

















4K System







From Quantum Mechanic  towards Quantum TWO - QT


Let us go one step further than the physician's concept by introducing 2 and/or 3 coupled concepts at once in a doble horizontal and vertical reading or 3  vertical reading. Let us alternate combinations of 2 and 3 in a very, very complex dynamic synchronized alternation process.




4 Concepts at Once.  6 with the "scrips" as empty space. up to 12 according to the way you read. How do you count becomes a matter of perspective of what are you seen.

The expanded Largest Concept within TWO:  4 Elements and 3 Elements.

The 4 elements are not symmetrical except once. Then 12 elements + 3

However, the 12 elements may be reduced by understanding the possible combinations. Yet, Its necessary also to consider each element singularity. Then, al least 24 considerations or the TWICE concept as lest and right perspective. An so on.



















Once you take your option, as part of the equation, again, options are open.

within two, At least 2 Lines of concepts are requested to open up the bases.









Section A

Bases for waves


In QM there is an observer that affect the outcome of an experiment.

In QT is the same but, the result of an experiment depends on the nature of the observer and observed. And if both are conscious and meeting, the effects are deeper

There is a difference between to observe a non live element than to observe a live element and a conscious element. Bases are different according to the mentioned. Bases changing according to the circumstances from 4 up to 9+1 as 10



      Observer A : Non Live element      Base 40                  Twice + 2          6 to 8 elements at sight + up to  2

      Observer A : Non Live element      Base 40                  Twice + 2          8 elements at sight + 4 + Limits alternation

      Observer A : Non Live element      Base 40                  Twice + 2          8 elements at sight + 4 + 2 as Center alternation


      Observer B : Live Element              Base 5 to 9            Twice + 2          8 elements at sight + up to 2+

                                                                                                                      At edge, perhaps + up to 3+


       Observer C : Conscious Live.         Base 10 to 19 /10                           8 elements at sight + (4 + 4) Twice +1



                                    Base 11 to 19 /110 towards 190 for any singularity that considers others as      10/11  others

                                    Base 13 to 19 /130 towards 1990 - at least 2 others                                           10/13

                                         Base 14 / 10.000 x 10.000 ~ 100.000 x (4 and 3 and 2 and 1)

                                    Base 15 to 19 /150 towards  19.990 if considering at least 3 others                   10/15

                                    Base 17 to 19 /170 towards  99.990 if considering 4 others -     Limit                  10/17


          Bases for Waves Conversion - Impair: I


                                    Base 11 turn to 56 wave - 2 or 3 planes and options

                                    Base 13 turn to 23 wave - 3 or 4 planes and options

                                         Base 14  turn to  14  define borders - Center - Very High frequency  - Within 16 Field, then 2 left     

                                    Base 15 turn to 35 wave - 3 or 4 planes and options

                                    Base 17 turn to 45 wave - 4 Planes  then only  3 options - more restricted




                                   Base near 100 up to 199 /100 if there a 2 parts directly involved  within the process

                                   For One singularity seen directly another singularity



       Observer D : Conscious Live - Trusting another beyond himself  Base 100 to near 1.000 and 1000


                             Base 200/100 as the exception that set borders - Exception -


           Bases for elements - Pair: P


                                     Base 16                Outside 16, like 1+6 ~ 7                   

                                     Base 14                Outside 14, like 1+4 ~ 5

                                        Base 12             Outside 12, like 1+12 ~ 13, as III, 3 Elements, 3 Considerations, 3 digits then

                                                                   Doble Jumping

                                     Base 10                Outside, 10, like 1+10 ~ 11, as II, 2 Digits, 2 Considerations

                                     Base 8                  Outside, like 1+8 ~ 9, Just 1 digit


             Bases for Multiplication effects: X


From      4 to                 10

From                    10 to 1.000                         as 10x10x10

From               1.000 to           as 1.000 x 1.000 x 1.000 .

From to    as adding 1.000 from 3 planes. This is providing space for 4th Plane as 4D

                                                                                     For small:  "n" + 12 Ceros

                                                                                     For Big    :   12 Ceros + "n"

                                                                                     "n", as you please.

                                                                                     Yet, by folding the 3D into the 4D, as if n~3

                                                                                      then up to

                                                                                      Yet, the number as 1 within 2, where 2 remains uncertain.

Yet. bases may be restricted up to 20 and 9 ceros, like, if Cleaning process is considered. Go to ULP



Science measuring capacities are restricted up to less than 14 billions years, within a range between 13 and 14 as from TWO bases. As TWO lies upon science capacity to expand to provide values, the matching values of TWO are restricted that.

The measure capacity is also conceptually restricted to the mentioned borders as the ground base foundations of science contains restrictions to expand the values. As TWO bases are larger than science restricted bases, then it becomes possible to expand conceptually the frame as ground base. Thereafter, upon larger bases, it becomes possible to extract absolute values



Bases "I" and "P" alternates like IP or PI.

Then, the fundamental bases extends from 8 to 17. Yet 9 is missing , however, the space between 8 and 17

It is missing because it turns a transitional or crossing road place, besides its singularity.

What prevails? wave or particle? The dominant base.

Quantum Outcome: Mainly 3 out of 4 options, The 4th is rather exceptional



Section B

Outcome from QT


IN QM there are 2 outcome possibilities like wave or particle

IN QT there are more outcome possibilities because there are more planes or dimensions at once. Then:


                    Plane 1 : a- Wave or b- Particle or c-No outcome as for non watching or participating, like Neutral.

                                   This may look obvious for QM but in QT, when a Conscious One is a part within a process,

                                   To do nothing or remain neutral  becomes a decision itself. Yet, outcome, but not at plain sight.

                                    The "No Outcome" contains a duality.

                    Plane 2 : a-Particle or b-Wave or c-No outcome at sight

                    Plane 3 : a- No outcome at sight b- Particle - Waves


9 merging possibilities within 3 planes. Yet only 3 visible possibilities at the same plane. Yet, a forth option becomes possible by integrating within this the possibilities out of Conscious Live reaching base 10.000 or more. Then 4 x 9 ~ 36, like in the center of Constant TWO base: 1/36/360 x Exp "n" .


Thus any outcome should be like 1/3 or 2/3 from A to Z and From Z to A, then 4 possible outcomes in the same plane

No negative values are allowed within TWO Bases. Thus for QM would be:  +1/3, -1/3, 2/3 and -2/3. Like 2 values with different electric charge.

For QT the motion from "A to Z" and From "Z to A" should not be interpreted as negative values but as motion in other sense. Yet, it is reasonable if you wish to provide that interpretation.



At the edge, including 4 options as exceptional  1/3 or 3/3 or or  2/3    from A to Z and From Z to A


3/3 and 4/4 cannot be simplified because have different meanings.

3/3 as standing in front of 2 paths or options in the mind and  not been able to decide the route to take or to remain standing as waiting. If simplified. Now the expression may go to 3/3 ~ as 1 but you need to understand the concept in order to reopen it many times. This No Reaction option is capable to hold up to 35 incoming inputs. If another one is added then turn into 36 into the same level or skip or jump to another level as 1 element within a new base. The Quantum Leap Abstractions behind this process are in Quantum Leap article



Section C

Considerations towards others


IN QM the outcome angle and intensity  of a Pop up element is measured. For Q

M the nature of a decision it is not relevant.

IN QT the same is possible but the angle and intensity is directly linked to the kind of decision that is taken. In other words. For Quantum TWO it does matter the nature of the decision. What  has been considered to take any decision becomes very relevant. Then It goes One Levels deeper.



                   Kind of Decisions according to the "Consideration Towards Others"


Non Live elements          Base 4, are not affected by others consideration, alike QM

Live elements                  Base 5 to 9, may be softly affected.

Conscious Live                Base 10 - 100 - 1.000 - 10.000 up to billions as multiplying effects.


The more consideration towards others, as from 1 towards 4, the deeper the Quantum effect.

Within the others: From closer to farthest, from visible to invisible and its possible combinations within a provided frame

All From a conscious One base number 10

The consideration towards others without undermining the base 10 of the participant.

While the "Considerations towards others increases, the bases expands in ten multiples.


Section D

Quantum relations


As the creation is extremely efficient, same numbers and relations may be used to explain different things at the same time, as quantum instants. As elements cross roads different planes and levels, at high speeds, then what is real and it is not may turn to be confusing


1- Quantum numbers may be related to Time

2- Quantum numbers may be related to Content as Atomic weight - Like amount

3- Quantum numbers may be related to Bites and Bites - Like Virtual reality

4- Quantum numbers may be related to Context , Field, Circumstances

5- Quantum numbers may be related to Motion, Forces.

6- Quantum numbers may be related to Decisions and its consequences

7- Quantum numbers may be related to Creation Itself as Consequence out of Love as fundamental ground base


Quantum outcome may be related to Elements like Cosmos, Life , DNA, Geometry, Maths, Symbols  and many others connections. In order to be capable to do such an amount of connections out of some abstractions, out of a thinking, the efficiency levels needs to be overwhelming. Then just some basic connections becomes possible.


As so many connections cannot be done at the same time in the mind and from one mind, then, the connections itself become part of the process of understanding reality. Thus, normally at stage, between 3 and 4 connections from one level to another, from one group to another, from one plane to another, from one base to another, but above all, from Connecting One with Others? from invisible to visible and from visible to invisible. As connecting many planes under one umbrella. Then, if you are One, there's at least TWO upon You. And from 2, many.


Section E


Linear Continuity

Extremely relevant section


In order to get a continuos Residual Image Sequence out of a 5 linear elements, like points or dots, at least, 2 of them need to look like similar. The elements cannot repeat at core level. Decimals are not allowed. Order matters: Ground base concepts.


For instance, if you see number  "3" and "3" as firs line, they  look like the same at first glance but, as you need to respect the above bases, you know that  the 2 number "3"  are different. Chances are:  Line 2:  1x3, 3x1, 1+2, 2+1, 3 as singularity : 5 elements or groups number "3", then 8 or 15 as sum or multiplication outcome .

Yet, a third line for 1x3 and 3x1 like the following:  1x  2+1  or 1+2  and  2+1 or 1x2 x1 : 4 elements or groups number "3", then 7 or 12 as sum or multiplication outcome.


A sequence from 1 plane could be like


   3 1 3 1  "?" 5 elements

where "?" could come from


_ _  _ _  4 elements : any combination that includes 3&1, 1&3 or 2&2



If the combination is 2&2, as highly balanced. then another level is required.

then 2x2, as 4  becomes no possible, unless above is 4&4 or unless / pending

Then 1x2 or 2x1 or 1+1 are the only possibilities. 3 elements



If the elements are 1 and 1 like 2 elements


"1" as unbalancing any symmetry 1 element

However as there are between 3 and 4 planes alternating , then:

When there is "1" in our plane, there is at least "2" in other plane and "1" in a third plane.

In order to arrive this far from 2&2 it becomes very relevant the following.


It is not possible, in practical and conceptual terms to arrive to a perfect  balance in the mind of 2&2 without consider 2&2 as a reduction of 4&4, Then,

when arriving to 1 elements at sight, there at least 4 in other planes as 1 and 1 and 2 + 1 incoming from dynamics+ 4 quantum bases

Then 10

When there are 1 and 1 in other 2 planes, then, in our plane there is 35 and 35 as coming from deep levels.

35 as half 70 base 1000 like 007/ very deep at the core . Also 3 levels of quantum balance as 35, then allowing the relation 1:2 for the decision of placing 1 or 3 in the sequence.


Let us say that the decision is to choose "3" to replace the Interrogation symbol "?".

Then, as the speed of the process it is extremely fast. you will see only a dot coming up as 3  or 1/3 or 2/3 within 1/4 motion leaps as bases are in quarters motion possibilities.







Section F


The unbalance from the center. at the edges, the borders itself, the exception



From 1 to 4 as A to D and D to A, then 4 to the left, 4 to the right, as like a balance pending on a tip.

Then 44. Value that is exponentially 44, "1" value upon exponent -43, that becomes the edge of quantum and physical dimensions.

If the frame of reality was set like: from "1" to "n" and "n" was restricted to "6" value, then, 1 to 6 as A to Z and 1 to 6 as From Z to A,

But just taking From 1 to 6 as One part side of the story, then "16" a conceptual borders. The value is enlarged as in time breking article to 16.353550 with 1 17 content as base 17 from section A in this article. This is 14 inside 16 but as bucket inside a bucket. There is "2" difference in order to provide required space.



                                                                        I______________I        14 spaces, 16 fields  / then, extended to 17 fields when TWICE 

                                                                                                               Extended to 19 fields when 4 times as from 4 cardinals point




                                                                            I____________I         12 spaces inside, 14 fields / Then, extended to 13 fields when

                                                                                                                Twice extended. Extended to 20 when you focus on the edge


Extended to 19, when you focus within. Thus 20 is the limit.

Like 1 and 2, but as border, not the process. The exception.

When there is 14, there is nothing at 12 but space.

When we see "12" as time, as 12 hours, we are seen the

00:00 hours on 1/4 of a perspective. When we see 36, we

are taking 3/4 of perspective. If we see 48, we keep adding and adding with the same criteria. Then, we make a whole loop like from 12 to 24 as 36 degrees. If it is so, then it become the same than from 00:00 adding 4 space from a second level from inside. Then within a more restricted level from inside, with a space of "3" we can track 3 times measures. Like moving gears.

Then the motion is in quarters as 1 out of 4. By stopping the progressing 12,24,36,48 sequence at 36 after a complete cycle, we are providing the space to the insertion of a 5th element, in a third line in order to break even. Yet the insertion itself, as a quantum decision is ruled by the other planes that vanish.

Yet, when the insertion is added as from the center of "4___ 4" demands a second line with 3 spaces, then a third line with

2 spaces, and then a forth line with "1". Then it is only left the incoming adding from the motion itself. Thus, out of the most balance possible structure, the last "adding" comes from the Plus symbol, like US. Then, the insertion of US into the left "ONE" becomes possible. Yet, the insertion may go to the right or to the left. One side becomes like full of heavy content like elements, and the other side becomes extremely light as invisible. And all this is pure logic to the edges, yet, the logic itself becomes possible as Taking a side. It demands the understanding of 14 as the element that set the borders. As this is the quantum section that relates to thinking, 14 defines the POLE at the center which make possible the difference between left and right. Without that line no order becomes possible, no logical structure can be performed. Then, if you are following this matter and comprehend TWP partially, you understand that the kind of decision that makes possible the insertion into the right plane out of this logical structure comes from expanding the considerations towards others in order to get closer to the balance. Balance that from one perspective structure the elementes and the physical world, and from another part balance the mind thinking structure. And by providing attention to the difference, you will realize that, in the ende, what rules the physical is the mind. As 14  has already been taken in order to this logic to be possible, Then, to us, the steps are, metaphorically the route towards "12", where besides the time relating concept, 12 becomes the escalating route trough anybody conscious life. Thus, if arriving, 12 itself becomes like a tunnel, like a singular wormhole or a collective  expression like Black Holes. Dark Energy and Dark matter, like the 3/4 invisible field within our plane.

But do remember, there is no empty spaces.  Empty spaces are plenty from others perspectives. Besides, there's one empty space, the one for anyone to be fill.


From 44 to 22

                                            Time                               Abstraction                                            


                                                                                        8 8

                                                360                                     4___4     There are 3 spaces inside / 5 fields, for quantum 

                                                 364                                       2_2

                                                  365                                        1           8    8 : Light Structure X "n" like "0" - 17

                                                   365.2  +                                +


Left Side - Quantum Mechanics

8+8+4+2+1~ 23 + 1, instead of 0.2 like 24 hours : 8 and 8 and 8, as 1/3 or 2/3

0.2 out of 1, like 5 for quantum mechanics, 2 like wave or particle and 3 as 1/3 or 2/3 from "1" pop up

Quantum mechanics as 1 level

Between 1 and 0,2 is 0.8. If you see 0.8 as 8, then te base 8 as leves of periodic table

Yet 8 as 5 and 3, where 5 is the quantum outcome that need to run TWICE as the same in order to become "1 Pop Up between the 1/3, 2/3 as positives or negatives.

1/3 or 2/3 according to the unbalance of any decision or the intensity of the experiment, etc.


Center perspective to the right. - Quantum TWO

Quantum TWO as up to 5 levels returning to US from a whole round trip

Then 0.2 out of 1, then 5 quantum base

From _5 to 15 or 25 or 35 where from 1 or 2 or 3 are the amount or deep level of considerations. At the edge 45

Yet 45 as 4x5 as 20 as the scope provided by 14  with radios as big as the universe out of PI or a simple thought. Then the dynamic bases.

Yet 1 or 2 or 3 as the considered dimensions.

Yet as 115 to 119 and 120 according to the ground perspective. Yet all meting as in alternation.


To the Left Side Elements and To the Right Side frequencies.

What is seen on one plane it is not on the other planes

To cross the concepts becomes a part because the scope it is more than the alternation of 3 and $. The scope besides its restrictive borders, becomes infinite because of the nature of reality and thereafter, what TWO bases collect.

Within Infinity, motion lack sense, becomes conceptually not viable, a flat signal, as border.

Then, while there's motion on one plane, the last  other plane is not yet complete, then, there's a space left.





Alike Fibonacci Sequences


If to the left is elements and to the right is light weight coding structure, then:

The live together as in a metric tape, different perspective under the same global base


a- The progression    0,12, 24, 36, 48, 60... may go on indefinitely. If it is stopped at 12, like matching everything around a clock, you stay trapped in a clock loop. However, as any cycle need to be completed, in order to provide sense, TWO will rest on 12 as base. TWO will understand that a cycle need to run at least 3 times in order to run a process. Yet the 3 times will become an alternation between 2 and 4.  In order to do that will extend 12 x 4 up to 48 but, instead of staying at 48 will understand that 48 is Twice 24. However TWO understand that besides the singularity of 48, 48 may be explained out of 12, providing space in between to make that possible.

Then, when a sequence is broken, but anyhow need to continue:


b- You go to closed circles as layers. Broken chains, then, many circles as many radios are possible. Again a progression that cannot be stopped. Again, to provide sense, it is restricted to 4 or 5 layers in order to that be possible. Then, merges PI and 3 , 4 and 5 are considering that. As you remain in the 12 base, each time you need to provide more space for the 2 mentioned concept to allow them to enter into the same tape, you need to provide more space In Between


You cannot stop a cycle before 3 rounds. However, the progression always keeps going. Then, there's a decision. To stop it to provide sense, and yet, let it run. Thus you do understand that 3 round of 12 makes 36 and Pi also starts with 3 and 4 as providing space to base 12. Yet, you also understand that "1" in the center of 3 and 4 is an insertion coming out of what has been explained.


Any linear progression like 1,2,3,4 it is just adding "1". Quantum TWO just do that but considering different planes and inserts "Ones" in the middle, at the edges and from other planes. It always take the "Ones" from somewhere, never from out of nothing. Thus, with this logic, to step from 36 to 48 you do not need 12 numbers, you just need just between 3 and 4 adding's but combined very efficiently. So efficiently that understanding the rules becomes extremely complex. Even to count. Basically, you have 4 dynamic spaces to allow motions of 3 elements that alternates. Yet, the 5th element, that is also always different, it is entering as Quantum Insertion with also dynamic bases.


If 12 elements, like the amount of elements that 1 element can hold within, are enough to explain some bases of reality, why to expand the elements to 36 or any other number. Billions of reason, but from the logical perspective, 12 elements are Too few to allow to structure sense more easily. Then expanding and reducing the amount of elements, as Zoom In and Zoom out it is a must. The sizes and alternation between relativa and absolute perspectives.


c- From one perspective we have layers of different circle size and from another progressions. Progression that:

c1: may become linear by simple adding one as 1,2,3....

c2: Progressions that complete cycles and add "1" to allow jumps, then forming spirals, like from one side galaxies and from the other side, linear chronological thinking structure

c3: Progressions that complete cycles and add  "1,2 or 3" by taking more dimensions, or planes or others considerations, then forming sequences like Fibonacci sequences or any other that are base upon the expressed idea. Then plenty of example in nature of that, and as more elements are in the board, sequences like part of DNA sequences

c4: Progression as before but extending up to 4, like stretching to 14, to the edges. As it is more complicated, this reach to understand Life itself as coming from putting under the same Tape Male and Female.

c5: Progressions as before but yet even more complex because what cannot be seen is ruling the progressions. Thus, anyone. Then

 from From c5 as 5 and 4 as Quantum Base, now 9 instead of 20, as changing the axis. Then, Adding.


 9 and Adding one ~ 10 ,as one

Us, from One base One to One base 10

From 35+1 that turns into 1 upon a base 10

And the 35 as from Quantum up to c3

Yet, stretching Frame from 16 to 16353550

Where 3535 is like folding 35 and 35 within a left space of 2.

The 50 as standing in the middle of a process

as the path to be taken within the mind.

Thus, the only variable at our hands is

to decide the routes.


If from 1 to 9 is the process, then adding becomes the driving force at our reach.



Section H

Angle Outcome


For QM should be a geometrical matter. The outcome of an experiment should be the bouncing according to the angle of triangulation.

As there are many triangular possible shapes, many possible outcomes. That is roughly the idea. Very simple concept to understand the mirror images. However, the out position may become uncertain because there are more elements to consider.


For QT the principle is just like QM. The additional considerations take us again into the levels. Same bases as before but now, different wrapping, different explanation to the  same principle because there's space i the bases to this.





Section I

Quantum Extension


For QM the extension arrives to 34 as exponent -34

Why? QM does not know, it is capable to measure and that is excellent for QM


QT, thanks to QM, knows that the extension of Quantum extends to 34.

For QT that becomes completely logical out of the 3 and 4 bases. Yet as QM is restricted to just one level. Then it cannot see deeper than than level exponent -34.. Thus, QM sees outcomes but cannot understand its source at all.

As QT Goes deeper, then 34 becomes the first bouncing level, just like QM, yet it extends to exp -43 as coming from 3 and 4 abstraction. At 34 stage, it enters one level into the borders, like entering reaching atmosphere and then bouncing, like reaching level 9 as a transitional level out of 12 . At 43 stage it enters deeper, to a border like 12. The element goes deeper while more considerations are part of the decision process, As simple as that. Now it just not only about elements in a lab but considerations that are related to the balance of the source. The more balance is the source, the deepest the extension. The more balance the source, the smallest it gets. The smaller it gets, larger the whole where and element can penetrate. If the balance is at the edge, then the wide is 2.

When the wide is 2, there's space for other 2 from another plane to cross. When Crossing, the whole is 4+, like coming from 3.1415...

Like 4 and +- 1/4. When 2 and 2 crosses on, then, the scope, the radio, the total extend reach 4. But the 4 out of 4, becomes like 1

covering the hole spectrum. The whole edges, like 16.

However, 43 it is not 1/4 of 12, 1/4 of 12 is 48. Then

As the sequence 12,24,36 was not extend to 48, In this case was extended to 43, then there are 5 in excess. Then

If you return to Time Breaking, the value 16 was extended, to 353550, as stretching base 16 towards base 17.

Time breaking was explained from 12 levels, but the levels were not enough to match perfectly the number. It was necessary to consider more levels that were not added. It should have added 4 extra levels. As taking light coding structure from 4 to 8 levels. That was not performed because the stretching from the base was meant to provide space for the 5 elements, with 3 levels of consideration enters within the same plane to provide sense. BY stretching as 35 as from One side Quantum perspective, It was possible to do not stretch 43 to 48. The five were folded into the same plane. Yet 35 was 35 and 35, as considering 2 sides from Quantum. Considering " sides for quantum was like providing space to another one, to enter as part of the balance, In other words, providing space to a relation 1:1 for visible and invisible. Are you following? Then, the next 5 as 16.353550 becomes the quantum option bouncing back directly to The Pole that works as the more balance consciences capable to perfect balancing elements. The It is the 14 insertion into 16. Thus from horizontal planes, as flat line, defines extension from the physical perspective as a little less than 14 billions, and yet, within the vertical plane, as the wide of the whole within 12 now instead of 14. Then, you can return to section F / from 44 to 22.


Now, within the borders of 12, as like from a clock, a triangle may be formed with 12, 3 and 9 O Clock as poles. You can move from any point to any point but, when the motion is restricted to thirds among quarters , as in quantum outcomes, then the triangular shape of 3, 9 and 12 works very well to show, within a flat plane, like a circle and yet a clock a whole line from 3 to 9 as a line of evolution, as a line with the Earth, or the cosmos. Yet, the singular line of everyone - The spectrum. Yet the vertical line, as approaching to 12 becomes an illusion. Out of 4 quarters that defines first borders as 16, then borders as 14, then borders at 12, then border at 10, from section G, then from 10 plus quantum bases as 10 and 5 as the 5 coming from 16.353550. Then, the vertical Line, as the linked to the mind process, any route can be taken. the 50 stands from Half 10 as any possibility. The 6 like 6 O Clock stand for half 12, and gain, another in the middle concept. But as the 12 and 14, and 16, like hours in a clock are already taken, the only left path to half 5 and half 6, like 55 comes from, considering our quantum insertion, from a route that considers both. Thus if the motion from 6 O Clock should go to 5, then from 5 to 6 as the last the unbance consideratins toward other, the route comes from 3, like 15 hours, the space provided to us. Then like motion to the right 6 towards 5, then jumping from 5 towards 6, then waves. Yet the linking element Quantum 5 element. Then the route from decision is from 15 but to 12, but in another 12, another pole. The route  in between 3 and 9 towards 6 or 12. If the frequency is high towards " __". If the frequency is low, towards 6. The lower the value, the higher the frequency. Then the motion in a flat plane need to go with the motion within the mind. Then Chains like Fibonacci chains, DNA chains, etc enters into the matter. As restricted into Pi planes of different radios, frequencies conform a network. One  1/4 invisible section is folded into the same plane but like 1/16, 1/32.... The concept is to provide the idea of how a 3D planes inside another plane becomes possible. Like the 16.353550 entering an already existing 3D plane.


Thus, the quantum extension goes up to -34 for QM, to -43 for QT and yet, reach the boundaries of reality up to Hydrogen, reach the center up to Oxygen, reach to US up to he nature of our decisions. Quantum it is at the core of reality, an yet it is a consequence.

Motion is restricted to steps of 1. Thus you can only move from 6 as half to 4 cardinal points, and within them, you need to choose. Motion from vertical axis is restricted to steps of 1. Thus you can only move from 5 as half 10 to 4 cardinal points, and within them, you need to choose. To choose you need a base pole, a spinning top, otherwise, you will get lost because within the light structure coding there are forces to the left, like 9.806665 and forces to the right like 11.44 * ULP. Yet 11.44 can overcome 9.80 but every step is like 1 but upwards. If you do not consider others, then, there is like no stair, becomes invisible.



Section J

Quantum Intensity




Section K

Crossing Bases




Section L

Quantum Forces




Section M

Address Outcome







The Whole in One Theoretical bases
QM, 1 Plane







QT, more than 1 plane / Goes deeper