then the rest of us follows the model and detour from it, As heaven and earth and then the insertion of quantum itself as 15 as 1 and 5.- Inside 16 and later on, overcoming it, turning 16 into 16+.



Then, 3 elements, 3 abstraction : like 16 and 15 and 14, where the 15 is in the middle, alike 3 1 4, where 1 is a part of 15+9 within 314159. Extremely complex relation that makes sense out of a long tour through TWO articles.


Thus Neither 3 nor 4, then "1" as In between. As the merging element within a field. And behind it 35 and 35, like the 35 and 35 out of 16.3635 coming from the time breaking instant  Constant Table. After have taken a decision,  Quantum Itself becomes part of the Bases of reality and universe.


And when arriving to 5 out of 314159 , the bases have been expanded exactly "2" out of 3141592 under to the same scale level than gravitational forces which is 100.000. Then, up to 100.000 elements becomes the extension from 10x10x10x10x10, from 4 levels deep + 1. Then, the mentioned leaving space por the 3 and 4 as borders or, leaving space for the fundamental "2" and "1" relation among elements, then 10.000.000 value at level 12, which is part of the borders of the scale value for gravitational forces becomes the logic consequence as 100.000 x 10 x 10, where the 10 and 10 is coming from the "2" expanded bases .

To reinforce the established link: each level leaping, like atoms leaping, like mind jumps to another level, multiply bases 10 times as more considerations are added.


In Gravitational Constant restrictive perspective , like science perspective, a 6 elements perspective, at level 6, the base scale is 100, as the relation of elements in an experiment. Then, the quantum Outcome is like  science outcome bases, like to be or not to be, like QM perspective, out of a box, only 2 possible outcomes with 3 faces.

But QT is not a Box, it is a process. For any action, there is a reaction that bounce back from different levels of deep and besides, have repercussions on other planes. There is always a counterpart, in the transit zone, in the same plane and in others planes. What it is a cause on one side, it is a consequence on the other side. Also the relation between the parts is never symmetrical. in spite it look like one.


IN QM There is no emotional relation among that parts involved. Then It is necessary to increase energy for a quantum mechanics outcome. Like 10 x 10 to get something. In QT, energy increases by balancing elementes or considerations. Then, the more you consider, more and more energy comes out. The bases multiply. The same idea: the more balanced the elements, the thinking-emotional  structure the less energy is demanded. Thus, just thinking at the right frequency, at the right time, etc. is capable to trigger a chain of events of gigantic dimensions because is capable to unleash energy. The more accumulated energy, as the more energy within a transitional  status, more powerful is the energy released. From a collective or social  perspective you can understand the idea of a social breakdown, or from a physical perspective, an Earthquake. It takes just a last drop to trigger processes. The core logic is similar, what changes is the wrapping manifestation.


From QT, when Gravitational Constant table is expanded to 8 elements to be explained, then,  the elements relation is taken consciousness: to One to One person relation as a Quantum relation, base becomes 10x10, same base but different elements. Then as there are 2 live conscious, then the amount filled is I and I, 11. Why this is important ? Because eleven, as the 11 In the TWO clock is coming from the ground base  6+5, as the same 65 in the Earth acceleration value. That is exactly the Instant The ULP forces prevail and then make possible to leave space to another one. To the other side is 67, just exactly as the Gravitational Constant value that need to be overcame. 6.67...then becomes a universal constant. The values itself are the consequence of standing Twice at 6 Clock, from the article when 1 equal 6 and to decide how much will you consider the other. That is exactly the point where all constants connect. It is amazing when you start to note the patterns. How every choice you make ends up defining you. These are the edges to one or another side. or to stay in a transit stage for different reasons.


Another big difference of QT with QM.:

The 2 choices out of quantum Mechanics, like "to be or not to be"  are expanded to 3 choices within QM, like a dynamic trilogy. itself . The mentioned  do not become posible out of an experiment of QM because to perform an experiment itself it is already the option of staying out the neutral zone. To perform an experiment it is a chosen option that becomes dismissed for science. Yet, at  QT it is required to expand from 3 to 4 options. When it is considered the Why you do something. That is another one level deeper, as from 3 to a quantum instant to 4 level deeper. There is an exceptional reason, the exception is to take a decision that considers what you cannot see upon what you can see. It is  you delivering the control you have upon the decision. Then, that decision leaves places to any possibility within the spectrum  at any time. In Short, you deliver control. It demands you to trust what you cannot see,and then, another consideration becomes a part, yet a deeper level merges as option. What or whom to trust? Will you trust your reason ?, will you trust another one reason or emotions ?, etc. The most extreme border. like the most extreme center bouncing back to you according to your standing position, is the exception. IT Is to trust whom you cannot see out of a base Pole. Thus quantum TWO border's consider that exception, as a must in order to structure its matching logic and structure TWO Bases.


If the Gravitational Constant is taken to the 12 elements table, as it should be performed, then the 4 options of some decisions merge clearly as moving from the value 11, as One seen another or another upon just seen oneself.  Then the amount filled from level 7 to 11 itself remains uncertain as 9 value in the table. These means everything it is in a transit status and the quantum outcome is not up to you. When the outcomes must pop up, it will because it is in the core bases of the program of reality that you do not control that process. It is at the very essence of the understanding and that is at level 12. Like what you cannot see is larger than what you can see, the uncertainty and trust becomes essential within this instance, and that is the core.


As you can notice at Gravitational Constant, the "9" amount filled number at levels 7 to 11 may go on as forever while reopening levels inside, as long as the wide spectrum of the cosmos itself comes to its borders and yet, up to the widest spectrum within anyone decision. Different expression of the same. Yet "9" at transit stage, as like coming from 3 and 3 like 3 x 3, like within the clock, a line that is between TWO planes, north and south, A line that even crosses 2 and 3 and goes to 1 and 2. Then the limits are 1 and 4 as Twice 2 and 2. The borders itself of the spectrum. Yet 2 and 3,most common range for US, Yet, very demanding. When there are 2 and 3 there is on the counterpart 3 and 2. Then, the only way to hold that relation is by alternating and repeating the process as for one to the other in order to get confused about when you are in 2 or when you are in 3, then 2,5 or 25 base 10 as possible as in between. If Twice, 50 as 16.353550 from Time Breaking Constant. yet 2+5 as 7, yet, as alternating between 3 and 4 like 7 and yet 12.- Twice, and so on in a loving constructive loop.


It is possible  connecting quantum to gravitational forces, as the same forces within us but affecting our balance to take decisions. The same with different wrapping.  Then, what is first ?, the Chicken or the eggs, One or Two ? It does not becomes the right question. What comes first is 1 and 2, but that becomes so abstract, so powerful abstraction that turn out easy to look at 2 and 3, as the most fundamental abstraction part of Quantum TWO. 2 and 3 or 3 and 2 , These numbers, at Quantum landing, are the abstraction of the order of elements that push behind any decision. In dual terms, decisions where gravitational force prevail UPON ULP forces or upside down. When ULP forces prevail, that is for TWO LOVE.  Then 16.353550 stretches 16 as the abstraction of reality itself and them it is allowed for us to understand, that upon any consideration, Love is the creative force that rules the universe we know,


From 3 and 2 and considering 3 bigger than 2 as ULP force upon gravitational force, then 32 becomes possible. Then + 2 as a taken decision, then  34 as 3 and 4 from PI first digits.  Also 1+ as the positive balance out of the loving relation of 3-2~1, that has been inserted between 3 and 4 out of PI, then 3,14. With 32+ 1+1+1+1 ~ 36 Where one "1" is coming out of Constant TWO as "1", another "1" from Constant 140 and both as twice like North, South, Est and West. From 36 as Constant TWO or Constant 140, again in order to prevail a relation 2 to 1, then 40. And from 40, if 3D is removed, then 43 as 1 base 10 exp -43. Then it is left The 4 quantum elements, Then the loop to 16+ is coming back. And so on and on.


This is how far arrives QT and you already may figure it out its complexity.


Out of the 4+ points, 4 quantum alternation bases inserted within time, One point  is never present at sight but you never know which one of the points  because it changes dynamically. Then, there is 4 but you only see 3+. When you figure it out  you may be seen the 4+ , that 4 may be a residual image out of the 3+ as a sequence or may be a 4 for real that turns into 2 and 2 or remains as 4 or others restricted  combinations. You also do not know that without stepping deeper. Then, again, you can notice the complexity of the matter.


Any point may be , dynamically explained as a resulting point from  the others 3 points and also as a singular point . How to recognize the difference? By expanding the vision to others people, represented like numbers or situations or elements. Then, many synchronizing events are demanded, as the recognitions of others. If that is not performed, then becomes not possible to reckon the situation your are involved in. Thus, a largest picture is demanded. Others consideration becomes the most relevant aspect to start to understand QT. How many you considers is what changes the quantum outcome results.


A-There is a relation 1 to 3, then 4 + 1 ~ 5 as merging element - base 1 for science, base 10 for QT

B-There is a relation 2 to 3, then 4 + 1 ~ 5 as Twice ~ 10 as merging element - base  100

C-There is a relation 3 to 4, then 4 + 1 ~ 5 as Triple ~ 15 as merging element - base 1000


D-There is a relation 4 to 4 - asymmetrical, then 20 - The exception - the borders.- Doble base  as 2 - base 2000, also  10.000 when quantum is inserted and many others relations - D is Invisible - Always folded as 12 upon 10, the 10 as visible, then TWO ten base.


There are always 4 elements + 1 Incoming Element, then 5 elements behind,  like 1 Element merged into reality., as in A-

At B- , it is the same but as instead of 1 behind, there are 2, as 2 people, then the base leaps One Level, from 10 to 100.

At C- It is the same but instead of 2 behind, there are 3 as 3 people like you, another person and the consideration of the invisible  as for the positive side. Then, a new base that considers 3, thus 10x10x10. There have been 2 leaps. like the leaps of an electron coming out of a layer.

At D it is the most extreme exception within the cosmos, and the quantum. When more considerations beside the mentioned are added, then the bases keep multiplying as leaping process up to edges. This level goes further far than Quantum Mechanics.


E- Quantum outcome capable to expand 10.000  base to 100.000 by the folding back of "1" that goes from 1 to 99. Then from 100001 to 1.000.000, yet leaving space from 100.000 to 10.000.000 as 2 upon 1, where each additional is an additional level. These makes completely consistent Gravitational Constant with Quantum Two, yet to Earth Acceleration constant value as landing the matter to our own plane. Then the last 2 digits of 9.80665, - 65 are directly linked to quantum as the choices we make. Then our choices become extremely relevant  and linked to cosmos itself.


D is always present and expand bases to 10.000 as the scales levels within TWO. At D 2+2 and 2x2 becomes the same separated only by time, from One Beginning on one side to the other beginning on the other side folded as the same but coming from different stories. This is the father replacing the son and the son replacing the father. This is the BIG BEN and The BIG Band, This is when the Hydrogen at level 12 contains 50 as 4 different elements 50x4 as 200, as in between 20 and 2000, within the spectrum got together and however preserves its singularity. And then multiplying and multiplying as the scale levels of PI. This is X and Y and Z becoming infinite and yet X,Y and Z as 3D, is inserted into a 3D  within  3D into a 3D. As 12 invisible and 4 for yet the same and, always leaving space for a further 1, as a Pop Up itself. This is "X" folding into "+" and conforming an asterisk at motion, a point so small that becomes invisible and yet a point so balance that is capable to contain all + 1. This is the Centre of the Centre of the Centre of the Centre. This is what makes possible all the matching elements at the periodic table and the universal constants and making them looks like just random numbers, just random number with no sense. This understanding only becomes possible by moving in life from  1 to 10 then 11,12,13,14,15,16 as 1,2,3,4,5,6 and yet from 10, to 100 and to 1000. This is a process itself that has a purpose. A process that makes sense because of the purpose and a purpose that only makes sense because of the process and in between : Them, US, you and me. and also Yo, tu, nosotros y ellos., The same but in different language, as 2 and 2, again, the same but in different language.


As within 4+ there is a provided space-time within the field for 2 and 2 without the plus extension and yet more elements as 3 levels itself behind, then 2 and 2 may switch, as 2 in one direction and 2 in other direction without colliding, The field becomes the streaming line, like a worm hole at individual level and a black hole at collective level that is wide enough to support the exchange. The 3 levels stretch the bases as from 16 to 16, 353550 as in the abstractions itself. as shown in the table of Time breaking table , that is directly linked to Quantum decision , an instant before a decision, at everything at balance, where the only element left is any decision within a whole.


Without the understanding of Delivering or Yielding for another ONE, from a counterpart plane, becomes very hard to understand the following:

Let us say that the total space for 5 and 5 elements is 9+, a little more than 9. Then as 2 dices numbers that only contains number 5, you trough then into a tunnel of 9+ wide. The chance they do not colide each other out of a random universe are like 0. Then , the Big Bang theory. Now, replace the dices for 2 conscious been that love each other. Without the love base, this does not work. if you trough them as the dices, the chances they colide, without the Love Concept, into the tunnel, are extremely high, but , as they love each other, then, One of them, as for the circumstances, YIELD, deliver for the love to the other what he wants because of the circumstances. Then by delivering or yielding what he wants for the other want, what is doing is to increase the concern for another One. By doing so, it is changing its coding structure from 5 to 4, a heavy coding structure is leaving space to a lighter coding structure. Then it cease to be 5 and turn into 4, then 5 + 4 as 9 have a chance to fit into the tunnel because there is no random, there is order in the mind that is delivering or yielding. There is a logical structure, as in the thinking. Now, the same idea to the edge is yielding everything you like or wish, up to your life if it is necessary. Everything, because of the circumstances, that are part of the convey process within a very, very  large funnel that provides US random choices. Well, when from 5 instead of moving to 4 you do it to 3, it is because you are delivering for another and yet to the invisible and within that to its constructive aspects, as ULP scale. Then 3. And as 3 D's are requerid, the magic becomes possible. Thus, at the very edged it was required, from our standing, someone capable to to that under the explained conditions. Then that becomes the very edge from a conscious been standing and yet cosmologically. 3 and 3 under the same 9+ tunnel. The very edge. Later the plus symbol, as the always dynamic status and yet US. From 3 different planes at once  that to convey into OUR X plane demands  3 out of 4 or 40 or ….+ empty spaces that are plenty of ULP. The scope itself is given for the  maximum delivery possibility. Thus the deepest quantum cause at the edge that links a thinking up to the cosmos is LOVE itself as explained at its higher level. Then, everything matches. Thus, TWO does not just  matches values, but try to explain why values itself makes sense out of a created abstraction of reality that becomes a consequence.


Then, always out of a Consequence, any element becomes possible, even the field itself, as the Bosom field. And our thinking, out of a consequence, also as a cause when on daily basis we are considering little by little others. Just simple decisions. And by taking simple decision we are taking our route. And if at the Edge it was about moving from 5 to 3 as quantum instances, to us is about moving from the 1 to 6 article  from 6 to 5 into the TWO Clock example into that article. Thus from our 1/4 spectrum towards the 1/2  spectrum but never reaching the half. By changing the relative bases again during this process, it is like moving from the consideration of oneself up to the consideration of more without denying our self, then the relation 2 bigger than 1 and 1 as Anyone. Thus, the spectrum itself of 2 as 20 becomes the border and to us from 5 to 15 becomes the borders because 15 out of 20, as 1/4 of a circle is already been occupied. Then the Quantum levels goes from leaps as 1, 2, 3 and yet 5, 10, 15 , and some other bases according to the standing.

The 10 base provided for a conscious ONE allows to make a distinction from elements with no life to conscious ones and always provides space for the folding process. Then, the inert elements, elements with no life inside demands from 8 to 12 levels, as the 4 space required  in order to fold upon them the outcome of decisions. For elements, what is encrypted inside from levels 9 to 12 it is not a decision itself but the consequence of a decision that extends up to them. Then , you standing into reality with conscious level to take decisions become an interacting part of an evolving process where you alternate between cause an consequence and the more you consider what have been mentioned, more clear start to becomes that you are both in our plane but as inserted within the cosmos your relative significance recalibrate but not so much because, in the end, you become a part of another reality or plane.


Yet to come, more base changes like 32 or 23 , from 2 and 3 witch base changes according to if you are standing at Quantum Mechanics or Quantum TWO. This is for another section.




 The result:


A merging element ,as any element that pop up INTO REALITY AS A SINGULAR ELEMEMT.


There is a process, and you can understand the idea of the 4  the points set within an evolving clock in your mind - The square into the clock, at its borders.


A Clock contains 3 arms - One hand for the hours, another one for minutes and another one for seconds. Thus the idea for you to understand is that there are 3+ synchronize processes at once. There is a 4th arm that you never sees. Like the weak force from a physical perspective or 4 basic motion levels. Each hand of the clock, as motion, moves. Each hand has its own pushing force and yet synchronized, as in the gears of a Clock. The motion of one element, always push the motion of any other element. As 3 forces, 3 speeds. As 4 forces are considered within QT, then 4 speeds where the 4th is the Upon Light Speed or processor. If the hands are freeze, It is enough with adding one element to make the base to switch one Hour, or one minute or one second. An by moving 1 all moves. Then it is an alternation between freezing bases, and hours, and minutes, etc. What you move on one side also impact other planes and sides.


And if the Outcome of a thinking does not reach up to level 34 , as from 3 and 2, like reaching 32 + 2 as 2 folding planes into one, reaching 34, yet, as the exponential extension itself. The minus symbol as exp -32 is like  looking to the very small from a 1 base size perspective. When there is a 32 , there is a counterpart as 23. The visible outcome is 1/3 or 2/3 as like coming from considering 3 quantum options. The outcome 1/3/ and 2/3 and yet 2/2 becomes possible as from 4 option. Yet 2/2 are an exception. Yet,by considering 4 quantum options, the extension may reach up to 43+2 instead of 32+2. The quantum option from Quantum Mechanics are coming from elements. The Quantum option from Quantum TWO, by recalibration the meaning of 2 and 3 and 3 and 2 accomplish the same than Quantum Mechanics but, when instead of considering elements, consider conscious been that considers others, then penetrate deeper into the borders. They can even overcame the spacetime concept up to define it. The level defines even the limits of the cosmos. As for the outcome angle, it can be focus directly to people, as the people you love. The nature of the experiment, the broadcaster and the receiver and the contexts itself become active parts. The 2 and 3 demands much more attention because the concept itself is linked to love. The extend of this concept, at the edge goes beyond 2 and 3 and reach upo to 1 to 3 for maximum extent, as universal extent.


As for the intensity of the quantum process, like the kinetic energy. For elements within Quantum Mechanics, it is just a problem of how much energy is added. For Quantum TWO , the intensity of 2 and 3 inserted is linked to its position. : Ceros will be used just to provide the idea, They need to be replaced as empty spaces, like pushing forces  0023 it is not the same than 0230 or 2300 or 23000. The number will remain as 2 and 3 ~ 23  but its intensity or power will be different according to the pushing forces behind. The more pushing forces, more deep levels behind, more multiplying effects, as layers. The multiplying forces then become like the consequences of aligning another layers.


The simple idea for you to get is that the more the consideration to others you add, the base changes, and the power increases. When just elements are tested, like 00023, then it does not reach for quantum Mechanics outcome. But for Quantum TWO If 00023 is turned to 00230, it does. Yet 3 and 2, when 3 is overcoming 2,  when the consideration to others is bigger than the gravitational force, then this is more like giving instead of receiving or demanding. Thus 3 and 4 goes to the left as Looking TWICE to yourself while 3 and 2 is like looking to the right, as considering more than yourself, your perspectives, etc., as 6 to 5 . However, within TWO, the smaller the number on one side, the bigger on the other side, then 023 is bigger than 230 because you are providing more space to other consideration. Then the scales in order to consider the mentioned becomes a must. Thus, the smaller a number in an X plane, the larger in an Y plane where the Y plane is always a consequence out of at least 2 others planes.


If in someone thinking structure the consideration to others overcome the consideration to himself, what comes first in a sequence?

The largest number.


If the largest numbers are reduced to a 2 and 3 combinations and elements itself, what should come first?

3, then 2. / Like 3.14 but oversimplified.


If the same thinking structure is shared by another one, then from a third perspective. How you should right down the idea considering both ?


3 2

2 3


Then 6 to 5 becomes the most balance and condensed abstraction for a "Share Route". Then it makes sense 9.80665 - earth acceleration value - as a requested value to the right. 

To Get Deeper into 2 and 3 as Frequencies and possibilities go to Quantum Frequencies



5 as merging outcome out of a frame from 1 to 6 / This is oversimplified.

Adding and Multiplying, both need to be part of the bases.

Then, the need for many levels, as many circles, as layers become necessary, as the idea of reshaping groups.


Just 23 as the other side of 32 does not reach quantum TWO outcome, but it does for Quantum Mechanics. 32 is bigger from math perspective.


The bouncing out of 23 do not get deep into the core, it is a shallow effect that anyway may extend very longer within an spectrum, according to the angle. Science does not make a difference, between 2 and 3 and 3 and 2, then the outcome of 2+3 or 3+2 becomes the same, as twice , then "1" merging element from 2+3+2+3. It cannot see the process inside and so cannot relate or link consciousness with the cosmos and forces like gravity. Yet, leaves any outcome as random, quite the contrary to what QT does. 


The mentioned turn out  like been able to watch some destructive forces but not the one that are constructive. Thus, the quantum outcome are like 1/3 or 2/3 with negatives or positives charges. Again, completely different routes from QT. 2 and 3 and 2 and 3 takes you to a symmetrical understanding, and, as consequence, positive and negative values. Negative values become a contradiction for a constructive reality, which it is not the same than recognizing the negative perspective out of the mind.


With the 3 and 2 understanding is like talking about order out of Chaos. Remember, the invisible ceros that are not ceros are the encrypted order behind Chaos. " The empty space" is like a LOVE balance of light elements behind, like from 3 and 2 up to 2 and 2 . It is physical and yet invisible. like your thinking. But when is folded  or directed into a body, like a neuron, it reacts, like the waves in the brains or the zones that light up when thinking. Just to provide an idea. If the amount is BIG, you can feel it. Just a smile to another one goes from 3 towards 2 and the multiplying effect goes normally from 7 to 10 and 11 to 100 , etc - Ten base. Better go to Quantum frequencies


Then. Behind 2 and 3 lies the love concept as driving forces which magnitude increases as its considerations towards others increases. And as its consideration extend over  the relation 1 to 3 as an exception, the borders itself of space and time  are within 1 and 4 and yet, up to 1 to 3 as 13 for the rest of the conscious one. This is providing a physical force and dimension  to LOVE, as from ULP Constant overcoming gravitational forces..This is directly related to Gravitational and ULP Forces. This is Keystone within Quantum TWO.


At the edge, when the quantum spectrum reach to 2 as radio, as X Line of 4 folded, as in D-, the limit of the exponential extension reach 40+3 as 43 as  -43. As the limits that  can be seen by science from a more cosmological perspective. But, Quantum Mechanics will only reach  up to exp.-34 for the above explained reason. Then, for science, the Quantum Mechanics limits at exp -34 and exp -43 becomes unrelated for the same reason than before. For science 3 and 4 are the same than 4 and 3, and that happens because there is no math restriction under consideration when performing physics.


As 32 is 32 + 2, in the middle is 33, as a unique instance, as the border itself, as the center edge that alternates between Quantum Itself and Cosmos. And then, the process provides the space-time in between to enter Quantum bases as 1/4 out of 10. or 25 out of 100 to be more accurate upon the base.


And from the Cosmological plane, 32+2 is yet providing space for 4 Quantum points, then 32 + 4 , like 36, Then Quantum is in the middle of Constant TWO, wich provides a partial field to all this matter, like 1/4 field. Yet, with 4 + the 3D, then links to constant 140, like 1/4. Then Constant TWO + Constant 140 never reaching together the half within a 1/4 field that leave space for 3, as 3 options.


Then, all encountering at 33. At that point is Entering Quantum. Thus, from 3 abstraction from the same base that are capable to mayor 3 different Incomings, like 16 and 14 and yet 15 abstractions out of one single plane, becomes 3,1415...  where the sequence 15 in this case is mainly coming from al the above mentioned as 5 and 5  and 5. This is complicated because bases are always changing bases but you can figure it out the idea of how all mayor elements have been connected under a few concepts and a mayor general concept. It is just the idea in your mind because this demands high computer capacity.


By adding motion, one point may become an illusion. And that point could be any point now. Then  you need to consider another quantum source and another. The illusions then may be residual images or illusions like possibilities, ideals, dreams, etc. And that because sources are like A to Z and from Z to A in horizontal planes, in vertical planes the same and diagonal planes as Z planes. Yet all in motion. The complexity out of this is very big. Computers processing becomes necessary to run such amount of variables at once. In your mind, you can only get a rough idea.


While in the first quantum source one singular point is an illusion, in the second quantum source, the counterpart of the first illusion, is a real point from the second source. They are synchronized as within a duality. The synchronicity of the process as a quantum sequence  is encrypted within PI. Yet the amount of interpretations from different perspectives is incredible because one way or another becomes very useful to provide different interpretation under the same core. Then , the core always prevail and what changes is the expression, the wrapping, like Essence and Accessory.


Now, when there are 2 quantum sources synchronized, you need to add a third quantum source, also sincronized, as the 3 hand of a clock. 3 different speeds are demanded for the whole process. Later, the 4th as Consequence and yet cause as explained in D.-

From the speed perspective, the speed in the middle also obeys to the quantum rules. A fast speed is required, a slow speed is required and any speed in the middle, also working as in a quantum process. Then, the border of the Science perspective becomes light speed while for QT, ULP speed that is not restricted at this level for physical restrictions. The centre of TWO perspective at the edge  becomes ULP speed or acceleration, upon light speed. And that is overcome by LOVE as at the core because the ULP Constants becomes a consequence, like the soul speed.


The Third Quantum Source provides an scape from the dual process, it becomes a leap possibility out of a loop.

The quantum process occur as a consequence of something. What triggers the quantum process is the thinking and by saying so, the process is linked to mental processes. However, to understand mental process it is demanded to understand they are also , contained within a quantum process, thus, quantum process are at stage, within a loop that always have the scape route, as an atom scape from its borders. How does our mind deals with the process also involves the biology. The speed of part of the process within our mind is restricted by the biology of the mind and body and the speed of the another part it is not. Thus within our mind there are conscious and unconscious's process that are required to explain many things.


The mental  processes that triggers the quantum processes are linked to light coding structure. The light weight coding structure is the same light weight coding structure encrypted within TWO tables that explains the elements within the periodic table. As they are light weight, they do not obey the laws of gravity. The laws of gravity apply for elements with a coding structure bigger than 4,  very light elements. As elements between levels 9 up top 12 in the elements scale. Thus, quantum process merge at sight only when a restricted perspective is folded twice.


When any decision within  a conscious mind is taken, then, and just to simplify, sacrificing precision, out of the elements of that process, inserted within the same linked elements of the periodic table, then, as a quantum mental process, they merge as 1 or 0, as an element at level 9, within the periodic table scale. In the border of two realities, the visible and the invisible.


The outcome of a mental process land at level 9 with the scale of the elements because the content of the structure code behind it gets heavier. It may return to become lighter or can pop up into reality. The outcome will depend upon your Standing Position interacting with physical reality or the context of the decision. A firm decision upon something merges stronger, with more force into reality than a weaker one. Within the 4 levels scale of thinking, a taking decision pop upo into reality when out of 4 scale of thinkimg, the gravitational weight of a decision reach 2. Then, the  2 become a 2 added  in the scale of the elements and thus become as 1 in the pop up merging quantum element. Thus the 4 quantum elements + 1 mental decision becomes the 5th element on one perspective but a singular merging element in the quantum world. A singular element that breaks the rules of time because what explained the process is grounded on different bases.


As a resulting process, any merging element from quantum mechanics is always related to 4 scenarios or stages that have symmetrical expression as 4 mirrors reflecting different possibilities. Thus, quantum TWO is capable, in numbers to accomplish the same than quantum Mechanics but the explanations becomes different and with that, the story changes.


Under what has been explained, Quantum TWO is encrypted at the core of reality, linking, the elements, the 3D reality, time and US and within US, our singularity by including our standing position. You may consider it like Cause, Consequence or Cause and Consequence and also part of a process.


It is extremely hard to put together in your mind all the elements expressed here in a very compressed form. Understanding Quantum TWO it is a process within TWO, as also, it is for you.


If 2 quantum sources are acting at the same time upon a lineal field, then what is real and what is illusion is near 50%. This could be in your imagination from 3 to 9 o O Clock. Now you are clear that besides that the 3 hands of the clock are rotating upon an axis in this imagination exercise, also you can rotate the clock itself. This is to tell you that the numbers within the clock may remain fix in your mind in the original position they were place or you may move with them. If you move with them you are not taking distance to have a perspective. If you do not move with them, you become part of the process. From TWO perspectives, both perspectives are required and also the one in between. You also realized that the clock in your mind  is moving with you as the earth is moving. Thus, there is at least 5 synchronized process to be aware of. And it may go on but, we are going to restrict it up to this point.


When what is reality and what is an illusion is 50% each, it is a transitional stage. At least 3 quantum sources are required to take a side. Thus 2 and 3 are the less required abstraction ideas or elements to insert the quantum context into a 3D reality restricted by  physical laws of speed. If the 2 that represents 50% chances of something is removed then it is only left 3 as 2 and 1. And with 2 and 1, the time barriers are vanished and prevails the relation 2 and 1, as explained in ULP article and other articles.


But what happens when you are standing in the 50% chance world ? You remain in the transit zone between 9 and 3 within the clock from the evolution perspective from one side, and from 3 to 9 from the other side. Also, if you are standing on the axis, you can move from o to 12 or from 0 to 6. That is your involvement into the quantum zone as a life process.


In spite that the word illusion suits very well many times, specially to the purpose of explaining Quantum TWO, the word imagination is also is very useful as an alternative. It is the same for left or right hemisphere in our brain, conscious and unconscious, physical and intangible. This is to tell you that within our thinking, reality, in the wide sense, needs both, if the balance in life makes sense to you.



The Quantum TWO Restrictions


5 to 15




The precision of Quantum TWO has been restricted deliberately up to 5 levels. And by setting restrictions it is considering the scope of options within the minds are linked to the DNA of conscious been and also to the circumstances. Limits are +- 50% in the mind as measurable or tangible world and as 50% imagination - from the 2 above, 2 sides. On the 3 side perspective, 75% in the mind processes ruled by imagination and 25% by a very concrete and practical mind structure. Or up side down .


Thus the mental processes have a large scope, as large a many different conscious been exists, like 14. Naturally, there are people in the limits and those that extend even further the limits a little more. This is like some incredible artist that lives in the moon or some talents that performs incredible operations and yet are completely undated to life in society. Thus 75% is a limited scope capable to hold within an immense scope of the mind possibilities. Like up to 9 in the clock or 3/4 of a circle. This scale of possibilities along with a vertical scale for our standing helps to provide certain's degrees of logic.


Strictly speaking, with more precision, any element, as have been said, may be explained by 3 other elements or possibilities but yet those possibilities are coming from an entangled process of quantum possibilities related to the nature and process of the people that is part of the process. Thus, to be very precise, It is not 3 elements but also not 4 elements. It is more near 3 elements, then, we are between 3 and 4, then 3.14 - From Quantum TWO


Now, as it was also explained, within Quantum Mechanics, it is 1 element as the one that merges, but within quantum TWO, they could be considered as a result of a 5 elements process between at least 2 elements up to 4, Then the outcome may be considered as 4th element or a 5th element when the observer is incorporated. Thus, it is in between 4 and 5. By saying in between you need to understand the quantum process at its core, the alternation among elements. thus 3,1415.


It was explained, one level deeper, that there is a quantum outcome from a decision coming from level 9 in the scale of elements, so, we are going deeper. then 3.14159

And, one level deeper, it was explained that when a decision is taken among 4 elements, what pop up was 2, then 3.141592

Further deeper, the most balance decision that can be made among elements would be 51% one side vs 49% on the other side. That within a scale of 5 elements on one side and 5 elements on the other side would be 6 elements on one side and 5 elements on the other side. For that to happen, for a quantum instant there is a need of one element incoming to unbalance the equation, so what need to pop up is a 65. Then 3.141259265 then 35, coming from the 36 out of 16.35 , yet Twice. Then follows 89, at the very edge of understanding.

And this is a far as TWO arrives without the use of matrices.

3.14... out of 4 elements is near 75% of a closed circle. Yet, from a quantum perspective it is saying the elements are among 3 and 4 elements, then 12 then 12 x 3 like 36 and etc. Also, it is describing the evolutionary possibilities. It is defining the size of the scope it has been considered into account, thus, the largest circle within reality. However, as a reminder, this explanation was possible because the quantum possibilities are opened, the same way the Pi circle is opened, leaping levels, as like the man leaving the planet.


This explanation only becomes possible by the recognition of the limits of quantum TWO, that are also related with the recognition of our own limits.


Another relevant distinction Between Quantum Mechanic and Quantum TWO


At Quantum Mechanics the merging options, as they have no ground base, may be any option. Thus it will always lead you nowhere. At Quantum TWO, as there is a Pole position with a flag that becomes the ordering base, it becomes easy to define where the path option should go to. The restrictions itself the only thing they do it is to enlarge the scope as bases are increasing. And thus, what seems to be random becomes part of a logical process. The randomness is not any longer at the Quantum Itself but to the decisions you take. All the issue is taken to your standing perspective and the free will within a written story. This is a very BIG difference that turn quantum into a consequence.

The hard thing then is another, to recognize what is a right decision. Thus, the matter should move more towards that. The more you become clear about your evolving standing position, the clearest your get about the significance of the quantum process.


The Light Room


Imagine a room with 4 lights and you standing in the middle.

There are only 3 light on and one off.

wherever you look at the lights, they are on.

That uccurrs because you cannot see the 4 sides at once. Thus, you always thing the 4 light are on as you turn your head slowly


Within the same room


You have learnt that only 3 light are on.

You move your eyes to your left and see 2 lights on, your visual scope does not reach to see 3 lights at once if you alternate your position to an angle where that becomes not possible. As the light switch on and off very fast, as you moves or alternate position, youir proceesing capacities just demands 2 light to induce you the image of continuity within the observation. Thus, only two lights are required if the process goes very fast. If another one is added, the third may be a combination of the original as bouncing source.. The thing is that there are other lights at once for different purposes. Each light has its purpose. Thus there are 12 lights + the one that is entering as On and the one that is going out as Off. Even the 2 original light may be a consequence. Thus, this is about a series of combination where you cannot know which lights are on.


The Whole in One Theoretical bases