

















4K System



The Periodic table of elements






All the elements within the periodic table within TWO are explained with the same logic than Hydrogen matrix but respecting the singularity of each element.

At this moment, I have just publish one table, because of its special singularity. - Hydrogen table , as the first element within the periodice table for science understanding of reality and for its significance.


As one singularity is enough to explain the fundamentals, you are forced to trust the logic works for others elements of the table, while I am not publishing them, because I have other priorities. The rules for hydrogen also applies to the other elements. Likely I will add any time soon other besides Oxygen and Helium that are very relevant.


What becomes relevant at this point to be remarked is the following.


Within the coding structure of the elements, always prevails the relation of 8 out of 12 elements. * Only 8 elements  become visible as elements that can be measured with scientific instrumentation . There is a relation among them of 2 visible elements to 1 invisible set of elements. That relation, as you evolve within TWO changes toward 2 Invisibles elements upon 1. Yet the 8 visible elements structure prevails. Then, that only may be possible when bases are expanded.


The rule of the relation of 2 to 1 always prevails, not only in the periodic table but also in all the aspects of TWO bases, There is always an exception to the rule,


To understand the exception within the elements of the periodic table it is required to jump to very complex structures such as the structures that explains the conscious life. If a large group of combined elements can explain a singular group like the group of life. then life, combined with another group can explain the first group. However, the mentioned is not quite precise in order to make possible the explained. To be more accurate, you need to expand a little the 3 groups to 3.14 groups. And again, a detail to polish,. There is no such thong as 3.14 groups. Either is 3 or 4 Groups., then a leap to Quantum



 8+4  and 8+4  - Line 1, as 2 groups together

towards  8 and 8 - Line 2 - These looks like symmetry if you do not go deeper.


Where 8  in the second lines are just more and more of the same as 8 and 8 from line 1,

Then, one of the "8" stop or cease to be essential. Then, the second "8" become wrapping.

Conceptually, this is a relevant matter. It allows to make the difference within essence and form.

TWO focus on essence.


The relation of 2:1 changes, in a quantum moment. The moment of life,  the relation of elements is 1:1 as coming from a reduction of 4:4 relation + 1 as unbreaking balance.

The unbreaking balance is a decision.


Now, out of 2:1, if a third element is added, then 3:1 or 2:2 becomes possible. One outcome goes to the edges and the other to the center.

Then, If you go the edges, you have Hydrogen to the left, Hydrogen to the right and O at the center. You can mix the order as H2O.



With a third element at stage , the logic is

2 Invisible element over 1 visible element

The visible element keeping the same basic 8 original elements.


If a forth element or group is added, as a decision to unbalance the 2:2 relation within the center, then the 2:2 relation folded into the same plane as 4, then 4+1.

With 4+1 merges Quantum as an insertion within a frame, in this case, the frame is H and H.

Within the center, a whole spectrum it is opened and linked to Quantum.


Please note that how to count numbers it is a bit strange within TWO . Sometimes as math numbers, sometimes as groups, many times as group turn into a singularity. To count within TWO it is very, very complicated because of the dynamic conceptual bases.


A very important general understanding that you always need to keep in mind:

It has been established a difference between what is essential and what is wrapping or accessory. Also, it has been  incorporated a time linking introduction by the moment quantum have been considered:  when life become possible, when 2 complex elements or groups are put together under a context as third element and +.

It cannot be quantum without at least an observer, then you understand that quantum is related to Life itself.



The elements of the periodic table within TWO bases may be explained  with an 8 levels structure or with a 12 levels structure.

The results are the same yet the bases different. The atomic weight of each element is the same. The difference is that the 12 elements structure goes one level deep. By doing so it is incorporating the demanded space required for the quantum possibilities to merge. In other words, The fundamental or essential  structure of the elements of the periodic table is linked to Quantum Two bases.


The issue here it is not about the precision of the data that may be delivered by TWO tables of elements, consider that a fact. The issue is to understand how the difference of what is fundamental and what is accessory merges conceptually. Also, try to visualize  the linking to merging life stage and timing, both related by quantum. And, as you know, Quantum rules of time are different.


The restricted 8 levels base as an analogy to what science does to explain the atomic structure of elements is not capable to overpass the reality of what it is been measured. The 12 level basic structure deals with that and, at the same time, with many more elements and concepts that are keystone.


The explained is the big picture but as usual within TWO bases, what have been said it is never accurate at all. Have suggested above that  8 and 8, like  twice is more of the same to separate the essential from the accessory" is not accurate at all. The singularity of each element cannot ever be removed, thus the right expression would be almost the same.


Then, extrapolating the logic of elements to life.  Within the 100%+ of elements that explains life,  8 out of 12 elements that conform  a new life:  50% are coming from a group A and 50% from a group B. Both, A and B with its own singularity. Thus the concept need to be adjusted in its precision. Perhaps up to 98% or 96% or 95% and even 93% precision - perhaps 92%, more accurate 90% at the edge.

This is not to play with numbers. This is to tell you that the way you count it is relevant because defines the perspective from which you are looking at something. And within TWO bases, the more perspectives at the same time, more you need to remove from the number you are focused on. TWO limits is about reducing up to 9 and 10 considerations at the same time. If arriving to 10  considerations and you are dealing initially with number 10, then you end up with " nothing at sight".  Got the idea?


100% down to 90% to match level 2 within the above example. Within a 3,14 levels deep, the % may be entangled. Zooming the matter as like a planetary level,  the concept may be Hue, adjusted, calibrated  up to like  the angle of the earth upon its vertical axis. Why? Because at essential level, at abstraction level, the focus is in the relation among elements and, out of that, constants becomes logical possibilities. TWO is about relations, links, connections.


If on one side the elements may be understood as cause, starting from Hydrogen, on the other side they need to be understood as consequence. By elevating from 8 to 12 the variables at stage, that becomes possible. H1 at one side, H2 at the other side and O as oxygen or a planetary system or any close circuit, or Cero as an expression of balance status in the middle or in the beginning or in the end.


Go to the Preface and start again, without jumping steps.

Keep reading in spite in spite you do not share concepts.

Make an effort.

The Whole in One Theoretical bases