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Adding and Multiplying


Within TWO, everything is about adding from a singular perspective. Multiplying becomes possible consequence (+ & X) out of adding affecting more elements, others, etc. The largest conceptual scope for adding would be:  What I can measure or see + (plus) what I cannot measure or see. The adding concept is always a constructive concept that occur when you consider others besides yourself Others as aside and upon as invisible. Thus, within TWO, adding would be consider as positive or "good" and resting as a lack of perspective. Then, within TWO there are no negative values. The use of adjectives like "Good", unlike science, becomes necessary because they are part of the way we do understand things, they are part of our mental reality and thereafter, they become a part of TWO. In spite of the mentioned, The idea of "bad" is always present within our mind and there is no intention for you to eliminate the concept of "bad". It is necessary for you to template it, what is, naturally, extremely difficult

The result of adding is Conceptual Expansion

Adding is a conceptual expansion that is required to structure sense within TWO and helps to provide understanding of the precision that may be reached within TWO just  by adding. In order to always be able to add, it is necessary to incorporate scales to change the relative perspective of things. Scales to Zoon In and Zoom out. Thus, you can always just to Add.

But when you add, if you consider that there are always more planes you may reduced numbers is part of the adding content is taken to other planes. This demands that any number is considered as a group with always the same amount of elements. Thus:


If you see written "5", you need to know that automatically there are 30 elements in others planes and if you add an additional  +1 element, then the outcome may be 36 or 1 in another plane or level. This is a very simple rule. Then if just 2 dimensions are considered, it goes as explained. If 3 groups, dimensions, levels, etc are. at stage, becomes un little more complicated. You can distribute the 35 value in many aggrupation's as long as you do not overpass the 35 value.

Then the more restricted the planes at sight or at stage you are considering, a smaller number means you are providing more space to what you cannot control or see. The more elements at stage within the paper or mind at once, the more complex it gets. Thus, at any point always is required to take the matter to matrices. As you can always Zoon In or Out by changing scales, you can always pay more or less attention to whatever you want to consider. Then, all become just constructive. thus, everything is how to sum in a balance way. If you just sum  carefully, you will realize that adding is all you are requested.


If you add to a negative symbol a vertical line in the middle, to complete a process, what you get is a "+" symbol. If you rotate a plus symbol "+" on its axis, by 1/4, what you get is a multiplying symbol. It is another conceptual expansion crossing many ranges. The adding concept becomes, symbolical, mathematical, conceptual, geometrically, etc.
To rest (-) is never required within TWO. To rest means to reduce. Resting numbers or to perform mathematical operations with minus within TWO It is the contrary of building up, to construct, to create. The universe Itself is a merging constructive reality. Conceptually, what has been explained is extremely relevant.


The adding concept always demands the consideration of another ONE. If not, the result is not adding, but resting. Just adding forces you to consider others: plane, persons, elements, etc. If you do not do that, at any point something will collapse. This incredible simple operation that demands no astrophysics, mathematician, etc. is it incredible powerful.


If everything is about adding, what about dividing ?. Well, consider dividing as just distributing, reordering among others, groups, levels, elements, etc. Within TWO, the dividing operation is performed under the explain conditions, It is never to fractionate something. You can you division to establish relations among elements and in that sense, you can divide. However, within TWO you are not a judge that can simply take from one to give it to another as the "good man", sort of Robin Hood. It does not work that way. Within TWO bases, if you decide that it is good to deliver to others, to consider others, that falls to you, and not to others.  within TWO bases when you are invited to consider others as part of the evolving process and the encrypted rules behind TWO, it is upon your own and not upon the others. Thus, to handle the division concept between TWO it is not at anyone's hand. The same than for multiplying. Divisions and multiplication are like layers, that affect others. Thus, be careful when trying to understand the concepts behind TWO.



Some examples beyond the math concept related to the idea of adding :

The night is not the negative dark side of the light. Both are need to structure reality. Negative or destructing forces are necessary events to provide balance within the universe and life. Thus, they are not negative from a bigger perspective. The negative perception is merely a restrictive or limited standing perspective that do not leave space for a larger comprehension of a chain of events. However, this does not means that bad or negative things may happen to anyone. That is part of life. The thing is that the adding makes sense when we are capable to understand that what becomes negative on One side, may be positive on the other side and only when both planes are like equal, an event may become neutral. The thing is that within TWO, there is not such a thing as equal. Unlike physics where you is typically use the concept "equal", in TWO that is an incomplete perception of reality. If precision is demanded, no matter how similar elements may look like, nothing is exactly the same than another, except, of course for the exception. Then, the concept of the exception that makes the rules need to be understood.
When the larger comprehension can hold within the shorter time comprehension, then a "+" merges". The largest concept, that is capable to hold within a smaller concept is considered “The Good”. “The bad, or the less good, like the ugly” would be what does not leave space to other options, others’ ideas, etc. If you think, the bad would be like the conceptual reduction that do not tolerate the inclusion of another element different than the element itself. In fact, Quantum TWO is about the insertion within a circle. If the circle is too tight close, as not leaving any space, then Quantum TWO cannot enter or, you cannot leave your restrictions. As you see, it is very simple. You cannot "add" something within a box that is full. Yu need to make some space in the way to make some space is providing consideration to others. It  is conceptually very simple. It is not more than that. That is exactly how reality works.


When the driving forces that leads only to you as the "star that shines"  then, gravitational forces rules you because you cannot leave space enough to others.   Then if you attempt to "add", even little by little, then ULP forces will prevail. Like the Good winning over the bad. Again, is that simple as that. The gravitational forces are within anyone as in the planetary system. They are the same with different wrapping or expression. You just need a little more than 10 to beat 9.8. In other words, just to add a simple additional "1" every day and you are on the track. Again, it is just adding.
Within TWO there is never perfect symmetry within the tangible physical reality because that concept would attempt against to what have just been explained. To make sense to this concept becomes very relevant. Symmetry within reality it is just a restricted vision based on restricted foundations. However, the constructive or positives forces, at at cosmological level always prevails, as the same forces that end up prevailing within us at the end, as conscious beings. And that seem to be so because using this simple explained operations, the matching arrives as far as you can imagine.
From an individual perspective, everything that happens to you that is perceived or evaluated as “bad” or “ugly” will remain in your mind as “bad” or “ugly” as long as the space that you provide in your mind to yourself is larger than the space that you do provide to the consideration of others and/or  the invisible.
Even harder:  Leaving space in your mind or actions to the ones or others, in the wider conceptual meaning, that are different than you or become invisible to you is not resting, it is adding. And it is adding because to do so is an expansion of yourself that is required.  And expansion that need to hold within and overcome a more limited or restricted concept. The limit of what is expresses is when "1" as you + "1" as the other becomes almost "2". The restriction is set to tell you that you can never add more than yourself without denning you. Naturally, there's  one exception to what has been remarked.
To expand concepts is not the denial of yourself or your ideas. Not using your talents and skills or relegating your ideas is resting from your potentials. So the big concept is consider the others but also, consider yourself. You are relevant. this is not a moral list of duties, this is simple a conceptual frame that works as TWO mayor bases.


To  embrace what you cannot see, or understand is very hard. A good step is to provide at least 1 out of 100 box space to allow the benefit of the doubt in your mind. That is always a big step that might just sum in your life. The space of the doubt in the mind do not take space for your 100 elements in the box. In fact  Adds because enlarge the Box to a little more than 100. Then, and this is a relevant concept related to Adding. The more consideration to others, visible and invisible, upon a clear pole, the bigger the Box will become. The mentioned is in the bases of all TWO matrices, tables, etc.
Taking the previous concepts and providing them a coding structure is part of TWO theoretical foundations.  Thus, encrypted within the Hardware of TWO are present the mentioned concepts that allow to explain Universal Constants. Thus, the ADDING is the way the  coding structure of reality becomes possible. Within TWO, adding and multiplying are the mainly requested mathematical operations.

Within the same conceptual explained concepts, part of the understanding of reality and the universe itself demands the acceptance of many things we clearly do not like or perceive as bad or ugly things. The mentioned, in all planes or conceptual dimensions.



A good analogy may be performed at different scale levels to illustrate "The Good,The Bad and The Ugly" things

 A: Add a vertical line to a negative value symbol and it cease to be bad and turn into "+"

The vertical line comes from very light and fine tuning coding structure.


B: Add a cross line to a diagonal vertical minus symbol or dividing symbol and it turn into a multiplying symbol 

The diagonal crossing line comes from light coding structure from 2 planes like X and Y


A flat line is singular and a diagonal line is collective, like axis Z


Good, bad and ugly are necessary steps and moments within life as part of its processes.

That goes from singular to collective scope.

The more you balance others and you and yet visible and invisible, the more you expand your bases.

The more you expand your bases, the bad get lighter and the grey or ugly, even get more lighter.


At a Cosmological Level : 4 physical forces are required to conform an environment for your life. Chaos to provide order. Almost Nobody like Chaos, however it was a necessary process to allow our existence at this plane. Yet, still is plenty of chaos everywhere.

At a Planetary level : 4 weather seasons are required to provide weather conditions for life. Nature forces within our environment. We may not like all the weather stations, specially when they are extreme, but you do realize they are necessary for planet balance. The same with earthquakes, volcanos, etc.


At emotional level, loosing someone loved clearly becomes negative to US unless you add a superior or higher perspective.


Bad things are part of the reality we face, they make us human. Just a higher understanding of the events can tip over that.

We normally do want more things for us, but that it is not the adding that sums. The adding that sums are the ones that allows to step out of layers of Pi circumferences that restrict our bigger vision. The more layers you break, the more you expand and gravitational forces get weaker and ULP forces gain terrain. This is just physics. There is an invisible scale of near 98.66 floors. Each One step, not to the side, but upwards which is heavy than the aside step, because demands more energy, becomes gradually lighter because the floor levels difference shrinks bit by bit. Then,  the first step is always the tougher one. Why this become relevant ? because remarks the relevance of the vertical scaling as within a central pole. And this simple concepts are the involved concepts behind all TWO matrices. This is about the needed hierarchy of the ordering levels. Numbers and scales are coming from here. From the understanding of where and how to add. This is TWO foundations.

Hierarchy merges within reality as a necessary part of its understanding. The hierarchy concepts as a vertical ordering with an X plane. The  vertical pole from the center of the X is what set the whole spectrum from emotional to electromagnetic spectrum. A 4 wide spectrum folded as 2 wide  spectrum for anyone. From 1 towards 2. As simple as that.


If your existence is a Consequence, all "bad" things that had to occur to make it possibly become part of a process that demands perspective. The importance of your life has been raised. And by saying your life, please try not to think that the whole universe is about you. If that is the case, it is very likely that you are misunderstanding the idea. The Evolving concept have also merged. Evolving as an evolution process that may take tracks. Evolving vertically from 7 up to 5 as climbing the 100+ steps of the stairway. Evolving to a bigger positive by just adding ones, as a growing concept, or just evolving to fit, to repeat and repeat until you become the last one left alone. From 7 to 5 may be as long as the already +- 200.000 years already transcurred for the first conscious one on earth, or just a couple of extra adding's, as 2 further adding's.
Many “bad” or destructive things, like resting have  happened through evolution  to make your life and existence possible or, if you prefer, from a counterpart perspective, the only requested thing required to make all life possible throughout time is You not been here. Pretty tough! – When You Are Not. – But do not worry, from the moment you are reading, you are here and You do not have such a heavy bag on your back. When you are not, the quantum 4th option becomes possible. Then, the worst that may happen to you, from a ground perspective is You not been here. However, from a very elevated perspective, You, not been here becomes a new chance, a new beginning, either in another plane or in the same plane. That will depend upon your level you reached during life. If it is on the same plane, then, as a new life, to complete a previous stage, the kind of life may have a very wide spectrum of possibilities that are directed linked to the past. Thus this is related to your Fibonacci Scale and your Quantum Evolution, which is related to Quantum Leaps and Insertion within the plane, which are related to angular Quantum Insertion, which are related to the size of the whole for the leaping process. In very simple words, what you do in your life matters, and a lot. If you do not want complicate too much with this chain of linking sequences, just stay with the following idea : Try your best to add to anybody, at least "1" bit,  because it matters, to others and to you. Adding will always make your life better, whatever the circumstances, even if they all look like negative.

What is mentioned, adding, is the required condition within "One perspective" to match Universal constants as well as the periodic table of elements and other Hardware elements. However, do Remember, that "the little "One" is only a part of "TWO" and, if TWO is reduced to just ONE, as a Big One,  then TWO will be overcome by 5 and so on. + > High abstraction <

However, it becomes extremely relevant to remark at this point, to be further commented in other articles, that the hierarchy that TWO embraces within its core is the hierarchy among conscious been that leaves place to others considerations or, to the invisible plane. At this stage, a Scale could be introduced. It should start from the one or ones that leaves no space to others or another elements consideration, to the ones that provides more space. Again, the Good it is the wider concepts capable to contain the smaller. Thus a scale could start from one and moves toward a bigger number.


Within the conscious group of life, 2 poles exist. The group that moves toward others consideration and the one that moves toward the other side. Quite clear.

Within the invisible plane, 2 poles should also exist, the one that push you to one or the other direction. What always prevails in the end  is the positive adding. Both planes are linked.

As consequence of the explained above, any scale within TWO  starts from 1, as a positive One, as the constructive plus.

At a conscious level, no person can be dismissed even though you might thing is “Bad”. Within TWO, No one or no society should have the right in its foundations to rest or reduce by removing anyone. A group of articles about the fundaments of a society are within TWO menus. Negative forces may be restricted but to destroy them would attempt with the bases of TWO.  
From the above you should conclude that within a conscious life group, 2 distinctions are relevant and may have theoretically, big repercussions among conscious life. 

  • What you do, think and even do not do places you within an Scale that becomes part pf TWO bases. Thus, yours’s standing and acting matters, they define you. The scale that contains your ID  is likely a constituency part of a larger cosmological scales that becomes never ending. A scale may be possible because of the connection among all the elements. Any scale may look like a DNA scale/
  • If you denied the singularity each one may have and take away the merits each one may have achieved, you are opposing the first.
  • If you think you are entitled to consider yourself better than another one, you become a judge upon others and that again become the “bad” by overruling TWO principles . Quite different is the order restrictions upon people that any society demands to do not collapse into chaos.
  • The driving forces at conscious level are the same than the ones at planetary or cosmological levels, just different expression of the same.

I need to be very clear on this: “The bad” or negative values or forces are paert of reality and it its within anyone the capacity to overcome those forces.The wider perspective is the one that includes others or other elements. Bad has no negative sign because it’s existence make possible the existence of “The good” This is the reason why any scale that considers The Good, The Bad and The Ugly needs to start from a positive Axis. Consider the Ugly or Grey as any point  in between The Good and The Bad, where the bad itself becomes a relative issue..


However, when the boundaries are trespassed and destructive forces rules, like, when you take another one's conscious life, what you do is to break the balance of the elements, the balance of the universe. Likely, a new resetting becomes necessary. Again and for the last time, within TWO,it matters where do you stand within the "good and bad" scale and within it, there more you scale up, likely, the better for you. And this is part of TWO matching equations of the universal constants.
However, in spite that every singular element of the periodic table is structured as matrices of positives numbers, a few matrices that explain some constants do contain negative numbers. Perhaps as a recognition of our imperfect human nature. Somehow it is like the cosmological acceptance of us with the bad and the ugly and still our "positives" makes humanity worth.

And the negative numbers in some Hardware Constant are the consequence of the lack of capacity to structure an understanding in absence of our own restriction and limitations. Many interpretations may rise from negative numbers and they will be aborted directly or indirectly in other articles. From a human perspective they may be considered as the negative events that we are challenge to overcome within our life to stop looking at them as negative forces. Thus, consider the negatives as your life demanding process to turn the negative into a at least a neutral number : From non TWO Base, from -1 to 0, and from 0 to 1 or more than one. That is perhps the journey or process of anyone life. Perhaps, one starting point.


Those negative numbers may also be considered as the bags we carry and may be expressed, in a cosmological analogy as black holes or warm holes, in a less collective expression. To understand the intended meaning of this words may take as much time as to the scientist to take notice of the existence of black holes. Am I saying they are the same? No, each element has its own singularity. I am saying that there’s a direct relation among elements. Black Holes are needed to explain the universe and some phenomenon the same way, perhaps, that we are need with our bags to make possible others existence. The negative is related to the Decay of our body.
If some tables contain Negative numbers representing the black holes or warm holes in the cosmos, they are just, in a poetic sense, the expression of what have just been explained, a necessary element to make you possible, as a Good Thing. Consider them a reminder of our limitations and your challenges within life. Also a connective planes or dimensiones required element.


By far the best way to understand the idea of "+"  is the following example: Think for a while in the person you love most in the world, like a son. You know it is plenty of defects but you do love him anyway. It's presence is a plus in your life and so, the scale need to start from a positive 1 in spite of your son defects.. In a cosmological way, it is just the same. However, precisely because of your love and you wishing the best for him, you, as father, have the responsibility to do the best for him to scale up, specially if he is a child. If you think this is just a religious concept, what you do is to restrict the idea. Then what you would do is to rest, the opposite to what is requested.

The Whole in One Theoretical bases