

















4K System











Oxygen becomes an extremely relevant element to make triangular leaping relations within TWO  as an element in the center of Hydrogen at the beginning as H and Hydrogen at the end as H. Yet as an element of Beginning.

H + O as H2O becomes the very core of Life Itself. For life to be possible, Hydrogen and Oxygen are a must.


If The elements are order from H2O to HOH, where, at level 12 the H particle have 4 chances to be different, then it becomes meaningful that the Oxygen element have 3  atomic coding structure as Oxygen itself alternates between 16 and 17 elements inside, as possibilities. Then it is like putting together 4 and 3 from different but related sources.

Yet, together H and O combined like water the explain 3 stages from the matter, as 3 and 3. Solid, liquid and Steam. If water is essential to life, as life in any planet, for a live organism, water contains inside its coding, within the O element, the bases to transmit some DNA or fundamental coding structure for the Body structure, allowing to link the body with the mind and, yet allowing to understand very deep encrypted relation. In order to understand the basic conceptual structure, you need to be familiarized with many TWO concepts, otherwise, this matter will only means chaotic numbers. If you note some patterns, you will be amazed upon the relations upon TWO bases.


To understand the triangulation Between H and H and O, you need to yet consider the relation with Helium as a 4th elements with quantum alternations. Yet, links to Constants within TWO will clearly merge.


Within the periodic table, at the beginning of the table is H, but just to the other side of H is Helium, as its complement. For TWO bases it is like taking Constant TWO on one side as "360" and adding twice 140 to conform 500 as half. Now, imagine you will alternate and combine  He with O and H. To understand the logic of Leaping or jumping triangulation go to Quantum Leaps

Oxygen as O16 , O17 and O18

The Whole in One Theoretical bases

Please consider 16 as 160, 17 as 170, and 18 as 180. Then, in the middle of this elements alternation between O16 and O17 imagine 165 as 1 and 65. The 65 is the same than the 65 ending Earth aceleración value. It also show from when ( 1 = 6 article )  a change in a trend from the center to the right becomes possible, as changing towards a lighter structure. Then by going from 1  & 65 towards 2 & 65 as 11 or II, or do digits or Twice, Then , temporary links are related in the quantum process. Yet, this is like 3.14159265 from Pi structure. However, if the route may go to 65, it also may go to 67.

Now, as in the middle of O17 and O18, imagine, with the same previous logic 1 and 75 as 75. Then think of 75 out of 100, then another base is added. From 3 we step to 5 elements and yet more becomes possible. But enough to provide you an idea.

Th same way H and He are borders, Oxygen Itself defines borders, limits. From non live elements to live elements, Then you understand that Quantum is encripted at the very core as you will maybe notice upon the following explanations.


Unlike other elements, the scale level structure it is not large enough to explain Oxygen perfectly within the restricted limits defined. In spite that the scale scope works for other elements and more, It is not enough for O. The reason, it goes deeper at the core. Demands a scale Level that goes from 100.000.000 to 2 additional 00. But in order to do not change the same ground base, we will keep it in order to explain the overvalues. The Larger Scale is the One within ULP Scale and PI. That tells you why O is at the very core or essence of TWO. The idea is to express that the moment you pay attention to any concept, it is overruled. You need later to step back, like a quantum alternation, that increases and later on decreases, like a pendulum that never goes back to the same position but it moves. Thus, it becomes very relevant to understand Quantum Leaping in order to get the idea of how it is possible to skip sequences, as allowing space to quantum alternations.


Please note that the coding structure of the 3 different Oxygen tables are like 3 different worlds. For science, just 2 elements of difference but within TWO, combined with H, it is a whole restricted spectrum of possibilities. If at level 12 in H matrix the 50 value could be 4 times, like 200, then the 175 above mentioned value provides a restricted scope of 175/200 as 3/4, as the quantum counterpart of 1/4, as its complement and then changing bases. You need to understand Water as a general life carrier that when mixed with male and female fluids, that also contain water, like blood and others, then some bases from singularity from the deepest are possible. This is very, very deep and provides you an idea of why at the borders there is no life while at the center there is life. An the more balanced are the elements, the nearest to One perspective beginning. It is all about the balance of elements and that come from the balance of considerations towards others besides yourself.

The operational base of Oxygen matrix are alike the Hydrogen matrix


O16 as Like 1 to 6 to the right of 1 to 6 to the left - border

Please note that the atomic value it is not matched. The in excess 3600 value is like returning back to 1/36/360 but at 3600. This is defining a Loop out of Constant TWO. Like water alone trying to explain Itself. The matching value would be like jumping from 5 to II as 3+8 as 11. This is an alertanation between 5 and 4 taken.  Like 12 missing value , as 12 within the clock. It demands others. Alone as 6 it is overruled. Need to move towards 5 or 7, in this case, toward 5.

Yet, the 82 value for total amount becamos consistent with 1 to 6 from 82 as 2x8 or 1, as closing values.



O17 as 3 missing values to reach to the full spectrum of 20 in this case, like 5 quantum 3 times options. As in the middle but very delicate, an above middle because of its less relevant abundance. It is like going up to the tip of a pyramid. Yet the value above 3600. Then more near to be visible as an instant Outcome from Quantum, from the moment it exceeds the 5 or in this case 5000 as 5 superpositions upon 10x10x10.

The limits are set within TWO in 3 times 1000x1000x1000, the largest scale. Out of the 5, one is overruled. As this is an element, the base from science cannot go from 10 to 1000 because an element cannot see another element. Some live elements can. Thus, this is base core fro quantum.

The total amount added of 68 also becomes very consistent with Constant 140. Like 6+8 = 14. This is coming from 14 inside 16, again as in the center, this is like 2 balance elements from 2 worlds encountering - from 2 and 7 like 20 and 7. This Constant works as complement, as the other side of Constant TWO. Then Either O16 or O18 then  O17 from a Quantum base. Again reinforcing the concepts explained. This also takes to Time breaking as 207. The 27 or 207 are just distances away. The only relevant aspect is to say, this is going to the core.



O18 as Half Constant TWO like 18 out of 36. It is overruled because we can never see up to 50%. Then the 400 excess value is like saying we are watching the 4 quantum choices at once, and that it is possible only when at least One it is not . Then it is overruled, it is a considered possibility. Or it is 3600 or it is 400. Then they alternate. Thus returning to O17 as the quantum Choices.


As for the molecular weight, please note it is very near to 32    then 3232323232 as wave bases within QT but a very big base scale at plain sight.

Once you get very familiar with TWO, please return to check Oxygen matrix. It contains very powerful information as landed to our plane.



Note: This is data linking from out of TWO abstraction bases taken as possible reality bases.



Water Flow : 32


14 - 27- 36


Out of the above mentioned relations:

1&4 as Inside 16 also 5

2&7 as meeting the center, also 14

36 as a Whole cicle, also half and 1/4


3 stages with "9" as a transit stage- a common ground - If you want to go deeper, go to Evolution Quantum Leaps


Likely I will add more remarks on other amounts filled on the matrix, but for now, the mentioned seems to be relevant enough at this stage