4K System
What is Light ? : Light Content ?, Sun Light ?, Light Speed ? Light Weight ?, Light Food ?, etc.
The word Light without any extension is quite large in its meanings possibilities. So, let us restrict for a while the concept.
From the periodic table level perspective any element upon Level 8 could be considered a Light weight coding structure element by TWO definition. From a religious perspective it would be like someone's Soul, from a physical perspective it is like the elements you cannot measure, from the mind perspective, It would be like the ideas or thoughts that go through your mind.
Within the thinking into the mind, it becomes necessary to split them into 3 kinds. The constructive or positive thinking, like the ones capable to contain TWO principles, the thinking that moves to the opposite direction than the first and the others thinking. All the thinking it is located in the "invisible zone" because its coding structure does not weight too much just up to the moment that Pop Up as a conscious thinking. Its content goes from 4 units of weight to 1 unit of weight into a higher level within a structure of 4 levels / from 9 to 12, when that thinking is Light. If the thinking is heavier, accumulate content going up to 35 units of weight into the same level. Then, any additional heavy thinking merges as 1 into the physical plane, a pop up element, a trigger element. Yet a light thinking can pop up into the physical plane as 1 from 4. There is a release and accumulation process.
The more you accumulate of heavy thinking content, more forces push toward yourself. Within the Clock standing position as explain in when 1 equals 6, you move from 6 to 7 O Clock. On the contrary, If the content of your thinking is more light, you move from 6 to 5. The thinking spectrum we all move goes from 7 to 5 O Clock standing position. All the remain positions within the clock are not available. The whole spectrum for us is "2" like 100% and "4" as the exception that reaches poles capable to contain like 2 from the left and 2 from the right, like Male and Female or any other duality that can oppose or complement. If they oppose, they end up crushing. If the complement, one is yielding for the other. Please read about gravitational waves crushing vs complementing
If you had absolutely no previous content of information structure that unbalance your initial standing position, Standing physically at 6 O Clock , you would be in your mind at 9 O Clock. The 9 O'clock as you already know from others articles, it is a transition zone. To further land the idea, Such a balance could be interpreted as a Nirvana moment. The mind world in a dichotomy where the forces to one side are very, very similar to the forces to the other side. That moment, is just a very short instant for some or not so short to others. This last, because of the dynamic status of the process. The forces at play are the gravitational forces and the ULP forces. In order to move from 6 to almost 4, in order to move to the light structure of thinking you need to consider others.
The full spectrum of light weight thinking structure of "2" cannot be reach. In other words, you cannot reach the 4 O Clock standing position. It would be equivalent to be in others mind. You can place mentally in other's position but you need to reckon the singularity of the other. If you were about to reach 4, at that instant you will not be you any longer. There is only One exception. That exception is the Raw model, The Chosen One. For TWO believe, Jesus. Within TWO bases, In order to reality to be possible, from the middle * not chronologically * there is a beginning. There is a Before and an After at the instant One reaches the full spectrum of "2". At the quantum Instant The Chosen One places himself in the other position, release its space, with a full spectrum of 2. Yet At the Instant The creator release its "2" spectrum space to fold 12 into 10, then the time from 1 O' Clock to 4 O' Clock standing position is busy. The Creator, The Created ONE and The 3 O Clock trinity become the beginning at but at a different instance than the chronological beginning. The extent of the loving act of giving everything for the other's and yet trusting with his life the believe in a Loving God what defines the whole scope to US. The Counterpart to this extreme act of love is tons and tons of heavy content. Thus, keeping the chronology with the Clock, while in the future, from the cosmological beginning, In Jesus Time, he was a Consequence, then, by dying he become part of the Cause. And that enters into the transition period. And as the counterpart From 00:00 hours to 3.14159 hours, the universe formation up to our planet formation. While this is happening, at level 12, in the Hydrogen table the value 50 that is coming from this light weight structure. The value is a Pop UP value from the "Father + The Son + The trinity~ the transitional stage, then Recalibrating, 5 elements at the same level with a base 10 base become 50. Thus, what seems to be random from an evolution perspective, it is not, the transitional status is ordered, there's is Control within the Chaos. Up to 3 O Clock or 3 Days within the synchronizing Clock within TWO, the mayor task have been performed, the whole heavy weight content of the universe is at its place. Then, the 50 into hydrogen becomes in our mind the 50% decision instances in our life. Which path to take ? The space for US now is almost near 2. The " TWO that Becomes ONE has left us The Light Structure space that allow us to Move. The space is divided within 2 worlds, 2 universes, 2 poles and above all, Male and Female. Its like dividing the waters into the ocean. This is an insertion, a re-entering of light forces. The forces already set the limits of the universe and now are ready to set our own limits. And within that division the empty space plenty of light information to be taken by the 50% option of believing or not in superior forces. That becomes our free will. Nothing but empty space in front of us or to believe there's is much more than nothing everywhere you look around.
You cannot simply to say I will take the light forces around me. It does not work that way. For that to happen there seems to be very clear rules. The forces linked to light structure coding push you into your mind and thereafter into your actions. You do not control those invisibles forces. For that to happen you need to release heavy weight thinking structure, thinking structure that pull to yourself. Light cannot enter into the darkness, demands space. The way to leave space goes step by step. It is a procecess.
At any given time within our life we cross through the 6 point that is into 9.80665 gravitational forces. That is our insertion into the physical plane from a 9 O Clock point, or if you like, from a 9 month period to keep the analogy but crossing variables, which can be performed at that point because is a folding planes zone, where forces are at balance, gravitational forces and ULP forces. The moment you are conceived the whole process within you begins. The moment sperm enters into the Ovum is a break, a ring is open, it is the same instance the earth makes a tilt, it is the same instant the ocean is divided, it is the same instant that when the one that comes from Est meets the One coming from the West, at the center, It is the same instant when the man from space enter the earth atmosphere, it is the same instant when the One that dies return to Enlighten us All with light structure coding structure, which is usually named LOVE., All those breaking loops circles are moments that breaks the rules. It is a gigantic sequence of events that you cannot put together at Once but you can imagine the following. Take all those life merging instant ono by one in a very long chain of sequence. Now, take that horizontal line of 100 miles and turn it mentally upon its axis to convert it into a single DOT from your observational angle. Got the idea ? In That Line, it is everybody but you, because you are the one watching that line: the transitional line. In the line, all the about to merge life's, no names you may know, millions of histories you do not know and one of them will become you history. You will never known which one and when. If you remove anyone, you could be removing your own history and never become aware of it until it is too late. Then the histories will merge within the evolution process because, as all stories are entangled within the time clock within the scope of love that reach the whole life time process, then every time you destroy a story you change your own part of the story, You cease to consider other and by doing so, you move from your balance initial moment to seven instead of 5 from 6. Then you born, because sometime before you were aware you consider yourself without considering another one. And thus, the story will continue many times up to the moment we clean the burden we all carry, except the one that came from a clean story. The One that have space for you in spite that knows that our story sentence him. And that is the greatest love story. The One Knows that because with its love, he is capable to put completely in your place and to do that he is willing to give you its own space, that become our space. And that is the greatest loving act, to give your life for the one that is taking your life. And, that is the power of love, it is the power capable to overcome itself by delivering itself to the love of its creator and yet is enough to overcome twice us. It is the power that overcome all the limits and set the frontier in the size of the universe you choose to live. Then the Light content of weight, the one that cannot be measured from science becomes the greatest force that explains the universe. Is the force that after round 3 times the universe as Hours, minutes and Seconds, returns to provide us the space to move from 6 to 4. That is how motion becomes possible, because there is a first one that leaves its space from one plane to another plane. It's light weight coding structure, its love, becomes the force capable to allows us to move toward 4 but never reaching 4.
As the force is distributed into 2, as male and female, then, when 2 encounters and fall in love it is not a random event. It looks like random but behind it, there is a whole universe leaving the precise spaces for that to happen. It is the left moving to the center and the right moving to the center. However, the center it is not a fix point, it goes from the beginning to the end of everybody life's. While there's life there is a space into the invisible side , that is why you can never close all the circles, all the rings. If 12 as an abstraction is collapsed to 4, then 4+ minus Pi, as the linear expression of the line mentioned above, then Pi is capable to enters 4+, Where the plus is the space for welcoming each one of Us into an invisible reality. Then, perhaps the full extension from 1/36/360 - Constant TWO x 10 exp + or - 43.14 159...
The Love force push from Est to West and From North to South. It is everywhere. From Past to Now, From Future to Now, From Now to others directions, From below to upward, from upward to below. The love force is simple the invisible force that overcomes the gravitational force toward our self. The very first step is to believe, no matter what, that that is possible.
And that is the most important Light.
It is coming from anywhere because the 4 planes, the 4 quarters of the Clock are folded, and folded and folded in such a way that upon the physical reality there are invisible planes and within your mind thinking structure there are folded and folded and folded planes that will end Up in you just taking decisions in your life that will end up defining you and your standing position and at last, your destiny. I just can tell that numbers match, if you like them. You can close if you like, as ending with your dead but within TWO matching all universal constants and elements, Closing does not become the Chosen One option. Within TWO, The Chosen One Option is wide open Choice.
From a Quantum TWO perspective any element that have a coding structure Upon 4 elements inside it is about to cease to be a light structure. When you move from 4 Elements to 5, because there's an incoming element from motion, then, at 5 there's a pop up element as 1 merging element. In a Quantum mechanic experiment it is when an observer is added. At that instant the coding structure becomes affected by gravitational forces. The Pop Up element as 1 for science but 10 for Quantum TWO have overcome the 9.80665 gravitational forces. It is like if 10 - 9.80665 ~ 0.19335 ~ 0.2 ~ 2 was the minimal required force coming from ULP constant to allow any element to merge. Number 0.2 was multiply by 10 to turn it into 2 because when 2 elements come together you cease to consider a 10 base and jump to 100 base. That is related to the level structuring within TWO bases. And TWO element become together, without loosing its essential foundations because 2 Worlds are united, 2 Universes are united, 2 elements are united. A physical reality and a mind presence, a mind thinking upon the experiment. And the extension or the distance the pop up element can achieve into the physical plane it is within the range near 2 but not 2. It cannot be 2 because that extension range would be equivalent to remove the 2 range full spectrum provided to the symbioses of the creator with the created chosen One that matches the time itself. As simple as that. This es equivalent to take universe extension to 13.80665 billions. This number it is even upon the science yet capacity to measure. It is over limiting science capacity to measure because the value it is incorporated some theoretical transition values from level 9 and folding them to level 8, then, it is deliberately over extending the observational capacities. The value itself consider the insertion of us all into the universe plane. If that is removed, then, the size extension of the universe will match the measured value by science Thus, the extension of the observable quantum mechanics phenomenon is restricted to the size extend of the Universe we see. As within TWO the scope it is conceptually larger than science, then as a consequence, the size of the universe have been overextended a bit. The bit that is the conscious life that is not restricted necessary to US but to all conscious life.
By definition within TWO, when Light Content elements are at a perfect balance or equilibrium, they become invisible, not measurable. But invisible or not measurable does not means they do not demand space. Any element demand a space so the Light content coding structure, which expression is very, very light energy becomes like empty space within the tangible world. Thus empty space by definition it is all except empty space. Now, the "0" space from math or for physical balancing forces it is also an equilibrium status but among the elements that are measured. Then buy definition within TWO, they become an imperfect balance. However, it is a very appreciated imperfect balance, It is necessary. It is as imperfect as our own balances, they are always imperfect, dynamic. In fact, our own story it is about a Creator that that understand our imperfection and, in spite of them love US.
What about the content of information within the elements of the periodic table that overcomes the 4 value. Do they cease to be light elements? Hydrogen itself contains 50 elements at level 12 in the periodic table.
Any singular big element cannot contain more than 36 elements within. 1 element on one side means there's 35 elements in the other side, in spite that the other side may be divided. The moment an element reach 36 it may turn to 1 if is about to leap levels, otherwise, stays within the circle repeating processes and just extending the period up to the leap eventually arrives.
As everything is entangled, when there[s a jump from 35 to 1, you need to consider there are 4 levels deep at a transitional status that was represented in the Big Ben Clock as 9. Then, the 35 elements are distributed into all the others spaces left and the 36 itself becomes the quantum illusion that merges during a quantum instant. The 14 missing to complete the 50 at level 12 it is more or less the same. It comes from the sum side of the equations , as 3+4 and 4+3 but entering as like 3x4. Thus it is just 2 left, It is The Creator, The Created One that becomes the creator and us as Male and Female , 10 and 10, As each one singularity. And, within that, 3 and 3 becoming part of the transitional stage as 3 that alternates as 1 to 2 in the relation 2 to 1 and yet 2 numbers 4 that enters like one 4 within the 4 and 9 out of 36 , thus no one visible when all, at quantim instant are in a transitional stage. Then curtains are lift and the Opus seems to start.
Imagine the Universe like a bike. You see where the bike begin and end but you do not see the driver. But if you ride the bike , you may believe you are the rider because you think you are in charge of the situation. And while you decide you are in charge of it, you will. And you will be pedalling all your life because the road is endless, it is a 360 degrees road. But there's a way to step out of that road, it is just begin when you consider you and at least one besides you. If you succeed doing so, then, there's some light coming to you because by considering others than you, regardless of if you see or not see them, then you leave a tiny space for it to enter. This is not too complicated to understand and makes the whole difference.
Then, 1 single element at sight, Hydrogen, the introducer, and behind it, a whole universe behind it waiting to be part of this Opus.
The scope or range of 2 it is partly explain at Helium. Now, How can 2, as the body and mind, within the light coding structure in the mind could be could be explained by Only 1, as a light element ? It would not be possible unless the Big One it is a merging element out of 4 elements, as explained in Hydrogen. However, for the One that set the scope, its mind structure should be so light but yet so powerful that the whole energy light structure would need to overcome the relation Body to Mind. Let me explain this matter out of 12 elements.
Any element could be explained by 12 levels and incoming element to consider the dynamic status of everything.
Let us consider one element by level. At level 8 a total weight of 8. At level 12, a total weight of 12. Thus the relation 2 to Body and 1 to Mind. In spite that the explanation of how that could happen, which is contained in other 2 articles, let us check what should happen to known that it would be possible such situation. A mind that contained such an extension is capable to hold 2 minds or two worlds within. Its total weight should be at least 2 and even part of the transitional elements should be part of the story. Thus a simple test cou8ld be performed. The power of that energy should be so big that would be enough to allow to overcome gravity. So, let us jump from 1 to 10 to conform the mind integrity. Thus the simply test could be walking upon water, walking upon the linking element that explains life. That is a very simple test. If you can walk over water, then the light energy within you it is so intense that is capable to overcame gravity. No magic is required to explain the physic phenomenon, After all , it is simple physics. There is a bigger force pushing Up than the force that is pushing down. Thus, if you know anyone that can do that, without pretending a magic illusion, then that would a good back up for TWO theory.
The Upon Light Speed or Processors constant becomes the necessary field to allow things to happen. It becomes a consequence from the above explanation and yet a part to come from the future and others.
Sun Light
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