4K System
The size of the Universe
If your starting point is from "0"
then the size of the universe could be near
ULP Constant x 12 x 10
1.1443384722222 x 12 x 10
Starting from "0" means that you believe things can pop up out of nothing, like the Big Bang at the beginning.
The number just come from TWO constant ULP completing a large cycle, thus base 10
Now, if you believe things have a cause and a consequence, then the starting point is 1 instead of 0.
And when you start from 1, a different story can be told.
Please read ULP Constant Article
Let us check the time Scope
considering you
To measure the extend of universe the very old fashion way it is necessary to walk it the whole way. By measuring the time of the travel you will know more or less well its size.
Within TWO, the time of the travel is measured according to the length of your legs extensions. Of course TWO contains a fast track way to measured it as explained in Constant ULP but, nothing better than to do things by yourself to make sure it is well done.
Let us suppose your right leg is 1 mm shorter than your left leg and you start a long straight ahead walking travel that takes you 7 seconds or 7 minutes or 7 hours, or 7 days or 7 weeks or 7 month or 7 years . From 7 to 7 times 7, up to 49 where 49 can be, within a clock the 13 hrs and yet the triple 12 hour, like 36 ~ 4x9.~ as Constant TWO bases
And seven as a short cycle because the less the journey can take is 3+4 ~ 7 instead of 3 x 4 ~ 12 . 3 and 4 are required for Constant TWO bases to synchronize time with 12 and 7 bases.
Any way, if you complete a cycle you may end up at 7 or 19 hrs or at 12 or 24 hours - there is a gap of 5 units of time to the nearest reference point at 00.00 hrs. The 5 units is required to work as ground base to conform number 2 or 20 as an absolute number a quantum instant . Which means that to explain you at least 4 dimensions are required. that makes possible to differentiate the mind processes with the biological ones but as one unity that cannot be split.
The scale level of days, weeks, years, etc depend on your legs size, that of course is metaphoric but not as much metaphoric as you may think. Your DNA body structure is linker to the above mentioned.
If you are very, very perfect, you will not limp or hobble, and, in that case, you will never detour from a straight line in a Journey. And then your journey will take you a life time period and much more. As you are very perfect, there is nothing to improve in yourself, nothing to correct. You will pass through the 12 hours symbol over and over. Each cycle will always last an everlasting 12 cycle. You will be trapped in a circle because you have nothing to learn but in spite of that, you are still here. Something does not match.
If you are not perfect, you will hobble a little. If your right feet is 1 mm shorter, then, without noticing, you will start leaning to the right side. Then after a while or a big while in your life, you will end up returning to the place that once you leave. The Limp will naturally make you return. It will become an spiral circle. You return, but 1 level upo. It is not the same pint any longer.
If during the journey you learnt nothing, then you will pass though the 12 hours symbol to repeat again another journey. However, if you learn something during the travel, you will not pass beside the 12 O Clock symbol but 1 step above, because your limp was 1. It is the more or less the same 1 of your hobble. Yet at the same time, the cycle will not last just 12 "hours" but at little less. To cross though the 12 hour symbol, the radio of your travel stretch a little. As you keep going in your life through different processes and cycles you pass many times upon the 12 symbol. And you do it in the same size spin circle or in an each time more reduced circle, that is more like an spiral, like a sort of Fibonacci spiral. As long as you return to a higher ground base level, you keep evolving.
Yo do not make the travel shorter by chasing your tale and spinning around you like a dog, quite the contrary. The faster you learn what you have to learn, faster you stretch the circles and moves upward. Thus, at the end of the process it is only you, standing at any point you have arrived in the processes scale. Within a large spectrum that goes from 1 to 3, there you are.
And that is the size of the universe for you
The time your own travel takes.
And for the ones that do not see you in the equations, it is near 14 billions year.
Plenty of time to learn.
If 36 and 360 is in the TWO bases, it is because within 36 is space to synchronize a lot o cicles of 12
And if the cycles may be of 7 hours or any unit of measured instead of 12 hours or any unit of measures it is because in a cycle of 7 there is space for 3 and 4. And if the cycle is reduced, it is because you were able to leap from one level to another, just as the particles in the atomic structure in the elements. The leaps are from one level to another. They need to be one by one, as a process, otherwise, you will denying your essence. There is only One exception.
It is the understanding of the process in our scale level what allow us to understand, by extension, the subatomic or cosmological processes. This is a direct link.
And 3 and 4 are necessary in the 7 units time length as well as in the 12 units period. 3 for a 3D reality, and 4 for the quantum options to be possible, and 1 as yourself, as the 5th element in action. And 5 as the gap between 7 and 12 in this case.
Then, the extend of the quantum effect goes from 3+4 up to 3x4 up to the radio of the circle it is moving or the times of levels is affecting.
And, from out of number 12, as a consequence number , you can take 2 to alternate with 5, then 2x5 becomes 10 or 1 as an outcome of a quantum process. To take 2 out of a 12 scale is a unique event, a singularity in space and time. It also need to take 1 from other 2 sources, thus it requires to convey planes and to collapse time by collapsing the 3D reality. But as we are in the conscious plane now, what does it means? It means that you see the other and/or the others as well as you see yourself and besides, you trust what you cannot upon what you can see.
Reordering the elements > 4 are required to explain the quantum options + 3 to your insertion in a conforming 3D plane + .2 for your free will. Then 9 elements for a transitional stage. Just 3 left. so 10 and 20 modifying the scale + 4 reentering from the free will
From 20 - One person with 2 different sources like father and mother
20 / 4 where 4 is re-entering from free will option - option to remove quantum
5 base ten => 50 + 4 One deeper level - then 54 with extended quantum option
54 twice as 2 persons required
108 as 54 twice
2 persons - male and female delivering its free will and, by doing so
taking quantum options to the limits
And from another perspective , if you are in an eternal journey transition, because you are perfect and part of the perfect that is capable to hold you within, thereafter invisible, because of your perfect balance, then, all the other elements explains you. The space you leave, that is 2, to allow your own quantum, becomes 0, because you are not. then 1 and 2 and from 1 and 2, 10, you as a singularity.
The Rough form
If the reality is restricted to when 1 equals 6 as 1 and 6 ~ 16 , then, inside, twice 3+4 and 4+3 ~ 14 set the overruled limits. If the scale is taken to billions it should be less than 14 billions. If adjusting is required then 140 - 3 , where minus 3 it is just a rough adjusting, then 13.7 billions.
The extent just according to match physical observations because the real extension have 2 dimensions, the dimension that most agree like a common base of understanding upon science and the extension you provide to the world you see. It is about how far can you see beyond you, that is also the real size of the universe.
The radio we see becomes relevant to define the limits of the circle that defines a round universe. And by saying so TWO is not meaning the universe shape is round. In fact the shape of the universe should look like an Egg without the center.. Our cosmological look it is just a cut of it. The look to our solar system look like an egg too, but with a center included. There is a difference. What could explain the difference it is not matter of this section.
From others articles we have learn that the scope or extension of an imaginary straight line is restricted to a diameter near 2 base 10 ~ 20. Just like the space from 0 to 2 twice, Then again, near 4 but not like 40 but 14. because twice the extension is demanded.
Thus, the radio to keep the relation 2 to 1 ,once we fold 2 extended planes is 5. Thus the 10 diameter should be explained as 4 and 6 and 6 and 4 as nearly symmetrical. Also 10 be explained as 5 and 5 where both 5 are different, like 500 miles and 500 km. The largest is capable to contain the smaller. From math, both sides, without extension becomes the same. And, at essential level, adding extension is restricting the power of the abstraction so all you need to know is that One element never equals the other.
It is just enough with understanding that the rough figure is the relation 1 to 4 but now instead of 1/4 it is 1+4 as 5 but yet as near 14 minus/ We can add minus as short cuts to make easier the understanding but as you know, the minus sign is a short way path to help structure the precise concepts.
As from an individual perspective, the radio goes from 1 to 1 when only see itself, what, at the end, it is exactly what does not do, been able to see himself because without others to see oneself it is just seeing even less than the half of one. But the extend may reach almost 2, juslt like the physical world. And that happens when you see others.
However, the extend of the universe increases from the singular perspective when besides the other you leave space to what you cannot see, what science cannot do due to the restrictions that defines it, then extend may increase up to 3 to almost 4. And almost 4 because the space for the exception that makes the rules has already been taken. The extension between 3 and 4 should be 1, as the provided space to us to become part , then 3 1 4 then 1 5 9 , where the ones 1 could be the place within the universe to all those that overcome the rules of love. Thus in between the two ones the 4 and the + like 59 and the rest. where 59 ~ 13 ~ 49 ,as transitional phases. and +X. The instance for breaking the onion layers, the doorway at the beginning and end and during the process.
4 stand for the Big One capable to contain within 3 in a forth quantum instant + < 3.1415
And the forth capable to hold 4 within needs to be collapse to 1 in order to return to the fundamental TWO relation among elements of 2 to 1 , where1 is the invisible elements that contains 3 inside and enter into the quantum process.
From the motion article
If you are leaving at the Ugly One Town, you know there are 4 groups within that group, then again 14 minus. because the full extension of the universe comes from 1/4 of that group. That extension is enough to provide space to 4/4 of all. Then 4/4 becemos the neccesar space. But out of that space, the visible space, at cosmological level should not overcame the relation 3/4 invisible and 1/4 visible while for the individual plane the relation moves upside down as 1/4 handling to leave space to 4/4.
Thus the size of the universe it is just the most precise size to provide the necessary conditions to allow all to happen. Not a single element left behind at the end.